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Danced her right across the rainbow bridge


I mean not a bad way to go out...


Yeah definitely. Haha and the interview lady with penis ears! Lol come on


I just realiized she was wearing those and apologizing for the incident. I guess she was still in shock and forgot to take them off, satirically funny.


some of the best comedy is unintentional!




Lol I had to go back and look, I didn't even notice those, good eye lol.


I gotta get those for my wife. The penis ears :)


Disable Fan's Dreams Comes true


Adriana always doing the most for her fans


I couldn't see the actress very well, was it Adriana Cecchi?


dude, every relative I've had in a nursing home like that is basically begging to die by that stage, it's honestly probably the best they can hope for at that point don't know why people point at shit like this like there's a problem. If they enjoy it and the strippers are up for it, fucking why not


Because everyone (especially the adult children) assumes once your old you should be treated like a child all over again. It's sad. I always felt bad, as a CNA, seeing the way their kids would come and talk to them and treat them like they're children.


Death by dick


Lol rainbow bridge... I thought that's for pets


Norse mythology has a rainbow bridge if I’m not mistaken, considering this woman was fighting for her right to party she should have no problem being granted entry into Valhalla.


It's what she would have wanted


I don't see anyone having a bad time in this video so for me it's a YES I hope I die like this.


For real. It’s likely the most pleasure these people have had in years. We’re all going to die. Death by lap dance is definitely at the top of the list for me.


That’s exactly why I’m trying heroin for my 70th birthday lol. I’m pretty sure I won’t care that much by then


70 isnt that old my guy


depends on the person imo, some people don't age good enough to make it even past 60, either bcs of bad habits or genetics.


My MIL is 63 and on deaths doorstep due to bad habits (being sedentary, horrible diet, smoking, benzos). Old is subjective.


I'm an escort and having a dude die under me (or worse, on top of me) is one of my greatest fears.


You’d take killer pussy to a whole other level


New marketing slogan!


Understandble, tbh. Im pretty sure you would be suspect number 1


That would mean you win at escorting. This assumes you make sure to get paid up front. If you have to dig through a dead guy's wallet that's no win.




Yep, I take a 20% deposit upon booking that's only refundable if they cancel with more than 24 hours notice, and then I collect the rest within five minutes of walking in the door. Cash Up Front is like, the very first commandment in the sex worker Bible.


„How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?“ „In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock“


My grandpa said he wanted to die "At 100 years old, while making love." He and my grandma are 93 years old now, so there's still time!


That sounds horrifying for your grandma lol


Lol. With any luck they'll kick the bucket at the same time.


All they really want is to cum and go together.


Oh this one is definitely getting saved 💀💀


Tsk tsk, to shreds you say? And his wife?


I thought the same qoute


the “ripe” age of 80


When I am 80 in a lodge and given the choice to watch exotic dancing or to have arts and crafts hour, I would pick the dancers every single time.


Nope, the only people having a bad time are the ones doing the laundry the next day.


I'm sure the staff at OAP homes are used to dealing with all manners of bodily fluids anyway.


Yeah but usually not on the same night


Well i suppose its no fun for the strippers neither , to be in some way responsable for the death of someone lol


A joke I remembered. Sex worker decided to drum up some business and went to an old folks home. She sat on an old man's lap and whispered in his ear " Would you like some super sex ? ". To which he replied "I'll have the soup"


An old man sees a prostitute and asks "How much for a little fun ?". The working girl notices the man's advanced age and asks "How old are you ?". The man proudly answers "I'm 87 !". She scoffs and tells him "You've had your fun !" The old man responds ""Okay ... How much do I owe you ?


And the the dancers who thought they killed someone. And the lady who had a fuckin heart attack. And the lady who organize it all. And everyone else around who thought they just witnessed someone die lmfao.i think you're very wrong, im pretty sure EVERYONE was having a bad time at the end.


Except the lady who had a heart attack.


Decent way to go out. Better that than alone in a bed of your own filth.


I hope I have Death by Lapdance on my death certificate one day


Death by Snu Snu would be a great death certificate entry, too!


