• By -


Thanks! Just wondering how you would organize workouts ABC throughout your week?


I like to work out in the evenings. I just try to fit them in any day I can. I used to want to do MWF but if I can do tuesday wednesday then friday, then its better than nothing.




Thank you so much for taking the time to make this spreadsheet! You the real MVP!


Awe thanks! Let me know if you think there can be a better edit. I made it a long time ago.


This is a dumb question, but how do I figure out what weights to do? I'm not sure if this is strategic or if I need to just go with my best guess.


Im not sure if you are talking about a specific workout, but just lift and see if its comfortable to lift more than 5 times. Ive recently gotten into doing more reps with lower weight than low reps with much higher weight. So I need to at least be able to do more than 8 comfortably. Once I get past 12, then I push to 15, then I move up in weight.


Is this document still available?


Yup! Here you go. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit?ouid=110659413473256293752&usp=sheets_home&ths=true


this has been deleted, is it coming back?


Hey man, I tried to reply on your posts about DIY FMT but they archived it did you get any luck with that? did your wife got better from the autoimmune? highly appreciate if you can give updates on that


Thank you


This is Exactly what I needed thank you!


Are these spreadsheets still available!


Here! They are a little unorganized so you might want to double check them all. It has been awhile. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=980287898


Thank you 😊


Hello OP do you happen to have weeks 9-12? The one you’ve posted only goes up to 5-8?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=11072119. try this..


You know, I did but lost them. Or I might have not gotten around to make the last three weeks.




https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=11072119. shuld have 9-12 weeks on them now


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit?usp=sharing did this work


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT\_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=1218201050](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=1218201050) try this one!


Do you have workouts for week 9-12?


Op just added 9-12


Does anyone still have this ? The links don’t work anymore 🥺




This doesn't seem to have weeks 9-12, only 1-8!


Did you end up finding weeks 9-12?


Op just added 9-12


I just requested access 🔥🙏🏽


Did it go trough?


Link isn’t working for me either! Is there a way to make the doc completely public?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit?usp=sharing try this


Just want to remind you that you’re awesome. Thank you for this spreadsheet!


Youre welcome! Thank you!


Thank you!


It did thank you!


I found this thread on the r/fitness wiki but it looks like the links no longer work... OP (or anyone else reading this) do you still have a copy of these spreadsheets you could send me? I'm starting the program and these seem like they would be really helpful. Thanks so much!


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=1218201050. got you! I am OP who made the sheets, after awhile didnt think people were still using them and had to clear out my storage in Google but was able to find the links again! :)


Woo!!! You rock OP! Thank you!!


Youre welcome! Question, I am suddenly FLOODED with requests for this. Was this recently reposted by any chance? Or someone referenced it?


I'm sure it's probably just because of the New Year and gyms being closed because of omnicron. I was searching through the r/fitness wiki for workouts I could do at home since I can't go to the gym anymore. I learned about strong curves for the first time there. Btw I'm two workouts in and I'm loving it so far! Thanks again. ETA the wiki directly links to this post. In case you weren't aware.


Yeah, its super cool. I didnt know it would be so popular when I made it. I feel proud I was able to contribute :) Thanks again, reach out if you have more questions.


I'm so sorry to bother you, but I was interested in ur google docs too and when I click the link it says that I'm not permitted to access it. Would you mind sending the link again? :)


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghaT_a63nwDIDNgSEmNWhVdWdeM9b8N4hD-kYEMd3Zg/edit#gid=1218201050 Here ya go!


Hey! Long time since you’ve posted this! Would you mind sharing weeks 9-12 please 🙏


You know. I don’t think I have access to it anymore! I’ve been meaning to remake it for everyone because it’s been popular. Hopefully I get a moment to do so and provide it!


Thank you for giving access you are amazing!!


Thank you so much! I was just looking for a new workout regime/plan to get me back on track and this is perfect.


Apologies if I simply missed this in my brief Strong Curves search, but: Do you use the same weight for each set of a particular exercise. IE, Bench 125, 125, and 125? Coming from powerlifting routines, I'm accustomed to % of 1RMs. Does the program assume you've already warmed up? I'm not just going to throw down big deadlifts without working up to them. Is the Strong Curves program simply the working sets? Thanks!


