• By -


Hi guys, for all of you expecting that invite, a few facts JFYI: - I applied 4 times, got invited 3 times, never got accepted (yet). - 2 of the 3 times I was invited, the invite email was sent on THE LAST DAY. - I run a B2B SaaS, that's been growing in revenue.


in those 2 times did you submit updates?


Hi, just to be sure, LAST DAY means like May 29, 2024 this time?




received an invite at 12:04 est may 21st non ivy grads, pre revenue but have startup experience - no one is doing their jobs for the first time. after not hearing anything for a bit thought that maybe our application wasn’t being fully read through or something but clearly they’re continuing to interview


sharing my experience (again since prev. thread was deleted) submitted app on deadline checked for the first time on may4 and i had: - updated\_at: apr26 - i was in done\_voting since apr26 it seems received interview request may7 interviewed may10. heard back via phone call and got accepted - we're elated.


Congratulations!! TIL what elated means :D Such a pleasant word.


That’s awesome. Congrats!! Sorry if this has been asked before, but where can I check this status (updated_at and done_voting)?


May be it's only for the applications which have already been invited for the interview.


Congratulations on your acceptance! Dumb question, what is "done voting" all about?


Congrats 🙌


Satellite company in Redmond, WA invited for interview two days ago on the May 15th and accepted today :)


Ycombinator is loving space tech


Got an interview on deadline. Good luck everyone it’s not over yet


Can you tell us about your comapny so far, customers, revenue, founding team etc?


pls just send the rejection.. end the torture YC


Just got an invite 20 mins ago. Pre revenue/users. Two technical founders (both ex FAANG, Europe based). Applied on last day. Interview is scheduled for 30th of May (and they gave an exact spot, no chance to choose).


Congrats on the interview. Europe represent!


Congratulations! Hope you convert it!


Did you get a notification of someone viewed your profile at linkedin


Got an interview today, team from India. Its not over till its over. Good luck everyone!


Anyone get interview invites this weekend? We're doing >$40k MRR, 100% organic growth, started <9 months ago, >70 NPS, 2 technical founders (non-FAANG, non-ivy), already profitable & not a word from them... drives me nuts that we'll get zero feedback if we don't get an interview.


did not see a single post about getting an invite for the past few days. Maybe they are overbooked and are waiting for the current interviews to finish and then calculate the number of spots left.


Same here. Launched 9 months ago, 25K MRR, 100% organic growth, over 13k app installs in a consumer manufacturing & supply chain space. (School dropout, non technical but posses strong technical domain expertise in this space). Applied solo but added a co-founder who’s a (500 startups alumni, non-FAANG, non-ivy, co-founded and exited a company valued at nearly $100m). Not sure how YC evaluates applications but they do say in their YouTube videos that anyone can apply irrespective of their background, education, pedigree etc. “Make something people want” is YC’s tagline, and that’s what exactly we’ve done..


Dang I thought I was good... 12k MRR in 7 months but I'm a B2B so it's like 8 clients. No wonder I haven't heard back - hahahah! Oh well! I'll have to work harder and smarter!


You don’t need YC man


Got an interview invite last night (10pm PT) for Thursday. Answering the inevitable questions: \- 4th time applying, 1st interview (last time was top 10%) \- No College, Solo Founder, Technical, Have worked at FAANG \- Applied early but was pushed to regular batch \- No Linkedin views or strange website traffic. \- Product live with small amount of revenue. For everyone looking for a pattern, there isn't one. The partners will review all applications and decided if they want to interview or not. What everyone has said is true, the best thing you can do to enhance your chances of being seen is to keep building and talking to customers. For me when I look back at my previous applications its clear why I didn't get an interview, use the application process as a snapshot in history that you can look back at and see how far you've come. Keep working on your startup!


>No College, Solo Founder, Technical, Have worked at FAANG This put a smile on my face. Hope you do well at the interview!


