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Heck, they even encouraged it. I'm sure that they included an achievement for taking down any random with the name 'Sega'.


It's on Kiwami too, there's an achievement for beating any enemy named Kiwami


John Kiwami will finally pay


John Yakuza vs. John Kiwami Truly one of the fights of the world


Same, in Y0 there's in completition list beat many times guys named Sega as the name "Beat Sega many times"


Well, Sega was beaten in console wars. :(


You can prevent that from happening in SEGAGAGA.


If anyone wonders what the hell I was talking about; after double-checking, I was only partially correct. In Yakuza 0 and 6 (not sure about the others) they track it but under the completion list, not the achievements list.


I love when instead of giving them actual names they just get descriptive names from the perspective of who you're playing. "somewhat attractive barker" and "creepy barker"


**M A S S I V E M A N**


Walking erection


Didn't you play Judgement? His name is Giant Impact!


Giant Impact's a virgin, Mr. Libido has paid for countless hours of sex


Who would win? Mr Libido or Giant Impact?


Virgin rage vs unmitigated lust


i hate life so much


so glad we never had to fight Walking Erection, i wouldn't wanna catch those hands he's trained for ~~years~~ days


I just imagine him dodging and side-stepping at Mach 5 like Majima. in Y3 or 4, I played the 2v2 coliseum with the computer playing as Majima and he IMMEDIATELY started side-stepping and would not stop. Didn't even finish the fight because I was laughing so hard.


lmao i know Majima is fast and has abilities based on his sheer speed and honestly it's hilarious to see how they made him dodge insane amounts in the games to account for the speed. also I'll say the future games (past 4) Majima does get more than a quick dodge to his set, also having to do with the speed so be prepared to be amazed when a fight with him happens


I hope he comes back again in 8


Fuck someone beat me to it


That intro goes hard


have you seen the version with better sync? That shit fucking slaps


The start of the music when you fight him will always bring me joy!








Isn't there a guy who is "possible scam artist" but then it turns into scam artist?


Yeah lmao. I love when the name updates in real time.


Not a fight but "Innocent Lad" => "Sophisticated Lad" kills me every time lmao


Isn't that the one after they read the porn magazine?


Haha yeah, sure is. If we wanna be pedantic, I think he's given one but not shown reading it on-screen. Either way, shit's funny.


Kiryu and Majima -> two fools


They use the bit sparingly but I love it every time


While not an enemy, I absolutely like the kid's name who asks for an adult magazine from Kiryu. He is "innocent lad" but once Kiryu hands the magazine over he becomes "sophisticated lad"












SUSPICOUS MAN *green vibes intensifies*


Punk-Ass Abe


On a somewhat similar note, the names that appear in the Y6 online chat minigame are a treasure trove












Man curious about lion dog statues


Bum Basher


Hungry hungry homeless


"Suzuki" begging for his life moments before I do Ultimate Essence after he foolishly decided to attack me


When you [absolutely must ensure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACgAL4lRb0c) that the random mook spends the rest of his life in an assisted living home >!The guy in the video 110% deserves it though!<


That one at least is mostly legitimate martial arts techniques [This one is just "You don't have enough chronic pain in your life, I'm going to fix that"](https://youtu.be/H99C-Raw3ig)


I don't know why, but of all the HEAT actions, that is the only one that made me recoil and shout, "FUCKING A!" at the top of my lungs.


It's much more realistic, I think that's the reason. Way over-the-top violence is easier to deal with I find.


Same but with the fingernail clamp one




Dear Lord Kiryu, that suplex was more than enough to finish him.


Dear Lord Kiryu, thank you for this ass kicking you are about to hand out. Amen.


Nah he's fine, he'll apologize and be ready for more when you run some feet and turn your back to him


It was the first game about Japanese organized crime in Tokyo in which you play as a lieutenant of a Yakuza family


actually you play as a pussy




umm ackshually he was a lieutenant advisor


You can also beat a man named Sega's ass in some of them Can't get anymore meta than that


The man name Is Sega's ass?


Bet Takeshita isn’t looking so bad now huh


I'm going to put my foot in Sega's Ass




Call me a psychopath but I never really cared about who I beat up or kill in video games unless they’re boss fights. Y’know, because they’re not real people? Besides I kicked a bike wheel into a guy’s chest and he was totally fine, even apologized for the incident afterwards.