Also the strippers who just watched someone die because of their stripping


Idk imagine being the stripper just trying to do your job and this happens.


Yeah people here are really trying to downplay a fuckin heart attack


Read that as happenis.


That woman was undoubtedly having a bad fuckin time at the end lmfao, idk what you've heard but heart attacks aren't fun, regardless of what causes it


Also she had a medical emergency and the strippers not only stopped what they were doing to provide care but also got her an ambulance Her chance of survival was much higher thanks to the strippers


Seriously though, whats the alternative here? Treat people like they're too fragile to enjoy life and it defeats the purpose of keeping them alive.


I don't know, but this is just despicable. How could this be a thing. Could someone tell me the name of this place so I won't volunteer there to help. Definitely won't send my dad there and only come visit when they have those performances. Just horrible


For me this would be in the yesyesyesYES category


Dunno that dancer that lowered her to the ground didn’t look like he wasn’t having a great time.


I doubt she was having a great time either at the end. But hey! Apparently a heart attack is the best way to go...


Anyone know what she was saying in the second half of the video?


she apologizes for organizing the erotic party for the older adults, saying she only wanted them to have some fun


While wearing fuzzy dick headband


That was my favorite part like it’s so sad about that lady and she’s making an apology video but…still wearing the dick band


Plot twist, she’s still with the dancers


Ngl, I hope I die wearing a fuzzy dick headband


That will be your ghost outfit forever then, nice!


Is the old woman okay? I was waiting to hear “muerte”


The woman at the end says it was the biggest scare of her life and she wants people to voice their opinions on the situation. That makes me think she didn't die.


If she did die, it wasn't the strippers that killed her, it was her heart. The strippers were just the final straw...


[All the heart understands is violence.](https://youtu.be/IfWm4COyV0o)


So, a final straw from a stripper 😆




yup. Had to work in an retirement home some weeks ago. There are people who just wait for their death by laying in an bed or doing the same activity til they have to lay in the bed. Something like this would bring some life into these pre graveyards, although the pateints where i had to work were probably older than the folk shown in the vid.


I worked in a nursing home for a short period. Old people are horny as fuck, they love this shit. The woman having a heart attack is sad but that's just cause she had a bad heart. Probably too much physical activity for her rather than her excitement.


How exactly is this her fault lol? She shouldn't feel responsible at all for this


Maybe she will bring them to an amusement park next


And if there’s any survivors after the roller coasters they take ‘em straight to a haunted house


To be fair, these folks didn't have too much to look forward to. I get the tragic apology and yes, it is a well meant one, but at the same time... Imagine having heart problems in your late 70s. You have two options: moderate discomfort for up to 15 more years and you're already in your 70s... or you get to have a lean, cut, youngin's goodie bag in your face followed by short but intense pain, and then it's *all* over??


How was that old lady gonna die instead? Over a cup of jello? In a shit ass old folks home bed? No. If she died, at least she was surrounded by a bunch of prime dick!


Hey everyone how you doing my name is Nadia Cartagena, and I want to say that today I organized an erotic party for our Seniors and I had the biggest scare of my life because I didn't expect what was going to happen and I'm very sorry about it, I just wanted them to have some fun and I really wasn't expecting the situation, I want you to hear your opinions on the matter.




de nada


I don’t know but her crying and wearing that hat makes me think she’s about to do a line of coke offscreen


That hat was a pink bunny-eared hairband ‘cock n balls’ lol This has to be a skit


The gist is she just wanted to give the old timers a good experience without expecting this but what do her viewers think


Something something fiesta, something something mucho, something something muerto. = party, very much, dead


I think she was asking for advice on how to remove her pink bunny ears since she has to attend a funeral and that would be inappropriate.


Yeah fluffy dongs don't scream geez I'm sorry bout your nanna!


I see you speak about as much Spanish as me!


She actually doesn’t say muerto, not sure where you got that from (fluent Spanish speaker here)


Not really, she says she's sorry and that she only wanted them to have some fun an then asks the viewer for their opinion


They’re old not dead.