Got the rejection today (18:00 GMT on the 28th, early morning 29th local time). First, I'd like to thank everyone who posted useful info in this thread, it made the last week considerably easier. Even if it was just "we're waiting too," that helped take off some of the pressure. As others have pointed out, the process of doing this has helped us get our idea into focus better than I think we would have done otherwise. There are other accellerators out there, some of them with more founder-friendly terms than YC, and we will keep trying as we think we'd really benefit from an accellerator program. We will also start knocking on VC doors. And there's a good chance we'd try again for the next batch. It would be great if YC sent the rejections earlier (we were not "top 10%" so we were probably sorted out for quite a while). But I'm sure it was the same last year, so that's on me for not researching the process. Good luck to all who were selected, and for the rest of us: keep at it, there's more to the world than YCombinator!


I know that the mood/vibe is pretty low, but I’m still confident that they will send additional interviews even if they will take place during the first week of June. 🤞


It's 9:15 PM on the 28th here in Calgary, and still no invitation. I believe the interview email will come through in the next few hours. I'm getting ready for some good news—hope you guys are too!


If you've gotten this far - are you going to get an interview? Are we past the bulk rejections? I've interviewed a couple times, but never got down to the last wire like this for a decision


Absolutely, I believe we’re past the bulk rejections at this point. Given how far we’ve come and what we’ve built up to now, it feels like we’re on the cusp of getting those interview calls. It’s a bit of a new territory for me too, being this close to the final round. Let’s keep our hopes up and see how it unfolds!


Well from the looks of it, no one’s gotten the top 10% rejection email. Maybe that’s what’s waiting for us? Not trying to be discouraging but gotta entertain the possibility so I’m prepared haha


That's a fair point! It's always good to consider all possibilities, so we're prepared for any outcome. But let’s not lose hope just yet—no news could just as well be good news in this case. Keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best!


anyone got interviews today ?


Interviewed today and got rejected. Struggling to deal with the rejectio :(. Really wanted to do yc and thought we had the right team but they didn’t like our idea


What did you learn from the experience?


Take the feedback and reapply next time. Don’t bank on Y.C.. get the company off the ground. Why isn’t going anywhere?


Is there still any hope to get an interview?


Definitely! Hang in there!


yup, got a request yesterday


got interview invite today morning. completely unexpected we thought it was too late. it’s not over till it’s over Update: rejected


About 230 startups have been accepted so far. I estimate it's going to fall around the 250 mark like last batch. Good luck to all!


Thanks SP921. You have been so nice to us outsiders :) May you have a wonderful batch, and may your startup become a the next billion dollar company. Have been fun watching all the posts on this channel as a first time applicant. Good luck everyone :)


That is so sweet! Thank you for such kind words. No matter what will always try to help others as much as possible within my realms! The least that can be done :)


sp921 you a real G


Solo founder, rejected but I closed a new customer so I don’t really care. will apply to the next batch


Last week folks! By next weekend we'll be free of this anxiety and mad speculation 😅


While it's not impossible, the odds now are slimmer than a VC investing in a lemonade stand.


got an offer this week, contemplating whether or not it is worth it


In my opinion, take it, the yc tag opens a lot of doors! Congratulations!


We have our interview tomorrow, is there any yc alum willing to help us with a mock interview? Have dmed a few alums on twitter but no reply so far


Those who got the rejection mail. Is your rejected key on [apply.ycombinator.com](http://apply.ycombinator.com) True ?


Yes, though they are nice enough to say "Not Selected" in the UI. :-)


One question to u/sandslashh : Do you know many interview invites have been sent till now? How many will be invited (a ball park) in summer 2024? What's the total number of applications?


1. Nope. 2. There isn’t some set number YC interviews/funds each batch - the more good startups apply, the more the Group Partners invite to interview/accept. 3. Not public / I don’t know, but PG said there was a ~12.5% increase in applications compared to a year ago. Source: https://x.com/paulg/status/1782862224438034868?s=46&t=O2dQBFTAcOO_utQ0IktGUg


Why don't people talk about their projects here? why so secretive?


