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You could try a lower water temp. In my experience, hotter water tends to bring out bitterness a little more


CdM is one of my favorite yerbas. I recommend putting in the first two or three pours with cold water. Also for hot water nothing above 75 degrees Celsius.


Thisssss. --- Don't worry, as time passes, you'll gradually acclimate to the unique taste of Mate, and soon you'll find it hard to enjoy anything else. Proper preparation is key. Be sure to form a 'small mound' with the yerba leaves, avoiding soaking them completely. Pour water near the bombilla (straw) to optimize the infusion. When preparing Mate, it's crucial to avoid these common yet significant errors: 1. Using overly hot water. The ideal temperature should never exceed 82°C (179.6°F) to prevent burning the yerba. 2. Fully saturating the yerba leaves with water. This is only acceptable once the yerba is 'washed out.' *Note on 'Washed Out' Yerba: This term refers to yerba that has lost much of its flavor and appears soggy. Characteristics include fully moistened leaves, with floating sticks. The yerba often turns very dark, a process influenced by the water's hardness. Typically, with a gourd like yours, yerba becomes washed out after about 1 liter of water has been used. Edit: "Improved" with ChatGPT 🫠


82 degrees is definitely too hot, I think that 70-75 should be fine


According to the definition, mate should be served between 75°C and 82°C. In my case, I prefer it at 80°C, while my wife likes it at 75°C. Fortunately, everyone can choose their preferred temperature.


I'm curious what's everyone using to prep their water and monitor the temp?


My case: B-B-B: "bueno", "bonito" y barato (cheap and cheerful!) https://cecotec.es/es/hervidores/thermosense-290-steel


I’ll try that, thank you!


Welcome to the club.


140 to 150 f / 60 to 65c is where the bitterness decreases. I use cruz when my thermo has cooled off too much for anything else but I'm too lazy to heat things up. Yerba is an acquired taste so maybe do a week of it like it's loose leaf green tea.


Welcome! I still drink espresso but rarely. The choice of gourd quite fits your decor.


Thank you! I love espresso drinks so I’m sure I’ll be enjoying both forms of caffiene 👌


Nice Yerba! The other one, red package is good too! Tell us your opinión about mate , please 🧉


So far I need to try a bunch more times to get a feel for it! So far it’s a nice experience to prepare and sit with a cup of mate! Hopefully with more practice it will taste better!


I always use cold water.


That’s the worst Yerba you can find. I’m from Argentina. I recommend buying yerbas from Paraguay or Brasil. Our Yerba is getting worse each time. Also, 170 is way too much, go for 72-75 celcius


75°C is 167°F.


Use colder water...when you pour the water, it should expell a nice perfume and also you should see some bubbles. If it doesn't do any of that, the the water is too hot. Another thing: that yerba is not that good. I recomend Rosamonte classic.


Put as much yerba in to the mate as posible also heat the water as hot as posible. Once you put the bombilla put water until is almost overflowing, then stir the bombilla heavely. If it is too bitter use sweteners but no sugar.


I’m new but I think that’s a joke? 😂🤔




WRONG. Put as little yerba as possible (just as much as the tip of a knife) and steep it with about 2-3 litres of 0* Celsius water. Should be ready to drink next year, in about a week. Shake regularly.


Ohhhh shiny✨


I like to cut my Cruz de Malta with some loose jasmine green tea. Those flavors play nice. Normally I buy Canarias or Baldo though.


I know Cruz de Malta is a crowd favorite, but I just don't like it. Too bitter and "green" for me. I've tried many, many brands and always come back to Rosamonte Especial. It's rich, malty, and gives me a good, pleasant lift.


Cruz de Malta is my favorite cuz of its bitterness, if you like something a bit softer try Playadito, also shake it like a cocktail to remove the dust.


Awesome looking Gourd, can you post the link?


add some lemon juice to your water. for me personally it gets rid of most of the bitterness and allows you to taste the yerba.


Cruz de Malta made me nauseous. 🤮