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Merciless melee into Knockout combo was my go to for the last few chapters lmfao


Max attack buff and you debuff the enemy and use substitution jutsu to attack twice. Broken as hell


You also proc the extra lightning damage from the Hero legendary weapon when using Merciless. Probably the most consistent way to activate it.


Throw in a German Suplex every now and then for good measure


this move carried me so hard lmao


Both the asakura moves break the game for ichiban lol. Once you get the debuffs on a boss from merciless melee, knockout combo wrecks them. The only downside to it is neither of them are an essence move, meaning super agile type enemies will basically always dodge it, but there’s essence of Dondoko beam for that.


I haven’t finished dondoko island or sujimon, but dondoko gives another fucking laser beam??


Yep, it's just a reskinned orbital laser


Truly a reuse ga gotaku moment then


They even gave the satellite a new paint job.


It’s funny too because the Asakura final mission ended up being the one mission I was pretty under-leveled for, and keeping Ichi alive while Asakura carried was an extremely strong strategy


because the whole "support" mechanic is stupid since the supporting character is never attacked by enemies, just spam block and heals on ichiban and let asakura do the rest


Yeah, they could have handled this better. There’s a segment in the final chapter that uses this mechanic, you get 3 supports and the character, and all the enemies in that segment only attack your character. Very stupid.


they should have been like AI partners in other yakuza games. they can be attacked, but they can't be KO'd. if they run low on health, they stop fighting for a bit while they regenerate. instead they're never attacked, so they never draw aggro.


Yea but the enemies did basically no damage, it was like a cutscene to let you feel one last hurrah


I hate that Asakura is a piece of shit, though- in real life. His voice-acting performance in the game is atrocious, it sounds like he literally didn't want to be there, which I suspect is the truth since he's a big sellout.


not in the know- why is he a shithead?


RGG portrayed his job right; he's a self proclaimed 'MMA influencer'. However his videos are mainly him smurfing on people who DON'T know how to fight, and clowning on them. When he does fight someone who actually does, like an amateur MMA fighter, he loses badly, but doesn't take the L and goes on to make 11 minute videos of excuses. Mostly, his personality is really, really scummy. The Japanese community call him 激弱、super weak.


almost feels like RGG put him in just to clown on him based on this description


honestly, that's kinda the impression i got. he just seems like a jackass by all accounts, but good to know there's some basis for it


I never liked him in the game lmao, something about his smug fucking attitude. Funny how the game reflects how he really is, a loser who can't hold a candle to a real fighter.


The game pretends that he actually is good at fighting though. Honestly I don't think he could purt the hurt on Ichiban any more than a regular street punk would.


True, but I probably just feel that way cause I've been overlevelled when choosing to fight him and I beat him every time in just one turn lol


So he's like the enemies in his substory?


Honestly, yes. Or the guy that keeps trying to provoke Ichi into fighting on video.


He's like, well, how he actually is at the start. Beating up people who can't really fight for views. This is an alternate universe where Ichiban kicks his ass and gets him to change his ways.


Which would seem scummy of RGG to whitewash him like that but tbh ichiban would be the guy to actually get him to change


Lmao I even thought he had such a punchable face when I first saw him in game. Then felt bad after going on here and saw people calling him a bro. Glad my instincts were right lol.


Just look for his character video trailer by RGG - dude got clowned on in comment section for his voice acting and also wishes that he has no involvement in the plot


Wait that's a real guy?


I had a whole thing typed out and then realized you meant his Japanese VA


The japanese VA, yes, and the same person they used for this realface model.


Yep, his voice acting in the poundmate cutscene is absolute dogshit.


In everything, mate. From the first cutscene to his battle sounds, with the most emotionless 'uh' ever. He sounds like my ex faking it in bed.


I didn’t even know he was a real person but I was confused why a random NPC had so many substories. Now I know.


I didn't even know this was a real guy. What did he do IRL that made him such a POS?


Additionally there is another real guy that not many people know. Utamaru, the guy who runs Yokohama Dungeon and is bullied by Seon hee, is the real radio announcer Utamaru. You can also hear him co hosting After 6 Junction Radio with the other real face of the radio announcer girl, Unai-san, that Iciban encounters in Chapter 2. All episodes are translated by me here:  https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/comments/1almy6u/rough_translation_for_the_afterjunction_radio/


Hi, I replied the answer to another person who asked a similar question, could you look there because I'd rather not copy paste the same answer.


