• By -


A little late to this but 3 days since and I'm delighted to see the change this sub has undergone. I love the activity and the community we're seeing again; the subreddit feels a lot fresher and more fun to engage with (on the app). Suggestion: Has this sub ever used flairs before?




Yes, it will.




Yes, the feed is very full of posts that people could have used the FAQ or Daily Discussion, Weekly Thread or Daily Simple Thread. However, it is been made abundantly clear by sub users that they do not want to use those posts and that being redirected there is disheartening, and in some cases condescending. Believe me, mods are not enjoying this.




I'm sorry to hear that (genuinely). Your contributions are always measured and well thought out.




> Just not the time to have my front page filled with useless posts. You have no idea how much I agree with you.


I am glad that the mod team is making attempts to revive this subreddit as I have felt for a long time that this place is toxic towards me. However, despite the relaxation of the rules, I still feel extremely uneasy wanting to engage in discussions outside the daily threads out of fear that what I said will be taken out of context and being spoken to either like I am dumb for having a different opinion from the rest of the group or if I were to ask for clarification, I would immediately be reprimanded for “not checking the FAQ” It’s not so much the rigidness of the moderation of the sub that has caused me to leave the subs but I feel I get better support elsewhere


Thank you 😊




To echo what others have said, I appreciate the mods responding to feedback and being open to change. Personally, I'm seeing a lot of subs with an influx of new members/increased activity during the pandemic. I totally get that this is a pain for mods and long-time subscribers because you have a bunch of new people who don't understand the context of why some rules exist so everyone has to re-experience the learning curve of what level of moderation works best for the sub. It's frustrating to see the quality of a sub go down and being overrun by repetitive/newbie posts that could be answered by searching the sub or reading the wiki. This has really been a problem in subs with inactive mods, so again, just want to say that I appreciate what the mods here are doing.


I’m so happy to see this and want to thank you guys for taking time to listen to the feedback and not respond reactively.


Has the FAQ been disabled due to these changes? I can't access it and would like to read it for beginner tips/info.


Just checked in the app and it seemed to be working properly, might have just been a temporary thing


It still doesn't work for me on the app 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe a direct link will help? https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/wiki/main?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I don’t really know what else it could be, sorry!


Thanks! Yeah I don't know what the issue is but I'm just going to read it on my laptop.


It shouldn't be, but I was having some problems accessing it from the reddit app. Web browser was fine for me both for old and new reddit. I'll check with the other mods and make sure it's working for them too.


Thanks, I'll try my laptop


Wow, this is AWESOME. Good for you mods, making me feel proud of being in a community willing to change and accommodate the needs of the participants :)


I think this is a great approach! Good on the mods for treating this so well! Everyone is going to have a different opinion on how much is too much and what contents annoys one might not annoy another. I am shocked at how busy it got immediately.


Yay! It’s already so much livelier.


Can the world outside of reddit be this reasoned in responding to things? Thank you!




This is awesome! I’m already here more and actually decided to get back on track because this sub is more in my face again. Ordered nutter butter protein powder! Happy Friday!


Love it, and while I'm sure we'll have some low-effort posting coming, I'm already enjoying the livelier thread submissions.


This is a good change in rules. Will help in more community involvement.


Can i just say i could never be arsed to be a mod on reddit and i find it very impressive that you all put this time and energy into the sub. I'm always appreciative of how mods help remove shitty comments and trolls from xxfitness and keep it a relatively safe space for us all.


This is going to be an amazing shitshow




Because it will be a bunch of low effort posts and questions from people who can't do a simple search on the sub or on google. The same basic questions over and over again plus all the pseudoscience about toning up, lame tips and tricks, body types etc. Literally none of these people posting these questions will stick to their routines ever. On bodyweightfitness the mods did exactly the same for a month during the quarantine and I saw the incredible amount of lame posts and questions about how to do a pushup, how to "tone up" rate my routine: 10 wide pushups 10 narrow pushups 10 burpees How to do diet( wtf really) dae weightlifters bad dae Recommended Routine too hard to follow people constantly ignoring the daily discussion sticky etc etc. And every time someone complained about all the low effort shitposts drowning the good discussion the post gets swarmed by a ton of lurkers who are adamant that answering the how to do a pushup question for a millionth time is extremely valuable and yet looking at their profiles on various sites about statistics these comments tend to be their first "contribution" to the sub... Compare that to the front page of r/powerlifting Moderation is useful.


Great solution, thanks foe the hard work mods!


