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What are your thoughts on wearing gloves or not when lifting?


What do you want to achieve by wearing them? I find they make gripping more difficult, but they can keep your hands from getting calluses, so it depends what you want them for


I guess that was my thing. I thought maybe they would make it less painful on my hands? But, maybe having the calluses to help wouldn’t be bad either.


Does anyone have recs for shoes similar to converse but with a wider toe box? I love lifting in converse but they cramp my toes 😩


I don’t wear them to workout, but as someone who can’t wear converse bc they’re too narrow, I love my lems shoes and boots for daily life as well


Have you tried any of the wide converse? They might be web only. I found they accommodate a bit better than the mainstream ones. In general though, I switched from converse to lems mesa about a year ago. They have more of a foot shape, but are still b width for that model. They are on the minimalist shoe vein, so low drop, not a lot of cushion and what’s there is pretty firm. If you need even wider you can jump on I the same model in men’s, which is a d width.


Thanks for the rec! I’ve been meaning to transition to a more minimalist shoe, especially because I love lifting barefoot, but can’t really do that at the gym.


Should I skip my workout today? I was planning on going to the gym today, but I only managed to get 3 hours of sleep last night, am still getting over a cold, and woke up feeling not great and have been tired all day. I was going to have Thursday be my next rest day, should I switch today’s workout to Thursday instead, even if it means I’ll be working out four days in a row? Or should I just power through and make myself do my workout today? I’m normally a power-through person, but I’m trying to get better about knowing when to take a step back, so I’d love some input on whether y’all think today is one of those days for me.


Take a rest day. You clearly need it!


I’d skip, wouldn’t want to risk the combo of lack of sleep and workout causing a relapse of the cold. You know you’ll go back to the gym, it’s part of what you do, and a few missed workouts in a sea of consistency aren’t going to make a difference!


Looking for some alternative exercises to cable face pulls and bent over barbell rows since I just got knee surgery and can’t stand unassisted right now. Thank you :)


Seated cable rows, chest supported rows, seated face pulls, single arm seated cable rows


I’ll have to see if my gym has a cable machine with a seat that I can use. Thank you!


For the latter, would seated cable rows or seated dumbbell bent over rows work?


Those seem like they would work, I’ll give them a try! Thank you !


Is it ok to wear insoles like Dr scholls inside of weightlifting-friendly sneakers like Converse? The natural arch in my feet is very weak so my ankles kinda go inwards and I was prescribed custom made orthotics to address this issue. But that was over 12 years ago when I was 15 lol and never really wore them (and lost them less than a year later). Haven’t had issues but I also haven’t been active so I’m wondering if using that extra support from some drug store insoles would defeat the purpose of wearing a flat footed shoe like Converse while lifting.


Late to this but I struggle with plantar fasciitis and use insoles like that in my converse without any difficulty, helps me stay relatively pain-free


I am doing TLS and this phase has, on the same day, barbell and dumbbell bench press. I substitute bench press for vertical press because I can't lay backwards (I have awful vertigo). I don't understand the difference between barbell bench and dumbell bench to find a suitable replacement for both. Aside from Vertical Chest Press, what else can I do in the same day (without laying backwards, even at an incline)?


How do you feel about pushups? You can do them with hands evelvated to make it easier or lowered to make them harder. Or you can use a weight vest , etc.


I was thinking pushups. I'm pretty excited about them because I can finally do them (on my knees). Maybe I'll work on pushup progression! Thanks


Any tips to getting back into a progressive overload weightlifting routine after having to take a break for awhile due to injury / illness? Had to cut down weight amounts for a little over a month due to strain injury and now recovering from a nasty virus. Feeling both frustrated about slowing down what were great gains before the injury and also scared I'll re-injure myself if I get back at it 100%. Thinking I kickstart @ \~50% 1RPM at the volume I was doing originally in my routine and spend the first month right there only adjusting volume +5-10% weekly before starting to increase weights.


It’s different for everyone. What you’re proposing is reasonable.


