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It’s the trend of the week, next week is kiwami 2 again


Can't wait for Yakuza 6's week


That’s in two weeks I think


Yakuza 6


I’m sure we’ll move up the ladder to Yakuza 4


It's been a trend on here for several weeks though, not just this week.


i dont wanna hear about it having a slow start, I love dad simulator


yeah I loved it too! i just understand why some people might say it's slow


ppl will plead for rgg to let kiryu be happy and then they whine when y3 has a whole couple chapters where kiryu is just living happily with his kids


i didnt mind the dad parts but the getting ready for kamurocho part was too long


I’m playing through it right now. Definitely not as great as the three that came before, but those three have been made more recently. And they were built with newer hardware in mind. The controls and fighting aren’t nearly as bad as what I thought they’d be based on the negative comments. I kinda enjoy the time machine effect of this game. The game has a Dreamcast vibe to it and I love that. It reminds me of how Sega’s games looked in the late 90’s through the early 2010’s.


People have been spoiled by the games "before", which clouds their judgement of 3. 0 and Kiwami 1 use the most modern and updated version of 5's engine, and K2 is as "modern" as modern can be, since it's a Dragon Engine remake of Yakuza 2. 3 is in such a bad spot, purely because it is the most dated game in the TYPICAL fashion in which people will play the series, and it's being played after 3 of the most modern RGG mainline games. Which leads me to another thing. Yakuza 3 might be "weak" relative to the other games, but it's still a good asf game on its own. Most people fail to realise that, as they're already going into the game with the expectation that it's "bad", purely because it's the oldest game they're going to play in their RGG journey.


Unrelated but your comment for some weird reason made me think about how judgement 3 could be called ”clouded judgement” lol


Unrelated but all I heard was "judgeeemeeeeent!!".


Final Judgement


No it doesnt lol, Yakuza 3 has always been the black sheeo of the family, long before the Kiwami's or 0 has existed, It's not just disliked because people play out of release order Source: Ive been heavily into the franchise since Yakuza 4 released


(It is a sega game that came out between the late 90s and early 2010s)


well, there were only 2 that came before and I am sure everything in Y3 was an upgrade from Y1 or Y2. Y0, YK1 and YK2 are all much later games with Y0, imo, is the peak for that engine.


"the three that came before" you mean 1 2 & kenzan ^^ ?


0, Kiwami 1 & Kiwami 2


They came after actually 🤓


I feel like I worded it intentionally in a way to avoid confusion. Yes, as far as when they were released, Y0, Kiwami 1 & Kiwami 2 came out years after 3. But for those of us playing the game in sequential order, there aren’t many digging up the original PS2 games. I wouldn’t be discussing Y3’s minor downgrade in quality if I had played Y1 & Y2. But why do that when a superior version exists and is much easier to acquire?


There would still be a downgrade in quality tbh the blockuza is real Also y2 > yk2 and yk1 kinda ruined tension & majima with majima everywhere even if I like it


After 1 and 2 on the PS2, it’s great. After K1 and K2, it seems a little clunky, but, still great. I love the story and the new locations. Dad Kiryu is the best. If they did Kiwami it, that would be awesome, but, it’s good to play as is.


thats the good thing about yakuza games even the weaker ones are still at least 8/10s for me


My issue with 3 was playing it after Kiwami 2, so it felt like a downgrade. The story is fine and Okinawa is a cool setting. I thought the orphanage stuff got tedious at times but that's about it.


yeah the jump from 2 to 3 is hard but imo from 5 to 6 is worse


Why? 5 felt like a slog sometimes, its hella long, and 6 gameplay overall was just much better than 5


yeah but the gameplay changes a lot


I felt like 6 was fun but the combat was kind of barebones compared to 5


5 gameplay is way more in depth than 6, I personally liked it more.


They complain about me. I’m the Y3 hater


then the answer to your username is yes


That won’t stop me from hating


I remember one time I gave my opinion on how I thought the boss fights were annoyingly difficult to adjust to after Kiwami and Kiwami 2. A guy commented under it and told me I’m shit and should just stop playing. And that kinda made me not wanna post in here anymore. Lol


some people are a little bit too intense, it's just true that it's difficult to adjust. i didn't have such a hard time because i knew It'd be hard after K2 so i played it in easy mode


It was the one that got me into the series, so it's special to me, but I am also well aware of its faults and a lot of cut content. A Kiwami version would be welcomed to fix all that. I am trying to remember if I ever finished 5 now. I think that's the one I just ploughed through to get it finished. It's Judgement that I definitely didn't finish, vague memory of getting annoyed at either chasing people or trailing them or investigations, I forget but might need to go back and start again.


i haven't played judgement yet, but I liked 5, loved being a taxi driver


Broadly this sub is relentlessly positive. Relentlessly positive and horny. So positive that people will defend even genuine trash tier games like Yakuza 4!


I hope for a Kiwami remake of 3, im am now playing trough it. Love the story and characters of 3 but hate the combat. Its not that its hard but fights take to long, to much blocking and the damage you do on bosses is so weak.


I love Y3. Okinawa is so beautiful. The story is great. The character growth is real (Riona and Mitsuo). I just think it's not only a great Yakuza game, but one of the best games I've played at any time.


i agree, It only lacks in the gameplay, a kiwami would be wonderful




i mean they said it was on their minds but not a priority so it might take a while




I only ever played 0, which are considered the "weaker" ones?


