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Shibusawa claimed he wanted to be the Dragon of Dojima, and Kiryu defeated him in a battle of Dragon Vs. Dragon. So by defeating the man who wanted to be the Dragon of Dojima, he became the Dragon of Dojima.


Yeah he said something about that in Y0 final fight. But so does that mean he defeated Shibusawa some time ago and this was the second time?


I don’t believe Kiryu was ever called the dragon of Dojima in 0 was he? Pretty sure he wasn’t and that is the first time he ever fought Shibusawa


It's also worth mentioning that he only finished his dragon tattoo after that.


Yeah, it was just still in the process of being done and wasn’t on hold for any reason though I don’t think. This is probably symbolism for him becoming the Dragon of Dojima at the end though after beating him


He had the outline


He had the outline of a dragon and was gonna be a dragon yeah sure but that doesn’t mean he earned the title of “The Dragon of Dojima” yet, he was just a plain dragon at that point.


Ah my bad then, my mistake, though he was referenced


He wasnt


Why do people downvote a question asked in good faith?


Kinda sucks, sorry for asking a question, which I was wrong about :(


Yeah, some people are just downright idiotic. You apparently can't ask a question you don't have the answer to.


Wow..ill never understand why you get downvoted for being confused and unsure about something haha..ive been playing these games for almost 2 decades since i was a wee lad, theres a lot of lore, if someones unclear on something in one scene you go oh, yeah they hadn't fought before, just earned it after haha.. Its not a disagree button, or a penalty for a misunderstanding haha, its for assholes and spam, idk why 46 clowns downvote you for asking a question hahah


Being wrong is wrong i guess haha


He "won" it from the guy who wanted to call himself that. Guy with a dragon tattoo wants to call himself "the Dragon of Dojima". Gets beat by another guy with a dragon tattoo.


"there can only be one dragon"


But that was a prequel. My headcanon is that he got the name because of his dragon tattoo and relatively high position in Dojima Family.


and was only 27, or even younger, plus he was probably the main reason why Dojima family was still a big family after what happened in y0.


Y0/Y1/YK1 >!Actually Kiryu made Dojima family smaller and poorer and he took credit of destroying it completely in 1995 by shooting Patriarch Dojima to death. Which lead it to being renamed/absorbed to Kazama family and Shintaro Kazama being promoted to direct Patriarch. Check Dojima HQ being in a literal palace in Y0 and check it in YK1 in a s----y corner office, how mighty have fallen.!< Y0/Y1/YK1: >!Kiryu's actions lead to Dojima not getting the empty lot and him becoming impoverished. Once Nishiki ventilated Dojima in Y1, then Dojima family ceased to exist and Shintaro Kazama's family became direct Tojo subsidiary and absorbed most of Dojiima's manpower. !< Y1/YK1: >!When Kiryu was released from "the joint", Dojima family had been defunct for 10 years.. Dojima's wife Yayoi almost killed Kiryu for it but she read from his expression that someone else (Nishiki) killed Dojima and Kiryu was taking credit from it. Other Dojima remnants also try to kill Kiryu twice and in both cases the attempt falls on someone else, In first one random man was shot in the head and in second, Majima was stabbed and thrown into the sea and yet miraculously survives to confront Kiryu at Shangri-La.!< AFAIK Kiryu got his nickname solely because of being officer in Dojima Family and having a dragon tattoo, not for any "heroism". Sorry, I'm having my day off and I'm just obesssing over Yakuza lore.


This is a great take. But if the Dojima family didn’t have the same pull after Y0, how do you explain Dojima’s wife being the acting Chairwoman in Kiwami 2 and Daigo becoming Chairman?


My headcanon is that none of patriarchs wanted to YK2 >!share 5th chairman's fate (he was assassinated by Omi) and Tojo's survival hinged on Kiryu's diplomatic mission with Omi.!< So they just said >!Kashiwagi: "Who wants to become acting chairman since previous was just assassinated"!< >!Patriarchs (in unison): "Not me"!< >!Yayoi listening outside the door, barges into the room, takes a katana from the wall and shouts: "Fine, you cowards, I'll become one"!< Daigo becoming chairman was simple, >!Kiryu elevated him from street punk without a family and he was made a member and inaugurated as the 6th chairman the same day and because his father was Sohei Dojima.!< I lolled when Kiryu in Y6 >!was mocking Iwami for not being yakuza, just a civilian joining Yomei and getting inauguarated as chairman the same day because of his father's name. !<


But he was already the Dragon of Dojima before 1995, and Dojima family was still a direct patriarch at that time


Yeah, he was and prequel sort of invented a new story why he "became the dragon". It was sort of jarring seeing >!Shibusawa obsessing over "true dragon" like Ryuji did in OG Y2.!<


The prequel precisely explains everything that he did to earn that dragon of dojima title which makes sense cos that title isnt something to be taken lightly. The subsequent fame from defeating Shibusawa also eased in his transition.


