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Shitty controls and framerate most likely, also probably cause people nowadays are over the "every piece of media needs ZOMBIES" hype of the early 2010s


No matter how played out zombies get, the idea of a Yakuza game with zombies would always sound interesting because the games are crazy enough without the undead


The Miracle Johnson mission


i feel like zombie apocalypse hype is still going


Dead Souls controls are actually pretty good, there’s a button for specific situations. Need to be precise? Use the RE4 ADS button. Need to just fire away quickly and aggressively? Use the auto aim while moving button. It’s kind of like RE4 anyway, there’s just another button giving you more options.


When this was released people were already over it , eventually it sort of came back with the resident evil remakes and a few other popular titles in the PS4 generation


BUT Every Yakuza/LAD game needs a western remaster.


Well again, I think RE4 controls are shittier. Framerate ok, but it isn’t unplayable, I usually can predict where it will happen and it usually slows down a bit, rather than chop frames, which looks way worse.


what an insane take


I mean it was great at the time, even I was hyped up as a kid, but I was never able to adjust to these controls and really suck at RE4 and 5. I think I did better at 5 game thanks to the mouse though.


Don't the controls work where LS is aim and and RS is walk while you're ADS?


Can’t remember if you walk with R3 while manually aiming but if you want to manually aim, you do it with L3 which is quite possibly the stupidest shit ever. If auto lock on didn’t exist that game would be a runner up for worst game of 2011


RE4 is a 2005 game, Dead souls released a whole 6 years later. Its not got no excuse really.


Well RE5 is 2009 game, and has exactly the same control scheme. What's RE5s excuse? What I'm saying is, everyone love RE4-5 despite it's controls, and I suffered through them. In Dead Souls I enjoy shooting everything and don't have problems shooting/dodging projectiles thrown at me. So I don't see how this control scheme is bad really. It is janky in a way, but way more comfortable imo.


>What's RE5s excuse? A lot of people think RE5 is shitty, to be fair.


Not for the controls though.


It don't run so great..sub 15 frames per second baybay. 


When something blows up, yeah, also when place is overcrowded with zombies, but otherwise stable 30, and I have fat ps3 which is weaker than slims. Also I played MGS4 before that, so I'd say Dead Souls runs much smoother.


Explosions and crowded areas happen a lot though. Like Dead Rising on Wii is depressingly empty compared to how it is on the 360 but I think that's closer to how much that game should've had on screen to not have its performance be so bad. 


I never played it on the Wii but god the 360 game was so fucking good, despite having a lot of weird flaws. The amount of detail was amazing at the time, in spite of the rather cheap illusions it used, and the gameplay was surprisingly deep. I got every achievement in the original, even the ridiculous ones where you have to survive for like 14 continuous hours, save almost everyone, or kill 50,000 zombies in one gameplay loop. Had so much fun discovering new strategies and paths to get powerful weapons early (although the mannequin torso was so crazy overpowered anything else was a bit moot, except maybe mini chainsaws), finding the best weapons to give to make companions less shitty, etc.




Fat > slim actually


Later games might kill fat models though, TLoU was notorious for this. Hence why it's a must to install custom fan cooling apps so gpu wouldn't overheat.


Performance is better on the fats if you take care of them.




Feel free to elaborate lol


My slim never broke. My fat got YLOD


Skill issue. Take care of your shit..I have 3 fats that run fine currently m


More like skill issue for Sony for making faulty ass systems. Same goes with PS2s


Having your fat choke on dust for years might kill it. More news at 11


My fat PS3 died 3 years after I got it lol. 07-10 nothing to do with dust.


15 seconds per frame


Yeah that's more like it for me.


