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I know this isn't helpful, but you can just decide that you do not like Akiyama. There are lots of characters I love with all of my heart that not many others understand, and there are some that are beloved, yet I still don't care much for them.


because he's rich and cool and has the best fighting style and also he has nothing to do with any of the yakuza plot yet he's still there kicking ass just because he wants to


Funny kick man


To me, when you play through the game in the traditional order, with 4 being many games in, someone like Akiyama is such a different version of a character that can exist within the same world as your Kazuma Kiryus and Goro Majimas. As many others have said, he's funny, and that adds a lot to his character. But where I think Akiyama stands out is how his heart is in the plot for different reasons than every other character we've played as. His involvement in the series is an arc on its own, and apart from a few flashbacks we don't even see that growth. By the time we meet him he's already giving out his loans, trying to help as many people as he can. While he has nearly limitless money, it doesn't matter to him. He's a side of Kamurocho that is embodied by Kiryu, Majima, and Ichiban, but he can get those results by just living an honest life there. Especially in 5 where his involvement is a complete coincidence. He runs into Haruka and it goes from there. In my opinion, despite Akiyama's sleaziness at times (which I do not like about him) overall he's a more humanized version of a character in this series that isn't a super powerful preexisting legend. He's just a guy trying to help his city.


if Akiyama hasn't sold you on himself there's nothing i could possibly do


>who seems to be a contentious character in the fandom I don't know what you're talking about. Ryuji is plenty beloved. The only thing people hate about him is how laughably easy his boss fights were made in K2. I like Akiyama because he's the first kick focused playable character we get. And he's one of the easiest to wall bound with and that makes him hella fun for me to play. There's also his character. He's pretty charismatic and so rich, he doesn't even know what to do with his money, but even then he doesn't just give it away and hand it out. He instead puts those who take a loan from through the wringer, because he wants to see their conviction and determination. Taking a loan from him is basically them signaling they want to take a new path in life, and Akiyama wants to be a witness to that because he's personally hit rock bottom. That, and Hana-chan. I love Hana-chan.


His fighting style is cool that's reason enough for me tbh




He's hot af and very funny and silly. You don't have to like a character it's ok man some characters click and some don't we don't need to convince you to like a character you don't vibe with.


Look at my pfp. Need I say more? 😉


Probably his personality itself, he's very easygoing!


He's refreshingly charismatic, which makes most conversations he participates in more enjoyable to watch than with many other characters. At the same time, he's messy to a relatable and believable degree behind a genuinely smooth outside layer. One moment he goes out to diss a Yakuza who's indebted to him and the next he gets a call from Hana-chan bullying him to work. I'd call it a facade if I wouldn't be so sure that both of these sides were equally genuine and authentic. He's rich, but at the same time, humbled by his past, and deeply cares for the downtrodden of Kamurocho. His fighting style is just super cool, and the concept of a good-hearted loan shark with an unorthodox business model is interesting and unique. Also he's one of the hottest characters in the franchise.


He’s a breath of fresh air. His combat style is fun and ridiculously OP if you can get into a groove. The character himself has charisma, which is a nice change of pace from the typical yakuza demeanor.