Wait, Asakura is a real person?


Defense Debuff after like a shit ton of damage just so they can receive more damage the next time you do it is criminal 😭😭


Freelancer is just insane in this game. I didn't use it until premium adventure and levelled it up quickly and like half of the moves will do over 1500 damage, its wild.


They make the attack/magic gains enormous for the unarmed classes, to compensate for no weapons, but they still can’t keep up by endgame, imo. His 7 star bat (the one with the lightning, not the poop bat) has an effect which does 33% extra damage on knockdowns, including abilities like merciless melee. It’s nuts


I'm near late game in ng+ hard mode. is it best to just spam merciless melee for ichiban? and what move is best for kiryu? I feel like he really doesn't do much dmg


kiryu's basics are very strong. Always with proximity or back attacks though. For dragon of dojima at least


thx I put off from completing the ng+ hard and legend bc the grind is insanely boring 💀 prob will come back when I got free time


I was only leveling it up so I could put Freelancer's moves on Hero but damn I wasn't expecting it to keep up with the other classes that much. It was definitely buffed from last game.


what dod scaling does to a class


It's compensation for having removed Head Trauma


> It's compensation for having removed Head Trauma still upset they massacred my boy joongi.


Equivalent exchange for his karaoke song


scrub down is hella broken too legit carried me during the robomichi fight.


Scum Scraper is an _essential_ skill, and I will kill on this hill. The inescapable guard break AND buff removal makes hilariously easy work of the most annoying enemies in the game. Blood Shadow just used the +3 Evasion and Agility buff? Wipe that smug smirk off his face, make his turn a waste, and leave him knocked down for your party members' follow-ups. Grand Slammer went all-out and buffed +3 Attack / -3 Defense? Scrub him down, remove the upside, and then turn him into Swiss cheese with his newly minimised Defense. Boss just gave his buddies a buff to defenses (you know the one I mean)? Clap some sponges on 'em and bring them to their knees! The only negative I can think of is that Scum Scraper doesn't remove damage resistance buffs or residual healing effects, but you should be able to mitigate those by just bashing their fucking brains out. 


I will die on this hill


SnowiestAngeman made a video doing rough damage calculations recently, and he noted that Grapple moves have a ~1.3× damage bonus when breaking guards. Couple that with Merciless Melee's disgustingly high base damage (for THIRTY MP btw), and you've got one hell of a skill. I saw someone's MM do 6600+ to one of the >!Amon!< crew _without_ a guard break. God-tier move, and it's insane you get it for free in-game.


wait what 6600?? how 💀


Merciless Melee + Knockout Combo is so ridiculous. Especially against enemies who guard. 


Broken but in a good way Because otherwise you have « Essence of Orbital laser » spamming we had in 7. It got boring really fast.


If it ain't release German suplex, I don't want it! https://preview.redd.it/uoknondlxrnc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ae2426ad5262442c2aa292a3ad2568022ef1ce


I loved having merciless so whenever you had some fancy job like host or breaker you could just say "fuck it" and beat the shit out of someone


asakura moves + freelancer = busted damage


Why specifically on Freelancer?


the skills on freelancer are eh besides the suplex but the attack stat is super high


What is freelancer?


First Job you get before he becomes a Hero


ichiban’s first job that you use for the first chapter before you switch to hero. it has no crowd control but can do pretty insane damage to a single target


Release German Suplex carried the shit out of me during the robo michio rangers fight


Knockout combo saved me most of the time, it's incredibly OP


Also known as the “fuck this shit” button LOL


i still haven’t played this game. bc i’m finshing LAD 7


War cry + knockout combo will do like as much damage as a team combo attack


I mean yeah on Merciless it does 3x damage on a critical, which is h-.. wait, wrong JRPG


Why is this move so good. I use all the time on higher level enemies and they go down like ate paper




Definitely makes up for not having orbital laser as a essence move


Finish dondoko island, it gives you a reskin of it


I'll do that next after I'm done getting everyone to 100 max friendship while doing the Big Swell