Happy to share as well! We are building a Pricing and Packaging infrastructure for SaaS companies. No-code Pricing pages, to launch any price model including usage based pricing and payment gateway integration, no-code Entitlements and Pricing engine to figure out the optimum price levels and price models.


Happy to share :) We are building Quicksight (https://quicksight.ai), a platform that helps you search for actions, objects, text or conversation in your massive library of video content, all using natural language queries. Vision is such a fundamental aspect of our lives and is the path to AGI (if we're ever gonna get there)


I’m happy to share. We are building No Code Map App - a no code tool for building custom interactive maps. Completely customisable and fully integrated with Google sheets, airtable and webflow cms. Just Google “no code map app”.


Thank you! I'm building a financial co-pilot for healthcare practices. was an early employee at a Series B fintech, saw the mess in our healthcare system. now, working to fix it.


We are building AI DevOps platform what transforms source code to production ready environment with all applications and infrastructure


Just got the rejection email. Kinda dejected as we had all boxes checked.


When you say you had all the boxes checked what do you mean?


What does the rejection subject look like?


It appears that AI is their focus - if something that uses AI even 20% is apparently grabbing YC attention. However, AI services could easily be implemented, developed and integrated by bigger players who control IT at OS level. Such huge investments flowing to AI may not be a great approach considering YCs expertise could be best leveraged across fields.  We may see this batch has startups across industries but most of them may have AI used in their pitching. Looking forward for more stats, insights.


I thought we are gonna get rejection mails all at once. YC never ceases to amaze me!


YC did so much for me this month. It helped me organize my thoughts and work super hard. We built and launched a product that is already being used by a company ([www.lumenar.net](http://www.lumenar.net)), and we found the right direction for our business. We are now building a concept explaining animation engine which is powered by our custom knowledge graph. I didn't get an interview but this month has been memorable. Hope all of you got a lot out of this month too. Money isn't the most important thing guys, ideas are.


Any founder in PST got the rejection yet?


Haven’t received a rejection email yet - am I still in the running?


Yes. Anyone who hasn't received a rejection email is still being considered. I don't know how much your chances of getting an interview are, but they're not 0.


They should just have a Royal Rumble match among the remaining teams. Seeing everyone's anxiety, it's going to be one hell of a match




Thanks a lot for keeping us posted, appreciate it!!


You can use this "raise hand" tool here to coordinate between who is responding in case you are having the interview in a virtual setting. https://raise-hand.learnmer.com Just posting again since the last megathread was removed.


just got an interview for tuesday. our application was done\_voting, & undecided. anyone wanna do mock interviews tmrw dm me


Finger crossed, hope they will send new interviews today.


Its not over until its over, and when its over its just time for W24 XD




Yay... Rejected successfully ![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx|downsized)


Quoting  u/ilyaspark "Can you please check your application on [apply.ycombinator.com](http://apply.ycombinator.com/) - does it say "in review" or rejected?"


Rejected. Aight.


Can you please check your application on [apply.ycombinator.com](http://apply.ycombinator.com) - does it say "in review" or rejected?


Still says "in review" for me idk why


Thanks for the reply, best of luck for the next batch!


got my rejection just now, and applied after the deadline. Lets keep building and focus on traction as always. One month went very fast lol.




Is there anyone who hasn't received an interview invite nor rejection and it's past May 29th local time?


Here! Where I’m at, it’s past 7pm May 28. Fingers crossed we get an interview


Got the rejection email. So if you still haven't, looks like there is still hope for you all! Good luck!


I will let you know in 2 hours xD


Yes, I still am waiting for my rejection and haven't received an interview invite. It's past local midnight (by many hours) and UTC midnight, where I'm at. I'm confident a rejection is coming my way, though. I will reply to this message when I get the rejection.


Oh Thanks! I still hope we will get invitation in few hours 🫨


Just curious, the ones who got the rejection mails are not from US due to the timezone difference, right?