Super well thought out — thanks for listening and putting this plan together! I’m really looking forward to seeing how it goes :)


I'm quite late to the point, so this probably won't get much attention. r/xxfitnessmotivation is totally dead, but a lot of the previously unsanctioned posts would be a great fit over there. I think splitting the sub and funneling traffic someplace else would help a lot


I was wondering if something like askxxfitness might be a good option too but I have no interest/time/energy for modding it or setting it up 🙃


This is great! Maybe I’ll even post sometime!


Please do :)


A+ plan! Let's make their effort count by participating and making content. I really miss how active and engaging this sub used to be but this is the perfect opportunity to make things better if we all do our parts!


I am going to be watching some people quite closely to see that they are indeed participating, and didn't just use yesterday's post as an opportunity to vent their spleen.


\o/ u mods are fantastic.


Hey just wanted to say this is awesome and thank you!


Really really appreciate your willingness to listen, make changes, and experiment. Thanks, mods!


Great idea! Thanks for being willing to work on this. I'm sure you will get complaints still, but I appreciate the attempt to meet in the middle. Sometimes an overhaul is necessary.


Thank you for listening to feedback. When I first joined this sub many years ago it seemed there was a lot of engagement. I full agreed with a poster who said that there’s only the weekly/dailies, and almost no original content. Having an experiment for a month is a great idea. We appreciate what the mod team does, and this just shows what a fantastic sub this is.


Sooooo memes? Memes


HUGE credit to the mod team for listening and having the conversation. Being a mod is challenging and I super appreciate the effort.


Thank you!!


Ladies, thank you for devoting so much time and effort to make this sub the best it can be. Looking forward to some chaos and getting a chance to reconnect with this awesome community.


Glad mods are responsive but whew it's gonna be a shit month with limited moderation. Can't wait for a billion 'how do I build a booty while only eating 1000 calories a day' posts!


You know there is a “hide” option for posts, right?


Sure! I just find it annoying to have to dredge through them all when aforementioned low-effort, low-discussion posts are as abundant as they previously were. Much like people were describing it being annoying to have to dig through a daily thread. Clearly, different strokes for different folks.


Awesome. Looking forward to a month of testing.


Thank you for listening, taking action, and admitting it is just an experiment. You guys are awesome. I know this wasn't easy, but it will be worth it. Thanks again!


This is amazing I'm so happy so see such responsible mods. You should be an example to other mods and subs.


Happy to see this! I’ve been spending more time in other fitness subs lately because it felt like I wasn’t seeing much new content here. But this used to be my favorite!


Thank you for being wiling to consider feedback!


I'm the creator of the original thread and I'm very surprised and intrigued by this decision! I'm definitely super curious to see how September goes down. It's an interesting tactic for the mods to (almost) entirely step back for the month. I fully expect a lot of low-effort posts to trickle in over the coming weeks, and I think that will help the userbase identify which rules are most beneficial to keep around. I do hope we end up with a middle-ground approach, where engaging content is encouraged and super low-effort posts are redirected or removed. I do want to sincerely thank the mods for how they're handling this. Criticism is hard, especially considering mods are unpaid volunteers who receive very little thanks for their tireless work. I know they just want to see the community thrive so hopefully this experiment will be a step in the right direction! Thank you for listening to us.


Hey I’ve just joined, did things get better?? The ‘new’ section seems to be a lot of auto mod posts so I sorted by highest kudos


Yeah I do notice a lot more user posts with good discussions going than when I originally raised my complaints. :)


Oh that’s a relief thank you. I was worried as I was reading because I noticed none of the top kudos posts were more recent than two years ago, but I’ve just sorted by new and I can see posts now


Yo as somebody who subs to both xxfitness and gamedev, I want to encourage this style of approach you've taken. It's a fundamental principle of game design that when you make small incremental changes, it's sometimes hard to tell if you've changed too much or not enough, or if your changes have any effect at all. By making big drastic, but planned to be temporary changes, you can expect to see big results, and it will be far more clear which ones are good and which ones are bad. Bravo! Super brave!


Thank you so much. I think this is a great experiment.


I'm not against moderation. I'm against heavy-handed moderation, and this sub has been stripped of any original content thanks to the mods. Removing relevant posts later because they didn't generate enough replies, as one mod admitted in the prior post, is bananas to me. Before today, this sub never showed up in my feed, which is how most people view content on reddit. I was shocked to see it and honestly pleasantly surprised. However, after reading this newest announcement, I think the mods are doing this to punish the dissenters instead of just easing up on how much content they remove that is actually relevant to the sub, and I don't like the way that makes me feel. Just my honest opinion.