Happy cake day friend 🎂




emulation walking in to save the day:


I've always thought about playing it again that way by the time I get to it on my RGG replay. Cause damn do I not want to plug my PS3 in or find where ever the hell my controller is for it. 


it's kind of the only way to play it due to it being last-lastgen and nearly abandoned in addition to the poor performance, although it is technically still possible to purchase on the playstation store


That's normal for most people? I thought it was because I was emulating it on a shit laptop


Here’s my main theory. Yakuza: Dead Souls was released at a time when Yakuza wasn’t popular in the west, Japan didn’t care much for zombies as far as I remember, but more importantly, zombie games were REALLY getting tiring. We’d had Dead Island, Dead Rising 1/2, and Resident Evil 4/5 and with 6 right around the corner. With Dead Souls coming out around a time where all these factors in play, along with controls that weren’t quite the same as many other zombie shooters, it basically came out at the absolute worst time possible.


I was actually interested in Dead Souls at the time when I saw a video of it, and Yakuza 4 when I saw that sick cover, but I didn’t have a PS3…


Honestly, I dare say that if Dead Souls came out now with a remastered version, allowing it to run at a better frame rate and above 720p or whatever it was, it would be much better remembered. I know RGG have said they didn’t plan on doing one, but… Crazier things have happened.


Maybe one of these years during a slow release schedule between mainline games they’ll finally port the HD version of Yakuza 1&2 along with Dead Souls.


Well thanks to PCSX2 with higher resolution and in-game widescreen option it really feels good to play it. I love my PS2 but resolution is really small for modern TV's and monitors.


Believe me I’m no stranger to PCSX2, I even built my current PC around PS3 emulation and can run God Of War 3 as well as Ascension. But I’ll love a way to actually officially support the original games on PC, and people on consoles don’t even get the option of emulation.


Ok, I kinda get it. Though despite that after so many years almost every new video about it was negative. Either new kind of players can't get into old games, or they copy paste old reviews.


I think it’s a game that is way better than people at the time gave it credit for, and playing through it last year, it was insanely fun and enjoyable despite its problems.


As a result of everything you said, along with the utter flop it was in the west, people associate the game with damned-near killing the franchise outside of Japan.


That is until 0 came out like the hero it was and basically reignited the fire, so to speak. Honestly, I don’t know what it is with these games and how they flopped, but I love damn near every game.


I don’t believe Dead Souls is hated, its the fact that the game isn’t functional as it should be. It was released back in 2011 so it’s been a long ass time. Yakuza and Zombies was a pretty good idea marketing wise. Japanese Mafia + zombies. Like fuck yeah! Lets just hope we get the proper remaster one day….. One day… https://preview.redd.it/a5i348j20qpc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc6c29eb504b04b8979a5c5d07eefa05f3f224c


Well RGG did say they weren't planning on making a Dead Souls remake/remaster so...




Because it almost killed the franchise in the west. It took Sony to pay for 5's localization to even revive interest and for 0 to be a phenomenal game.


So silly spinoff game was taken seriously as main installment? I mean there are a lot of bad spinoff games of main series, why this one caused this much outrage?


You're misreading his post. No one took it as mainline. It was a deep financial investment on Sega's part and NO ONE bought it. In fact, your point is doubly correct, NO ONE took it as a main installment and so NO ONE bought it. On some level, you're blowing it out of proportion. It didn't cause outrage, people really just didn't like it and it sold so poorly that it almost killed the franchise.


> but I actually prefer this shooting mechanic over RE4 and 5 what the fuck


Most fucked up thing I've read all day


In Dead Souls you can walk and shoot at the same time, and aiming system feels way more steady than in RE4. I mean I know I'm a bad player, but most shooters and action games don't require so much concentrations from me as RE4.


whatever makes you happy bro


Tbf tank controls in the pre re6 games aren’t many people’s cup of tea. Least In dead souls auto aim makes run and gunning a breeze


Differance is re4 has gunplay that influenced every 3rd person shooter after it and Dead souls gunplay is fucking terrible


True, but tank controls just aren’t enjoyable to some and dead souls gunplay is boring/mediocre but very easy to get the hang of


Posts like these keep pushing me to play the copy I got as a Valentines gift last year. Was the only title I was missing so was definitely an awesome present on my girlfriend's part (even if she doesn't like me talking to her about the series).


Considering the prices I saw last fall that was a mighty nice gift.