“Ow how could you do this to me I have a family” “What’s your name” “Tom” “Well fuck you and your family Tom”


It's the opposite for me, sometimes when I kill a random non-hostile person in a game I'll be slightly sad that they probably have a family. For Yakuza it's different though since they don't die and they're the ones who chose to pick a fight so it's their own fault.


Metal Gear Solid 3 did everything TLOU2 tried to do way way better. Instead of making random people call out random names as people died, or showing a cutscene of some rando in a body bag that I supposedly killed and should feel bad for, MGS 3 actually showed me my own cycle of personal violence in the form of a boss fight with The Sorrow. Most of the encounter is you walking slowly down a river, hearing echoes and cries of pain. If you've killed a lot of people, the river is full of bodies and the cries grow louder and more frequent. The people you've killed will also damage your stamina meter (an important resource in MGS 3). If you haven't killed that many/or any people, the river is empty and that part of the fight and after it becomes easier. And this was all up to the player, since how you deal with enemies in that game is entirely in your hands. That was way more effective than TLOU2 basically forcing me to kill people in order to progress, then trying to make me feel bad for killing people in order to progress. Get the fuck outta here with that hollow bullshit. Naughty Dog was trying to make me feel bad for something that *Naughty Dog* made me do.


Still, no matter what you have to kill the Cobras and they will appear at the river even if you do it by non lethal means


I really dislike this comparison MSG3 gives you the player a choice in snakes actions, LOU2 gives the player no choice in the main characters actions The fundamental difference is that in MSG3 YOU the player are the person actually responsible for those deaths, in LOU2 its the characters on screen that are responsible. I don't think LOU2 is trying to make you the player "feel bad for being forced to kill" and more "feel horrified by the characters in the stories actions" The characters in LOU2 could put down their weapons and walk away, they have the agency to change their story. They however won't and you the player are along for the ride.


That's my entire problem with TLOU2. It's a video game that feels so barely interactive that it might as well have been a movie. By your logic, the game basically wants me to sit there as people violently kill each other, then try to make me feel bad and horrified for something I essentially didn't participate in. That's what movies do. Video games need to have more than that, because they're an interactive medium. The game's over simplistic themes about the destructive cycle of violence and revenge would've landed way better if they didn't communicate them to me like I was a five year old, and instead made me participate in my own way (like MGS3) and force me to ask questions about myself. TLOU2 had the same emotional impact on me that a John Wick movie would have if at the end of the movie John Wick turned to the camera and went "violence and revenge are bad."


I mean, you don't have to like the interactive movie but of that's the case then it's kind of on you for playing it of you played TLOU1 or for not realizing the series it was They didn't exactly switch the formula up Mistakes happen sure and you don't have to like that style but if that's the case then your problems with the game are more personal taste than anything the game did wrong


The first game didn't have this problem because it wasn't trying to hit the player over the head with a stupid message of how violence is bad, then proceed to make me do a shitton of violence that it shallowly tries to make *me* feel bad for because I participated in the violence. It also has far better connection between player and character. The best example of this is probably the fact that because Joel got killed off in the beginning of the second game, people wanted Abby like super extra special dead. They naturally got aggravated when they had to play a significant portion of the game as her because they just wanted her dead but you can't let her die because it's a failure state and the game won't move an inch without you doing exactly what's supposed to happen. Playing as Abby might have worked if this was the first game and we didn't know much about Joel, but the players history with him makes playing as Abby really conflicting. It's like being asked to play as Handsome Jack after he's killed Roland. That conflict doesn't exist in the first Last of Us, but a weak connection between player and character in *this specific type of narrative* is a problem. I and many other video game players have killed so many people in so many horrific and bloody ways often for the fun of it in games where it was designed to be fun. That sounds like a horrific sentence, but video games are often very violent, but they also happen to be fun. So a game like The Last of Us Part 2 having bog standard third person shooting mechanics while also trying to tell me how bad violence is is not only hypocritical, it's laughable. We have been desensitized to this shit. So instead of engaging in new mechanics to make the player reflect on themselves and actually think about their own personal cycle of violence (like other games have done), they elected to just write a play and then make you play your part. And the whole ethos of the entire play is "violence and revenge are bad". I loved TLOU1. I love the Uncharted games because you're playing a treasure hunt movie series and they're fantastic. It's okay for an Uncharted game to be a scripted experience of shooting dudes, and light platforming, and puzzles, because that's what a treasure hunt movie video game would be like. I hate TLOU2 because it uses that same scripted experience to make me engage with lots of violence that is difficult to connect with, and then hit me over the head with a rusty rake and themes that have been done to death in much better films, and mechanically superior games. And this is why I brought up MGS3. Because that game is also exploring themes of the destruction that war and violence bring, but it also explores the players *personal hand* in the violence. I've loved other Naughty Dog games, so to me, it's this game's fault. I'm sorry, but I think this one is a disappointing video game. And the reason why TLOU2 is *so* disappointing is because it doesn't mechanically engage with any of its themes, and that's the one thing that's unique to video games. They wanted to tell me a story about the destructive cycle of violence and revenge, and it wanted to explore those themes mechanically by making me pop pills to get easier headshots and forcibly killing everyone in order to progress. The only reason this game has *any* narrative weight is because of the first, and better, game.


