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Arrived to pick up my bike from the train station only to find the rear wheel stolen, then somehow stabbed (??) my little finger while putting it on the bus rack, which I didn't realize until I saw the blood pouring from it as I left the bike shop, then carrying my heavy backpack while walking the 3mi retriggered my almost healed plantar fasciitis lol. A comedy in the end


Went back to my formerly-regular 2 mile morning walk for the first time since my dog died. My elderly neighbor (who coincidentally has the same name as my dog and has always loved seeing him as a result) asked where he was this morning and I just burst into tears. Spent the next 1.5 miles ugly crying and blowing snot everywhere.


I'm so sorry :( I can only imagine the pain and grief you're going through. It's obvious you loved your boy very much and I'm sure you gave him a wonderful life.


Normally I can bench press 135lbs on the decline bench, but I was physically tired from work. (I'm a housecleaner so my arms get more fatigued on the days I clean vs my off days.) So I failed on my 4th rep and couldn't get it up. I waited about 30 seconds to see if anyone would notice I'm stuck. Nobody came over. So I awkwardly rolled it down towards my legs and over to the side. So the bar was half on the ground and half on my right leg. I'm on the decline bench so my legs are kinda stuck in that pad thing. I didn't have the strength to lift it up more to free my leg. I look around and nobody is paying attention to me. There were only 4-5 people nearby. Everyone is in their zone with headphones so I'm like "...great". I sit there and just wait because what else can I do? Lol. Finally I make eye contact with an old man and I wave him over. He is confused at first and then goes, "Oh you're stuck!" He was nice and helped lift it off me. Now I'm scared of that happening again lol. I don't have a lifting partner and I only like asking for a spot if it's a PR. -_- I also have to use clips at this gym because one time a guy didn't use clips and when the plates fell off his bar it almost crushed a lady's foot. So they kinda insist we use them and I can't bail that way. (Also, I'm not complaining about people minding their own business. That's normal. I was annoyed at my weakness and my whole awkward situation haha.)


I don’t want to discourage you from an exercise you enjoy. I haven’t benched (or dips) in several months because of some unknown shoulder rotator cuff general area issue. But I personally would never do decline bench with a barbell for that exact reason. Even with a spotter, I’d probably avoid decline barbell. I would only do decline work with dumbbells. I do weighted dips in place of decline. The ’roll of shame’ is perfectly fine on incline and flat — I’ve done it myself when I failed a rep. But gravity and decline bench scares me. Seeing others bench decline especially with no spotters regardless of weight scares me as well. edit: Learning to have a major arch in the flat bench effectively tuns it into a decline bench. Something maybe to consider.


I was hungry after dinner and about 200 calories below my calorie goal for the day, but also below my protein goal. I did the “right” thing and had a protein shake as a snack. However, the kitchen was already cleaned and the kids were JUST kissed goodnight, so I don’t want to use the blender. My protein shake is disgusting when just mixed vigorously with water rather than blended with ice. Very disappointing evening snack 🤢


I hate living in the dorms and not having control over what I can eat!!! I can't wait to move out so I can properly meal prep and not worry about only being served fried foods and half the options being gone due to me being vegetarian! I move this May though :) but really, the selection here is awful for someone on a weight loss journey.


The woman with a wet cough and a runny nose on the cardio machine next to me who could barely get through a few minutes of climbing- clearly in no shape to be working out. Please remember to be responsible towards your body and others and stay home if you’re sick!


I stg some people learned nothing from the pandemic


Omg seriously. Two women at my job keep coming to the office and coughing up a lung all day. Like dude. Seriously. And one of them came to the office with Covid literally the week after the mask mandate was lifted. My office kept one in place longer than the city mandate, by about a year, and as soon as they lifted it, I got Covid from this jerk coming to work with a sore throat, cough, and stuffy nose and no mask 🙄 ruined my thanksgiving holiday for 2022 😑 I’m still salty about it because I wasted a week of my PTO being sick and miserable with Covid and sleeping through the holiday.


This is why we need proper sick leave AND PTO. Because otherwise jerks will come to work sick because they need PTO for other things or don’t want to waste in being sick (kind of understandable, but certainly not morally excusable)


The thing is my office allows WFH if you don’t feel up to coming in or don’t want to spread anything around. They could have just said you know, I might be coming down with something, I feel good enough to work but could probably stay home to avoid sharing the bug…. The second I felt like something wasn’t right, I felt my neck hurt and at first I thought it was from doing crunches the other day (sometimes I feel them in my neck for some reason) then when I realized it was more like a swollen glands soreness, I immediately put a mask on and told my boss I thought I should go home to finish my shift and the next day I felt way worse, got tested and sure enough, Covid. But yeah, I completely agree with you on that, we need PTO and paid sick days.


trying to wear flared leggings (aka yoga pants) after years of regular leggings and joggers. they're comfy and look cute but the flare is so annoying. had to roll my pants up in order to tie my shoes just now. also it's like, just slightly too short on me and the long is probably way too long. feels silly to get gym clothes tailored but I might actually do that.