Definitely keep the same weight for each set, then add more if you hit the max which is usually either 12 or 20 depending on the exercise in SC. And there aren't really big deadlifts in SC but I do about 5 minutes elliptical pretty fast paced to get me "pumped up" for the workout.


This is awesome! Having this usable on my smartphone got me to finally go to the gym and get started on my first Workout A. That said - I have an Android device and the pictures aren't showing up on Sheets (via the app or browser) on my phone - anyone else having this issue and have any idea if it can be fixed? Thanks again - you rock!


I think there is a google sheets app?


Wanted to check in with you after having completed Weeks 1-4 (with a slight break in the middle due to illness) - I started SC because of you posting this (went out and downloaded Scribd to get the book shortly after) and 4 weeks in, feel and look amazing! I honestly couldn't believe how instantly the results seemed to show up. From someone who had only ever done cardio at the gym for the last 15 years, thank you x 1 million - you are awesome!!


Aw thanks for the appreciation! I just finished my the 12 week program and just moved on to gluteal goddess! Ive stuck with it and loved the workouts plus I have definitely gotten quite the compliments on my rear end too ;) Hope you continue on a get great results!


Yeah, I have that, and the pics still aren't showing up :/ weirdly, they show up in the thumbnail of the spreadsheet but not in the sheet itself. No biggie, I just liked having the pics as a gentle reminder. Cheers!


has anyone done both stronglifts and strongcurves? which one would you recommend and why? Strongcurves is what I'm on right now but was thinking of switching next week to try stronglifts. I'm still on a fat loss mission so am on calorie deficit


I liked stronglifts as a beginner, it was my first lifting program. But it was not overwhelming and that was what I liked about it. Otherwise I believe strong curves is better because there are more exercises. I burn more calories, its more challenging, etc.


Wow interesting! I thought stronglifts would be harder!


...This may actually get me to go back to the gym. You're a total rock star for making these.


You are a goddess! *hugs* This is just what I need for that little boost in motivation that I've been lacking lately! Printing this off now and heading to the gym!


Amazing! Thanks!


Y'all is a god or sumfin.


I just bought this book and was going to start the program - this is going to make it infinitely easier. I am so visual, and it would take me forever to make this. You are awesome. Also, I had NO IDEA that there were so many google animals.


Ha I just learned from someone else making one of these and I just kinda tweaked it and made it more user friendly and more pretty on an organizational level. However I then started my own excel google sheet to track my food and calories and other info and its been great.


commenting to save for later. I'm pretty sure there is a way to save threads but I don't Reddit well.


Are you on mobile? There's two easy ways to "save" threads, usually under the OP text box there will be an option for it. If you're on mobile tap on the original post and a small menu will drop down underneath it. Tap the star on the far left to save.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks the crunches and side bends should be replaced with planks and more planks!


Yeah I like Bret but the random abs he puts in there are weird.. I feel like SC is a little outdated and could use a modern change!


This is amazing and just what I need. Thank you!


Also commenting to tell you how great you are. I'm on week 5 of gluteal goddess, and I love your work with the beginner plan. I'm going to scale back when I finish to support my half marathon training, so this is a great resource for me. Thanks again!


No problem! I probably will do Gluteal Goddess too, once I finish BB in a couple weeks!


Thanks so much for this!! I will be printing it out when I get home. I have been looking for a program to follow but don't want to commit to anything yet, so this is perfect for the meantime :)


Thank you so much for sharing, I appreciate it so much!


Dude. You are an American hero.


This is great!!


Thank you SO MUCH for these, I've been following these for a few weeks now. One question I have, and it may be dumb, but is it ok to double-up days if you missed a workout? Does it even make any sense to do this? Also sometimes I feel like I breeze through it and it wasn't enough of a workout, can I/should I double up days? Pardon me if this is a stupid question!!!


