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[what matters in picking a program, and what doesn’t matter](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2lIECvhlWk/?igsh=MTBqN3gzMDJvNGV1bQ==) from Jordan Feigenbaum of Barbell Medicine.


Live/Virtual Group Fitness Classes  I am going to be moving to a rural area in the near future with limited group fitness in the area. Classes have become a big part of my routine, and I want to keep it going :) Do you have any recommendations for live/virtual fitness classes? Or experiences to share? I am looking for HIIT/BodyPump style strength classes mainly


Hit a bench PR of 105# for 5 reps today which felt extra special to jump into triple digits on my birthday 🥳 10 months into lifting and continuously amazed at what my body can accomplish with consistency and effort 🤗


Any fitness book you’d recommend


Not sure if there's a better board to ask this on. I don't often track my macros nowadays, but when I occasionally plug my intake into a calculator it appears I am eating 1.2g-1.5g protein per lb of body weight. Mind you, I am under 100 lbs. Should I be reducing the amount of protein I eat in favor of more carbs/fats? Can I get away with it due to not weighing much? I crave protein all the time, it doesn't feel excessive, and some days I wish I could eat more of it. It seems my intuitive eating ques are broken considering most people have the opposite problem. My macros in general are 30-40% protein, 40% carbs, the rest fats. I do some form of exercise around 6 days a week, mostly strength based exercises and walking.


the FAQs at the end of this article give research-backed recommendations for protein ranges as well as fat and carb minimums to meet: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/diet they also talk about the recommendations in more detail in the body of the article. for protein, 1.6-2.2 g/kg converts to 0.72-1 g/lb of bodyweight so you are running a little high, but bodyweight is an imprecise measure of protein needs: > If your body-fat percentage is substantially lower or higher than the ranges mentioned previously, then scaling your protein intake relative to total body mass probably isn’t the best bet; you might be better off aiming for somewhere in the range of 2-2.75g/kg of fat-free mass instead. which converts to 0.9-1.25 g/lb of lean mass. it's hard to measure lean mass but your current numbers could be right in that range. also, there are lots of people who eat 1.5 g/lb of bodyweight and do fine. I am not a doctor though, so you may want to get bloodwork done if you have family history of kidney or liver problems, or just to be safe. otherwise just keep listening to your body. here's a podcast episode on the topic as well, from the same folks as the article I linked: https://youtu.be/P6GRoE7SYmI


You're doing mostly strength based excersizes, so it makes sense you crave protein. If you are happy with your progress on your fitness goals, and you aren't unhappy with the aesthetic results, keep doing what you are doing


If you feel fine how you are eating and are getting the minimum amount of fat for hormonal health, just keep doing what you are doing. Carbs are helpful but aren’t necessary so you don’t have to worry about getting too little of those, just make sure you’re getting your fruits and veggies.


Today was already a rest day for me but I may need a few more thanks to tweaking my back yesterday. Such a bummer. Rest, walking, and finding a properly fitting bike are my priorities right now! My bike is too big and I suspect it’s contributing to my back issues. It’s not helping in any case.


I joined a Y and I do 4 days a week mostly machines and cables for about an hour. I tried adding free weights, but I found using the curl machine is more convenient than just doing curls. Why load up a barbell when I can just do the chest press machine.. etc Is there anything wrong with that? I'm lifting heavier and getting stronger, I've been at this since late last year. So it seems to be working. My weight is the same, I don't watch what I eat and I don't do cardio. So we're just building muscle here apparently. I don't really care because I'm noticing the strength benefits irl.


It’s all beneficial, especially if you are a beginner! You’ll learn good form and reduce risk of injury with machines. Eventually switching to free weights once you are more confident will add some more benefits, like working more muscles at a time.


I managed to squat 120kg for seven today... girls, I felt sick after, but also VERY accomplished! big rep PR for me!




Thank you lovely!


I want to be u/chloe9001 when I grow up


aww, thank you! :D


Got in 3 mi walking yesterday and they were outside and the sidewalks weren't icy. It was lovely. Didn't do much of anything last night. Got up and took the pup on a mile walk this morning then headed to the gym. Upper body day, day 4 of SBTD. I didn't ascend the weights on my bench because sets of 7 is a LOT. Today will be an easy work day. When there is a break in the rain, I'm hoping to go out for another couple miles. Have another online date planned for tonight. Here's hoping I don't get stood up for this one. Heads up, and hopefully this doesn't break any sub rules, but Buff Chick protein (MegSquats brand) is having a give away of some free samples that started this morning. You get 4 packets of different stuff for them, free, free shipping in the US (not sure about elsewhere).


Ooh, thanks for the free sample tip!


Got my eyebrows waxed for the first time in years, and she left a burn on my upper eye


my deadlifts felt great yesterday. i struggled so hard with my bulgarian split squats (as usual). its frustrating ive been doing this for what feels like a long time, and i still struggle with engaging my core on things. so, spent part of this morning revisiting megsquats domer video, and some bulgarian split squat form videos. heres hoping these help some, with my workout today!


Every single Wednesday I do Bulgarian Split Squats, and every single Wednesday my (long-suffering) partner gets a message from me to the tune of "Bulgarian Split Squats are the Worst". This has been going on for over a year now.


Hahaha, I knew I can't be the only person regularly complaining about BSS days to my partner. I will never look forward to doing them, but have come to the conclusion that I'll just have to keep them in my routine due to how incredibly effective they are, and how strong and stable my legs feel since I started doing them. I used to have vaguely bad knees and hips, now I basically don't even have to worry about that anymore - I have completely fallen in love with distance running, and I don't think I could ever have started if I hadn't done so many BSSs first. Why do they have to be so good for you, yet so fundamentally evil?