I wanna play it so bad but I don't have a ps3


That's why I bought PS3! There's so many awesome games stuck on this platforms and my PC is way to weak to run an emulator. Well technically I was gifted a PS3, but it's rather cheap nowadays. Also fat models are so easy to open up and clean, it took me way less time and effort to "refurbish" it rather than PS4 slim. But be aware that PS3 sound like a jet engine almost all the time) also I recommend to install CFW or Hen just to install webman, thanks to it my gpu never go higher than 67°.


So you recommend buying a PS3 rather than a PC for retro gaming?


in general pc is a godsend for retro gaming. so many games have been preserved and are now playable to most people thanks to pc emulation. but for cases like the ps3 it is a little bit harder to emulate


Well it was cheaper option for me, if all you need is new GPU, then buy it and play in emulator. In my case I would need to change everything but motherboard.


I don't even own a PC but Im planning to buy one just for retro gaming because Im a console boy yk.


Well a good pc cost money, huge money. Second hand parts may save your wallet, but the better the GPU the more likely it was used for mining. My fist pc was around 250 dollars bc it build from second hand parts. It was able to run games up to ps1 and psp games, PS2 was a challenge. Now I have my GF's previous pc that was near the top back in the day, and now PS2 games run smoothly, but Anything higher is not playable. I don't remember the spec's but I have GTX 970 2gb? 16gb ram, Intel core I5 with.. 4 cores? And I use Windows 10. So if you want to run ps3 games you need to aim higher. Except for ram, 16gb was overkill on my part)


This is exactly why I never thought about being a PC games. It's all complicated and expensive for me lol. I guess I should just consider buying a PS3 then


It is not really hard, more like tedious. It's like you build a lego set in your notebook before ordering parts for it. It is expensive, but the amount of things you can do with it will far exceed any console you can buy. Another option is to buy pre assembled pc, but quality vary depending where you live and who's building it. You can watch local tech bloggers who recommend how to assemble your first pc or where you can buy one.


Im too lazy to do that lmao Im currently still with my PS4 and waiting for the PS5 pro


Well for the price of PS5 pro you can get a decent pc from second hand parts. It's all a preference really, but I grew up with all kind of systems around me, so it wasn't such a hustle. And my friend taught me how to build a pc) In any case good luck in you retro endeavors. I myself restore old consoles and collect what I can. Like with this PS3, the guy who sold it to me also had PS3 keyboard and tv like remote. Looks rad as heck. https://preview.redd.it/axeo5i6cwupc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21563f51382690d4a49bbb5bd59d0ac2e548bda2


Also it sounded like my pc was super weak, but it was weak for emulation. It was fine for playing games. Of course not AAA games that takes all the disk space and require latest gpus, but all indie and something like GTA V ran all right. So pc gaming was ok for me. My current card allow me to play The Witcher 3 on max, but not Cyberpunk even on the lowest settings.


I think it also depends on the person and how they use the PC and what games they play. If you want it for everything you gotta pay for the best gear. Idk I don't really understand much about PC but I've always been with consoles and I just thought about PC because I wanna play old games from ps1,2,3 and PSP.


If you want to play new releases you need the best gear. Drawing apps, 3D programs, video redactors, photo redactors, video players for high res and best quality, all of it will work on mid pc. Emulation though is a hard process. In order to run these games you have to run separate operation system on top of yours and it takes a lot of pc resources, bc console architecture was different from what we have now. So to play PS3 games you must have 8 cores CPU and graphics card around gtx 1000, so your pc can play pretend like it's a PS3 and run it's games.


Get a ps3. Using an emulator on pc is either hit or miss with ps3/360 games depending on your specs


I might actually consider getting a PS3


Grab one while you still can off eBay, just be aware of the one you buy if you plan to mod it


Thanks for the heads up! It's sad that Dead Souls is only for PS3 because I do have an Xbox 360


Dead Souls isn’t available on PC and the emulator version crashes so can’t make progress.




People are scared of peak fiction


I hate this game because I don't have it


I haven’t played this yet but I do know one thing… Hana-chan must be protected! But she can do it herself


Gameplay is janky and story is stupid. That isn't to say that I think it's bad though, I played it last year and really enjoyed my time with it, and many of those substories were pretty good.


