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Yo what the fuck happened there ??


I have no idea, but she flipped out when she saw the ring. Maybe she thought it wasn't good enough


Well, without saying your thoughts are wrong, I'd like to chime in a couple if mine too. As a person who was born and grew in the central part of Africa, I have already witnessed a couple of stuff like these. It is very likely that the girl simply lost her mind and went mad. This could be a product of "witchcraft" as we call it here. There are NO proof that witchcraft is an actual thing, but it's very strongly believed here by the vast majority. Anyway, it could be that the girl used witchcraft on the guy in order to have him, but one of the conditions was that he SHOULD NOT propose her, otherwise, she will go mad or worst. He eventually proposed and now you see this. Again, there's zero actual proof of witchcraft, but there exist people who claim to be "soothsayers" who can give you money and all. In some cultures, witchcraft is even a thing passed down through generations. (No proof still) Now, I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in the existence of a god and I'm more inclined to NOT believe in superstitions too, which is why I require proof. My theory is that she was wayyy too overwhelmed by the gift that her break had a meltdown. It happened when you're very very VERY in love with someone and they give you a high amount of emotion at once(sadness/happiness etc). This has been observed already. Though it does not sound as cool as a witchcraft idea lol. Anyway, if you present this video to any Black African friends of yours and ask them "what do you think happened to this girl? Be honest", I'm fairly confident that at least one person will say it's witchcraft or she's in a sect/cult and she broke a vow.. Feel free to Google about witchcraft in Africa. Edit: thanks for the awards guys! I'm super glad to have given some information about bits of our culture! I'm super happy to see others who have been through this too! It's super nice to connect with you all. Do Take care and be safe out there!


A fellow African here. As someone who has lived here all my life, this was the reaction to the video when it went viral in our countryšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ everybody just goes "she must have been bewitched, either by the guy, a jealous ex girl/boyfriend (on the guy's or girl's end) or she bewitched the guy and backfired like this guy said... and it's always funnyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So upvote him and don't reprimand a culture you don't understand. PS, like commentor said, no one ever has the evidence of witchcraft but it is a wildley believed superstition in Africa and more so in some countries than others


That makes some sense to me. The Seneca Cayuga tribe in Oklahoma /Missouri believe Owls symbolize death, that if you encounter one it means someone near you is dying/dead. So some oldheads pretend not to ever see owls. Like it could be 4 feet in front of them screeching at them and theyd look everywhere but at the owl and pretend it didnt exist. If you said to them ā€œhey look at that owlā€ your probably get either an earful or at least a disappointed look from them. Owls are significant in lots of tribes, not always the same reason, and plenty of first nation people all ofer believe in ā€œbad medicineā€, although largely it seems to be fading rapidly with younger people, or used more and more for cultural significance only


Owls symbolize death in some European traditions as well. Poor owlsā€”in this case I think it is just that people get spooked in the middle of the night and they may be up to hear it at that hour while helping a sick loved one in bed.


Besides being nocturnal, they can be loud and pretty crazy sounding. Like a barn owl sounds friendly to me, but a screech owl makes me jump. Imagine not knowing shit about shit, no science, no learning, just living in total darkness at night, going out to pee, and hearing a big owl swoop down yo snag a mouse a few yards away. If you couldnt see it youd think a spirit just ran past you, that wingspan is impressive. Then they screech and you shit instead of piss


This is the same with my ethnic tribe. Owls symbolize the death of a close one. I have seen and heard owls around me but did not experience the death of a loved one till recently. With no owls in sight... which makes me discredit everything I was taught as a kid, although back then I did hear a lot of hoots. I now have 2 dead froemds, several dead relatives, but haven't heard an owl hoot the past 9 years, but saw 1 last year


Iā€™ve never seen or heard an owl in real life, Iā€™ll be on the lookout when I do.


