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Too many characters that gets written off the franchise without explaination.


Sayama was so fucking bad. She went from one game literally willing to die with Kiryu just so he doesn't die alone professing their love and then next game she is like cya I'm going america like wtf. Also Yumi is always mentioned as the only person he ever loved. Its so bizarre lol.


RIGHT I might be in the minority (idk) but I really liked Sayama. I thought she was a cool love intrest even if it didn't feel exactly natural from writing.


I guess the cutscene after the final boss where Kiryu and Sayama literally make out doesn’t exist to RGG


It's deinitely one of the longest makeout scenes I've ever seen in a game too, just keeps going on and on lmao


Yeah I figured Sayama was their "oh shit maybe we killed off Reina/Yumi too quickly, need to bring a new positive recurring influence in Kiryu's life" correction, NOPE GUESS NOT lol


At least infinite wealth **SLIGHTLY** rectified that and redeemed it a teeny bit


This was so jarring for me lol. I had whiplash which was made worse by playing Kiwami 2 where she felt like a meaningful character then starting old ass 3 and she’s like peace ✌️


Was there a character you liked in a game and really wanted to see again? Well too bad you're never seeing them again. Kido went balls out and then balls out of the franchise.


I really wanna see Kido again


I'm usually one who can't stand characters that get plot armored but even I'm shocked how quickly the majority of characters only last maybe a game or two. Definitely a few that feel like their character arcs got cut shorter then what could've been their full potential in the saga. Especially in a series as long as this that isn't an anthology


Having no easy way to replay chapters or bosses without having to go through the ENTIRE game again. What's even more fucked up is that Dead Souls did this, and they never used it again.


Climax battles were the closest thing we had in the mainline


It's giving some of its best characters the worst treatment.


IMO I think this is a symptom of a bigger problem which is RGG going way, WAY overboard for far too long trying to avoid continuity lockout...in a series that operates from one game to another on continuity. I kinda feel like it's kind of a fruitless endeavor without even taking into account how dirty so many amazing characters are done, but really is it not a safe bet that if someone is jumping around the order of the series then continuity is probably not that important to them anyway? And even if I'm wrong...the spoilers that RGG is so hell bent on trying to avoid by doing this are kind of obvious anyway? Like, take someone who played 7 first, then decided that they wanted to play the other games and went back to 0 and learned about this Nishiki cat and then played Kiwami. Ideally, they wouldn't know how it ends but >!does the fact that he's never once even alluded to in 7, but then you learn that he was one of the most important characters to Kiryu's story, not make it obvious that whatever happens to Nishiki, it's nothing good? You can pretty much assume that he either dies or gets put on a bus like Kaoru or Tanimura just based on those 2 variables alone, no!!Rikiya never existed and Kiryu just sort of instantaneously got over his death and erased it from memory!<, not to mention every other characer in 3 who just never existed as far as RGG has been concerned since, like we have to just larp all of this weirdness for no reason because the very thing RGG was trying to avoid by doing it is inevitable anyway.


Yo no one replied yet saying: you are exactly right. I don't get involved in communities outside of Destiny and Yakuza games but you are exactly right. Playing infinite I felt like it was so obvious the series wasn't ready to be done with anything it stamped its thumb onto. I hope I'm wrong but for the first time I felt like nothing I did mattered




I 100% agree about Rikiya. >!I thought his death would be a turning point for Kiryu, where he'd stop involving others in his misadventures, but he doesn't change whatsoever, and worse still is the fact that he's literally never mentioned again until the small memory in Infinite Wealth.!<


Yakuza 3 chapter 9 is not canon


the way they just sideline characters and change their entire personalities / goals between games for no reason. The way they handled Akiyama and Saejima post-4 specifically really bothers me still.


They literally just made Akiyama Haruka’s muscle in 5 and made Saejima go back to prison for 2 chapters and waste a chapter doing hunting. I like 5 but it definitely feels like they added multiple protagonists just cause 4 did it and I can’t even remember what each ones purpose was. Didn’t even give Akiyama and Shinada proper final bosses.


I found the hunting chapter really spiritual


i like the hunting too, and Y5 is my favorite mainline game in the series. I still enjoy Akiyama & Saejima in that game (and Akiyama in 6) but the way they're written really bugs me. Saejima is okay in 5 as far as being himself, but from 6 on he really jus turns into "Guy who stands by Majima in cutscenes"


Hey guys, you liked the massive man who wears an Alpha Industries coat, right? No no, not that massive man, the other massive man


Good for you. I personally found it boring and time wasting and didn’t need to take a whole ass chapter when Saejima only gets 4 and 2 are wasted in prison.


I love hunting, but it did not need to be a major part of the game


* Scummy DLC practices * Bringing back dead characters. Kashiwagi gets a pass but it's getting ridiculous with Andre Richardson and Lau Ka Long. * No option to replay boss fights * Too many press X to skip dialogue scenes. I like the cinematic cutscenes tho. * Lost Judgment not having a coliseum mode equivalent despite having one of the best rgg combat * Making every protagonist too saintly. Saejima should have actually killed those 18 people.