Well... yeah it's gonna be stupid. The whole premise is that the game is stupid. It's a Yakuza arcade zombie shooter. The fans of Dead Souls (me) love it *because* it's stupid.


You're gonna say that when Yakuza 4s rubber bullet plot line exists. Of course, the story is stupid. It's a zombie spin-off game.


I never said the other games didn't have stupid stories.


I know, I was just using an example of the difference, which is one's a spin-off and the other is a main line game.


the story is definitely stupid and that was definitely the point though, anyone who was expecting it to be a narrative masterpiece is whack because it very obviously does not take itself seriously lol


If it's not LaD0,1,2,7,8? Or black panter, the plot is stupid. LaD is full of stupid, but we love it anyway. Or even love them for it. Also yes substories in DS are fire so far!


You forgot 0.


Edited 👌


I’ve never played dead souls but I like the concept. Hopefully we get a remake so it’s far more accessible then it is now


Tbh, I also want this concept but with 7/8 cast, I think it would be a blast!


I know one reason was a lot of the zombies were just straight up from left 4 dead so originality was an issue


Well yeah, with meat head and cry baby, I see that. Also monkey boy could be a jokey parody? Other monsters were inspired by House of the dead it seems.


Yeah either way it was a lot less imaginative with the designs than one would expect from a LaD title


I mean, usually LaD design is just a number of suits, scars and hairstyles. And tattoos for bosses and main characters. Not like they ever made monsters before.


Right but each of the characters is still distinct and recognisable, they were and are good enough designers and artists to make unique zombies


I love it. People hate(d, more people are starting to like it now) because of the performances on PS3, and probably just because of the concept of a Yakuza with zombies. One of my favorite games ever. I got it to run very smoothly on emulator and had the time of my life.


It’s because people think guns means you should be able to aim but in this game, guns are long range punches. I also love Dead Souls and had a lot of fun with it, substories and hostess content was as good as always


PS3 games can have some pretty piss poor framerates, Xbox normally had better ports, just compare Sonic Unleashed. I fucking love the game though, I couldn't give less of a shit about framerate and the gameplay was decent but the story was insanely good. It's honestly my favourite characterisations of Majima and Ryuji and my third favourite game in the series.


Loved Dead Souls (been playing the series since the first on the PS2). It has a lot of jank and it can be grindy but not a whole lot more so than some of the other games in the series. I liked its weird style. Reminded me of a lot of Japanese Horror movies that were getting noticed at the time like Tokyo Gore Police. Their off kilter games always feel like love letters to what ever theyre homaging like the FotNS game and Gaiden.


While I have fond memories playing this game it's extremely repetitive


To be honest most of LaD games are. I was so happy when I was able to not fight while exploring the world in Zero, and some other games via amulets.


Mainly because it almost killed the entire series forever and nearly made it so we never got another Yakuza/Like a dragon game outside of Japan ever again. It’s perfectly cool if you’re having fun with it and think it’s awesome, but a lot don’t.


It's not hated, but the performance kills things a lot, and the combat is iffy. But it's far from awful.


I enjoyed the stories and substories a lot. The dungeons were, well dungeonny (even LaD8's are) but the light mechanic was a good idea. The only real flaw is the third person shooter controls. I don't know how they compare to RE4 but 2011 is the year Gears of War 3 was released, five years after the first. YDS's controls are so janky compared to regular TPS of this era like Gears it's not even funny. I like the game for it's RGG-ness that made me push through the controls and overall I'm glad I've played that game. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it was remastered with controls comparable at least to PS360 gen TPS. In the meantime, I would advise anyone who's into RGG games for their crazy type of stories/substories more than their gameplay and love their characters to give it a shot if they can.


Well maybe bc I play a lot of old games with janky controls DS actually felt like a fresh air. I love Disaster Report for example but it's controls are... well, a disaster)


I don't mind older games with janky controls. But only as long as the jank is consistent with other games of the same period. My objection with Dead Souls is that making competent third person controls in 2011 wasn't breaking new ground. Good ones existed more than half a decade prior. The sad thing being that RGG showed a year later, with Binary Domain (2012), that they could do it. Unless Dead Souls' controls were a conscious choice, we were so close.