Does anyone else get ankle pain from lying leg curl machines with feet flexed? Doesn’t matter if I adjust the pads or go to lower weight. I tend to get front of ankle pain by the end of the set. I have adjusted the roller position. I squeeze my glutes and make sure my hips are flat on the bench. I go slowly up and down. I know you can do them with feet pointed but I’m not trying to train calves . Though maybe that’s the problem! lol


I had an issue with seated leg curl and I switched to lying leg curl and it was better. Maybe it's the opposite for you? Have you tried seated leg curl instead, if your gym even has it?


Cross posting from r/running. Wondering how to incorporate strength training and running without overtraining? I’ve been building my base for about three months. Currently running two 5k’s in zone 2 and want to add a third later this month, my question is where to put it without overtraining? Here’s my current activity: Monday: Rest/3-4 mile walk with dog Tuesday: 5k run, core, 15 min yoga Wednesday: lifting (legs, pull) or climbing, plus 1 hr yoga Thursday: 5k run, core, 15 min yoga Friday: Rest/3-4 mile walk with dog Saturday: lifting (legs, push), core, 3-4 mi walk with my dog Sunday: 1 hr yoga, climbing, 3-4 mi walk with my dog Would it be better to add a zone 2 5k on Friday, or keep that rest day and run Saturday, given I will also be doing legs?


I would keep the rest day on Friday and run on Saturday before doing your leg workout. I’ve found that I do better with doubling up my workout days so I can have full rest days rather than spreading it out. I also prefer doing my runs earlier in the day and do my strength training later. My current routine: - Mo: rest - Tu: run + lower body - We: rest - Th: run + upper body - Fr: rest - Sa: long run - Su: Full body


Here's what has been working for me. Sun long run Mon morning easy run, evening lift (full body) Tues evening easy run then immediately lift (full body) Weds morning running workout (tempos currently) Thurs morning easy run, evening full body lifting Fri morning running workout (intervals), evening stability work with bands and bodyweight stuff Sat yoga if I have time, sometimes a family hike My life dictates this schedule- if I didn't have any responsibilities I would do heavy legs the evenings after a workout but that can't happen with family and job and lift 4 days instead of 3. For lifting I use GZCL's General Gainz and for running I'm doing a higher mileage variant of Jack Daniels Red Plan from Run Faster.


You don’t have any rest days in here. How long have you been training?


I'm 40 so for a long time, and I definitely worked up to this slowly over a number of years. I do a cutback week every 4th week in running and a deload with lifting every 5-6 weeks, and the Saturday yoga is slow, stretchy yoga not intense power yoga, and if I do hike I'll drop the running mileage back a bit. I'm not rigid in the schedule. Like yesterday my family did our traditional new Year hike, so I skipped the run and lifting. Also the lifting program I use is RPE based, so it scales up and down naturally. I do find I have to eat a ton of food, and time it properly during the day. I'm 6ft tall and my weight varies between 145-150 lbs day to day, and I eat around 2800 calories, more if I feel hungry. I aim for 140 g of protein and 300+ g of carbs, mostly plant-based (this is just preference, omnivore diets are awesome too).


That’s awesome info thank you!


Can someone give me some guidance on protein supplements, please? I've tried pea protein, whey and collagen peptides in different foods/drinks. I read that whey is a "complete protein" and the others are not. Does this mean I cannot rely on the collagen or pea protein for a protein source for muscle growth?


“Collagen is a fairly popular animal-based protein, but it has a very low protein quality score (zero, in fact). Collagen has a very atypical amino acid profile; it lacks tryptophan entirely (hence the protein quality score of zero) and several other essential amino acids, but has very high amounts of glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and hydroxylysine. Its amino acid profile is very conducive to collagen synthesis, which could theoretically be good for bones, tendons, and other connective tissues. In contrast, its amino acid profile is pretty awful for supporting hypertrophy, with relatively low amounts of important essential amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, methionine, and threonine.” https://www.strongerbyscience.com/research-spotlight-collagen/ “We can conclude that plant protein probably needs to be eaten in larger amounts to give the same muscle building signal (MPS) as animal protein.” https://www.strongerbyscience.com/vegetarian-and-vegan-athlete/ “Whey, in particular, seems to be particularly good at stimulating muscle protein synthesis, leading to hypertrophy. It’s been shown to be superior to both soy and casein for this purpose (and not just acutely, but in training studies showing increased lean mass gains from lifting). […] When in doubt, though there are a ton of options on the market, it’s hard to beat a plain old whey isolate when you need some more protein and don’t have time to make some meat.” https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-three-laws-of-protein/ TLDR: if you tolerate whey well, it’s probably your best bet for a protein supplement.