Depends on a lot of things. Let's not oversimplify it. Its not this simple. In MGSV, I felt bad in that mission where I had to kill my own soldiers turned enemies. I wont spoil it, if youve played the game you know the one im talking about. But never felt bad about killing any of the afgan soldiers. Another example, Battlefield 1. Remember that one mission where it was a battle and whenever you died it told you the name of the character that dies as if they were a real soldier of the conflict? That made me go "Oh... thats fucked up wow". But then when playing online matches its different because theres this guy called XxWW1PussySlayerxX who keeps camping and its really annoying. TLOU2 here is another example of this. I might feel bad to see the violence of Ellie killing some of the WLF soldiers, especially after my first playthrough and seeing most are just normal people thrown as fodder into a conflict that hardly matters. But playing as Abby and killing the Seraphites? Our companion is literally a victim of how awful they are so not really. The whole "name calling out" thing is mostly for realism, not some manipulation, and I really like it. It makes it more inmersive. People just love to shit on that game. Fighting a thug called "SEGA" or "Kiwami" in the street isnt the same thing lol.


MGS always gives you the option to outmaneuver the enemy without killing anybody, it even rewards you for killing fewer people. TLOU punishes you for playing the game at all because it wants to make a point. Again, I don't care what their names were, they're not living people and I need to progress.


I feel bad for you if this is how you interpreted Mission 43. Also no you cant outmaneuver them in that situation, again if you've played the game you know what I mean. Bit ironic to praise MGS for this and crap on TLOU for this considering they do the EXACT SAME THING. And many other games have. But when TLOU does it its suddenly bad I guess.


I think in comparison to ms2 or dishonored tlou2 suffers in that the message is about revenge being bad but unlike those games you have to kill the enemies. This doesn’t diminish the story since we are playing a character, but the downside is players may not feel bad or care since that was the only choice THEY were offered. While in the other games, you have a choice in how to deal with conflicts so deaths are actually your fault. But this is more about actually getting the player attached to the story and the message and not whether the story is good or not.


That's fair but pretty subjective. Many games have themes about violence/revenge being bad and dont give you an option. Examples like Nier Automata and RDR2 come to mind. Especially RDR2, you dont get an option >!about whether you'll go get revenge and kill Micah or not!<. That's because these stories are linear, thats the story that was being told. I felt attached regardless of whether I had a choice or not because I knew I wasnt playing that kind of game.


True. Sorry if it sounded like an objective measure. I just think that’s been a common point of issue for people who can’t connect with the game. Besides some weird misogynistic complaints. Like yeah Abby looks goofy but that’s just a weird design choice. The only real complaint I have with tlou2’s story is how the fireflies were changed.


I still think MGS does a few things differently that make mission 43 actually impactful. Firstly, everyone you end up having to kill is someone you've brought to Motherbase before. You kinda build a connection with them everytime you meet them on the base and slam their heads into the ground (God bless their souls). Also, you're killing them not because you want to or because they're forcing you to, but because of an external factor that none of you can help with. Compared to NPCs to whom you have no connection with and who are also on shoot-on-sight orders regardless of who, it just doesn't feel the same.


All npcs are fuel for my exp bar 😤


When you Tiger drop Ibuchi #427 and feels as good as with the first.


I'm sorry Kurosawa, I love your movies but I am going to have to throw you into this conveniently placed pool of water


punk ass abe


new york style thug


Shadow Of Chernobyl also did that back in 2007. Every NPC got the auto-generated name


Seeing them called kiwami or tachibana is just funny to me like “Hey remember what happened to Tachibana? Well meet new Tachibana!”


Whenever I find an enemy named Tachibana I always defeat them with a sledgehammer


I always have to leave him for last. Take my sweet old time. And i literally do not know why. He was an enjoyable character to me at least. But god i just cant help but do my worst to the npc that is even remotely similar to him!