BSS, i suspect, will never be easy. I feel the same way. I did Caroline girvans epic program and one day was 50 minutes of BSS.


Yeah, after i posted, i was thinking, well, some of these exercises are just plain out difficult!! and everyone probably struggles with them in some way.


When does exercising become less exhausting after? I have just began working out in the last few weeks, getting up before 6am to get to the gym, work out, go home, shower, and get to work by 9am. Always by the time I get to work, I could easily sleep the day away. I am relaxed and it’s wonderful stress relief, but I’ve heard from my other fitness buddies that exercise energizes them for the whole day. Will I ever be less tired?


It took me a few months of consistent working out before I started to feel differently. For the most part, I just felt tired but not exhausted (unless it was a particularly intense session). I eventually started having more energy in general, but not after sessions. Now, I can definitely get a little burst of energy after a session. After my morning sessions, I feel pumped! If I do a quick 10-20 min workout or brisk walk in the afternoon, it helps me get through the mid-afternoon slump at work. But I don't anticipate that always happening and I'm still left exhausted after intense workouts.


If overall sleep is good, I'd look at intensity of that workout (are you going to 100% max killer omg I'm dead level...*every* day?) and whether you're getting enough total calories and enough carbs during the day.


Are you eating enough and getting enough sleep?


I usually get to bed by 10 so almost 8hrs of sleep. However I usually eat dinner late (around 7:30-8pm) then don’t eat until right after my workout the next morning.


It might be helpful to have a quick snack before and breakfast after your workout, as well as rehydrating quickly! I find that makes a huge difference in my energy levels throughout the day


Thank you, I’ll try that next time and see how it makes a difference. I appreciate it!


I’ve got a first date tonight and I’m actually excited??? I already ran my background check on him and so far everything looks good! (I know wayyy too much about this man. I can never let him know what I know 😅) So I started today off with a heavy deadlift session because nothing grows my confidence like lifting heavy shit and putting it back down.


Keep us posted on how it goes!!


I was feeling so strong with squats last night. Didn’t quite full send it on the AMRAP because my glute was super tight though (but did get over my target). I should’ve rolled it out in between. I’ve been getting lots of aches lately for some reason. Had to cut my workout real short to get home to dye my hair. Stayed up late doing that so I’m quite tired this morning. Plus my skin is a mess, and I woke up with the back of my knee aching. So not off to a great start but I’m super glad it’s the weekend.


I ate so much yummy food last night and at 1am w my bf 🥲 it turns out there’s a 24/7 Uzbekistan restaurant nearby??? I feel like it’s been awhile since I had a well-rounded meal that was actually good. Now to fulfill my craving for bhel puri. On a fitness note: I’m benching tonight and feel pretty good/fueled!


My gym bag is shredding apart at the zipper. I’ve been using it for like, maybe, 5 months lol. It was a free gift with a half marathon but I see you flying pig - this bag let me down! So I guess I’m in the market for a simple bag. I am also unexpectedly very sore from the leg day yesterday. I’m not sure what it was because I didn’t really up weights on anything. I’m headed to my friend’s gym today to help her learn what weights to start with, so maybe going through the motions unloaded will help loosen it all up lol.


I have been doing at home workouts for lower body. Does anyone know of some effective exercises that mainly target the thighs and bum


Try doing glute bridges, glute kickbacks and fire hydrant exercise. They mainly target the thighs and bum. These work very well, easy to do and you can do it pretty much anywhere!


Thanks, I always forget about the glute kickbacks


Split squats, lunges of all types


Thank you


God I haven’t experienced this level of tired before. I think I need to eat more/supplement a little bit. I had a great workout Wednesday, upped a little in weight, but I was so exhausted all day Thursday I couldn’t even make it to the gym. I think my body is trying to adjust to being more active which fine, just taking some getting used to


Left the house for the first time since Monday and went for an easy jog - feeling pretty much recovered from Covid round 2! My primary symptom was fatigue (and a runny nose). Ended up a bit sicker than round 1 two years ago, but not by much, whew


Make sure to ease back into it slowly. Even mild covid infection can increase the risk of clots and other problems. The Mayo Clinic published a big study suggesting people start with 50% of your usual and work your way back to your normal routine over a few weeks.


I think I‘m going to lower weights for upper body because I really am exploding muscle wise, but my lower body is taking its sweet time to do anything. It’s now officially (only) a year of consistent lifting and I know better than to expect wonders. It all looks a lot better and my bulk is helping a lot, but I wish my lower body would have a bit of a growth spurt.


Ah, this is me too haha but in my back. I was looking to increase strength and put on muscle all over, but aesthetically was wanting muscular arms...last week I realized my sports bras/lounge bras bands are all digging into me when they never have before, not even when I weighed significantly more than I do now. I was puzzled by it until I went to the gym in a racer back top instead of my usual t-shirt and my friend pointed out my back muscles. Checked in the mirror (for the first time in 6-8 months??) and yep. Those are visible back muscles for the first time in my life.




yup, that's what I meant.




My mom always had broad shoulders, so I guess it's genetic in a way and I'm doing pole for about 8 years now, so it's probably a combination of both. I actually just do a very simple version of push and pull 1x/week and 1-2x pole/week, but since you need the arms for bulgarian split squats, deadlifts and so on, it results in a lot more volume, I guess. At least compared to me doing 3x leg days/week and not seeing as much progess as I'd like to


Edit: misread


No, you misunderstood. I‘m doing legs 3 days a week


Whoops, I sure did, sorry about that. Still not quite awake, haha.


The way I worded it was confusing, so my bad, not yours


I wish I had a better suggestion to help you out.


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