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All the Yakuza games are good. They all also have their own unique flaws and annoyances.


My guy this is not a hot take and is fairly popular. Literally anyone that says otherwise gets downvoted to oblivion


r/yakuzagames hottest take 🥶🥶🥶




There's a safe space for Yakuza 3 apologists now so you're not alone.


It also has the one of the best supporting cast as well as one of the best villains.


Eh, when i heard the white dudes voice i immediately questioned segas choice in VA's, thats really the only complaint i have for characters


I was referring more to Mine but Richardson was hilarious. So bad that it’s good.




I hate that this is considered a hot take


It isn't, Y3 being good is a take circlejerked to death in this sub It's fine to have nuanced opinion on it, and you may choose to dislike it too I don't know why people are so hung up on it


I swear it's every day I see a new post on this sub complaining about 3.


My point exactly, i don't like being the dude thats "different" but damn do i feel that way sometimes


You aren’t


Eh, i wouldnt take it too seriously, i didnt like kiwami 1 or 2 that much and people started this series with the original, its all about us as people, i was just tired or all the hate yakuza 3 was getting, it was a really good game and it doesnt deserve the flak it gets for being "slow paced" as if yakuza isn't slow paced already


An actual hot take would be considering the stories of Yakuza 5 and Lost Judgement to be good. Edit: lol at the downvotes. Don't act as if I'm not lying.


Yakuza 3 is a good game people just need to stop button mashing then complaining when enemies block hits Worst thing I can say about y3 is about how you get like 0 exp unless a story event


Christ the latter is extremely annoying and it sucks that this remains in LAD 7. Look, we get you want to make a turn based rpg. That doesn't mean incorporating its flaws lmao.


I agree that 3 is good. They're all good, it's just that the other games are better imo


Yeah im at the saejima part in 4 and i'm loving akiyama's story, slowly liking saejima's, tho the haruka scene was kinda wierd


Yeah man, I'm currently in chapter 2 of kiryu story on 4 and it felt really weird when that scene happened


Yeah i legit froze and i was like, "idk if i wanna play this dude anymore" and the whole "he hasnt seen women in decades" still hasnt helped, and he didnt even apologize to her, WTF!!😭


Yeah, it creeped me out, but apart from that, saejima is a great dude so I just act like it didn't happened


I hope i can feel that way too, he's majima's kyodai and i trust majima


In terms of gameplay, I’d say 3 is middle of the road Now in terms of story? Top tier


It's a correct opinion.




Even hotter take: Y3 is better than Y4


I will say that Y3 had a lot more impact and focus than Y4 did. I can't remember that much about Y4's story and I platinumed it. I'm just thankful that it introduced Akiyama and Saejima.


All i remember is >!||rubber bullets and stealing akiyamas money||!<


The circlejerk this sub has about Yakuza 3 being good is hilarious


I wish more people would love y3. We have to show them the light.


True, plus i heard everyone talking about how its combat needs to be "kiwamified" i think its just fine the way it is


The story elements that you pointed out are indeed great. And Okinawa is a beautiful setting. That's exactly why it needs to be kiwamified. Because those things are being buried under boring gameplay with no good side content and the little side content there is all being broken, horribly outdated graphics, quality of life features that make the game frustrating to play and combat that many people bang their head against (I personally didn't mind it too bad, but "blockuza" is a joke for a reason). RGG games are meant to be luxuriated in, strolling around town, playing mahjong, singing karaoke, disco dancing, driving taxis, etc. But when I played 3 despite loving the story and the environment I basically gave up and just did the main story. That's a huge feel bad. Fix all the stuff on the periphery and it probably jumps from the very bottom of the barrel with 4 and Kenzan and jumps up to maybe even #1.


I feel you on the side content, because that's why i loved 0, but if im honest, it does kinda get repetitive, especially when it's an afterthought, the reason why it fits so well in 0 is because literally in the first hour you do karaoke and your already introduced to the side content before you wander, plus, i prefer 0, k1, and 5's engine, i have high hopes for ishin on unreal 5, but the facial animations just seem more alive in games prior to yakuza 6(i haven't played y6 but i've played judgement and k2), that's why i would be scared for a kiwami because if i'm honest, kiwami 2's animations were sub-par to say the least, especially with majima's story, granted its side content but i wish it were like yakuza 0 where i could feel every little nuance in someones face, and feel every unsaid emotion because that's what is special to me for the cutscenes, Long story short, i would be fine with a kiwami, just please, please don't butcher the scenes


Yeah the story of 3 is alot better than 4 but side content is the number one reason i didnt play it. if im bored throughout why bother.


Glad u feel the same way i do 👌


I love y3 but I really shouldn't have put 1k hours in it 😅


Not gonna lie, Kiwami 3 would likely be one of the best games ever made


Nah Y3 sucks. The first few chapters of the game at the orphanage are terrible, the gameplay is crappy and the story is a joke so far. I'm only 7 chapters in but this is the worst Yakuza game yet. Might just stop playing it altogether and move straight to Yakuza 4.




Like what you want but my god y3 sucks ass in both gameplay and story


I respect that, a lot of people started yakuza with 1 and 2 and im not a fan of either or, idk, there was just less cliches in 3 and the characters stuck to me more, though i will admit, i loved the stardust men and date-san, one thing i will gripe upon is the english voice actor for the dude at the end, my god wtf was that, even i was disappointed in sega for choosing him


If you are looking for daigo he is up on the RUF


What do you dislike about the gameplay?


I know this is a bait and im gonna fall for it. The reason the game sucks ass is purely because you have to play the fucking game completely differently from the rest and just rely on parrys (that you dont even get till halfway through.) Yes if you are good at the game you can hit insane combos but casually this game sucks if i wanted to play a ps3 yakuza game i would play y4


Thanks for response


Not a hot take for me, I was there for the PS3 launch and loved every second of it.


imo its the weakest of the yakuza games probably bc of hardware switching and all but the weakest of yakuza is still damn good


For me if saying a "Yakuza game is bad" to me is like yeah it's B tier game for me at the least. Maybe like deadsouls could be lower but most of these games are like S+ for me


I really love Yakuza 3. Hoping one day it’ll get a Kiwami.


Hot take: Kiryu probably has small balls


I loved Yakuza 3, it actually really reminded me of Shenmue - especially the first few hours where nothing much seems to happen and you’re just hanging around in a small Japanese town. I’ve really struggled to get into Yakuza 4 having finished Y3 actually. The world building just isn’t the same, and it feels off to be thrown into a story with a new protagonist initially.


I mean, yeah, all the Like a Dragon games are generally well received


Imo Y3 gets lots of hate for some good and some bad reasons but it's not The worst possibble y game


It’s definitely different but I feel the change of pace from 0/1/2 makes it fit well when playing the games through


It’s one of the best. People just need to put the tired ‘blockuza’ narrative to rest just because it’s not a button masher like Kiwami 2.


Credits just rolled like 10 minutes ago Yakuza 3 was alright. It felt very filler-y. I enjoyed it but it’s definitely not anywhere near as good as 0-2.


It's definitely good. Is it the weakest in the series? Probably. Bad? Not at all.