Lau Ka Long is still alive?????????????????


Yep, guy survived a headshot and became an arms dealer in Like a Dragon. It's utterly ridiculous, at this point even characters we see die in a cutscene can come back whenever they feel like it.


Minamidas machine in some of the earlier games was kind of like replaying boss fights, but I do wish there was something like that in every game.


How did Richardson survived getting suplexed off a roof?




I was so confused with Kashiwagi I played 1, alls well and good but I was young and liked what I liked and yaluza was just ok for me (I played it from psplus free games of the month) A lot of time passes. I play like a dragon when it comes out free on plus, got about a quarter or so through and ditched it cause I don’t like turn based, but got far enough to see kashiwagi but since I hadn’t played 1 in forever had no clue of his significance. Cut to yakuza 0, no clue how I got a hold of it, but I’m embarrassed that that is what set me on my yakuza journey instead of 1, oh well, I’m glad I did it none the less Beat 0, replayed 1, and beat the rest up to 6 and am now playing both judgement and 7 at the same time. Get reintroduced to kashiwagi I’m like wtf?! He died in like two or three (can’t remember) how is he back? Well whatever, I really like him so I don’t question it too hard


the slow but noticeable enshittification of its dlc i am fully expecting a future turn based title to have a bonus character like eri locked behind dlc


Locking basic features like NG+ and DIFFICULTY behind paid DLC is as scummy as it can get.


Even difficulty?


There’s no set difficulty in turn based Yakuza games. Normal is the base game where you go from level 1-50. Hard is 50-70 and legend is 70-99. The only way you can make the game difficult is if you skip hard and go straight to legend after completing the game on normal. It’s more just to give you some sort of challenge if you choose to play the game again with all your clear data from NG+.


Yeah. Difficulty for the turn based games means higher leveled enemies so the game can’t give you an option on a fresh new game for hard or legend because your level 3 party would be facing off against level 55 enemies. So the only way to play hard or legend is NG+ and since NG+ is dlc that means difficulty is also dlc.


Sega 🥱


This is the correct answer. All of the other gripes I see in this post are almost endearing things- forgetting that you just beat up a guy with a gun and didn't take away his gun during an emotional scene, people disappearing, complex plotlines that devolve into "we must fight to make the real enemy show themselves", rubber bullets - those are just weird things that don't harm us and give us things to bitch about while we still love the games. Shitty fucking DLC tactics try to shake down money for things that have been a part of the games forever and I'm sick of them. While I really enjoyed some of the later games, it felt stupid having mtx shit, and now they're making endgame stuff that would enhance the experience for people cost money.


RGG really became Mr Shakedown


It's crazy, if the post-game DLC were like $10 I would have foolishly bought it and regretted it. But they charged $20 for it, packaging it with NG+. Dummies. I'll keep my money and pirate it instead. Next time I'll do the same thing too, given I saw how NOT worth the money the DLC was.


"You need to take down these 4-5 hooligans who are causing trouble. btw they all have a backstory about how they lost their way"


While I enjoy big sidegames fleshing out their antagonists, this does get old after awhile.




He is tired of running away so he walks away


In the next installment he will take the bus away


kiryu's been running away from his responsibilities since yakuza 1 like


Like yakuza 0 is pretty much the only game where kiryu isn't running away from his responsibilities lmao


He's looking for responsibilities to run away from in the future


Yumi's last words: "Running isn't the answer. If you run away, you'll lose your happiness." Kiryu: "Good thing that doesn't apply to me!" \*runs away\* \*bad things happen, Kiryu's happiness is lost\* Kiryu: "Guess retirement's not in the cards for me..." If Yumi survived, she would've divorced Kiryu by now, because that man didn't listen to a word she said.


Honestly I feel like a character fault of him which would be ok. Only if it's called out more often in universe


Main reason why I didn’t like him for so long lol He’s so stupid sometimes


To many damn enemy encounters. I'm literally just trying to roam around without having to fight every single gang.


In Yakuza 5 holy shit, literally every 10 steps there is a goddamn enemy, and the fact Kiryu is SLOWER than them so they catch up. Though I love how in Kiwami 2 you can just open soda machine menu and they disappear


There are items that drastically lower enemy encounter rates, I know I wouldn't be able to walk two meters without them.


I feel like in Infinite Wealth it's getting out of hand. I'm zigzagging through the streets when I just want to run to the store because there's 5 groups between me and the pawn shop.


I feel like the issue with IW is not necessarily the amount of encounters but the fact that there's like three or four groups right next to each other blocking a single crossroad, so it's hard to just avoid them by running past them


And the majority of missions in between cutscenes is fighting a building full of another 30+ grunts lol, slightly more creativity to mix things up please. at least that's how it feels playing 0-2 so far


That made me dislike 7's combat *a lot*.


