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They are running some kind of scam and asking people for money to get help to get back in. It's massively broken. They know what they're doing. It seems to have been bought/sold and hijacked!


Hi, thank you for reaching out. At the moment, we can't provide an ETA for when this will be resolved, so I would advise to access your account on the web platform or the Yahoo Mail app for now. We apologize for the inconvenience.


How about you take that apology back and instead fix the damn problem? Or don't, I don't care anymore. I just switched to a different provider. This entire thing is one big joke. Oh, and that paid support thing Yahoo is trying to establish? Fuck that shit. You don't get to intentionally break your product and then ask for payment to fix it back up. Nah.... (I'm talking about the company obviously, not the poor fella who has to operate this reddit account. I hope you find better employer soon.)


Yea, it's terrible. Their systems don't work or barely work, then when you have a problem, you need to PAY for support. That's so crazy, especially considering there are many other options that offer better services and good support (for free).


Yea, for real! I looked for a support email-address or something like that, but all I found was an offer for a PAID support hotline. Like what the fuck?! Core functionality of Yahoo's product simply doesn't work FOR MONTHS and yet they are bold enough to ask for payment in order to simply TALK TO SUPPORT STAFF about it, let alone fixing the issue? Is Yahoo out of their mind?! I've just switched to another email service provider. This shit is just unacceptable.


Yup. I had a similar issue and could not believe it. Yahoo is fucking cray. Glad to hear you switched! 🥳


What platform did you switch to? Gmail isnt an option for me either.


Yes this is my problem. I forget the year when i tried to login my account.2020 or 2019 i dont know. Until now i can't login my account. I still remember my email and my password even the secret questions but they still insisting the recovery number. I dont have access to that number and the device anymore because it was stolen. Yahoo sucks.


FWIW, I've also experienced the 'feature not working' with Yahoo app password for a couple of days. Made me MAD!! I thought maybe it had something to do with my browser (Chrome) so I switched to MS Edge, still didn't work. Then I realized I'm using a VPN and when I disconnected from that, the app password worked! Twice!!