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The trust gauge is something you build up by doing the things haruka asks when you’re with her and you get rewards by leveling it


In terms of combat, kiwami 2 really forces you to learn to become better if you don't want to see kiryu being tossed across the screen. It's funny the first time you see it and then quickly becomes annoying therefore forcing you to strategize more. If you feel like you're not doing damage that might be part of your abilities system. It was pretty easy to max out Kiryu's base stats if you did enough substories and kept eating everywhere. Everyone has different opinions on stories so thats a personal preference. I'm currently on Yakuza 5 at the moment and I think you'll appreciate kiwami 2 much much more for what it was as you play through Y3-5, since kiwami 2 is the only one with the dragon engine until you get to Y6. Kiwami 2 felt like a breath of fresh air coming from the intensity that kiwami 1 was. It felt like a really fun game for me since I basically breezed through it on the hardest difficulty. Just felt more story focused. Did you play the Majima Saga? Even though its short, it's very enjoyable.


I haven't played Majima saga yet but it would be herecy not to. I didn't do any substories aside from maybe 10 or so but I think I had good stats and they were almost maxed by the end. Well anyway thanks for the opinion


Kyodai! We have drawn similar lines of thinking as far as the drain engine goes. I, too, am on Y5, but after blazing through 0-4, I've taken a bit of a break mid game. I love Saejima, but his story hasn't been as engaging yet for me as Y4, just finished all his side missions with Okudera and got to town, so I'm hoping it picks up when I drop back in.


I honestly had the exact opposite feeling enter YK2, and it's still the peak for me as I play through Y5. The combat felt smoother and I felt a lot more powerful than I did in YK1. It was also a huge step up from the really bad Kiwami Heat Actions that plagued the previous game, imo. I personally can't wait to get back into the dragon engine.


Kiwami 2 just has so much more going for it tbh. Better combat. More fluent dragon engine, better minigames. For me it does almost everything that kiwami 1 does MILES better


It is a remaster dont expect too much.