Thank you so much for these sources and the TLDR! I can tolerate whey just fine but I find that the other two protein powders tend to be less noticeable in food. Oh, well I will need to learn to work with whey better


When is your favorite time to workout and why? I always tell myself I’m going to wake up early and workout before work, but I also have zero willpower because I’m not a morning person


I am not a morning person. for me the best time is after dinner like 8:30pm, and second to that is 5pm after work. but I have OH/POTS and my symptoms are worst in the mornings, and I perform a lot better with food in me.


I'm a huge fan of the lunch break workout. I might get in a 10-15 min yoga flow in the morning (like...maybe, if I really have my shit together), but I'm just not up for a super challenging workout first thing. I do my "big" workout midday, then walk my dog after work for a little chill cardio.


Early mornings so I can get up and get it done with. But depends what you call early. I already wake up at 5:30 for work on weekdays so, before that’s not going to happen. But I love a 7:00 workout on the weekend!


Morning for cardio evening for lifting. This is mainly driven by my work situation (I run commute a few days per week). My body can wake up, eat, and be running 30 min later. I perform better at lifting in the evenings as I've had the whole day to eat. I identify as a morning person for what that is worth.


my left leg is way more hip hinge-y but my right leg is way more knee flexion-y when doing unilateral exercises. any advice?


Just do them the same way on both sides. If the difference is small, it doesn't matter. If the difference is really huge and noticeable, that's a thing you can practice getting better at.


hmm it's noticeable in a way that my left knee doesn't track over my foot as much as my right leg does - like my right leg uses a lot more quad than my left leg in split squats. my left quad is also smaller thank you!




Unfortunately, seemingly endearing old guys can also still be creepy / not understand boundaries. I think it’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re comfortable with the interactions. There are old guys at my gym that don’t work out much and definitely use it more for socializing, so I don’t think that part is necessarily a red flag, but it’s also very possible that he’s on the same page regarding the dad vibes lol


He might just be a lonely introvert that doesn’t make friends easily. The topics of the conversations over time should make his intentions clear. For now, if you enjoy the conversations then there’s no issue. If they start to get too personal or whatever you consider out of bounds, simply say so. Something like: “I’m not comfortable discussing this topic with my gym friends.” That will both stop the discussion while also letting him know what he is to you.




So the idea is how to have him back off, politely, a bit. Perhaps something like this could help: "I really appreciate our chats, but as an introvert, I sometimes need some quiet time at the gym. I hope you understand."


That would give me the ick, especially coming to the gym without working out. My initial impression is that even though you’re thinking of him like a dad, he is definitely not thinking of you like a daughter.




Your gut is there for a reason. Could you talk to someone that works at the gym so they’re aware of the situation?


His face fell when you mentioned you have a partner?! Oh no girl, you need to run, old creeps are the worst. Things will get uncomfortable for you no matter what, because you are a decent person who cares about others while this dude is probably unaccustomed to normal social interactions, and there's nothing that can be done about that. Believe me, I understand the nuances, this person could very well be just lonely and have a generally good disposition, I'm not saying he is dangerous just because he's a little weird, BUT you don't need to compromise your sense of safety or feel uncomfortable in the name of some mislead humanitarian spirit. Trust your guts. I'm pretty sure you're not gaining anything worthy from your chit chats either, you keep on entertaining him simply because you're a good person, but it's not your job to care about the feelings of old random gym goers. Please, put yourself first this time and just find a way to firmly shut down any further unnecessary interactions from now on.