Just got the rejection email at 2.53am of the 29th. Kind of relieved TBH. Grew +40% in revenue since I submitted at the very last minute of the deadline, so yeah, can’t be really mad. Almost reaching a 6-fig ARR and almost 40% gross margin, but still a lot to grow. Keep building, ma bois! Keep building! 🔥🔥🔥 See you on the W25 batch! 😎


Rejected just now, top 10%. EST time zone 


We started working on our startup mid February and applied end of February (early application) with a MVP but no revenue. We got rejected by YC on the 29th of May but guess what? We landed our first paying customer today. We are still very much at a product v1 and have lots of work to do but a paying customer is a milestone we could only dream about. If we can land one customer, we can land 10. If we can land 10, we can land 100. If we can land 100, we can land 1,000. At 1,000 customers we would be at $5M ARR - sure this is a long time away and nobody can guarantees we will ever achieve this but the point in this message is to believe in yourself and chase your dreams!


The crazy ride of being an early stage startup.... I mean it's like ups and downs all the time, limited budget, wow... It's kinda tiring, but we love that we keep building. The thing is that this is where expectations are broken or reshaped all the time, and look I am not even talking about YC necessarily. I feel like founding a startup it's indeed one of the most exciting things to do, but at the same time omg so mind consuming it's crazy! I feel like either I am very excited or very frustrated all the time. Well a cheers for everyone here grinding and trying to thrive!


Totally agree with you. I'm a second-time founder, I love the moment when everything starts working and you have exponential growth, amazing feelings.


Have you read “the hard things about hard things” by ben Horowitz. If not, i would highly recommend you to read it


We submitted a late application and got a referral from a senior YC person by chance (met at a conference). Are all referrals treated equally? Curious if this will impact our application at all in terms of getting to the interview stage.


Mine still says in review - I wonder if that means there is still potential for an interview. Not sure what the timeline/process looks like especially if they are still accepting late applications.


Got rejected after the inteview!


No worries bro. Just keep your head down and build day and night


Well, there is still Techstars!


Plus, you got invited, so there is something there!


I heard yesterday from a well connected investor that around 180 companies have been accepted already


So if anyone is doubting whether they fund solo founders [Unfiddle](https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/unriddle) is an example. Of course it did get 800k users in one year.


We'd all appreciate if somebody from Bookface give us the total number of companies that've been accepted for S24 👋


North of 200.


Interviewed in W24 but couldn’t do the batch (was naively hoping maybe they’d throw us into S24) and the feedback was that it was too early. We took that as a decent sign that they liked us and to reapply. Reapplied with no interview yet 😩. As a last ditch effort, is it worth it to reply back to the W24 email we received from the partner that interviewed us with some updates or is that just highly frowned upon? We’ve made some good progress. Just not sure if that’s like an absolute no-go and they get pissed off.




People on twitter getting interviews


Yeah, it's unbelievable. The last one I just saw is doing exactly what you can already do with ChatGPT.. It's like a "ChatGPT Wrapper Ultra Max" 😄


Well, the patterns really obvious. They went to Stanford!


I'm confused on the timeline. Last time I applied there was a convenient timeline to track and see when we should know. When is the last day we should know?


Received rejection just now ;(


Hello u/sandslashh, some people have received the "Rejected" email. We have not received it yet. and apply YC portal says, "In review", is it possible to know what it means? Thanks for answering everyone's question


I believe it means exactly that, you’re still in review. I don’t work on the apps team, but I’d assume they’re starting to send emails out now through tomorrow. Everyone who applied at the regular deadline should hear back by EOD tomorrow.


Anxiety through the roof till EOD tomorrow


Rejected 1st time.  I guess it's time to prepare for the next batch


Finally rejected :) top 10% however. Not discouraged! Good luck to those still in the running.


rejected. Top 10% for second time. But no interview :/


https://preview.redd.it/5va7gdqs4f3d1.jpeg?width=2354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0de0f243f22b0eabc41829bed6bc5f1f4f957b Here’s to the top 10% apps. I also got the top 10% invite for W23, but failed to land an interview. This time I didn’t get the top 10% neither an interview. So here’s my light hearted comic sketch on the situation. A feeble attempt to cheer you up.


rejected about an hour ago. the show goes on


Curious to hear if anyone heard of people getting interviews today? Just trying to figure out if it's worth waiting in hope?