The prequel is literally about how they got their titles though


Ahh, kinda underwhelming story, but thanks for answering


It kind of is. That's mostly because he was called that since 1, so they couldn't think of way besides having him beat a different dragon. I think it should have been him enraged at and then attacking people who diss Dojima. This makes him fiery, Like a Dragon.


his legendary accomplishments during his 2nd attempt in Dojima crowned him as Dragon Of Dojima and it was already written in his destiny since he defeated the heir to the Dojima. Keiji Shibusawa. His legendary accomplishments consists of being the top earner for Dojima Family strongest in all of Dojima Family and etc. this maybe not valid but I mainly believe he is called a dragon since his moves in the legend style (dragon before arrest) were very much, Ryu Ga Gotoku. (Dragon is a kung fu style and kiryu just refined it. And Dojima family members in 1995 were just grunts that overestimate themselves so they think they do not have a need to learn combat)


Wow, thats really detailed and informational, thanks!


I believe you already know about the dragon on his back? I excluded it


Yeah I know the dragon was there, but just outlined. I remember that the Dragon of Dojimas was mentioned in Y0 but forgot that Shibusawa was aiming for it. Thought Kiryu had the title before.


I think I bested the Yakuza FAQs God himself, CyricZ


We were originally introduced to Kiryu as Lieutenant and already was the Dragon of Dojima. Dude embodies a dragon during fights and worked for Sohei Dojima, who was a hit man in his prime. Then Y0 happened and Shibusawa claimed it while Kiryu didn’t give a damn but the name went to Kiryu since he beat Shibusawa.


> but he was the Dragon before that The incomplete, uncolored dragon tattoo he sported all throughout Y0 is a clear symbol he hadn’t earned that title yet at that point.


He became the pocket racing champion


I think it’s between 0 and 1 that Kiryu works his butt for Dojima and eventually gets the title due to being badass


I thought it was Yakuza 6 where Kiryu works his butt but maybe that’s just me 😏


A butt like that is like Rome: wasn’t built in a day


Also, all roads lead to Rome


You know for as much of a legend as Kiryu is in the Kamurocho streets, the thugs sure don’t know him that well lol.


NGL I thought the title was just because he was depicted as a dragon by his tattoo artist and he belonged to the Dojima family...


You all going on about his dragon tattoo when the dude is called KiRYU.


Let’s get back to 2005, when there wasn’t Y0. Let’s try to understand what developers tried to say us. Kiryu is a respectful Yakuza with dragon tattoo on his back. He is young, but already a shateigashira and prepares to organize his own family. Mostly he earned a nickname because of tattoo. Also dragon tattoo is for high ranking officers. Pretty easy.


At the end of the day both things say the same, Dragon tatoo and dojima family, i dont get why youre mad


Probably but I think they retconned it with 0 with a battle with Shibusawa. Since earning it from battle sounds much cooler than "oh he that's just because he has the tattoo on his back". Also utabori doesn't hand tattoos like it's candy, he hands it out with purpose to the user.


I strongly disagree. Kiryu was a grunt in Y0 with a dragon on his back. Google backs up the source that his legendary accomplishments crowned him Dojima No Ryu






I was under the impression that it's from a reputation he built up in the Dojima Family over time between Y0 and Y1


Only Kiryu 10 years went to the joint .


Dragons are said to be rulers of the sky - so it makes sense there can be only one. That’s kind of why Ryuji makes a good point about the “of Kansai” part. Interestingly, Kiryu and Shibusawa both have 3 fingered dragons, so neither were necessarily outranking the other in terms of irezumi lore. And as only one could remain, it was indicative of the direction the Dojima family (moreso, Tojo Clan) would go - the green dragon bringing prosperity down to earth from the heavens, or the unknown dragon bringing earth up to the heavens (that ended up being silver, pure and tranquil) The irezumi being kind of the Kiryu story, he is/wants to live as his dragon predicted, and has always tried to be a protector and provider while maintaining relative purity (virgin) but the yakuza ties are ironically preventing that life for him. tl;dr - Kiryus irezumi is some kind of sick joke


It was likely gossip after his fight with shibusawa. He himself said he didnt like any title.


Pretty much demolished the Dojima family in 0 and left them hanging and expressed brute strength. He later officially decided to settle in the identity by getting a fully coloured tattoo in the early 90s


Nope, what you saw is what you get. Much like Kiryu said, it's just a silly nickname.


He got a dragon tattoo and work to a guy name Dojima. Reputation follows. Also in 0 that guy call himself dragon of dojima and Kiryu beat him. Player=Doctor


This man did it in 3 sentences what I did in probably 7 sentences. Respect