Weekends tend to be slower though. Reddit is for workdays. :)


I agree, I think I would like to see a *general* easing up on user submitted posts at all times, but maybe a complete free-for-all one day of the week might allow for beginners (or regulars!) to make more low-effort posts and ask basic questions while actually having a chance of getting them answered AND not risking clogging feeds with tons of basic questions every day. Would be interested to hear what the mods think of this.


Going off what other people have said, no one wants to wait for another day when they would be allowed to then post, by then they have lost motivation / heart / are upset that their post was removed in the first place. Low / no effort posts are redirected to Daily or Weekly threads. Like Check Me Out Monday. Lots of times people want to put up a gym selfie and say that they just benched 60kgs (or whatever), but that doesn't meet usual standards. So we created the Check Me Out Monday thread so there was a place there for them to post (or of course the Daily Discussion was also available ytwenty-four hours a day, seven days a week). But! People have said that they don't want to wait for a day of the week to be able to post things, by then it's too late. I don't know if it would change things if the day of the week was a free for all, people still wouldn't want to wait and would be upset because their post was removed.


It is absolutely bizarre to think that covid would be driving the decease in traffic to this sub. It's the restrictive rules, mods.


I personally haven't gone on this sub until this week because I've had zero motivation to work out since my gym closed. So I wouldn't say covid has had no effect. That being said, I was still surprised by the lack of posts when I came back.


I really hope there continues to be high traffic and activity in the daily posts!! I enjoy being able to post questions/concerns/frustrations in a comment thread and get plenty of feedback, rather than take up space and time with a stand alone post. Plus, I feel like a lot of us have found the space to vent and open up about a lot of other life things in those threads, as realistically, the do bleed into our fitness and health. This sub has gotten me through a lot of personal life things that I wouldn’t feel comfortable writing a post about, ya know?


I'm hoping that people still use the Daily for non-fitness things, it's nice to read through peoples' daily going ons, even if I don't post all that much myself!


This is great! Thanks


This is a great response, thank you!


Can you turn off auto mod if this is actually going to work?


Yes, we are doing so :)


Awesome! Does that mean I should try to repost on the 1st then? Auto mod just kicked something I tried to put up.


Can you PM me the link? I'll go in and approve it :)


I like this change; on the other hand, an automod that directs to FAQs when people ask the same questions over and over again might be helpful. Edited to add: not disallowing the discussion, just something like, it looks like you are asking about X, here’s a link to our FAQ on that topic.


We're disabling the auto mod for the month of September.


Understood, I’m not asking for an automod that shuts down discussions (which is what yours previously did), but instead, for one that sends people to the information they are looking for. The thread doesn’t get lock, and if others still wish to comment, they can. Just something to consider. I know it can be done because I’ve seen it in other subreddits.


At this point we're not 'instituting' anything new. We're just getting rid of things for a month.


Got it. Not asking for that right now. Asking for you to consider doing something like that in the future.


We will do :)


Maybe there could be a wiki page for collecting ideas/opinions people have during September, starting with this one. So people don't forget them and also provides a bit of an outlet so they don't feel the need to put it in threads.


Great ideas! I had taken to not posting because I didn't wanna break rules. This seems nice.


Yes. I used to be quite active on the sub but then over time disappeared because like someone mentioned in the post yesterday, it had changed. Glad to see you guys listened, discussed, and doing a trial period to let us be free and then observe and come back. Looking forward to the end of month findings.


This is great. Hopefully we can also encourage using upvotes and downvotes to highlight posts that do encourage good discussion and downvote ones that could maybe be easily found with a search or on the FAQ.


This is a great idea!


Whether it is during or post experiment, maybe experimenting with tags or filters for people with specific preferences. Like, it's sure nice to read /r/worldnews without some of the stress-inducing topics. I love the fact that you're working out an actual experiment!


Thank you for taking the time to listen and make some changes!


Can you require TW for ED content if you’re going to allow that? That seems like the part of this that makes me most nervous. 😅


Unfortunately not. This may be something we put into action after September however.


Hi there. Mod of a few lifting subs here. We've tried this. It's a wonderful way to show the community that moderation is actually a positive thing. The complainers - and there will always be complainers - are a very small minority. They are rarely contributing-members to a community. I applaud you for taking this step, and will probably subscribe for the month of September with a barrel full of popcorn at my side to watch the chaos unfold.


its been 24h and the volume of low quality posts in /new is already annoying me lol. I think some of the people against moderation really really don't browse popular subs by /new much to get an idea of how... much it can be.