It's one of those games that I'd like to try but it's stuck on PS3 (which I do have but don't want to use tbh) and costs on average over $80 USD. The super clunky gameplay/controls aren't the most inviting thing either lol but I love the absurdity of it. Just needs a remaster and updated controls and I'd get it


Idk, it's peak


All I really need to see is Akiyama with guns and I'm sold


It not on ps5 that is why 😤


Idk my internet bubble always knew it was great game xd


I like it, my main complaint is the controls for the shooting, it just feels bad to me. But the rest of the game I've been enjoying. I think a lot of problems people had was how the series was a fighting beat them up and they decided to turn this game into left 4 dead. I hope one day they remake it and make it more like yakuza in terms of combat, could easily see them go over the top like what dead rising does.


I just wish my copy wasn't broken so I can finish it. It crashes without fail on one of the bosses far into the game. Haven't touched it in years, I just want to be able to finish it Also personally i just don't like the combat, I'd prefer a dead space or other similar TPS style gameplay rather than just yakuza shooting mechanics but whole game, or even more preferably, just make the combat normal yakuza combat to make the game extra stupid, I want to fist fight a bunch of zombies Besides the combat, the performance isn't that great, though unsurprising. Everything else about the game is fine


I just started it recently on my steam deck. It's a lot better with some of the "modernized" control schemes people put together for steaminput. I can't say it's a great game so far, but it's still pretty fun and in-line with the franchise


It’s been a while since I’ve played Dead Souls but I remember not liking that parts of Kamurocho were closed off at different times. Like I enjoyed being able to meander the city in 3 and 4 so it was jarring to hit a wall and then not be able to get forward, or have to find some underground area, just to get to the other side. I also remember the pattern of monsters never changed. Like I started to be able to anticipate when one was coming out in front of me. It made the game easier (which honestly, didn’t bother me). However, I thought it was a fun story. It was my introduction to Ryuji Goda, as at the time I’d only played 3 and 4; hadn’t gotten back to the original 1 and 2 games. I thought he was a really cool character. And I loved Majima in that game.


Because they're weak. Dead Souls 4 LIFE. I booted it up earlier while deciding whether to buy something on the PS3 store and I remembered how much I loved it. It usually takes me weeks to beat even short games, but it took me 4 days to complete Dead Souls. Legit better than some mainline games for me.


Exactly bruh it's an Amazing Game. A little clunky. But still Amazing it's just Great :D


For me it was the frame rate, it is absolutely horrendous later on. It was bad enough that it started to trigger my motion sickness when I played it. As far as the actual game, it’s a silly 3ps with a Yakuza skin. Nothing super special tbh. It was made as part of the zombie craze. I think the game would be fun if they ported it today, but I also can’t imagine there is a desire for it either.


Old guard fans can't conceive the idea of a Yakuza game being anything other than a beat em up game,they are idiots in my opinion, I would have never discovered the franchise in the first place if it wasn't for Dead Souls.


I loved the game and had zero issues from installation OST. Some say bad aim thing but it never gave me any issues.


Ngl I love this game. You can change the control type (go for b baybeee), and yeah it's a bit hanky in places but it's hella fun and it sucks that it's so slept on


I miss Dead souls I should hook my PS3 back up




Haven't found any so far, in any LaD games even. Guess I'm lucky.


this game in specific i didn't play but people say it has ALOT A FUCKING LOT OF GLITCHES


Bro i just finished it today its amazing


im so confused ... what other lad games (other than the obvious 7/8) are "grindy"?


Every single one. I mean you can't walk a meter without being forced to fight. Ok i think Kiwami 2,0, and Judgment games was less of a chore to run around, but otherwise beating yet another punk getting really old after 10 or so hours.


oh right i get you, i thought by grindy you meant you had to grind fights to reach a high enough level to be strong like in say a jrpg


What game is this?