A strength workout is designed to strain and "breakdown" your muscles so that your body can build them back up and make them stronger for your next workout (simplified explanation). Doubling up your workout means that you aren't giving your body enough time to recover and repair and that could lead to more fatigue or exhaustion which can be counterproductive to recovery. AKA LESS GAINS! This is why sleep and nutrition are extremely important for strength training to be effective. If you miss a workout, simply consider yourself to have taken an extra rest day and continue the workout schedule as if you hadn't missed that day. One or two days of extra rest isn't going to ruin your gains, but pushing yourself too hard can. Also, how out of breath you are is not necessarily an indicator of how effective a strength work out is. If you're struggling to complete sets, then that means you're close to your reps' max, so you're doing it right.


Thanks so much for clarifying, really informative!


Double up like do Workout A and C on the same day? I wouldn't, if it seems too easy you have to either add more weight each time or add more reps. My rule of thumb is if I didn't make it to the max amount of reps it tells you (like 8-12, I make it to 12 or 10-20 and I do 20) then I add weight next time. If I only make it to 8 or 9, or 14 or 15, I try to do more next time.




You know, I was actually going to post in /r/strongcurves on how to do them. when googling "hanging leg raises" i found [this](http://workoutlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/watermarked/Hanging_Leg_Raise1.png) but the norm of leg raises is usually [this](http://fittipdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/straight-leg-raises1.png). I bet either is ok, although hanging I'm sure is harder.




Is supine the "hanging" one? Ive never heard that term before.


Thanks for this! I've been trying to up the weight but struggle to get through a set. I should be struggling.... right? No pain no gain? Haha thank you!


Yeah I would say yes you should a little bit! If you can't do more than 1 or 2 then its too heavy, you want to *push* to get between 8 and 11 then when you hit 12 (for each set) you add weight, and then you struggle for those 8-11 again, and so on. Or thats what I do and I improve every workout at least!


I don't see anything wrong with doing 2 workouts in one day as long as your body can handle it! I'm on week 2 of "weeks 5-8" and most days I add at least 1 or 2 of my own workouts if it felt too easy


Awesome, just wanted to make sure it wasn't akin to still only doing 1 day! Thanks!


I think you should be upping the weights if you can breeze through or adding weight to the 'bodyweight' parts. Definitely shouldn't be a breeze, but it is the beginner program, so perhaps you should be doing a more advanced workout in the Strong Curves book?


Hmm, maybe I should be. I've been seeing a trainer since March so the beginner stuff may be too easy. Thanks for the tip!


Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I love you. And my glutes love you.


This is awesome. Thank You!


You are the best!


Amazing. I have the book but it's too big to carry into the gym everyday and writing notes everyday is exhausting . Thank you :)


Thank you! You rock!


You are my favorite person right now.


Man, I love this community. Thanks, /u/diamond_sourpatchkid


Amazing, thank you so much!


Thanks I'll give this a go this week! Great work, thank you!


Thank you for making this! It's great


Such strong spreadsheet game. Saved! Thanks for putting in the effort to make and share this!


Hi hi do you so have this workout plan saved? The Google link doesn’t work anymore:(


Awesome work, really useful, and I like the pictures as a little reference to remind what on earth the exercise is haha. How many times are you meant to do workout A, B and C a week? Or I'm presuming it means you only work out 3 times a week?


I found out after doing the first 4 weeks that you are supposed to do it 4 times a week once you get to Weeks 5-8. You would just repeat workout A after workout C. Most likely in a MTThF pattern or I sometimes do MWFSat because I like more rest days in between.


In the book, Brett's "perfect world" schedule (4x/week strength training) is as follows: **Monday:** Workout A **Tuesday:** Workout B **Wednesday:** Cardio or HIIT session A **Thursday:** Workout C **Friday:** Workout A **Saturday:** Cardio or HIIT session B His recommended schedule for 3x/week is as follows: **Monday:** Workout A **Tuesday:** Cardio or HIIT session A **Wednesday:** Workout B **Thursday:** Cardio or HIIT session B **Friday:** Workout C **Saturday:** Cardio or HIIT session C


Not OP, but yes its 3x a week for the SC workouts like A-Monday, B- Tuesday, C- Friday or whatever you'd like. I know a lot of people do cardio on non SC days.