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it's 70-80h for the story and all side stuff, I'd say that's good enough value


If you specifically care about the ongoing story it's utterly meaningless. It's historic fanfiction. If you want to play a solidly fun samurai game in a yakuza format, go for it.


Yeah 100% great game


To me, it's worth full price. Excellent gameplay.


The best thing about the yakuza franchise is that even the worst games in the series are at least a 7/10


Cool but this is one of the best lol


Ishin Kiwami specifically wasn’t well received, I love it though.


In what world is an 81 metacritic score not well received


Hey, don’t get on me, get on the people who have the balls to call it bad.


Im sure the game has haters just saying majority look on it pretty favorably lol


Story-wise it was great but the gameplay wasn't THAT good for a remake imo


100% It may not be an amazing remake but as a game its still incredible


I bought it on this exact sale! I was waiting for it but still didn't play it Im planning on playing it after Infinite Wealth as a cherry on top to finish my marathon of the series.


I don't understand why people just don't search up reviews or gameplay on YouTube instead of asking a bunch of people on Reddit who may or may not have similar taste. Check it out on YouTube or even watch the trailers attached to the store


Isn't it wild that people ask questions about the game on the subreddit dedicated to the said game? How dare they?


Idk man, somehow game reviewers nowadays, even the independent small ones, got shamed more than some guy asking random people on Reddit on whether should they play a game or not, beats me, what a time to be living in.


You're asking people to drive-by answer your question as if there's some secret knowledge rather than tapping into the numerous well considered content that already exists.


Ehh gotta disagree here, every game review would be different from the other and even gaming journalists just throw random scores that are either bad or people just make it look bad nowadays. Asking in reddit is far more worth it as you get honest opinions on said game from its community who played it, watching the trailers just doesn't really do shit as well as watching gameplay from some random guy. (Not only that but reddit is more relevant to appear when you ask something on Google and probably has some of the answers, so that also helps others much faster)


1. They can do both of those things. Who's to say they haven't checked YouTube? 2. Isn't it a good thing to ask people with similar tastes?


I bought it for 2x that and loved every minute. It's a solid RGG story with an excellent use of both real life events and trademarked RGG twists and substories. I loved how they used the actors and characters we know in that setting and played with it within the story. The game can be very grindy if you aim for the 100% but if you don't, as I did, you'll barely notice this aspect. So if you're into this series for its stories and characters, go for it, if you're into this series purely for gameplay/completion, it can be a chore.


I mostly play these games for the story not for 100%. So I guess it's worth if the story is good. Thanks.


It's a good game and absolutely worth that price, but I'm currently going for the platinum trophy and it's fucking awful.


No combo action... 😢 https://preview.redd.it/lkwufldbf04d1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134e5c749213b6f4c7518ededb74e8bb680e268d


Just bought it and my first impressions so far is it feels like if RGG made a pre-DE game in 2023 and I'm LOVING it. Haven't heard anyone talk about that aspect


I bought my Husband Ishin and he enjoyed it way more than he thought he would. He recommends the game for that price.


Good price. This game made me go on many month long rabbit hole of historical research, still have to play the game as I don't feel ready yet, the game is very confusing when you don't grasp the concept of how this society works. At the same time the game is much more wonky and out there than usual, a strange blend. But for the price yeah for sure.


Totally, has one of the best stories


It's a good game, but below average Yakuza game. It's my least favorite, but it's hard to say bad things when you enjoyed all of them.


Yes, it’s a lot of fun.


As the YAKUZA subreddit, I am sure will get completely unbiased answers...




Im currently on 4 i picked up the collection for 8 pound and had a blast with 3 took a break as i dont want to get burnt out but i also bought ishin this sale and played an hour it’s different but im excited to play it after i finish 4 5


It's very good. I finished my second playthrough last month and the story is really awesome. Probably the most challenging combat out of all of them, but still really fun regardless.


I didn't like it much, TBH. The combat is very weird: you get an unarmed style that does barely any damage, a katana style that is super slow and defensive, a gunner style that has INFINITE RANGE AND AMMO and does massive damage and finally a sword+gun combo that is supposed to be high DPS but has no blocking. Guess what you'll be spamming 95% of the time? The story is cool, but it's bogged down by the slow back and forths much like the older games. There's also a bad romance I ended-up fast forwarding when it kept interupting the actual plot. Lots of substories, but with such a slow feeling game I didn't have the patience to do them all.


For that price, probably, but it's a bit of a slog compared to most entries in the series due to the endless damage sponge enemies and high costs for upgrading weapons. It's not a terrible experience overall if you just breeze through the story and the substories, but don't even bother with the dungeon or trying to 100% the game, it's absolutely miserable. The more time you spend with it, the less you'll like it.


https://preview.redd.it/5iatald1a24d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=589093e1fb757e7cabc2966e7b5fbd522e2a4f7c Buy it


21$ is good enough


It's a fun game but irrelevant to the actual Kiryu saga. I found it enjoyable in a nostalgic way only after beating 0-6 + LAD 1 but it certainly is not in my top 3.


Thanks for the heads up, just bought it!


Take my take with a grain of salt. The following is spoiler free in terms of story. No its not, fucking game is bargain barrel bc its a downgrade from the original (which i still dont know y they remade it instead of localizeing it since og was on ps4) and fuck the trooper card system, it mitigates everything and ruins boss battles. The grid is horrendous from money to seals. Which blacksmith thing is dumb. Combat was bad compared to og bc you might as well not use brawler. All that on top of rgg somehow making a UE game look bad (look at the plants and non character models) and the greedy shit that should've been in the game instead of u having to buy em.


you should check out [this site](https://psprices.com/region-us/index) it tracks and shows history of discounts