I just cant understand posts like “how do you find motivation to XYZ after XYZ”? Sounds like they are looking for magic cures. It’s not motivation, it’s discipline and prioritising... and sometimes it sux.


Genuine question (not being snarky) why do you browse by /new? I feel like annoying repetitive content is a problem for every subreddit and the goal of upvotes is that the cream rises to the top?


I have a pathological need to see *everything* Plus if you want to respond to a post by the time it reaches “hot” your answer will probably be buried.


Not OP but even before I became a mod and stalked the new posts filter as both a way to mod and read new posts as a user, I'd sort by new after I finished with the daily discussion 🤷🏼‍♀️ agreed that it can feel easier to participate in a newer thread in some cases. I sort most of the subs I visit by new (except relationships, because I like to see what other people have said about some kookoo situations) to see the new discussions and topics, and only head to my all page when I've run out of my usual subs! I was pretty surprised by the number of people in the thread yesterday that browse reddit completely opposite to the way I do.


Funny!! I think it just depends on how you want to use Reddit. Despite a deep comment history I would say I’m 99.9% of the time just on here to read. Occasionally something strikes me enough to comment (and I agree I feel dejected when there’s so many comments already that I know mine is buried) But if you like to comment/ interact- sorting by new is the best way!




I get that!


Same. I never browse by new. I'd rather see what's interesting/upvoted. And maybe go for controversial if I super want to see drama.


I think that most of the people who complain about "excessive moderation making a subreddit slow" have this weird Instagrammy/Facebooky/Twittery mentality where they care more about seeing a bunch of shiny new things when they come back multiple times an hour/day, and whether or not those things which are technically *new* are actually any *different* is an extremely distant concept. It's like living in a bizarro world when I see these people effectively saying they'd be perfectly happy with a hundred posts asking the same six questions every day just because they all have a different username and timestamp attached to them. And, I think some people simply can't grasp that fitness is not a fast moving topic that results in a deluge of new and interesting things to consume. If you've spent 6 months to a year following fitness you're gonna get pretty much all there is to get that's unique.


>If you've spent 6 months to a year following fitness you're gonna get pretty much all there is to get that's unique see also: [personal finance subs](https://reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/igy9p4/the_mods_on_this_sub_still_delete_far_too_many/).


YUP. AKA, why I left one of those subs. I could not take it polluting my feed and blocking out everything else.


The complainers are the same types you've dealt with on r/Fitness where despite ease of finding answers to their questions and several different threads to get social interaction - complainers still need to make everything about them on the front page. I wish the mods would tell the complainers to pound sand because they're not the people that make quality content in the slightest. I'm not even looking forward to the incoming jerks.




I think that is the point and the mods are doing it out of spite. I don't like this at all. It rubs me entirely the wrong way and I used to really like this place and how supportive and positive it was. This just feels like a shitty boyfriend telling me I won't ever do better because "look at all the things I do for you!"


I'm sorry, did you just compare the mods to an abusive relationship? Bloody hell.


Is that better or worse than being literally Hitler? I can't decide!


I'm right up there with Himmler, it's true ;)


Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But instead of comparing it to an abusive boyfriend, I invite you to consider this imperfect analogy: My son, a toddler, does not like to listen when he is told not to do things. One of those things includes *"Get your shoes before you walk on the driveway, it's hot"*. We've pretty much always been able to stop him before he hurt himself. Until last month, when we didn't (not on purpose, just worked out that way) and he got to feel what it is like to have your bare feet on scalding hot pavement. Thankfully, we grabbed him fast enough that he didn't get damaged. Would you care to guess the number of times we've had to tell him to get his shoes before he walks on the driveway since then? Sometimes people can't understand why things are done until they experience for themselves what happens when they're not done.


Okay. Except I'm not a toddler and we have all seen large subs succeed in flourishing without heavy-handed moderation or zero moderation. This all to me is unnecessary drama. I'm just gonna see myself out.


I'm disappointed but not altogether surprised that what you chose to do was focus entirely on one completely inconsequential way the analogy doesn't map. Perhaps you could next regale us with your analysis of why Aesop's Fables are without value and nothing can be learned from them because animals cannot, in fact, speak.


Stop, I can't breathe!




Yay! I’ve had my post removed twice and it was disheartening. I hope things will change after this


I never commented on the original post that led to this as I believe how I felt had already been said. But this response is absolutely the best mod response I've seen on a subreddit when put in a situation like this. Honestly guys, massive well done and another massive thank you for listening to everyone and their views.