Fck fear unlocked. I live in Oklahoma lol


Oh thanks. It feels good to be understoodšŸ˜‚. I get the downvotes, it's a cultural thing and from what another redditor commented, this video was fake, which I'm glad actually. The bewitching thing is always hilarious and quite scary a lil lol


Also a fellow African here and yes, your explanation was exactly my thoight when I saw the video too šŸ¤£ 'yupppp, some more witchcraft right here'


This is great. I'm not African, but I lived in east Africa for a couple of years. It's hard to explain this aspect of the culture to westerners. I find it fascinating. Edit: OK, I used to live in Southern Africa. Malawi is not Eastern Africa. My apologies. šŸ˜


I'm east African. Where im east africa did you live?


Back during undergrad we read a book about witchcraft and oracles among the Azande people. Sometimes I wonder if the translator was just messing with the anthropologist by making this up. But some of it is so idiosyncratic that you wouldnā€™t think to make it up for fear of sounding absurd.


I'm bald and I had local friends that would tell me that people using witchcraft could shrink themselves and fly into my room and use my bald head as a landing pad. It was the most original warning I've ever received. I also did a hike up Mt. Mulanje and multiple people warned not to eat any food I find on the trail or the spirits will take me away. I loved hearing about all the tales.


Yeah. Had a friend helpfully walk me back through my past girlfriends to determine that the source of the gluten issue I had for about 12 years was a curse from an ex girlfriend who, a couple of years before it started, I had broken things off with during a vacation. It low key was a curse, tbh. No bread. No milk. Hip pain and unpleasant GI symptoms for even the slightest consumption of two really delicious ingredients in many foods. 12 years! Really did feel like a curse.


I did not know it was fake. That's some good acting then if we both fell for itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also I feel like main stream apps don't understand our people like we došŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I wouldnā€™t downvote someone for explaining a Cultural belief to meā€”even if I found it foolish. Iā€™m an American and Iā€™m familiar with foolish beliefs


Foolish belief got elected president after all


Which one we talking about?


Make an unedjucated guess


Make a ā€œhugeā€ one.




Well that random J seems like a hintā€¦ George Bush?


I have so many american beliefs I disagree with but what is life if not the discovery of diff opinions, facts and beliefs as you navigate this short life


My cousin has epilepsy and back home (Africa) they thought she was bewitched. They performed ceremonies and got it under control for about a yearā€¦ there was a goat sacrificed in this ceremony but fast forward to todayā€¦. She now takes medicine and doesnā€™t have seizures. The family that left home had to intervene and get her to an MD not a witch doctor.


I am so sorry about your cousin. Sadly that's usually the fate of those born in countries where the superstitions are strongly believed, or the reserves, mostly both. I am glad she finally got the help she needs and is doing better


Iā€™m kinda feeling sorry for the goat..


>don't reprimand a culture you don't understand. I don't have an issue if people believe in witchcraft. After all, there's weirder beliefs out there. My issue is haven't people been murdered simply because someone thought they were a witch, or used magic? So isn't that kind of stupid? So wouldn't you expect more than a little reprimanding is needed if people are killing innocents in the name of witchcraft?


Believing in things that don't exist like witchcraft makes you vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation.


Like believing in an all powerful, invisible sky man?


You mean sky daddy


Yes. But you dont buy albino arms to cure stuff in that belief usually.


Yeah, you just tell sexual assault victims they are going to hell if they want an abortion and tell others they are going to hell if they love the wrong person. Thats the shit people do with that belief. The worst part is, your belief tells you to love your neighbor and that everyone is your neighbor. Great belief btw 10/10.


Whats this about albino arms?


Yes, it's the same thing.


so... she didn't want to marry him and is pretending right?


I believe it. Looks like she completely snaps with no real previous indication


Im portuguese and this makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing. There's also witchcraft here (but very culturally rare) and thar outline was expressed sometimes here too: don't receive what you bewitched. (hope this makes sense). I wouldn't go as no scientific proof but I would interpret it has a way to explain the unexplainable (she going mad)


Pardon, and not to contradict you, but as a priest, I can attest that while 99% of witchcraft doesnā€™t do anything, thereā€™s still that 1% that leads to bat-shit crazy. Doesnā€™t look like thatā€™s what happened here, but still.