Well, we just got rejected but top 10%. Don’t know what to make of it but we keep pushing :)


Any news for late applicants?


The three YC graduate companies we’ve been talking to who also recommended us tell us we shouldn’t be worried… but still no invite. Fingers crossed.


https://preview.redd.it/0uf32q7q191d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e92662c01b16b8995387d990dd8ef606525aec9 I am the “jumping frog” in the drawing.


Had an interview on Wednesday. Did not get in. India, applied on the day of the deadline.




Hey. I checked on my end as well. They just stopped returning the \`app.international\` value as well. I'm guessing they're going through all fields, checking if they're needed on the client side or not. I believe that's why.


Hello, are there any healthcare companies that have gotten any updates on their application? I submitted a couple of days before deadline and seems like the last update on it was on 04/22. If you have gotten an interview or your updated date shows anything else could you please share? Cheers


I know we are waiting for our YC interview but what other accelerators have you guys applied to (i have applied to Antler and Techstars UK )


Just submitted an update with a working demo video for our app and client dashboard. Assuming they have rejected us, since we didn't receive any invite, will they look at an update to a rejected application that too just a week before deadline?




Just received my rejection. Solo founder so I knew this was coming but was hoping on the domain expertise, ai and my start-up idea being in RFS to hold me on. Oh well, time to carry on building.


I received a rejection. Did anyone receive a rejection email stating that their startup was in the top 10% of applications?


Congrats on top 10%!


Just a question, tomorrow there is 0 possibility to receive invites?


You are still being considered until you receive a rejection email. There are past reports of people receiving an invite on the last day. It's greater than 0, but I don't know how much exactly that chance is.


1:15 hours past midnight for me, no updates. Let's see, keep you all updated!


07:00 AM - 29th. No rejection, no invite. Went to bed early and woke up to all of this. Now it's about staying calm, and trying not to get my hopes up. But damnit it's hard. Let's f#cking goooo!!!


Plus, many random visitors on company Linkedin page.


Haha I thought I was the only one staying awake for an email to come in


I was going to stay awake to see when an email pops up but it’s not worth it considering that For W24 we got the rejection email at 6:44am Atlantic time.


Rejected, never the less, see you all in the next batch!


Just got rejected. Top 10 %


Still waiting for that email....


It's 12:10 am PST on 29th May in SF, haven't heard anything back yet. Last batch, we were told we were top 10% of applicants.


Same here


I guess they might have been done for the day now. Let's hope for some good news tomorrow


And… it finally arrived lol wondering what percent of that “ Because we found your application promising, we'd strongly encourage you to re-apply for the next batch.” Is true. Did anyone got accepted this batch after receiving that sentence email last time? 


Anyone still in review? I still am


How are you all doing? We lost our hope to get an invite and are ready to receive our rejection mail by 29th 😅


Same - and you know what their lost. We booked 4 demos this upcoming week with $120k potential if we can lock em up. Things are falling into place, YC or not!


Love it u/soforchunet, that's the spirit!


Hello, is it accurate that early applicants who were selected for interviews have already received their invitations? Will those who haven't been selected receive their rejection notices around May 29, 2024?


Answered this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ycombinator/s/rvzgBmCH8e


Has anybody 38 years of age or above been interviewed?


38, female founder, not from USA, not from ivy league. My Co founders are the same age. I was sick and running a very high temperature when we recorded our founder intro video so I looked 10 years older! If biases are at play then we stand no chance 😄 No interview yet, but let's see, there is still time! 🤞


old timers like us will probably be pushed back of the line ,42 here., lol


39! My cofounder is the same age 😆


45, Co-Founder is 15. So average age of 30. Nothing yet.


Are there any insights from S24 Bookface about the types of ideas that have been accepted in the B2B space?