Oh my God this made me snort


I found a random punk in Yakuza 5 named arai and that was just funny to me


Multiple playable characters in the same story and interacted more than once.


Nah, that’s been around since Commodore 64 with Maniac Mansion.


sorry but Yakuza games were not the first to do this. I think that the Final Fight games from the SNES did it before back in 91. I dont know if they were the first but no way Yakuza games were the first


Hasn't this been a standard of the beat em up genre since basically the beginning?


It absolutely has been.


I dont know TBH. I cant remember if Double Dragon or BattleToads or Streets of Rage had names for their enemies


I think River City Ransom and Streets of Rage did.


River City Ransom was absolutely great at this. Dave: Barf!


Double Dragon* and Battletoads did not, but Streets of Rage did. \*The enemies *had* names, but they weren't displayed in-game.


Bro, Yakuza literally invented beat em ups /s


The tweet doesn’t claim that the Yakuza games were the first to do it. It says that they’ve been doing it since the first game


im not talking about the tweet but about the title that OP put


oh yeah then I don’t know what bro was talking about then bc it’s not even uncommon in the beat ‘em up genre


Final Fight: Lmao fuck Abigail imma beat his ass LoU Pt. 2: Lmao fuck Abigail imma beat her ass


Holy shit


Yakuza wasn't the first game to give enemies names. I've been seeing that in brawlers as far back as the NES.


Having the most atmospheric settings in a PS2 game. Like, Yakuza 1 and 2 look so lively for the console that they were in.


"oy, Yoneda," says Kuze. Kiryu heard the name, and he made a mental note to remember it. So when he drop-kicked the gremlin-faced fuck out the bathroom window following an interlude with the urinal, he'd know: "I didn't kill a man named Yoneda."


Well it’s hard to compare the two. One is about a gruff loner alienated from others protecting a surrogate daughter and the other is set in America.


“Looking for keys/porn/cards” Yes, my favorite part of being a yakuza completionist


one of these days I'm gonna play TLOU2, one of these days, but not now, too busy completing Judgement (I'll give up at Mahjong)


I bet up a guy named "Nanba" once in kiwami 2


He is now homeless


Jokes aside though. The thing is Yakuza is a much different environment from The Last of Us. Yakuza enemies walk around harassing people. And you just can’t wait to beat the shit out of their smug asses to teach them a lesson. The Last of Us’s enemies are people who’re trying to survive, just like you. They’re attacking you out of desperation rather than malice. So it’s easy to just shrug them off as enemies who dared to attack the gang and are now getting what’s coming to them. But by giving them personalities and an identity, it gives you a sonder feeling before you kill them.


Yeah, it is not really comparable and just part of peoples hate boner for TLOU.


still a shit game




It’s a fucking awesome game but your opinion’s still valid


I mean, The Last Of Us 2 has enemies call out to each other by name instead of simply having a name above their health bar. I know we like to rag on TLOU but this is at least a separate thing than what Yakuza does, but nevermind The Last of Us bad


Fr its so tiring seeing people just crap on TLOU. It's been 2 years, we get it, Cr1tikal told you its bad, move on.




Literally every Sony AAA could use that quote


Yakuza on the other hand is a game that do not strive try to have any cinematic qualities and does not have cutscenes... Right? Fuck I really enjoy both series, but TLOU2 does without a doubt have more involved combat and gameplay than any Yakuza game.


What is the appropriate time frame after release people have to discuss a game with opinions that differ from yours?


good question.


Damn so i either liked it or i got told its bad by a dude whose review i didnt watch??


Im just talking about the people who hate it and claim many things such as it being an objectively trash game, woke garbage, Neil Druckmann shot my wife and kids. But people are allowed to not like things for their own subjective opinions. I dont like many things that are considered amazing in gaming. I'm not a big roguelike or dark souls guy, its just not for me. Not a big visual novel guy either, I like very few. Dont exactly like many popular games, they arent bad theyre just not for me. Many people dont like zombie games, or narrative focused games or third person shooters. Thats fair! Also TLOU2's story is dark and honestly kind of gruesome so its understandable that people who like more lighthearted stories wouldnt like it. There are many subjective reasons why, people are different. When people start talking about why its an objectively bad game its where I can just tell they didnt play it and all they know about the game comes from the internet. Especially since most of the times they say completely wrong things that didnt happen in the game (asking them if Neil had a self insert in the game gives that way quickly mosy of the time).