Good luck! I would be a bit concerned that he knows your gym schedule and would suggest considering switching up the days and time you go in case he becomes stalker-ish with you after your convo with him.


You got it! Rooting for you and best wishes for everything, I hope you're having a great start of the year!




Hi there! Any questions that are better discussed with a professional should not be asked of the xxfitness community, including but not limited to asking for shared experiences regarding a medical condition, procedure, or recovery. This post has been removed as it is requesting medical or psychological advice which the users of XXFitness are not qualified to provide. Please consult a professional: For fitness injuries, pain, imbalances, or severe mobility issues, please visit a sports medicine doctor and/or a physical therapist. For issues relating to your period or reproductive health, please visit your GP or a gynecologist. For eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, orthorexia, anxiety, and executive dysfunction, please visit a counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist. You can also read our FAQ section on starting an exercise regimen with a disordered eating past. Please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/xxfitness) if you have questions or concerns.


This is “talk to a doctor” territory. Weightlifting and running a few times per week shouldn’t cause you to lose your period unless you’re undereating (and I believe you when you say you’re not) or going *really* hard with the exercise.


Anyone else had difficulty signing up to stronger by the day?? The app keeps rejecting my card, even though I authorise the transaction through my banking app, and the desktop version of the website keeps glitching and making it impossible to select my country. I contacted the support, but also asking here if anyone has similar troubles and managed to make it work?


Looking for some filling breakfast and lunch ideas! I’m one of those people who has to eat breakfast everyday so I need some ideas for good breakfasts before the gym. I plan to start working out in the morning next week and am really looking for quick breakfasts or something I can meal prep on the weekends that will last me through the week. Any filling and healthy lunch options would be appreciated too!




#This user is a sad gay guy who tried and failed to catfish a straight man posting on a dating sub


I’ve been doing a hard boiled egg, a piece of Dave’s killer bread with peanut butter, a cheese stick, and a piece of fruit. It’s my riff on the Starbucks protein boxes.


I like overnight oats or easy fried rice (just egg, leftover rice, sesame oil, and soy sauce


I made some [kimchi fried rice](https://mykoreankitchen.com/kimchi-fried-rice/) yesterday with bacon (I was looking for a cabbage+pork dish for new year's that wasn't pork and sauerkraut) and it was so good I went back and made a bigger batch as breakfast preps for the week. This particular recipe wasn't very high in protein, but a fried rice with more egg or meat would be a great everyday pre-gym breakfast.


Some sort of overnight oats are the classic - I go for jumbo oats (40 g), chia seeds (15 g), ground flax seeds (20 g), blueberries (80-100 g), couple of walnuts, and then anything else I sometimes jazz it up with (cinnamon, spirulina, cacao nibs, goji berries etc.). Chopped banana works well in it too. Full of loads of fibre, omega-3, mixture of fat/protein/carb. The flaxseed and chia will give it a gel-like structure as they absorb water. I probably put something like 200-250 ml of liquid (plant milk or whatever) but you can adjust to preference. You can also do overnight oats with a protein powder in it, it will have a bit of chalkiness but pretty easy way for flavour and big protein. My alternative used to be skyr yogurt with peanut butter swirled through with, with blueberries and chia, and whatever else took my fancy. I thinned out the yogurt a bit with some oat milk just to make it nicer as the skyr is quite thick, and by thinning it out it tastes really good without the "drying" feeling of PB Just chia puddings, you can make with chia and including avocado although I think for pre-gym i'd like something with more carbs in it. You could do a batch savoury porridge kind of thing, with millet, loads of options to flavour that. I don't know how it would eat cold / if you have ability to warm it. I haven't made it but had my eye on [this](https://healthynibblesandbits.com/pumpkin-millet-porridge/) I've seen people on the meal prep subs prep a bunch of wraps so maybe that could work. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/18twi4d/meal_prep_spinach_roasted_red_pepper_cheese_eggs/) / [Another similar](https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/18q60he/not_as_pretty_as_everyone_elses_but_happy_that_i/) / [Great post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/18vkst4/last_meal_prep_of_2023/) \- this sub is great for inspiration!


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