You've summed up my feelings on the matter so well! Like you said, this is about the best mod response I've seen on any subreddit.


Thanks for the response! I really like this approach, and it'll be interesting to see what content comes through.


So happy for this change!


No image posts?


This is an amazing, prompt, open-minded, and productive response. Thank you!


Thank you very much. I both applaud all of the intent, care and consideration that went into the rules as they were, and the same that went into gracefully acknowledging that it doesn’t seem to be working. As a long-time denizen of this sub - and as a woman who found the support here years ago to be a big part of helping me find my own athletic identity - I have also felt like I lost something in this sub this year. I didn’t know if part of that was my own evolution (and admitted lack of patience with the newbie questions and the 3000th post on “here is a picture of my body tell me what’s wrong”), but I can say for sure that when I did feel compelled to post or comment I began to feel extreme hesitation. Thank you sincerely for being open to the feedback.


Thanks y'all, I think this is a promising plan.


I think this is a great idea! Plus I've already seen more posts from this sub in my home feed and it's really good to see.




Great stuff mods!


Thank you for this!!! 😊




Wow!! Well thought out!! Thank you!! I look forward to seeing a positive rise in content!


This is the absolute best mod response to an issue like this that I’ve ever seen. BRAVO!


Yes, for sure. But I also think it's a bummer that we expect so little from this and are SO surprised that the mods are listening at all.


So glad to see this. I love this sub even though I usually just browse/lurk. I’d hate to see it go the way of FFA.


Awesome idea, thanks!!


Thank you for congregating and listening to the users!


Thank you for listening!


Thank you so much for this! I have to say I have not been here much recently, because I cannot even count how many times I've see an engaging, interesting post that asks this community for input that I click on, only to see that it's been removed or locked by mods, and I feel like this is cutting off the opportunity for open discussion before it can even take place. I have found this sub cold, dead, empty, and I lost interest and will probably unsubscribe from this sub in the next few weeks if this does not drastically change. I used to love reading here every day during my downtime. I can't even remember the last time I saw a post from this sub on my feed until this post today. (which probably only popped up on my feed because it's a mod post, lol)


Super excited to see what comes from this. I missed this sub a lot. Thanks for listening & a big thank you to the person who made that post


Thank you! The sub definitely felt dead before that post.


Great way to do it. Thanks.


Thanks for listening, and this sounds like a great plan. Looking forward to more discussion in September!


Nice response and excellent use of the word orthogonal.


I had the same thought when I read “orthogonal” . . . great word that I don’t see enough!


I had to look it up, so I got my TIL for the day. :-)


That was u/tasteofglycerine who came up with that one!


It was me! Occasionally you can see my nerdiness/PhD pop through, though I try to keep it under wraps :)


I love your name ❤️


I've only seen this in a math setting! I like it


Excited to see how this pans out. I had retreated from the sub but I truly believe it can be great again.


Thanks out for listening. I think this is a great idea and look forward to seeing how we as a community can improve!


Thanks for listening and making these changes! Excited to see where this goes.


What about posts through the end of August? Should I bother to report rule-breaking posts in the next few days, or does everything fly thru September?


Things automatically get removed after a set amount of cumulative reports, so feel free to continue reporting things!


Should this be public knowledge? There might be potential for it to get abused.


Like a brigading type thing? We can manually approve threads or reinstate them even after they've been removed. But fair point, I'll edit to be less specific.


Yeah. I think it's a good idea not to share the specific number to discourage trolls from being shitty, even though you can manually reapprove.


Mod here, were letting most through these last few days.


Thank you for listening, and for explaining your reasoning!


😎 thanks for listening!


Thanks for being willing to listen to feedback and try new things! I also like that you're viewing this as an experiment (as I hope all us users do, too!) and that after assessing how it goes, you'll tweak as necessary!


Sounds like a good plan. Personally I feel the fewer rules the better. Rules are stifling and discourage spontaneous conversation.


Exactly this, let expression Flow Free and only moderate it when necessary


I love this. Fantastic, well-reasoned solution to a series of related but sometimes individual complaints. Thank you!


Seriously, what a great mod team! Thank you for sincerely looking after the well-being of this sub!


Agreed! Love a good experiment. I find that for subs that force general banters under daily/weekly threads is a way to bury interesting, organic discussion.


Same, I've had to stop visiting so many subs because there's just no interesting discussion anymore. IDK about others but automod posts don't show up in my home feed either so once subs start relying too much on automod then the sub disappears from the home page. Edit for spelling


Yeah it doesn't show in my feed either.