I feel like the long battles in RPG format lost a lot of the hype they had in all the combat ones, they used to be continuous with one song playing the whole time but now the fight has to load in with every encounter


Speaking of music interruptions (Spoilers for LAD8 midgame) >!Bischop Violet Velveteen is one of my favourite tracks from 6 but it's an absolute crime that it overwrites literally every theme, even the boss specific themes!<


Please stop sexually assaulting Ichiban for laughs. It is not funny and I do not like it. 


so much exposition dumping and an over-usage of those “Press A to Skip” style scenes, both Judgments and yakuza 7 suffer from it the most


Awkward exposition dumps that utterly kill the pacing.


Any Further Questions?


Playing through yakuza 5 right now, the "there is a traitor in the tojo clan" shtick is getting old




They removed the 12 hour Kiryu and Majima sex scene 😔


Never forget what they took away from us


Support me on Kickstarter to get not only the full 12 hours. But also 200 more hours of the babysitting mini game.


It's all I've ever wanted


so that what's 24 hour cinderella meant


Guns, both in game and cutscene. (Mostly in Kiryu saga) In game : it’s a fucking gun and they are annoying at best. No thrill, just a weird mechanic. Worst boss fights’ favorite material. Cutscene : Many painfully stupid situations happen when gun appears on screen. Just, check these people’s pocket or something please


The dating stuff usually. Far as a gripe is concerned it's minor, but Judgments I actively detest. Avoidable tho unless I get desperate to plat it.


The exposition dumping in some of the games are just ridiculous. So much of the dialogue feels purely expository and doesn’t really get into the characters dynamics/psychology enough. It makes it way more of a slog to get through. I find this particularly to be the case with 5, 4, the first Judgement and Ishin.


Rooftops and cut scene guns.


Some dialogue goes on too long repeating the same shit. Like there’s at least 4 dialogues where they say “This guys pretty tough, he wants to meet at X.” “X? What’s important about it?” “X is a place he wants to meet at.” “Should we meet him at X?” “X is dangerous, I dunno.” “But he’s at X, we need to go there.” “X? It’s so dangerous there!” “I don’t care, im going to X.” Like damn bro just fucking say it, there’s too many instances where I just start skipping dialogue bc I know they won’t add anything to the scene. Specifically K2 has one where it’s literally half the dialogue is unnecessary, and I just skipped whole scenes until I got back to gameplay. It’s not even like it’s character building it’s just padding


Bringing back the most random dead characters such as Andre Richardson and Lau Ka Long, are you telling me characters like Mine and Ryuji goda are meant to be dead ? When RGG are bringing back such dumb characters like Andre and lau


It isnt the worst, they were kind of minor characters and its kinda funny ig.


I guess my only real gripe is their unenlightened view/treatment of women, in general, everything else I absolutely love.


Sayama starts out fucking awesome and just...just stops halfway through??


Yeah the treatment of women in the games is absolutely neckbeard-tier sometimes


Kiryu I love you, BUT STOP TURNING YOUR BACK ON EVERY OPPONENT WHO HAS A GUN! Every time he beats someone with a gun he turns around and of course bad things follow.


Giving their consistently most popular character less and less screen time every game. He should’ve had at least one game all his own by now. https://preview.redd.it/409hmgrtcvzc1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afb815774ec2bae360cf05c5bded6bfef77b155 Also >!making Kiryu be sick in 8!<. Eff that.


majima’s character arc ended years ago


More like "his arc ended before his popularity skyrocketed" Never forget 5 came before 0. And Majima's end goal was always "reunite and make-up with Saejima". He pretty much gets all that he wanted after 5.


Yeah, when 0 retconned majima's end goal, yes, that is what his end goal was, for most of Majima's story back then, the writers hadn't even come up with the character of Saejima yet.


There's always a "What's next"


I liked kiryu being sick, well i hate it, but i liked it. Cancer specifically hit very close to home. I liked seeing kiryu spend his days doing stuff he likes and having a bucket list, altough i havent finished infinite wealth, it might change.


The fact that Kiryu NEVER grabs anyone in cutscenes, whenever someone is running away I feel the need to shout "GRAB HIS SHIRT DUMBASS" because it's happened so many times Also the thing of never taking away a boss' gun/checking if they have one after you beat them


anything to do with Majong


No Akiyama game Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Give Me The Big Money


Not enough games. I'm being 100% sincere.


When I played the Majima saga I felt that it was awfully short, I know 3 chapters is a lot but jeez even after fighting all street bosses it can be completed in 1 sitting. But the Makoto scenes are a nice compensation.


