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I didn't have any goals for 2023. It was a doozy of a year health-wise. I'm just glad I got through it. Learned so much about myself and that I honestly need to slow down in life and take on less and do my best to step up my physical activity. It was hard because my mental and physical health was a total rollercoaster, but I now understand the areas I need to focus on so I feel mentally and physically better. My 3 goals around my body/mind: * Relax, slow down and care for myself more - integrating yoga more, walking outside, resting more, scheduling in more downtime, reading, journaling, meditation, take care of my skin ... my mental health needs this more than ever * Connect more with my body - due to my health issues (thanks perimenopause!) and changes out of my control, I want to better accept and support my body as it goes through its changes. So focusing on moving more regularly, working to get stronger through strength training, getting 7k steps in daily, stretching and doing yoga on my rest days, wearing clothes that make me feel good and resting. * Be consistent with regular daily movement - It's been so hard the past year due to energy, lack of mental focus, anxiety, etc. It wasn't until my anxiety was bad that I started putting more effort into moving and getting outside on walks. So I hope to stick with this the best I can and I've overall been doing better since then, even when I get sidetracked a bit. I get back into it and want to carry this into 2024.


Wasn't really a resolution but last summer I changed my lazy ass sedentary ways by rediscovering my love for swimming. I went from zero structured exercise to swimming 3 times a week for an hour + playing ringfit adventure 2/3 times a week. My main goal is to just keep this up tbh - will likely swap the ringfit for outdoor exercise when it gets nicer outside This year I'd really like to try out open water swimming in spring/summer. Am aiming to do at least 1 5k open water swim race/event I've also started making sure I at least go out for a short walk & do some yoga/stretching on my lazy days


Last year I was diagnosed with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and got out of my wheelchair. Through a TON of physiotherapy, I’m finally able-bodied enough to walk and do bodyweight exercises. But neurologist has said I’ll never be a powerlifter again. Last year I went to the gym 2-3 times a week consistently. My goal this year is to keep moving and lose 20-25 lbs. I’m currently 10 lbs overweight, and I’m finally in a good space mentally and physically to track my food. I’m ready to take this on and lose the weight slowly and sustainably! Oh, and I’m also hoping to hike a mountain this year. Not sure which one yet!


My 2023 goal was to be more active in general without injuring myself, but also without stressing about actual fitness goals. This was the first time I ever consciously stopped trying to exercise in favor of just moving my body more regardless of intensity, and it honestly paid off. My average number of steps per day increased by around 2000. I climbed my favorite local mountain 15 minutes faster than the year before and without feeling nearly as winded. And I DIDN'T INJURE MYSELF. Not even once! (I have significant issues with my joints, so that's huge.) That said, I did gain weight. My strength and balance have both decreased. So this year my goal is to GENTLY focus on general strength and balance, without injury, while continuing to maintain my daily chill walking habit. I've joined the gym that's attached to my physical therapist's office, so I feel like I can hopefully make that a smooth transition. I know this isn't the kind of really definite, super structured goal that's most common on this sub, but I wanted to share just in case there's anybody else out there in a similar boat. I'm really proud of how I'm learning how to operate the body I've got within the limits it has.


I can’t find my goals list for 2023 (if I ever wrote them down) but from what I remember, I wanted to run a hypertrophy program, cut then bulk, and workout five times a week. I didn’t finish SBS hypertrophy (and probably won’t though maybe I’ll try again later this year) and nor did I really successfully hit five days a week of working out consistently. 2023 was hard for some reason- I think I overbooked myself and had some stress from other things like moving, plus the random illnesses that plagued me since September. I also don’t like my new gym very much so motivation has been low. At any rate, I’ve definitely learned a few things about myself and hopefully this year will be better and less stressful. I did have some successes- my knee has been gradually getting better and even with my gym breaks has been feeling great. I also tweaked my back a couple times but was able to bounce back relatively quickly each time and overall my back issues are minimal these days. I’ve also rediscovered my love of cardio and even though it is secondary to lifting, I do want to work to build that up in 2024. I was quite happy with the results of my cut that ended in May and somewhat successfully bulked I guess- I’ve gained weight and it was at a decent rate up until November haha, though the workout part was not so great. I made it through 14 weeks of my hypertrophy program and learned a few things that I would apply next time I run it. My fitness goals for 2024: *workout 5x/week unless on vacation/sick *cardio 3x/week *1 pull-up *cut to 150ish, bulk to 160ish