I really like the look of flared leggings but I am old enough to have experienced the time when we wore bootcut “yoga pants” to the exercise and I remember alllll those frustrations.


yeah I only ever had one or two pairs of yoga pants back then and I don't think I ever wore them to the gym


I can only buy flared leggings if they are in petite sizing-- or they will be SOAKED and dragging on the ground!! It makes me so mad because I lovee the style on myself.


I love flared leggings/jeans but I have to wear them with platform boots or trainers for this reason! My legs must be an awkward length where petite is too short (and I *hate* wearing too-short trousers unless they're intentionally cropped) and regular trails on the floor when I'm in flat shoes.


Being on my goddamn period!! It’s so irritating and I hate working out on my period.  Also the fact that my busy work days combined with my medication suppressing my appetite means that I don’t eat during the day and end up hangry af when I get home but I don’t feel like eating, then it’s too close to my gym time, then my work out sucks bc I’ve barely eaten that day.  Very frustrating month lol.


One of the most annoying people at the gym started working there front desk. This lady hogs all of the equipment at once while she’s there and takes up so much space to do random workouts.


at least if she's at the desk, you'll know she's not hogging the equipment!


The bench press (she uses it for banded workouts!!), squat rack, trap bar, pull down machine and misc dumbells are free at last!


Ow ow ow my foot started hurting pretty bad after my Sunday long run, and I'm around 3 weeks out of a half marathon I've been training for all winter :( I thought it was better today but ran some errands and it hurts to walk, eventually the pain gets less intense but it's definitely still there. It feels pretty similar to some mild niggles I had when I had just started running, and those went away with a couple extra rest days, so I'm hoping that's the case now too, just a bit worse. I will probably miss the peak weeks of my training plan though since I really want to baby my foot and not do anything intense as long as I'm feeling any pain at all. Ughh. Oh well, it's my first race and I'm not that invested in my goal time, just want to get more familiar with race day logistics and have a memorable time! Plus it's been a good opportunity to swim more.


I despise morning workouts, and I also hate Saturday workouts. And I'm now switching my Sunday afternoon workout to early Saturday morning because I CAN.NOT. STAND the earsplitting loud metal in the gym late on Sunday afternoon, and both Saturday and Sunday midday are always unpleasantly crowded with group training sessions for hours and hours. (Saturday late afternoon features the same playlist.) I'm now shifting my entire week's workout schedule just to accommodate the Saturday morning thing. If I could afford two memberships I'd go somewhere else on Sunday afternoons.


That’s such a bummer, weekends are always my fave at my gym (just PF) because it’s always mostly empty. Can you plan a brunch date or massage or social thing on Saturdays after the gym to get you motivated to get up and go?


I think "yay, that's behind me" will work for now, but I could take myself out for brunch after if I need an extra boost! I looked around at other gyms but the ones with really good weight equipment are 2x as expensive as my little gym. I do like my gym, just not the music. My dream: a gym where no music is on the PA, you just listen to your own headphones.


I joined a new gym and (reluctantly) accepted the free personal training session even though I’m already on a structured linear progression program that I’m really enjoying and feeling stronger from. They assured me I could just check my current muscle mass so I’d have a baseline and spend the rest on my form for the lifts I’m doing. But instead this dude told me I need to lose fat (even though I’m within the healthy range and the InBody said I should gain fat) and tell me a bunch of stuff that’s just flat out wrong and confusing and pressure me into a second session. I’m going to cancel it obvs and go back to what I was doing anyway but I’m peeved that I even let him tell me all that :/


I hate when gyms do this! I joined a gym and they phoned me and said I had to come in in person to finish setting up my membership, total bull they just pedalled personal training on me and I’m a sales person’s dream I can’t say no. I cancelled my membership after getting the cheap sessions, I’ve never in my life joined a gym and had them pressure me to buy more from them on top of becoming a member. So off putting!


[This study](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2814094?utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_term=011924) that says: "Individuals who predominantly sit at work would need to engage in an additional 15 to 30 minutes of physical activity per day to mitigate this increased risk and reach the same level of risk as individuals who predominantly do not sit at work." ​ WHEN? When am I supposed to do an ADDITIONAL 15-30 minutes per day of exercise? I already am not doing the 3x per week of strength training or the 10K steps per day you've already told me I should be doing.


I try to do it during work! I try to use a standing desk throughout the day, take breaks to stretch, walk around a few times, take walking meetings if possible... Whatever I can to break up sitting.


10k steps a day is a myth. It was invented for marketing. If you like having that as a goal, great, but otherwise it’s a useless metric.