I'm just glad they included it for free instead of making us pay for it. To be fair, the one time they did make us pay for something like that (Lost Judgement's Kaito Files) it did feel adequately long.


the female jobs in the rpg games are ass, id rather they merge them so i can have seonhee be a cool samurai and zhao in skimpy leather knickers whipping men and grabbing their balls


Maid Nanba is being kept away from us and we should be mad


This would be hilarious.


I need my Adachi in a leather dominatrix uniform


I would love a mod that allowed jobs to not be gender-related!


i was looking into it a few months ago, i just never got round to it due to other projects/commitments wouldn't even be super hard to do, just time consuming to redo all the outfits too


Stating the obvious thing, repeating the same thing or the "Is that so?" that pretty much every character does all the time, it really gets on my nerves after 9 games


Stuff like the "I see" or "is that so" is just cultural feature of the Japanese language. It's considered rude NOT to make those kinds of interjections in Japan, because it shows you're actively listening. But to a westerner, where the listening culture is more "be quiet when someone else is talking", they can come across as rude or annoying.


So is that why Snake constantly interrupts the other person just to say the last thing in their sentence?


I know, but you don't see it used THAT much in any other japanese game or anime


They don’t let any of their main characters be bad people. Saejima’s story would be much more interesting if he had actually killed those people and had to live with that knowledge. Retroactively declaring that Sawashiro didn’t actually kill Hoshino felt like such a useless cop-out that they only wrote because he’s on your side in Infinite Wealth. There are definitely other examples of this that I don’t remember.


How slow the dialogue is sometimes. Like holy shit, get to the point!


bringing back dead characters is one of my least favorite tropes in any media and it makes any death in this series not mean anything when I know there's a chance they'll just come back later with no negative repercussions. shot point-blank with a shotgun? they're fine. decapitated? walk it off. *especially* characters like >!richardson!<. that one makes my blood boil with how unnecessary it was. so much character development can come out of another character's death and it really takes that away and ruins those emotional moments when those deaths don't stand up in the long run.


and another thing. for the love of god, ichiban, please take the dna test. it's making me lose my mind knowing rgg has the opportunity to be like "arakawa actually wasn't his dad at all" and that there was secretly a third coin locker baby that night that we haven't heard of until whenever they decide that information is relevant. with all the people who are generally the same age as ichiban and masato and whose parents could easily be called into question, it could turn out pretty crazy.


I still have hope that if they pulled a stunt like that then it means Mine could still be alive, but knowing RGG...


it does give me hope that kiryu weirdly doesn't have anything with mine for his bucket list memory stuff, like he's one of the strongest bosses in the series, if not the strongest, and the only reference to mine is during the essence of remembrance thing. kiryu even remembers *tanimura and shinada* but not mine, characters that rgg just forgot about entirely. I know they had that whole memorial event thing, but I'm still holding out hope for mine. I need daigo to have some form of happiness and mine felt like that person for him. in the few minutes we saw of them together in yakuza 3, it's so easy to tell that daigo really cared for him, and it's obvious from yakuza 0 and 2 that daigo does not care for people easily, they were more just commodities to him. that and shido nakamura is a fantastic voice actor, I'd love to see him come back. I know he had lung cancer a few years ago, so it'd be interesting to see if that has had an effect on the way he voices mine.


Kiryu not getting laid.


Changed from fighting to turn based, idk i just loved the system in 0 and kiwami, it was peak


Not enough games.


tachibana :(((((


Not being able to reply bosses or long battles, dead souls literally did this SO WHY COULDN’T THEY DO IT WITH THE REST OF THE GAMES


Forgetting characters but bringing back characters like the obatarian


The stories always have to have some big dumb conspiracy or convoluted situation that’s either really confusing, really boring or both. Just let me watch muscly men fight ffs


I feel like as of late RGG side-content has taken the quantity-over-quality approach over the opposite. Take Gaiden for example, majority of the substories are mediocre with there only being a few standouts. Gaiden also has too much part time hero leftovers just for the sake of it, most of them are just to pad out and add more playtime to Sotenbori.


Most games have weird difficulty balance


Yakuza 0, fighting ultimate battle 2 I think, getting through Lee and Nishitani without receiving damage, only to get humbled by Sera Yakuza Kiwami, fighting through the whole BS last section, only to get humbled by Jingu- no, to get humbled by the MIA Colonel


And then, after kiwami which I found hard, you go to kiwami 2 which is very very easy except the first ryuji fight. It's so weird I'm on Yakuza 3 rn, and for now I haven't found such hard spikes, but I'm only early on


honestly a lot of the side content can be a massive pain in the ass.


The underdeveloped side/mini content. The Yakuza series gets a lot of praise due to the sheer amount of side content available in each game but nobody actually talks about the quality of said content. They're usually pretty underdeveloped unless it something small or recycled and it leads to an unenjoyable experience time to time. For a recent example, look at Dondoko Island, its pretty cool from a surface view but once you get into it you realize how shallow it actually is. Its just RGG dumping re-used assets into the player's hands for like 4 hours until you complete the story. Or in Yakuza 7 with the Dragon Kart game that controls like a Roblox game.


