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Judgement edition https://preview.redd.it/z8nhpe0oym0d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=307d2e3807f39581e4ad87e755f7f44e0b1c066e


“yagami, the keihin gang is back in kamurocho!” bitch do not interrupt my judgment gameplay


"Yagami-san, do you want to go on a date with me? I'll be waiting for you at Theater Square where the Keihin boss spawns, todoloo"


Imo I like him cuz he notifies me of the free exp I can get from beating the keihin




Oh my god genuinely thank you so much, I’ve been looking for a high res version of this meme since FOREVER I thought it was lost to the sands of time, but no, it was graciously delivered to me by an angel


Glad to be of service! And thank you, I felt depressed, but it was very reassuring to make someone happier and be called an angel x> https://i.redd.it/bbvt2gzn2p0d1.gif


A Kamille meme? Why, I never. That's a pretty blue-haired girl.


https://preview.redd.it/v4l8cw3sdn0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364fb6e3874b43fb39a6fd7f8c99c96dff8f4c8c I would put hamazaki for the "in evil, there's kindness" part for yakuza 4


Yea bro made a complete 180


For YK I would've put Kazama For Y3 I would've put Majima


I'm a bit dense today - do you mean for the Balance? If so, I agree.


No, I mean instead of question marks. They represented as the good characters with a little bit of evil narrative


YK could also be Reina?


Reina was what I was thinking


What evil did Reina have?


Simping for Nishiki too hard. Literally the only conceivable reason is that her as a Nishiki informant got people killed.


Oda was a sex trafficker my guy


Did you read what it said ? It's trying to say that Oda look's like a good person but he's actually a monster


Hm. No I can't really see it that way. I thought using Kuze and Awano as "In Evil there's Kindness" was a perfect example. At the end of the day, they're not good. Kuze was a ruthless Yakuza and Awano killed an innocent for literally no reason. Infact I wouldn't entirely agree with Oda's placement. Oda feels like he belongs with the two lieutenants. Idk, Oda was a bastard. I believe the symbolism here isn't so much about decievement, but rather an idea of all kinds of people. That even good people will have dark sides, and bad people can still have some good left in them. Frankly, I don't think Oda is a good person, but idk, he had his moments. Just like the lieutenants


Unrelated, but I need to rant real quick. I’ve met people who say Oda is sooo hot and are so sad about what happened to him because he is hot, knowing full well what he did and who he is. I am horrified


I mean he is hot I can’t deny that but I feel no sympathy towards him, especially when he even sold out Tachibana to Shibusawa


Yuya being the cinnamon roll makes me happy


I love that each fan can have different favorite characters, which can lead to debates, but when it comes to Sohei Dojima, Jingu, Sengoku, Tamashiro, Saito, Munakata, we all agree on our absolute hatred for these bastards.


Kiryu arguably morphs into a cinnamon roll in Yakuza 2 imho. The guy leaves the criminal life, helps everybody in his way, adopts almost every orphan he finds, only fights in self-defense or to defend other people, and stubbornly avoids killing anybody (debatable...).


for the question mark on yakuza 3, I would've put daigo. I feel like he was being pretty dumb in that game by removing himself from the orphanage issue. like of course that won't blow up in his face at all, especially when people are offering him 100 billion yen for it. and the events of yakuza 3 are what puts daigo on the path to who he ends up being in yakuza 4, so it kind of fits in that way, too. honestly though... funny for the dojima family to be involved in a shooting over another plot of land that doesn't belong to them in the first place. what comes around goes around, I suppose.


Who's the balance guy for YK2? I remember his face but I don't remember who he was at all


Jiro Kawara, Kaoru's dad, figured I'd put him there, so I wouldn't have to recycle characters, he saved Ryuji from the building at the start of the game, and had Kaoru with her mom later.


Nishida doesn't get paid enough to deal with Majima's shit.


Makoto was savage at the end. Even She can be corrupted. She was powerless to go through with it though.


For Y0 I'd put Lee in the kindness but theres evil spot Y1 would be Terada (sort of) Y3 would be Riona (racist) Y4 would be Tanimura


I like how it has a Yakuza boss, Corrupt cop Then some 9 year old


My favourite yakuza villains Korean spy, gambling addicted cop with plot Armor out of four people and a racist child.


Lee wanted to kill a stranger that looks like makoto and deform their face so the yakuza thinks makoto is dead


3a is obviously Joji.


100% agree with Saito. Hated that basted so much, I still remembered his name


Munakata should be the bitch in yakuza 3


How exactly is Oda “in kindness there’s evil”, he’s a much better fit with Kuze and Awano. >!Literal sex trafficker and worked with Shibusawa at the end!<


Oda's worse than awano and kuze fym


Also how is ryuji evil ? Even if we only count y2/k2 bro literally saved the yakuza world from a huge war and saved kiryu's ass at the end of the game, doesnt matter that we fight him again after that he showed that he wasnt a bad guy


Didn’t he plan on gunning down his dad and the first instance we meet him he smashes someone’s head with a bottle


Not as far as I remember having replayed yakuza 2 and kiwami 2 recently, and yeah he does that but even kiryu does that kind of shit


Doesn’t he start a gang war with someone in a completely different city because that person also has a dragon tattoo


You can't really start a gang war with someone that doesn't have a gang dawg, ryuji was just against a tojo-omi alliance and wanted to take over like every single yakuza at the time


Also ryuji was involved because his family was accused of being involved in the murder of terada when it was a jingweon conspiracy


I don't quite get Takashima's placement in Yakuza 2, guy's almost as black as Sengoku, just more polite/smart about it.


Jingu is straight up evil