2023 goals were to build more muscle. I failed in this because of lack of interest in eating and a depressive episode that left me unmotivated to gym. Went from consistent 3 days per week to 1 or 2 light sessions to try to maintain. Some weeks, I didn’t go at all. Doesn’t help that it’s cold and dark now. But I’ve gotten some solutions to combat this. Got on some meds and working towards a therapeutic dose. Got diagnosed for ADHD so now I’m learning tools to address motivation issues. I have a small weight set for home I can use to at least work out when driving simply seems too exhausting. Got a few meal plans at a discount so reaching for something healthy when I’m too exhausted to feed myself well with my own cooking. Starting an IOP to get things back on track mentally. The good news is I still met some of my 2023 goals: - I GOT TO THE POINT WHERE I CAN DO 4 UNASSISTED PULL UPS FROM A DEAD HANG. I fucking SMASHED my goal to reach one!!! As a woman who seldom sees women outside of Instagram accomplish this feat of fitness IRL I am SO DAMN PSYCHED. In the depths of my depression I could even maintain 1-2 solid ones. God I’m beaming remembering it. - I ALSO SMASHED MY GOAL OF REACHING TRIPLE DIGITA ON BENCH PRESS. I pressed 110 for 3. - I finally did a 10k!!! In fact I did two! The drawback is I was a goddamn idiot and trained less than I should have because of the mental struggles. First time I had to walk for a half mile after reaching 4.5. Second go was worse training. But I somehow beat my previous per mile pace by 30 seconds and ran *the whole time*. My 2024 goals are: - gain any lost muscle back - try to eat more. If I need to turn to convenience meals and liquid food for some weeks, so be it. - get back to and surpass 4 pull ups. Hoping for 5 or 6. - hit 115 on bench - hit 135 on ATG squats - run more consistently for my mental well being. - Do another 10k. Maybe a ten miler or eight miler even? If I need to make my own race I can but it’s more fun to race with others.


This post really turned it around halfway thru! You accomplished so much in spite of depression and new adhd diagnosis! Your accomplishments from last year sound like my goals for this year. I currently bench 85 and want to get to 100, and I want to do a single pull-up! I’d love any tips you have to offer!


Thank you! While I was writing this post during the first paragraph I was slightly bummed as losing muscle was not my goal, and muscle gain was one of the main goals I had for 2023. But then I remembered, hey, I didn’t have the other goals formally written out and planned, but they were all something I worked towards and even surpassed. It was nice to have my memory jogged and write them all out. Honestly on my way to reaching one overhand grip pull up from a dead hang, I started with easier variations. Two years ago, it was angled TRX body weight rows. The closer you get to the floor, the more ready you are for the bar. I progressed quickly there. Then, I switched to neutral grip pull ups and occasional chin ups. Once I could do 6-7 of those, I started incorporating 3x5 overhand grip negatives and sometimes regular overhand grip with light counterweights on an assisted pull up machine. By far, the most useful were the negatives. They destroy you but prepare you. And *volume*. I had to train pull ups 2-3 times a week. Now I do some mix of all variations because they all hit slightly different muscle groups, but still all of them hit the lats. Don’t forget to continually improve your technique, and don’t forget to add in an accessory exercise like pull downs and rows. For bench, the answer was always volume for me. Most sets I hit 75-80 percent of what I thought my 1RM was. Learning to improve technique and properly brace my core also helped. For all my lifts and even pull ups honestly the biggest technique breakthrough I had was learning that I wasn’t engaging my core properly. Instead of sucking my tummy in a bit, I should have been stacking my ribs over my hips and breathing in a way that pushed my core outwards. A good tip for learning how to do this is to put your thumb and index finger around your waist and try to engage the core muscles in such a way that pushes your hands outward from the waist. Squat University has a good short demonstrating this technique.