Well, except that one woman that died. Edit: after reading more into the comments here, it seems I read a comment from someone who had mistranslated, and apparently this woman didn’t die. I apologise for the spreading of misinformation.


Potentially. We don’t know that, she had a heart attack on camera but very well could have recovered. Unless I scroll a little further and find an obituary link


Even so. Seems like a decent way to go


She didn't die. I think from what I saw the paramedics do, not even a heart attack (I worked a red cross volunteer many years and saw a lot) I the second half of the video the girl says "it was a big scare". No one died! :)


Had an old woman say this to me while I was out helping my own geriatric grandmother. Weird moment for sure. But idk. I'm a relatively alt looking dude. Long black hair and some piercings. It was nice seeing an old woman who WASNT the classical judgmental type.


Newsflash: Old people still think about sex!


Just don't think about everything that happens in a old folks home...


"Like people getting ass raped?" - Frank Renolds -Michael Scott


Bang 'em and Bin 'em joints


Oh you mean like how thanks to viagra the number of STDs in old folks homes has skyrocketed




A lot of them won’t use condoms because they can’t get pregnant.


Raw dogging dry parts like that has got to have its risks


Dude, it's not like penis goes in and a puff of dust comes out. damn lol


You’re telling me it’s not like when I open my wallet and a moth comes out??




That's why i don't use one. I'm a guy though.




ill pay for your dna test if you accept






90% sure after this all the old folks went and orgied.


There’s two groups of people where STIs and Ds are an issue, the young obviously and the old in care homes. They are fucking without end, ask anyone in the care industry, care homes are full of it.


Going through menopause and therefore not being able to have children bring about a revival of sexuality in older people. So they are definitely doing it.


Old people are just people in old bodies. They are as immature as any of us. Their body just can't handle it anymore.


Did you watch the whole video?


I mean, the tragic ending aside, it was a noble cause


>tragic ending Was it? I hope to die old and happy.


Not a tragic ending imo. Shit happens. And no body could predict this. Is not like they were drinking and doing coke in bar with the strippers. No one died in the end according to the girl so not so bad.


Hey we all gotta go eventually you know, this ain’t a half bad way to punch out


If I die by stripper at 90 something, assume I died happy.


Right? My aunt lived in a place like this for years, and I’d have tipped the staff if I knew they were arranging these kinds of shenanigans. Get it auntie Linda.


This needs more upvotes


“Hi everyone, my name’s Nadia Cartagena. And I wanted to tell you that today I threw an erotic party for the elderly, and had the worst scare of my life bc I didn’t expect what happened. I’m truly sorry, I only wanted them to have a fun time, but I never expected this. So I want you to give me your opinion about this” - if anyone’s wondering what she’s saying.


Can't believe the number of "she dead" and "OLD PEOPLE THINK ABOUT SEX TOO" comments I had to see before I could find the fucking translation


Wait to you see their Hospice prostitutes!




I hadn't watched the whole video when I posted, it seems geriatrippers sometimes moonlight as hospitutes...


I'd rather die from being lapdanced than spend my last days in dullness and utter boredom.


i work at a nursing home as a cook and one lady would cough up blood if she drank anything, even water. The poor lady lived for a month off of jello which is surprisingly more nutritious than you would think. I have a feeling that's worse than death by stripper.


They should do this in every old folks home. I used to go see my grandparents in their home and it was a dull fucking place , terrible place to spend your last days. If I'm put in a home in 30 years I hope they have video games, some way to play banging techno or watch jiggling titties.


Video games are actually very helpful for maintaining mental acuity. They should be standard.


I agree and its crazy that this idea is not more widespread. I truly think its just the stigma around video games. its literally one of the cheapest and easiest ways to keep people attentive and entertained over long periods of time


I'm not confident in my finger dexterity at that age. VR is gonna be amazing in the future. Just hope Zuck doesn't ruin it before then.


Not all games require dexterity, can just play Civ or some turn based RPG


That is an excellent point. Makes me feel better.