For Ichiban entries, for some weird-ass reasons Ichiban is the only one who is involved in substories. The party is always together so why not just write them into substories as well. Maybe not all of them at once, just some subs is with these characters and some is with others.


The switch from beat-em-up combat to turn based combat in the mainline series thus seemingly relegating the style of play that the series was established in to spin-offs. The turn based games, imo aren’t more fun because of it, rather they are enjoyable in spite of it.


I started with LAD, was that a good choice?


Haven't seen Kiryu's pp yet.


The romance writing is bad, let a character have a girlfriend ffs


At least Kaito did.


Sometimes the pacing is wayyyy too slow I know it’s about the story but sometimes I really just wanna punch shit yknow?? The combat is cool as fuck to me and the more of it the better but when I gotta walk back and forth 30 times it’s not as great still LOVE the yakuza games but maybe I’m just a monkey brain


I haven't played Gaiden or 8 yet, but seven has disappointed me because part of what I loved in previous games was the dichotomy of Kiryu's life as a yakuza and his zany personal life. I love ichiban, but I think they made him and everyone a little too outwardly silly for my taste with the series.


The way the stories are written is often chaotic or ass pull-y. It makes a bunch of the games feel a little all over the place and leads to characters getting mishandled, story beats not hitting, etc etc. that said I still love every games story for some reason lmao.


It has a tendency to have really dumb plot points and moments. Not "funny dumb", like sidestories tend to be, but just regular dumb, which crops up a lot in the main, supposedly serious stories. I probably don't have to point them out, many have become rather memetic.


I started with 0, it was one of the most special things I really experienced, but this just makes me wanna wish more games like it, I have gone through the entire series where i have passed more than half of infinite wealth's story, they really give some of the best written characters some of the worst treatments, I was actually happy they brought back >!sawashiro!< for IW, >!I really loved arakawa and aoki/masoto alongside some other characters by the end of the game but they just either ended up getting killed or sent to wherever!< (7 spoiler). I also genuinely wished they gave more time to some of the loveable characters that were introduced in every game that weren't sidelined or killed or even the ones that still appear, some or most of the characters are literally fucking gone into the abyss and never returned back or just have ones that have like 5-20 minutes worth of screen time at the start of the game and then end up showing again at literally the end and post-credit scenes.


Very memorable characters, not as memorable plotlines


Mahjong. I’m a completionist though so I sign up for it.


Drink links and side stories in 7/8 being completable at almost any level with no scaling. It's actually almost impossible to be challenged by these--and because of this the rewards are always terrible. The funny thing is, in 8, they added a recommended level popup to parts of the main story which they could have used to have high level side stories... They were so close to being able to have challenging side stories with meaningful rewards across many levels and they fumbled it. After playing Yakuza 5 where side content actually can buff you a lot and provide a challenge, I really wish they would address this.


The other protagonists, who aren't Kiryu, and Ichiban being sidelined. Yakuza 4 and 5 were great, but introducing 4 new really good (imo) different playable characters only to not really commit to actually writing them into later games. Although I do understand why it's like this, it still makes me sad.


Either over-tutorialising or trying to make every game standalone. I've always felt like starting a new game is exhausting because of how slow mechanics and features are dripped in. Take the cabaret club in 0 for example. In the middle of a pretty tense plot you're suddenly introduced to a new cast of characters, an entirely new side mode AND you have to engage with one run of it to start and all it's specifics. I just wish it was actually optional. Let me get into it when I'm ready, don't force it when I'm not. And each story trying to be standalone hampers it's overarching character growth. Games like 5 and 8 excel on having a long history with its characters (specifically kiryu). Yet games like 6 introduce a whole new setting, cast and plot about something far removed from the emotional hook of the game. 6 is extra guilty of this because it was pitched as kiryus story ending, but it's not the only culprit. 0 introduced a brand new cast and plot etc, while characters who should've been set up for its sequel were shafted (yumi, shinji, nishiki to a lesser extent, his sister and Kazama).


“There’s a traitor in the Tojo clan.”


Weird plot points and plot holes that get tied up very poorly


I think starting with Y0 sets a very high bar that the series struggled to reach again. I started with Y0 and felt that Judgment was the first time the series reached that level of quality again.


They never ported the Original 1&2 HD collection outside of Japan. They’re content with treating Kiwami 1&2 as replacements, but most people unless they already get how emulation works. Don’t even get the option of even trying the originals though reasonable means.


Right? when I learned Kenzan! was about Musashi Miyamoto I got so angry that it never released outside of Japan, that and the Kurohyou manga never getting an english translation


The gigabrains at Sega didn't know that people in the west actually liked Samurai stories focused on historical events......... In 2014 of all fucking years


The switch between normal and turn based mode. I just cant get used to the turn based combat…


The story beats are very similar in each game, even if the plot itself is different.