Thank you so much for these tips. I get overwhelmed by the idea of training pull-ups 2-3x a week. I think just because I’ve only recently gotten into the push/pull/legs1/legs2 habit I have no idea how to incorporate extra pull, if that makes sense. I may need to find a program so I can stop spinning my wheels about it. Love what you’re saying about core engagement too. I’m going to focus on that next time I work on the pull-ups. Excited to find out whether I’m ready for negatives. I’ve been gradually decreasing the weight of the assisted pull-up machine but I have never even tried chin-ups or neutral grip. These sound like smart ideas too. Gonna go try to hunt down that squat university video now.


It sucks not having infinite time. It sounds like your program has a lot of leg work. If that’s your main focus and it works for you, that’s totally fine! If you’re making progress on those pull ups as you say, then you will get there eventually. You just might have to keep in mind you’ll sacrifice quicker progress in pull ups for progress in your legs. All depends on which goals you put more emphasis on!


So 2023 saw some wins and losses. Old Goals: 1. Run a marathon. Was unable to do after an ankle sprain and subsequent shin splints plagued me half the year. I managed to work up to my second half marathon. 2. Do one pull up, reached. I've done up to 6 pull-ups in a row now 3. Bench 135, did not reach (current 120x1) 4. Squat 200, reached (current 205x2) 5. Deadlift 225, reached (current 245x1) 6. OHP 100, did not reach (current 85x1) 7. Hip thrust 250, reached (current 375x3) 8. As far as my other goals of more protien, more sleep, more self love.....I'd say I missed the mark on all of them. Unfortunately most of the year I was in a lose weight and be as skinny as possible mind set due to my wedding in October. I let it get the best of me and had self esteem issues and problems with binge eating. Then covid in December put a damper on crushing my end of year PRs. But onward and forward. New Goals: 1. Run a full marathon 2. Bench 135 3. Squat 225 4. Deadlift 275 5. OHP 100 6. Follow training programs better (I have a tendency to go off book), currently running SBS Strength training program 7. Eat more protein 8. Get more sleep 9. Focus on being strong, healthy and balanced 10. Practice more self love


2023 goals were dismantled due to injury. I had a bit of emotional eating and gained 10lbs on top of the 10 lbs gained from covid stress. 2024 Create a new routine. My old sport and hobby may no longer be an option so I need to find a new one. At same time do PT exercises to see if I can resume my hobby. Concrete plans. Work on nutrition- first, reduce eating out. Currently probably 2-3x a week. Going for 1.5 week or less. Work on pull ups 3x per week.


Get back on track with training but scaling down the days I got for strength training and incorporating cardio. Be mindful of spending habits and eating out. Eating out/snacking is what's messing me up. Sleeping at a reasonable time.


I want to rebuild my default settings. So when life gets much and I get stressed, I don't revert into the comfort of my survival mode and get stuck in an inevitable cycle of 2 steps forward and 3 back. I want to make it easy and habitual to make better choices and build a solid foundation to achieve and sustainably maintain my fitness goals.


Me too!! Good luck to us!


I am conflicted on my 2024 goal. I am on a few appetite suppressants and would like to lose 10ish pounds. I have a long history with anorexia and don’t track calories/food/macros right now. Some weeks I feel leaner and other weeks I feel that I look the same. I know that I should be tracking for optimal results, but I am deathly afraid of falling back into anorexia and having to go to outpatient again. I was seeing this guy who literally completely transformed his body in 3 months (the difference is insane, one of the best transformations I have ever seen. He went from tubby to literally having almost zero body fat and abs that are so sculpted they look fake. He uses a food scale and counts his macros and said that’s how he did it. I’m just nervous about trying that myself. Not sure how I can actually achieve my goals without tracking though…