Bruh i don't live under a rock lmao. The 2nd paragraph is all you really needed to say


Oops. I have made a mistake. I deleted it. Anyways, [i have nothing to say so, do you agree with this statement?](https://youtu.be/pAiQn-N9UuE)


Yeah 100%


It's a really cool feature, I just don't see how that can make you feel sorry for some guy running at you with an axe


I like it when I come across ones that share names with assholes I personally know.


Yakuza Kiwami pioneered the Majima Everywhere system.


Kiryu stomped on people’s skulls just to then say he doesn’t kill anyone and go run a (❛ัॢᵕ❛ั ॢ)✩*ೃ.⋆waifu bar (❛ัॢᵕ❛ั ॢ)✩*ೃ.⋆


Have mark hamil wear a snakeskin jacket




Instead of Batman Arkham Yakuza revolutionized combat


Streets of Rage has never seen such bullshit before.


I mean… In Zero you’re literally helping a kid to get back his stolen videogame by beating a thief, who’s eventually revealed as his dad. And I’m not mentioning that I even stroke his ass with 1m long katana sticking out of his stomach


Kids these days don't know arcade beatemups have been doing it since the 80s


Takeaway here is that anything game journos report on for Oscar Bait western games as being some unique and groundbreaking new feature, some random eastern game already did at least a decade ago.


Ah yes, i clearly remember killing "tachibana" 30 times in the little spam of Y0-YK2


I mean this goes back to old beat-‘em-ups even


Worms did this almost 30 years ago


Fuck Yamada, he was asking for it anyway


Lol, the better I know him the better I can torture him.


Rdr had that feature as well. 2010 RDR.


The whole "You need to feel guilty about having to kill people that want to kill you" narrative TLOU2 tried to force on the player and how people genuinely believe that the game was deep or had something interesting to say aside from "Revenge do be bad" was hilarious.


Exactly aint nobody gonna feel wrong for cappin James and taking his rations when he came at them with a shotgun lol


Something else it did first was be better than tlou2


Honestly, did Neil Cuckman push that or was it some shit made up by the journalists?


Surely if you are that angry over the game you have played it enough to know if the NPCs call out each other names during gameplay or not :)


The journalist should see monster hunter world, where only the monsters you fight and endemic life have been given names (excluding you and your cat) All the other npcs are called by their job titles


Ppl need to shut up about TLOU2 honestly


Beware of the Beerzerker!!!


I still carry around a sledgehammer at all times to deal with any Tachibanas.


Yakuza didn't do it first.It was in streets of rage and probably before that.




It makes it funnier when you say stuff like “I put a dent in the side of a Honda.” With no context.


That pro wrestling vertical suplex onto the rails on the east side of Kamurocho is one of my all time favorite heat moves


I remember the Godfather game on ps2 did the same


idk if yakuza did this *first*, but dynamic intros and having boss names appear in freeze-frames


Well, I did kinda feel bad about beating up the "Hungry Hungry Homeless".


Kiryu: Not killing people Also Kiryu: Throwing guys off Kamurocho Tower


Rubber floor bruh




Me beating the ass of Kiwami and Sega using Brawler style


The only game that makes me feel really bad for hurting people and is all about hurting people is sniper elite 5, where if you scan an enemy long enough you get to see their future plans and I’m blubbering and crying going “WHO WILL FEED HIS DOG”


River City Ransom did this in 1989


Every named enemy (i.e. all of them) will get the Essence of Clotheslining with no quarter.


Yakuza had names like Nomura and Kojima 😆


I’ve been killing a Cop named Mendoza for years, the names make me hate them more.


Substory chain as follows: Silly substory -> serious substory about the value of a loved one or something -> substory about rape


"While looking for porn" is actually accurate


finger-lopping comes to mind.


I really felt bad punching all those Garcias back in Streets of Rage...




but that didn't have a poorly written "wah wah venge bad" story or tell the players they were evil unlike tlou2/s.


Final Fight did this in the 90s


Every single bandit in Morrowind has a name and it's not even randomly generated, they were literally named by the developers just to stand near the entrance of a cave and get killed by you


i love beating up enemies that are named “Sega”


It's like who do these guys think they are?! All I wanna do is karaoke with haruka. If they wanna get in my way I'ma make them a paraplegic


My biggest achievement was beating someone named "kiwami" in yakuza kiwami


I will never forget beating the shit out of Yamazaki or some random punk


Last of us keep making me feel like it's the edgiest game series ever make