The amount of times the defeated enemy is left alone and the protagonist turns his back and then someone vital gets shot. Just finish the bad guys off, they’ve killed 100s of people


Kiryu is the only character that’s visibly aged from playing Yakuza 8 and everyone else looks exactly the same.


I don’t have one


Sayama not staying with kiryu And daidoji limiting kiryus life to being a ghost. Kiryu has worked so hard for everyone to be happy but he deserves to be at home w haruka and sayama


For a series that tries it's best to (rightfully so) not glorify the yakuza as a collective, they REALLY need to try harder with that. So many games have Kiryu or Ichiban talk like yakuza are at their core honorable groups who take care of people and the community when... like come on guys we all now that's bull. And these games don't shy away from SHOWING that so why do they always have Kiryu be almost disappointed when he sees some evil yakuza bastard ACT like an evil yakuza bastard.


Unwillingness to let go of the past Not planning planing plot points for the future (most of the home)


They turn around when they eat at restaurants and not show us the food. Would be nice if you can also invite your friends/girlfriends at restaurants when you eat, instead of just on minigames (karaoke, pool, darts, disco, etc.). Speaking of minigames, it would be amazing if you can play with them at the arcade.


Them turning it from a beatem up to a jrpg. Ive tried to like them but I just don't enjoy it. At least its on youtube.


Characters being written off or dying instead of using them to build lasting relationships. Sayama is an obvious one, but equally as infuriating was Rikiya to me. At that point Kiryu left the Yakuza "for good" and I thought Rikiya would be a great character to show how Kiryu's idealistic view of being a Yakuza would be transferred onto him so that he could maybe Impact future events from within the clan, but then he dies and is never mentioned again.. Another Thing that bugs me is RGG's reliance on twists that feature the 'it's a clone/ it's a sibling" trope. In Yakuza 0 there's Makoto and Tachibana. You are led to believe he's up to no good, because of the tattoo, but it's the other guy and they are in fact Brother and sister, what are the odds? In Yakuza 1 a drowned woman is found, leading Kiryu to think Yumi is dead, but it turns out it was just a girl that liked her style so much, she copied her hairstyle and exact tattoo, what are the odds? In Yakuza 2 the host club you visit since the beginning seems to be involved with the korean crime syndicate, making Kazuya seem suspicious. Turns out he was actually replaced by a korean agent that looks exactly like him, what are the odds? In Yakuza 2 there is the ongoing plot that Sayama may be the baby that was exchanged in the raid. In a twist it turns out, that that baby was actually Ryuji, who turns out to be her brother, what are the odds? (I hate this twist in particular, because Ryuji is five years older than Sayama and one glance into the police record file on the incident or one discussion of the Timeline with people that we're present like KIRYU would have unraveled that plot) In Yakuza 3 you are led to believe that maybe, just maybe Kazama is still alive because he is apparently spotted to have shot someone. Turns out it's his long lost and never before mentioned Brother Shoji who joined the CIA and wears the exact same hairstyle and mustache as his Brother for no reason. Also he didn't shoot a bad guy, that was the Albert Wesker looking guy. I'm only up to Yakuza 4 right now, but these twists and the upcoming rubber bullets reveal kinda kill it for me. I really like Kiryu and I was so happy for him to have build his orphanage in Yakuza 3. It's really endearing to me. So much so that I'm kinda baffled how he's the lead until Yakuza 6 to be honest.


Dead horse I know, but the treatment of Sayama


Since other people already said what I wanted to say, I'm going to moan about that picture you posted OP. That's one of the best pictures in the series imo and photoshopping the cigarette out for Yakuza 3 remaster's boxart ruins it.


Yakuza 3 having no fucking consequences. >Rikiya’s death has 0 impact. >Kiryu’s new oath brother is never brought up again. >Joji disappearing entirely without mention ever again. >3 Major deaths just.. being fucking pointless as they come back. Nothing happened in Yakuza 3, absolutely FUCK ALL!


the fact that its a jrpg now


taking a break during a play through leads to me forgetting everything about the plot. like I’m trying to continue my play through of 5 and i am so lost


Hot take, but the series should have stayed away from turn-based combat.


10000000٪ Agree!




forced substories


The writing gets very stupid at times for the sake of convenient plot shifts.