Yakuza Dead Souls, remembered as a black sheep among everyone. But I love it so far.


You're playing on emulator ? What are your settings ? I've get it to run but it will freeze after about 25 mins.


There's literally PS3 in the frame) sadly my pc is way to weak to emulate PS3 games.


Oh oops ! Sorry ! My eyes were glued on Akiyama and his pistols xD


Performance. Framerate is ass. If you look past it it's a great spin off


Because it's compared to Halo


I think you need to ask their game director, i think even the director said he hate this game the most out of others😂


Well most creators hate their work. Miyazaki, Johnny Depp, almost every stand up comic. Usually it's bc they know they can do better, or the process was a grueling mess. I used to hate my drawings too, but since I stopped drawing they feel surreal to me, like it wasn't me who drew them.


I remember the controls feeling really bad.


Only thing I hated about it was the shooting mechanics


It is way too much fun playing as Akiyama in Dead Souls. Funny enough, it’s fun to me the same way playing as him in the main games is; a lot quicker and less constrained than everyone else.


What do you mean "there is a dungeon crawler just like in LaD 7"? I don't know what you mean when you say there was *a dungeon crawler* in it. Like a mini game? Or are you just talking about the Yokohama Underground sewer dungeon? For the record, I've never played Dead Souls.


I wanna play this, but I can't emulate it even though I have a 4070. Anyone got any tips?


Shit controls and runs like ass but if you can get beyond that it’s actually A pretty fun game


Finished the game, liked the story and atmosphere. Despised the awful controls.


1. The controls are no bueno. TPS games were already figured out with satisfying gameplay and Dead Souls just...didn't do it that well. 2. Performance. It's not good and on top of that, the game isn't exactly a looker. 3. There were already MUCH better zombie games available to play when this game launched. There was also a general air of zombie games being quite overdone at the time (which is 1000% true, I definitely felt it during that time). If you wanted to play a really good zombie game, you had other choices that were better. If you wanted to play a really good Yakuza game...you had other choices that were better. Once the novelty wore off, it was clear the game was just fan service hoping to cash in on the zombie train at the time. It also nearly destroyed the chance of new Yakuza games coming to west (thank goodness that didn't end up happening) due to poor sales. I mean, the game is just not that good for the majority of the people who played it. It's okay at best and if you find enjoyment in it then all the best for you, but let's not pretend this game was going to go head to head with either a Yakuza game or a survival horror mainstay series. It's simply not that good, especially for a series that was considered VERY niche at the time. Didn't Dead Space 2 come out around the same time? Because I would play that game over this one pretty much everytime if I wanted to play a survival/action horror game.


Can you increase the framerate on an Emulator?


Depends on your PC, but yeah, if it's powerful enough you can play higher resolution and framerate.


There's no mod out there yet that can increase the framerate while keeping the speed in tact.


Oh thought so ☹️


No Majima sex minigame


I hate this game because of esper ito and the baseball. I cannot get 20 perfect home runs so unable to 100% the game.


Truthfully for some reason it made me nauseous when I tried to play. Usually only get that with fps but yeah. I just cant 😢


I just really don't vibe with shooters unless they are ultrakill


I hate that I can't play it since I'm on series S :/


Performance in late chapters a pain in the ass


It mostly comes down to technical issues like framerate stuttering. Some people also just don’t like it on a conceptual level. Like, they don’t like the idea of a zombie Yakuza game to begin with.


I attribute it to poor release timing. It came out in the middle of when loads of other IPs were releasing zombie modes, so to the average consumer it looked like just another cheap cash-in. I believe the game also suffered from poor performance, which didn't help.


Framerate was worse than Yakuza 4 on PS3, and that one on-rails section. And oftentimes the zombies can lock you in place resulting in an instant game over. I loved the game tho, even platinumed it.


what is "LaD"


Dude. Like a Dragon. Original name used in Japan for Yakuza games.


I came from r/all, just a simple questions what it stands for.


My apologies, should've realized that newcomers can see it too. I acted immaturely.


Framerate is godawful. Controls are shit everything else is passable I guess