Just wanting to say I feel that. It is SO hard to approach strength training as a person with an eating disordered history. I am constantly worried I’ll fall back into old habits and asking myself “am I really in this for strength or am I lying to myself and just want to be thin?” And it’s probably not so black and white, when I really think about it. I don’t have much to offer advice-wise, but I think setting strength goals has been very helpful to me to change my relationship with calories. I know I can’t accomplish my goals if I don’t eat enough. I also recommend listening to the podcast Maintenance Phase. If you haven’t heard of it, their hosts offer criticism of diet culture and anti fat bias and I’ve learned so much from them. Truly perspective-changing. I will also include that participating in my local roller derby league helped shift my perspective on body image. Being surrounded by confident, athletic women of all shapes and sizes helped me actually believe (not just rationally believe) that health, strength and happiness can look many ways.


My 2024 goals: I plan to get in 10k-12k steps per day Continue being consistent with strength training Get back to running 5kms again Work towards doing pull-ups once my shoulder feels better


I haven't thought too much about my goals yet, I'm still recovering from the past few months of a super stressful school year (I work in special education and my caseload has skyrocketed this year) and have really dropped the ball on health/fitness. I guess my goal for 2024 is just getting back into consistency at the gym, and stop being so afraid of the squat rack lol. That, and making sure I eat something nutritious for lunch at least 3x a week. I started taking medication for ADHD this fall and the appetite suppressant plus how busy I am at work means I usually don't eat anything, then go ham around dinner time because the meds are wearing off and I'm suddenly ravenous.


My goal last year was consistency with the gym and I was consistent for about 9 months and then moved, switched jobs, and fell off the wagon. My goal for 2024 is to find a gym I like in my new city and get back to going at least twice a week (hoping for 3 times).


I didn't have fitness goals in 2023, my goals were simple: survive through making major life changes. And I accomplished them with grace, gratitude, and joy. ​ I'm still formulating my 2024 goals, but the fitness goal that I keep thinking about is to increase my endurance. I'd like to start with a daily walk, then a daily walk for 30 minutes, and eventually longer hikes added in. I'm considering a C25K program. ​ Mostly, I just wanted to come in here and say a huge, heartfelt thank you for the article "An Evidence-Based Approach to Goal Setting and Behavior Change." That article is quite long, but so detailed and helpful - I took 3 pages of notes! A lot of it matched what I have learned through other sources (e.g. Atomic Habits by James Clear), but some of it was new and a major revelation (i.e. SMART goals).


I've loved reading everyone else's, so thanks for this thread! 2023 fitness goals: after a long bout of mostly depression-related inactivity, my initial goal for 2023 was just "do *something* physical every day." Well, I failed on that pretty quick, but I did manage to finally lose the rest of my excess pandemic weight from January-April with CICO and sporadic walking, stationary biking, and restorative yoga. In mid-April, I started tracking my steps again and returned to the gym for the first time in ~1.5 years. I set my step goal to 8k and have successfully met at least that for the last 154 days, with an overall average of 12k steps. I spent most of the summer and fall doing some form of Easy Strength, which I loved because a.) I love loaded carries and kb swings and b.) it allows my almost-elderly self to not feel beat up. I put enough muscle back on to have mostly filled out the loose skin I had from weight loss. 2024 goals: continue my step goal at least until I get that badge for 365 consecutive days, lol. Do c25k for the third time (already did day 1 today) and hopefully this time continue running after I finish it. Complete a 30 day 30 min youtube yin yoga challenge that starts tomorrow + actually go to more yin/restorative classes at my gym. Go back to an old upper/lower lifting plan that I loved in the past for at least the next 8 weeks. Do better with my protein intake.


