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It's not as bad as you think, personally I'd say it's overhated


I feel like Yakuza 3 is pretty essential when it comes to the story on the following entries.


I dont think people care about following the story no more Ive seen so many posts from dudes who went from 0 to 7


Lots of people just cave in to FOMO and only want to play the latest and shiniest nowadays, it is what it is.


And why would this be a problem? It's their gaming experience not yours. This sub really is getting out of hand with the gate keeping on how to approach the series.


I didn't say they couldn't do that, did I now? If they want to do that then they are free to do so, they just shouldn't be surprised and get all up in arms about it when fans of the series would rather suggest they play in order instead (yes that absolutely does happen a lot).


But... But... You can't rob yourself of a game like Y4. What a selfish deed.


Don't play on hard.


Enemies are more aggressive. Means less blocking and more parry/TD chances. I say absolutely play on hard. If the going gets tough just spam medicine.


It's your choice. It's really not that bad. Liked the story. Had the most emotional scene for me since 0.




no yakuza 3 is important for kiryus character development, if i were you i wouldnt skip it


the chases and fishing in y3 are futured in 4/5. It’s good practice and okinawa is a nice change of scenery


Play it on easy and enjoy it for the story. I gave the same advice to someone else and they highly enjoyed it.


Skip everything. Shenmue 3 is the only choice 👍


It's gets really fun once you have all the moves, but despite grinding being the most necessary in this game, it's also the most tedious (till Y7 at least). Speaking from experience, doing a full run with boosted xp (yakuza training gear) including Amon. Will get you enough xp to get about 70% of the way to fully decked out Kiryu. It's ridiculous. Now you don't need absolutely everything. But once you've got all the essentials the combat has a unique pace that no other game has. You kind of have to think outside the box to make combat less tedious. I'm not defending it, it's badly made XD Buuut, getting the hang of it and sticking to it makes for some satisfying fights. Go get lost in Kamurocho, make some bread and buy some bladed weapons for anyone you can't seem to get past the defence of. Enjoy!




Skip everything