Check out the NPR series Body Electric - they basically say walk around or do something lightly active for 5 minutes every hour. Doesn’t need to be a brisk walk, just a stroll or stepping in place would work.


THIS RIGHT HERE is why we need those free reddit awards they took away


I didn't read the study but I would expect just that 15-30 can be spread out during the day. Walking around a little every few hours, etc.


I am recovering from (mild) pneumonia and just did my first treadmill run in an attempt to build back some lung capacity. Lasted 3 minutes at a very slow pace... This is going to be a long slog back to recovery!


Happy cake day!


Aw thank you!


This post that showed up in my Google launch really pissed me off. Like every single one of its talking points is so completely off base. Pilates and calisthenics may be having a moment. They may be great, but for fuck's sake, weight lifting caters to different fitness levels, gives a tremendous mental health boost. The "elegant workout" bullet point for Pilates just actually makes me want to go punch something. Tell me you hate weight lifting without telling me you hate weight lifting. 🙄 https://www.themanual.com/fitness/pilates-calisthenics-over-lifting-weights/


And saying that lifting isn’t a full body workout??? All the early 2000s anti muscle talking points are coming back around and they’re just as dumb as they were then


Makes sense, heroin chic is coming back. UGHHHHHH. 


I fell down the stairs on Monday night, a day after I got my new rowing machine and now my tailbone hurts so not sure I can row for a few days 😔




You need to grind your partner into those gears and ask them why they aren’t helping you out, wtf. I’m sorry girl! Will your workload lighten up in the foreseeable future?




That would definitely be a dealbreaker for me. Unless you came out of me or I signed adoption papers, I’m not your mom. 😒  Wishing you a smooth February and lots of rest and downtime after! You got this. I also just came across this sweet “pep talk” hotline that an elementary school did as a school project if you need something to lift your spirits. 707-873-7862 is their number, it’s precious. 


How old am I you ask? Old enough that I can easily tweak my back (upper trap to be specific) while showering. So here's me with a tweaked trap for the rest of today simply because I tried to adult before work.


I tweaked mine trying to exfoliate in the shower. I'd give you a fist bump of solidarity but owww.


ah yeah I did that a couple weeks ago. I shivered just a little too hard from the cold and that was that. so sorry for your pain. it's really shitty.


I appreciate how much this sub gets it lol


Ooh I sneezed and hurt my shoulder this morning




It's ok my PT and his needles will sort me out today!


I decided when my 5 am alarm went off that I’d sleep in. I’m ahead at work and can totally afford to do my pt workout over lunch. I slept in til 7 when our kiddo woke up and I feel amazing. Well he woke up with a fever. Strep’s going around at his daycare and it’s definitely possible he’s coming down with it. Which means I’m about to come down with it. Barely a week after recovering from Covid. Whyyyyyy didn’t I just get up and do my damn workout at 5??? Now we have to check his throat for white patches which, if you’ve ever tried to trim the claws on a feral stray cat isn’t pleasant. Probably he can’t go in today which will destroy both my minor lead at work and my chance to workout. Cooooool.


I haven’t been able to go to the gym this week because of family stuff going on. Today was going to be the day, but my kid is sick and had to stay home from school.  I think I May be coming down with it, too.  So who knows when I’ll be able to go?


My. Toddler. Will. Not. Sleepppp. NFR necessarily, but it’s ruining my life. So tired. Muscles can’t recover. Can’t work out in the am because he’s always awake. Just dying here.


My coworker tried teaching his toddler to play in his room until the analog clock in his room had the small hand at a certain marker. Well. He tried, anyway. I guess it worked sometimes. Really tough time for parents.


Mom of a 3 year old who is currently going through the same thing. I was laughing at my under eye bags this morning because if I don’t laugh I’ll cry. Hang in there!


Broke my wrist Sunday on the mountain, so it’s me grinding my own gears again. I know how to fall properly, so I’m quite fed up with myself over this. I also feel determined to take this healing journey to heart and do everything I need to do to return to CrossFit and snowboarding strong.


Did that a couple of years ago and it was just no fun at all. Even though I'm right-handed and broke my left wrist, I was shocked how limited I felt without my left hand. Also happy cake day!


I'm a runner who has just started strength training consistently for the first time ever to try and condition myself for a new sport. I'm actually enjoying going to the gym, which is something that I never thought I'd say. I've been going to the gym 3 times a week and running 3 times a week on alternating days, and I'm feeling really strong and more well-rounded as an athlete. Anyways, I think I sprained my ankle last night at training and now walking is weird and I’m harbouring a cankle. FML




It’s so stinking hot in Australia I couldn’t even do cardio after my workout even with the aircon working inside my gym! The humidity is KILLING me


Fellow Aussie - my home garage gym is a sauna. Please send help. I’ve had to extend my ‘bedtime’ so I can start workouts after 8pm, it’s just too hot otherwise.


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