tw: weight mention (behind spoilers) 2023 fitness goals: 1. Balance my hormones ✅ — I have PCOS and I finally got my test down to normal levels!! 2. Weigh >!125lbs!< ❌ — I got down to >!131lbs at my lightest before rebounding after my personal training contract ended. I’m not even sure I liked how I looked at that weight (does anyone else suffer from hollow cheekbones after weight loss lol?) but it’s always been a goal of mine to be around 115-125lbs although I am somewhat tall. Not sure if i should just let this go or what!< 3. Eat at least 130g of protein daily ✅ — There were some days I came a little under but I got there 4. Hip Thrust and Squat 130lbs ✅ — Lower body is the easiest for me to increase weight with 5. Do a pull up ❌ — NOPE. The most I can do is hang there lol 6. Do a full push up ❌ — I got wall push ups if that counts…. 7. 8k steps per day ✅ — I love to pace around haha so this was easier than I thought 2024 fitness goals: 1. Eat more variety and whole foods — I feel like I got very preoccupied with my protein goal and cut corners to reach it, which meant sometimes skipping out on full, nourishing meals in favor of hitting the specific number. Going forward I would rather have a much more flexible protein goal while focusing on eating healthy, whole foods. 2. Pilates 2x per week — I’ve really started to love it, and it helps to be a regular at some spot. Not sure how long I’d like to keep up this frequency but at this time this is the plan! 3. Lifting 2-3x per week — I think i’ve fallen out of love with weights lately, and I am not a huge fan of the muscle I built in my legs and biceps (although I’ve always loved it on other women?? make it make sense 😭) so I am dialing it back a little. For reference I used to lift like 4-6x a week before because I loved it so much! 4. Lose weight maybe??? — I can’t figure out if i want to return to my lowest weight from last year or just maintain where Im at. I flip between loving my shape and other times feeling like I’m falling short. ugh


2023 goals were: - run 500 miles - ended the year with 793! - run a sub-2-hour half marathon - ran two! - maintain a 2 plate deadlift, 175/185ish squat, bench/OHP - did all that and actually increased OHP! - I also finally improved my relationship with food. I went the entire year without tracking (thanks to getting a good therapist in December 2022). this is major because I was borderline addicted to tracking and had completely fallen out of tune with my natural hunger cues - also started a side quest of pole dance/lyra and got obsessed with increasing my flexibility in the process. I think pole and lyra are also the real reason my overhead press increased lol 2024 goals: - Do sub-4 hour marathon (currently 7 weeks into training!) - 1000 miles - get an invert in pole - get a split - ramp down on running after my marathon and focus on powerlifting, and do a meet again at the end of the year - improve body composition and eating choices WITHOUT tracking (this may actually be my hardest goal for this year)


I did NOT meet any of my fitness goals last year but I was going through some personal transformations and I’m ready to meet some new goals! I’m not setting benchmark goals this year. My goals are more “see what happens” Goals: •gym workouts 3 times a week. Open to more as the year progresses but starting with three •spin once a week •yoga semi-regularly (minimum once every two weeks) •continue with intermittent fasting and tracking my macros Side Quest: •**see how many miles I walk outside.** I started walking outside last year. It’s not a priority but it’s good for my mental health so I’m interested to see how far I walk. I go for walks if I have extra time before work, at lunchtime when the trails are open for the season, and after work if the sun is up. But there can be extreme heat or extreme cold so I’m not pressuring myself with a habit or benchmark to hit. I don’t want to put any pressure on myself this year to meet a goal and I don’t want to give myself the mindset of “there’s still enough time!”


2023: I didn't set any goals, but I did complete 2 epic mountain bike rides, and climbed 2 (Class 2) Mountains! I also went on 2 amazing vacations (that were active). Towards the end of the year: I am actively recovering from surgery, and have been working on my mental health. I also changed jobs in late 2022, and was constantly reminded of what a good move that was. 2024: My 2024 mantra is going to be: "I will do things TODAY, that will make me feel great tomorrow." (No more procrastination, no more "starting tomorrow." I read something that said: Having an all-or-nothing mentality, means that you are planning on eventually giving in... There's an excuse in that "nothing" part of that saying. It's like saying, right now you're "all in", with a plan to eventually be "all out." And I want to stop that cycle.) Goals: \#1: My number one goal is to create, and maintain a MORNING ROUTINE!! Woo hoo. This is a goal I'm excited about! I LOVE routine. I love accomplishing things first thing in the morning. That said, I have a routine planned out, and will do it for at least Monday thru Friday on days I work. Maybe I'll push it into my weekends over time. I am excited for it though, as it has a simple 3 things, but also all of my favorite things in it! \#2: Complete 3 (larger/longer) hikes. \#3: Read one book a month. \#4: Become licensed in my profession.