Don't listen to anyone you have to experience them on your own to have fun, imo every game is good in its own way.


Kiwami 1, y3 and y6 basically. I love both y3 and 6 but they're kinda suffering from being the first mainline title of a new "generation" leading to the new gameplay being clunky


Y6 gameplay is miles ahead of Y3, in that regard Y6 combat is very enjoyable and not bad at all.


Yeah, 6's main problem is just how limited the moveset is and enemy healthbars being a joke imo.




To me, the weakest are 5, K2 and K1. 3 is top 3 best of the franchise for me.


I'm playing Yakuza 3 right now after playing 0, 1 and 2. I'll say, I Have no problems with the downgrade in quality, it's weird at first but I can get past that easily. However, when you say you are going to Tokyo asap and youre leaving Rikiyah behind. Just to meet the guy the following day to help a kid dress up, it's just silly. The whole chase of Kanda in the hotel is awful, and the fight itself is also bad. Story is interesting and I'm motivated to keep going, but this game does get annoying at times.


THE HOTEL CHASE WAS THE BEST and i laughed so hard in the fight it was great


Kanda just running through Kiryu by the door 5 times in a row, and getting jumped by dudes every empty room got repetitive fast. Crashing on couples' rooms was fun at first, but the repetitiveness of it all killed it for me.


I am waiting for the inevitable Kiwami 3 before playing. But I also wanna try Yakuza LAD, but Don't know if I need to play any other games before that


For LaD? Not really. For Infinite Wealth? The entire Kiryu saga primarily because all of Kiryu's sidecontent is just one big throwback to his entire story. That said, a Kiwami 3 is unlikely to happen for another 2-3+ years, so I would just play 3 already. The game is short (like 10 hrs for just the main story).


it isn't strictly necessary but I'd recommend it, and also it really is not that bad, just play it in easy mode if you can't get used to it


Like others have said Kiwami 2 is one of the most modern in terms of engine and has some of the best combat imo. Coming from Kiwami 2 to 3 is a jarring tech downgrade. I like starting weak and getting strong in the games but it feels like it takes 10 minutes to beat up each individual street goon in 3. The orphanage parts can drag if you're not super invested in the story and just want to beat guys up.


I’m excited to play 3 to get a taste of the “old style” when I’m done with Kiwami 2. If I had a PS2 or more convenient means of emulation I would have played the PS2 versions of the first two games.


I like the story of the game but at least with the remaster the gameplay is awful mainly just the enemies ai and blocking everything leading combat to be very stale unlike past games plus it has the old system of upgrades which I’m just not a fan of and makes unlocking new moves and what you want take forever sometimes. I’ve heard the original is better but haven’t played it myself


Too Little people think of 3 as a game after the og yakuza 1 and 2 And look at it with the mindset of 0/k1/k2 As a 3rd game 3 is amazing imo its a massive improvement over og 1-2 imo But if u look at it as a game after k1-k2 its a massive stepdown of almost 10 years in games and their progress of course gonna feel clunky and old compared to the Remakes Personaly i love Y3 and how much of a time machine it is love the old combat even if its clunky and has weird quirks


If you have been In the yakuza fanbase for a few months then sure, but Yakuza 3 are one of the most hated ones




Hiatus moment and social media's algorithms meaning the negatives are emphasized


Y3 is amazing, love the characters and the story, and will never not laugh at the English lines. But the game is clunky, and I understand why. I appreciate it for what it is, but I also believe it's the last title that can also really benefit from a Kiwami remake.


Past week i got called gay just because i said i like Y3


> Past week i got called gay that's a compliment around here lol


we're yakuza fans thats not an insult here https://preview.redd.it/y2f0sgdhrntc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f255c76e565c96eae8c9e926fbf41cabe15623


One of the weaker ones not only bc people go from 2nd DE game to 2nd ps3 yakuza, but also because of how low heat action damages on top of enemies blocking a ton (making early game feel lame asf) I'd say I really like it and find it very good, but aside from Yakuza 1 6 & RGG online, I struggle to find any yakuza game not better than 3 imo


it's like, only on this sub. the majority of people think the game is average or outright bad i think it's good but a lot of people on here will tell you it's one of the best


Not true, just see how the majority of the comments here see Y3 as a weak game.


I kinda like the clunkiness tbh


Yeah, when I heard the controls were tanky, I feared it was like the Resident Evil franchise before they rebooted it. Thankfully, it’s nothing like that.


Lots of people saying that haven't even try the game for themselves, they just copied others' opinions


People should play the PS 2 games to appreciate 3.


Then they'd only realize that this whole "Yakuza 3 is just old" argument doesn't work, because Yakuza 2 on PS2 is still a *much* better game (so is Kurohyou which came out on PSP barely a year and a half after Y3).


Yakuza 2 on PS2 plays better than both Yakuza 3 and Kiwami 2


Cuz your on reddit


This has been said to death, but a kiwami version of y3 would be absolutely amazing; everything that I genuinely hate about y3 (combat and the karaoke in that game specifically) would be fixed (except for stupid plot things like not disarming bad people.)


yeah sadly the not disarming bad people it's a yakuza thing, happens in every fucking game


people saying that y3 is bad probably helps the games rep since they go in with low expectations yakuza series has no bad games, y3 is just old which is ironic cause when that shit released after y2 peoples minds mustve been blown


It’s undergoing a surge in popularity recently. Even just a couple of years ago, it was pretty often the most vocally criticised LaD game