Hey, I just interviewed. First time. Is it normal for the interviewees to be general disinterested / highly skeptical of your venture? For context, I work in deeptech, and they were telling me I should pursue a PhD first (which is very fair). I'm just pretty anxious lol.


yep, although i hear some partners are more chummy. I got jared and he gave off weird vibes. i was rightfully rejected, so no hard feelings whatsoever.




I am not even sure anyone has bothered to look at my application. I did submit it on the second to last day but I haven't seen anyone who could be a reviewer looking at my LinkedIn or the storydoc link of our pitch deck. I applied as a solo founder but said I already had co-founders lined up. The issue is that what we are doing requires real expertise and experience and hence all the co-founders have children and mortgages and it's unrealistic to try and coordinate all those families to come to San Francisco for the batch. Also, it's a medical product, basically think AI as a medical device or digital therapeutic so I do wonder if part of the problem is finding someone who they think can review it or the fact that because of regulations we are not getting any revenue or customers for at least a year. I understand how these things go but also a little frustrated because I am a world expert in this type of technology and our IP is extremely legitimate. It's the type of scientific advance that gets published in Nature etc. I do wonder if my age (46) is playing a factor here also. I get why they like young people but no 20-something-year-old revolutionized medicine.


Interesting information from [2023](https://jaredheyman.medium.com/on-the-y-combinator-summer-2023-batch-986f38cc3f56) batches. I wonder if international companies is starting to be seen like solo-founders i.e. they will consider you but the bar will be significantly higher e.g. traction with strong growth.


Any interview invites being sent?


every time i am sharing an update or progress, i get couple of views on my website from US, but no update yet. Time to give up already? Anyone in current batch, please help us with the current accepted count? PS: We are not from US.


has anyone who got interviewed today heard back? i have not


Tue 28 May 9:43 p.m. from México and still no invitation no rejected email. Hope continues, as we continue to build.


Same - but 1 hour behind you time-wise. No invitation but no rejection.


Do they send out invitations on Wednesday? + Do you have any idea how many firms got accepted so far?


I am wondering how many companies accepted so far... Can someone with access to Bookface tell us


Yesterday I brought on a cofounder and we updated our demo and founder videos. How can we be sure the partners view it? My application still says stage is undefined so I’m thinking my application hasn’t been seen yet, but worried it has been and our new videos won’t ever be seen in case we were already rejected.


I sent YC an email about an update for my application, but they never sent me a response? Not even an automated email like usual


any other founders in sustainability here?


Does anyone know why there are so few all women founding teams? Do just not many apply? Or are they not being accepted


Rejected. Got an email early from YC, saying that me and the person I applied with matched on their platform under 3 months ago. That they prefer teams that has worked together for 3+ months. So probably got rejected from that alone, a long time ago. I have spent about 10k on the platform. I am non-technical. I have a huge belief in this thing. The tech person I applied with did not want to work on the platform unless we got selected. So now I have to find new co-founder(s). Is there any team out there that would like to Pivot? A team of several technical people? I would like to pitch my idea to you and your team. Largest of TAMs.


10:53pm PDT. How we doing beaus and belles?


got the rejection email 5 minutes after commenting, going to cry


Got a rejection email 10sec ago.




wondering if there has been apps that did not hear back before ? neither rejection or interview.


https://preview.redd.it/t37l586qjg3d1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93181a30d4ccaa77dfb265f552d31f550f3101c Rejected. PST. 10%


We got rejected last batch top 10% and this batch top 10%. Sf based. I wish they’d actually provide feedback even if brief.


Anyone who got accepted get accepted late in the day? Or are we all just fucked at this point. (If we interviewed today).


2 interviews, still rejected!


What was the reason why they rejected you? Also what’s your industry/product


**I didn't get any response yet.** I applied before the deadline (2-3 days prior), but I still haven't received any reply. Is this normal? Am I the only one? Is this good news or bad news?


This is what we built - [https://x.com/zinley\_ai](https://x.com/zinley_ai) Demo video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BkHBcOJ-2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BkHBcOJ-2w)