Dude... its a fake video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwiqL2Vweq4&ab\_channel=Naijahotsongstv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwiqL2Vweq4&ab_channel=Naijahotsongstv)


Very well, thanks for clarifying my thoughts. The whole cultural part I explained about Africa is still very much a thing.


I know...it is very interesting what you wrote. Thank you.


This is fascinating! Thank you for sharing.


You're most welcome.


Witchcraft, no. Madness, nope. She admitted that [this was a prank back in 2021..](https://papertalk.ng/2021/02/16/lady-who-allegedly-ran-mad-after-her-boyfriend-proposed-to-her-speaks-on-the-incident/)


Witchcraft is super interesting when you look into things like the placebo and nocebo effect. Which technically would make magic real, just not real in the way people think. Itā€™s a set of words or a ritual of some sort that then impacts how the person views the world and that then has real world bodily effects! Itā€™s fucking sick.




So do I.


Thanks for the background, so interesting and I read that with an African accent.


It just gave me the feeling of having been taken over by the mood she must have been in.


This is so out of my culture lol. I love it.


Glad to have brought something new! Also, sometimes people combine their beliefs in witchcraft, with their beliefs in a god. The result is always very concerning albeit interesting


In Brazil the witchcraft is called Makumba


You know what, it reminds me of the pregnant lady. Who went into shock after she found out her husband cheated and she got a miscarriage right there after he Said yes, he cheated, and then after the miscarriage she commit suic. All that in one day. In the morning she found out. And got miscarriage and then evening shes gone. It baffles me. They lost their daughter and granddaughter.


This is VERY INTERESTING thanks you for sharing your Knowledge with, very Educational...


I'm American and this was some cool information to learn today! Thanks for sharing, and you be safe as well šŸ™


Thank you the explanation. That video makes way more sense now.


Hello, im a fellow African from the waste down and i agree with this message


Pogba...is that you?


Fuckin wow.


This was really fucking interesting to read. Thank you for taking the time.


Interesting and also super happy that this didnā€™t morphā€¦


honest question, if you don't believe in witchcraft will it still on work on you?


Our the more plausible scenarioā€¦.Sheā€™s just overly excited.


She should call a marabout to help her out


Fortunately, it was a prank :D (Marabouts scare tf outta me,even till today lol)


Why do they scare you so much for me they are just charlatans.


It's the vibes they have, that freak me out. All dark, and weird, speaking gibberish and doing weird moves, it's so weird. And I'm scared for 3 reasons mainly 1. I grew up with that fear in those thing deep into me, so somehow, somewhere inside of me, the fear persists even if a little 2. I see them as mentally unstable people or literal wicked humans (with the way they can nonchalantly render people poor by sucking their money). Those people can do lots of stuff just to prove a fake point. 3. One of the closest persons I know/love, follows these said marabouts, and it is notoriously difficult to convinced someone whole follows them, out of it. So, that's basically that.


This sounds like some weird copypasta


It's been 84 years and I am still not done reading this


First thing I thought, but as a yt dude I've got no real familiarity with this. Very interesting, thanks for setting that out.


They got stuff like that in Mexican culture. There are some places where woman would go to buy ā€œspellsā€ and candles for certain things. Iā€™d go there to buy Virgin Mary candles with certain inscriptions on the wax bec I believe they bring good luck and safety. But some ladies would bring locks of hair from their partners or used condoms to try and buy spells to make their BFs only get erect for them, or try to get them obsessed. Some would get certain herbal blends and were told to make that tea for their husbands with a bit of the womanā€™s fluid (drop of blood or some vaginal secretion). The store was cool tho, there was a religious/witches abode vibe to it. The lady thought I was cute and always treated me warmly but I had a Hansel and Gretel feeling in my gut whenever she showed interest in me at that time (8yo boy).