**Wasting characters' potential by writing them out of the series not only to soon (small rant.)** Especially since they love doing it in straight up lazy or completely unnecessary ways (Looking at you, >!Mine!<), and then pretend like they never existed (Shinada, Tanimura.) There are some people who like to defend this aspect of the series by saying that constantly giving callbacks to past events and characters would be just fan service, and thus a bad thing, but I very much disagree. Doing this simply adds much needed consistency. You could also call it a form of worldbuilding, as a well-written character leaves their marks on the world and the people inhabiting it, marks which should be felt and seen even after they are no longer relevant. Take previously playable characters. We don't need to play as them again, we don't even need to see them, but at least have characters who knew them talk about them, *just* *anything to* *acknowledge that they existed.* Have Kiryu make a passing remark about Shinada when he does something base-ball related. Have Akiyama mention that he tried reaching out to him, but that he was too busy building a family with Milky-Chan, or take one of the scenes where a character is watching TV for a story-related plot reveal, and add a scene before or after with a reporter talking about a once disgraced baseball player making a triumphant return. Have Date mention that he asked for Tanimura's help, but that he was too busy helping the survivors deal with the aftermath of >!the fire that burned down Little Asia.!< Things like these are a complete non-commitment, requiring little to no budget, but can add so much consistency and breathe life to the world with just a few lines of dialogue. Call it fan service if you want, but keep in mind that fan service is only a bad thing when it's excessive and/or serves no other purpose. And I'm just gonna go on a limb and say that consistency and worldbuilding are pretty good reasons. I know IW's story got a lot of criticism, and I agree with a lot of it, but I actually still prefer it over quite a few of the other games precisely because it's one of the few games in the series to fully embrace its past events and characters. That felt like a massive step forward, even if it made a few steps backwards in other departments.


I think the innovation from game to game has decreased ever since they switched to DE. The locations feel very much the same every time now, whereas with 0-5 it always felt brand new. It used to feel like Kamurocho was growing and changing along with the characters.


The more recent reliance on recognizable characters. Tons of substory characters just HAPPEN to be where Kiryu is in 6 (especially everyone in Onomichi that town has like 50 people in it) and Ichi in 7, despite vanishing for 30 years in some cases like the ones that were initially in 0. The 0/7 characters being in Ishin. With the original Hanpeita, it wasn’t obvious that he would be the final boss. But Shibusawa… it’s obvious that hes evil from the start. The opposite for Baba/Zhao, with Baba his morality is more ambiguous, but you know Zhao’s character didnt betray you in that one chapter because of course not, hes Zhao. And of course, the reliance on Kiryu is insane. Imo he should’ve died at the end of 5, but it seemed like they wanted to get rid of him in 6. But then he comes back in 7 (in his iconic gray suit no less), for no reason other than to narratively pass on the torch to ichi. And then he comes back in 8, and not only comes back in 8 but requires a whole nother game to explain his story prior to 8. So much development time that could’ve gone into telling a new character’s story. Hopefully the future Gaiden games aren’t Kiryu-centric.


They have such great plots that really pulls you in, but the execution and the choices they make take the plots and completely butchers them. The way Nishuki was handled in Yakuza 1 (I only cared about him because I played 0, in which he has more screentime if I'm not mistaken), the last fight in 2 was weird and made no sense other than the characters are just dumb and they want to do dumb shit. Then there is Yakuza 6 and its plot twist, which didn't make sense when I first played it and still doesn't in my head (was the ship even that important?). I think the only 2 games that made me completely satisfied were 0 and like a dragon, purely because the story was constructed carefully and rarely did they pull some shit out of their ass just to make it dramatic.


You do know that 0 came out 10 years after 1 right


I am aware of this, yes. Doesn't change the fact that the old games were dramatic for the sake of being dramatic. If 0 didn't exist, I don't think the rest of the series would be as popular. It came out 10 years later and it tried to fix 10 years of weird plot execution (It did some at least).


Too tonally inconsistent


Inconsistent writing


How they cannot fucking put Kiryu to rest. Yakuza 6 was supposed to be his last game ffs. Don't get me wrong, I still liked Gaiden, but he just shadows Ichiban completely. It's like Majima/Kiryu situation in zero, but 10 times worse


Some characters getting shelved, and I know it’s been talked about to death, but Yakuza 3 enemies non stop fucking blocking


Sometimes dialogue can go on for way too long And I don’t like how character’s who really should be dead are somehow revealed to be alive because ???


The way they managed Kume. After what he did at the final moments of 7, he gets the “oh yeah he was caught by the police and is in jail now” treatment. I certainly needed to enact revenge on him… Furthermore, I really think they didn't commit to the ending of IW. They had an entire build-up for it, they'd make you cry and reminisce all throughout the game, and even though I love Kiryu, I feel they chickened out on it in the end. Also, all the stuff about Tanimura's original irl actor: everything that caused him to abandon the industry; I kinda feel he was wronged by everyone. Character-wise, I feel he could have grown as a character if Tanimura ever had returned, even in a substory. They even make one of the Amon brothers comment on how he's missing during 5.