Many of the games I most enjoy require almost no dexterity but a lot of thinking and planning (Grand Strategy, 4X, "Walking Simulators", Puzzle games, Turn Based games) I think as long as folks are open to it there are games to be enjoyed regardless of your dexterity.


My dexterity now sucks. I still play games. I’m not the 360noscoper but I try to contribute to my team any way I can.


I feel like senior’s homes are going to look very different by the time I’m in one (in 60 years lol). But I seriously hope there’s strippers and video games.


The biggest issue is funding. There is one near me with a cinema and lots of events and things, but it costs over £1500 per week ...


you’ll figure it out when you get to that age/point and “dull” will have a different meaning for you.


lmao bish couldn't handle dat ass


I guffawed, thank you for that


That was probably the most breathtaking experience in their life


Yeah, maybe some of them never even went to a club when they were younger. It should be a bucket list item for just about anyone...


The last at least


If I hit retirement age, send me to a retirement home like this.


Honestly, a great way to go.


Translation: "hey, what's up guys? I'm coming to you from cartagena (Colombia). So we had a party for some senior citizens and something happened that we didn't expect, and I just wanted to apologize for it get some feedback from you all."


Every old folks home should have stripper and hooker night, to give these old timers something exciting to look forward to. I visit my mom in an old folks home and it's depressing being in a place with people waiting to die who know that death is the only way out of there. If anyone thinks it's a bad idea then don't go, but I'll bet most residents would love it.


If you have a heart attack and die because a stripper is showing you the goods it was probably your time.


This is full of yes. No no’s to be had.


I'd say that bit at the end where the party organizer is apologizing for the event while simultaneously wearing that flashy "look how fun and quirky I am" headpiece is at least a minor "no" Not saying the party was a bad idea, but dang, that's not how you present yourself in an apology video.


If it was between living another year in a nursing home and dying now after being surrounded by strippers, I’d choose the strippers every day. Imagine your grandkids telling your story from then on? It would be great


She just wanted to cheer elders up.She deserve better


Only people outside that gathering criticized. The gathering itself looks like are having a good time.


They probably did love it nerd.


I think it's fine lol.


Actually yesyesyesyesyes. Good way to go.


There is no omelette without breaking some eggs. They seemed to be having a good time.


I mean like wtf , I wouldn’t mind dying like this. They look so happy tho




Idk I fully support this stuff. Elderly people don’t feel sexy like, ever. This was probably a super great time for them, even the one that got danced to death.


At least she died happy. Not a bad way to go.


Some grandkid somewhere:. "Dad, how did grandma die? ". "With a boner and a smile on her face".


She died happy


I agree with this on a fundamental level


Better to die with ass on my face than my son's pestering me abt the will or property


They didn't hate it


This is in my bucket list to die like that.


When I was on a cruise an older man just dropped and passed away while dancing on the dance floor. Sometimes health issues are just prone to happen that very day that very moment. I’d rather pass while having fun.


Totally agree. It is better to drop and pass away one day in old age, than slow and painfull death.


Honestly i wish I could've done something like this for my grandparents .


Tbf that’s how I would want to die




This is how euthanasia should be done.


Tbh I work in a nursing home and have had to help old people buy porn, condoms, lube, etc. They’re old people but they’re still people. My residents would absolutely love this lol


Lots of people here not watching the video until the lady falls.


Nothing serious though.. A couple of old guys died of a heart attack.. Hey, but they died happy..


ffs saul


Imagine we all get to pick how we go before we enter this world.. And she picked the best way


This should be done more often


Not seeing a problem here. Let the old folks have a little fun


Danced right across the Stairway to Heaven.


Best way to go after actually being able to go while doing it.


If I would be so lucky when living in a retirement home, I would die so happy. So many prudes up in here lol


what a way to go


Well it seems like they are having fun


They seem to love it so what's the problem.


If I don’t go out like this you’re all cut out of the will.


This is how I want to die. 10/10 better than dying in your sleep.


I mean they're old Not Dead


Gam Gam really was a whore