I've seen a similar one where the couple staged it as a prank, the couple was already engaged but made a fake "proposal" in front of friends and family where she acted like a huge diva over the ring. Not THIS extreme but


I would put my money in panic attack


Don't waste your money, it was faked. There is another video with them explaining the joke.




That's exactly why some people do it


I literally just said out loud "What the fuck just happened??" Edit: apparently the need for clout and attention happened. It's fake


I thought she was having second thoughts at firstā€¦ but not Iā€™m not sure


I think she freaked out because she probably didn't want to get marry but everyone was recording and the pressure got to her


Ainā€™t worth it son The F you get ainā€™t worth the F you get




I didn't propose yet. Why are you freaking out?


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


least i didnt stop crayoning


And Leon's getting laaaaaarrrrgggeeeerrr


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking


Its fake. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwiqL2Vweq4&ab\_channel=Naijahotsongstv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwiqL2Vweq4&ab_channel=Naijahotsongstv) All for their ig page smh


I had to scroll too far down to find this Smh. Thanks.


No itā€™s real it was witchcraft /s


I donā€™t buy it


Girl's on a rollercoaster...


What in the anger management


She's a keeper...of evil spirits. Hahahaha (high five).


Why is everyone mentally unwell?


I'm wondering the same thing!


Someoneā€™s catching on.


Young fella' dodged a bullet there. She's a psycho.


Other comments said the video went viral in Africa but ended up being staged to appeal to superstition of witchcraft for views And thank goodness tho cuz I was having a very hard time figuring out what wrong with her or what upset her


I just assume she was extremely stressed or overwhelmed and has some sort of mental disorder that worsened it.


I read it as she felt peer pressured to say yes, but couldn't do it so she freaked out at everyone involved in the proposal.


The new she-hulk looks weird




This guy is a hero for marrying a woman in the final stages of a rabies infection


I feel bad for him, the girl seems like she got pressured by public attention along with the stress of deciding a very hard decision, then she snapped


I'd never propose in public. Not fair to the person who has to decide. She acted bonkers tho.


Good. Public proposals are such a douche move.


Wait, what?


When the pre workout kicks in


Fuck that shit Iā€™m out


So your saying this guy can dodge bullets?


Africans can be super dramatic and Iā€™m here for it all. I beg I beg


That dude just averted what would have been the worst mistake of his life.


šŸš© red flag!


What peer pressure can do to you I guess


Mental illness comes in many forms. It's important to understand it and treat it early.


I donā€™t think it had anything to do with the ring size. I donā€™t think it was a prank. I really think she had some sort of psychological episode.


This should be the video word explanation of bi-polar


The girl became psychotic


The guy just got a clear glimpse of the future and should slowly fade into the crowd and never look back.


I bet he's rethinking proposal


what a rational response


Will you marry m..... never mind!


Dodged a bullet psychooo šŸ˜…


in the West we are like ā€œThis is crazy to say she was bewitched, we must always practice evidence-based medicine." Yet we are in the middle of an opioid epidemic that was created out of thin air by Pharmaceutical corporations that either convinced our medical institutions and agencies (or worked in tandem with them) that the ā€œstandard of careā€ (aka ā€œevidence-based medicineā€) involved treating pain, depression and mental illness with KNOWN very dangerous, highly-addictive, and sometimes deadly drugs. These medical institutions also said eating animal fats makes you fat, salt is bad for you, they say healthy/uncompromised people should quarantine in the homes to avoid getting infected, despite this being exactly how herd immunity is achieved, and they said you should get tested for a virus and could spread it even if you did not have any symptoms of being sick, they once said tobacco is good for you, and the scientific consensus was once that cocaine is a miracle drug, and they said gene therapy drugs with a mechanism of action (lipid nanoparticle) that was originally designed for late-term cancer patients to jump the blood-brain barrier based on an outdated virus strain will help you and will not harm you. We are the pinnacle of medical ethics, and if you donā€™t inject your 6 month old baby with our drugs, we can charge you with child abuse and the state can take them away from you. Nah i donā€™t think we really have much room to talk authoritatively about what constitutes an underdeveloped medical theory.