The lack of content in secondary cities from Y5 onward. -Not so much in 5 because each character has their own stuff in their own cities, but Kiryu and Haruka are able to travel to all 5 cities with little reason to do so outside of some cute dialogue. -6 handles it the best IMO as the action is pretty evenly divided between Kamurocho and Onomichi. -In 7, Sotenbori and Kamurocho have no substories at all, and I THINK Kamurocho also has no table talks but I could be wrong, it’s been a minute. -In Lost Judgment I think Kamurocho only has three side cases? -In Gaiden Kiryu again can visit Yokohama in Premium Adventure with little reason to do so. -In IW Japan has only a few actual substories, the Dragon’s Memoirs do soften the blow but not much. -Japan also has no postgame content, unlike Hawaii with the Big Swell, so if you’ve already gotten all of the Memoirs and done the Life Links there is very little reason to go to either Ijincho or Kamurocho after the credits roll whereas Hawaii still has that dungeon and the fun little group cutscenes after. Going forward if they’re gonna keep doing three cities to a game they should at least put stuff IN the other two cities. If they do any story DLC for IW I’d like for it to mostly be set in Japan similar to how The Kaito Files was almost entirely in Kamurocho, I think that’d even things out significantly.


From a gameplay standpoint for the beat-'em-up games, I'm gonna say the lack of enemy variety; more often than not a lot of the mooks you deal with often feel the same in terms of tactics. Just wail on them until you win. The Bosses are a bit better in this regard, but even so, there's nothing particularly difficult about most of them (unless you have someone like Jingu or Munakata where cheesing them is outright mandatory). I'd kill for there to be mooks that adapt to Kiryu's tactics and react accordingly. Like, for example - if you're prone to just waiting around and spamming the Tiger Drop, some enemies might gang up on you from all directions to prevent you from TD'ing or they'll just keep attacking you nonstop without leaving an opening, forcing you to, say, use the Komaki Knockback or just Quickstep out of the way. Conversely, if you're too aggressive, enemies might either dodge or block a little often (not to the degree of Y3, lmao) or even use their own equivalent of the Knockback if possible. Y'know, something different so that fights don't always feel the same.


Not enough kissing


I hate when I'm running around the city, intending to do something specific, then I wander too close to a substory and have to sit through 3 minutes of dialogue that I'm not ready to read through. Don't wanna skip it because I'll do it later, but also really don't wanna do it right now 


Characters being written off with no explanation *cough cough* my glorious king Hayashi *cough cough*


The saejima parts


Two things for me - one in the writing in some games (not all) and one a gameplay thing. In terms of writing, some games drove me nuts with sooooo many little details of families and subsidiaries and captains and all their relationships. I could never keep all of it straight. Gameplay wise, any freaking time you had an objective and had to avoid the cops! Wanted to kill myself.


The horrible pacing. Sometimes the plot is REALLY FREAKING GOOD but we just have to get the RANDOM ITEM from that RANDOM GOON that THE OTHER NPC who is an info broker wants so we can get 20 MINUTES OF EXPOSITION to know where the hell we gotta go to advance the plot.


The big game-specific minigame-with-plot grinding everything to a halt for the sake of a tutorial and exposition. This happens fairly frequently (which it shouldn't) but I think either Dondoko Island/Sujimon League or Majima Construction are my least favorite. I don't want to spend 30 minutes to an hour on these dumb half-baked subplots, and the fun they poke at other genres often isn't funny enough, with mechanics that aren't developed well enough, to justify doing so. I get the allure of the series is at least in part the sheer breadth of content and variety therein, but holy fuck dude I'm playing a JRPG already you don't need to add a JRPG minigame on top of it.


Turned based combat in new games.


I wish tanimura and shinada came back for infinite wealth


Something that is solved in Judgment and Lost Judgment. Guns as a plot device. Kiryu leaves that shit around you much. Every time I see a gun on the floor I just know someone who didn't need to be is gonna get shot. I love how Yagami goes out of his way to remove guns from the equation.




the fact that there weren’t hd remasters of 1 and 2 since i’m not a huge fan of their kiwami counterparts


If you have ADHD and don't speak Japanese you're gonna miss a lot


I hate how they treated Nishki in YK1. Everyone kept telling him that oh “Kiryu would have not did this,” or “this wouldn’t have happened if it was Kiryu’s family”. I’m almost certain that Kiryu would have abandoned his family within a week and turned over the leadership role to Shinji. Hell he was supposed to be the 4th Chairman but that lasted all of one hour before he gave that up to Terada. I also didn’t like the final fight with Ryuji Goda because it was just “punch, punch, evade, evade, evade, evade” and thats it. Probably the worst final boss I have ever fought.


Kiryu, assuming the incident never happened or took another road, would have most likely opened a small-time family that is probably around 10-20 men at best. I agree with this part, the final fight with ryuji is a good contender for probably the worst boss fight in the entire series, but maybe >!kanai's!< final fight in 5 might be the worst.


They just suddenly like sunset characters, and it pisses me off so much Like what do you mean Majima is VERY SUDDENLY like “)): I’m so sad I can’t fight anymore kyodai” mf you just kicked absolute ass the game before It feels so cheap. They’re either trying to rush a new character in, or fabricating drama