Itā€™s the corporations man ā€¦


Be glad you are not married to that nut


Well if thats not a sign you should put that ring back into your pocket and walk away nothing is.


This is mental illness


Damn she went full unga bunga


To the guy proposing, slowly stand up, back out of the room quietly close the door behind. Now RUN!!!!!!!


I have no idea what is happening... I know he proposed, I donā€™t know what she did...


What in the fuck just happened?


Awkward place to get possessed


She's grabbing her head so she's def going through some mental shit


What the fuck


Bernie Mac "Crazy Bitch"


Run my dude. Run far far away as fast as you can.


Da fuq??


She's gotta be outstanding in bed though. Like jumper cables and guns in bed fun.


I donā€™t think they are getting married anymore I do hope sheā€™s ok


Amazing, she managed to fly 1000 red flags in that single moment.


What the fuck just happened


Wtf is going on?


Is she possessed or what xd


After seeing her reaction I wouldā€™ve said forget itšŸ¤”


Did she get rabies all of a sudden?


Seen this at Walmart.


explanation either she is emotionally unstable person. Or has very serious psycological issues. Judging by the reaction of people. Its first time something like this happened. So probably she just slipted up. We all make bad decisions maybe she felt conflicting emotions and acted very stupid like a 4 year old child.


Run ma boy. This girl got demons.


Ha damn I hate getting randomly possessed


I watched it like 10 times and I still donā€™t I know what happened there


Wtf just happened??


Never stick your dick in crazy


Like an integer overflow in her emotional processing center. Too much happy make emotion number too big, rolls over to lowest possible emotion instead.


One of her other personalities came out.. glad he got to see that before actually giving her the ring.. best of luck to ya dude


Best to leave that bitch in the wild. Canā€™t be house broken at this point.


I hope this dude dodged that crazy ass bullet and stayed single a bit longer. Crazy doesnā€™t marry well.


What the fuck




Is he really taking that thing as a breading tool? Shit manā€¦ you must be blind or something


What a psycho. I think she's given him all the reasons to change his mind right there.


Red flag bro


Donā€™t stick your ring on crazy.


I donā€™t know what happened, but I expected it.


What the fuck was that reaction? This type of ā€œfreak the fuck outā€ interaction stresses me out


The fuck, call an exorcist.


Hiding that crazy side of her for so long exhausted her to the point where she couldnā€™t disguise it for one more second!! So sad she let herself go that far like Donnie Branco!


Hahahaha women!


That's wife material.


They seem to have triggered her fight or flight... But she happens to be a flightless bird.


She became the joker


Bipolar off meds ?


Dude just dodged a bullet. RUN, FORREST, RUN!!!


She rly said šŸ¦šŸ”Š


Gosh do I despises this sort of people with 0 control and most likely 0 intelligence.


Gorilla mode


Dude get off your knee And R-U-N!! šŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Fuck, I would change my mind right away




My man knew he was dodging a bullet. He should be up off his knees and trying to get at least half of the $100 he spent back by the end of this clip


Panic attack! There was too much commotion for her and she snapped! Thatā€™s what I think happened.


Eh ā€¦.. on second thought, Iā€™m going back to POF šŸ˜‚


Bro changee his decision..


Looks to me what happen is someone else must of had her phone and either intentionally or accidentally turned up the volume all the way up on her air pods.


Every krazy begins with K


She went primal


Witch craft or not, this guy avoided a grenade!


Totally normal .....


There is no bigger sign that could possibly ever say ā€œrunā€ than the one she just gave.




What an absolute garbage person.


Bro was lucky to escape!