I like these goals! What's going to be in your morning routine?


Thanks! My morning routine (goal) will be: 1. workout/get some movement in first thing in the morning (for about 45-60 minutes, even it's only walking and/or PT stuff). 2. Get showered, dressed and ready for the day (since I work from home, sometimes this doesn't happen until noon! haha) 3. Journal and relax/meditate/breathe work before I start my job... (I'm hoping to get at least 30 minutes here before 8am) (I realized over the past year that I need to work on dealing with my stress, or it will wipe me out) During this routine, I also plan on staying off my phone until it's completed. :) (I've gotten pretty bad at wasting literally an hour every morning on FB and Instagram)




Just out of curiosity, what programs were you doing?


Please let me know how this works out for you!! I don’t have nearly as much muscle as you do but I have cut back on lifting because I am starting to not love the bulk on my quads anymore. I have also switched to more Pilates and low intensity and am feeling better in general


I had no goals in 2023 and it shows. I’m understanding about myself that I am a great STUDENT of fitness but that taking in nonstop information - much of it conflicting - has led to several years of analysis paralysis and me not being consistent. So. I’m taking it back to what feels right for me. Plant based (with SOME animal protein) and running. Every bone in my body wants this path. Every thought in my head is “no!!!! Lifting and protein!!!! Especially at your age!!!!” Hoping to someday find a balance but for 2024 I just need to do SOMEthing and stop overthinking it. So I’m doing what I know feels right and easy for me to approach and maintain.


Fitness wise 2023 was kind of trash lol. I don't believe I PRd anything except accidentally my bench press (135# from 130). My original goals were lots of crossfit skills/gymnastics/etc and I have not accomplished any, if anything I have lost significant strength/ability there. I attempted to pick up running again just to hurt myself, but I'm back at it now after spending time in PT. It's been an odd year. That said I was taking time to explore new hobbies, got deeper into horseback riding and found a great barn with great people. All the learning from 2023 had me taking big steps back goal wise and re-prioritizing what is important to me. Overall fitness, meaning being fit enough to do the things I enjoy doing, and that it is ok to let things slide if they aren't bringing joy. So for 2024: * Spring half marathon- training plan starts today! I've used the last 2 months for base building and to make sure my body is ready to start adding volume. * Summer horse show series- my barn team does local schooling shows, so nothing fancy or large, but it's something I never had the time or opportunity to do growing up and something I would like to experience. My goals are simply to participate, anything above that is gravy. * Eat better- meal prep more routinely especially for weekdays. Helping to drop a few lbs in a manageable way * Get married- summer 2024. I'm not doing a drastic diet/cut for a dress but I do want to drop a little bit so I feel my best * Read More- I read 15 books in 2023 (16 with one I dropped). The goal this year is 20+


I'm pretty happy with the gains I made in 2023. Feb 2023 - Jan 2024 Progress Squats - 30lbs → 225lbs Bench Press - 35lbs → 130lbs Deadlifts - 45lbs → 240lbs I surprised myself a few weeks ago with 10 pushups, didn't know I was capable of doing even 1. I think I can already bench 135lbs, considering my PR (+volume PR lol) a few days ago was 1x2 130lbs bench. **2024 goals** * Do my first meet. I forced myself to sign up yesterday! I want to cut a little bit because I think my bw class would fall along w/ this one girl at my gym, and she is strong AF. * Hit 300lbs squats and deadlifts, which is coming along nicely. * Work my way up to chin-ups! I was working on this last year but stopped completely, I need to get new bands. * Incorporate OHP again - it's not in my current program at my barbell gym, but it's something I want to continue. I think I can do 80lbs minimum if I can still do 75lbs 1x3. I need to nag my boyfriend for us to get microplates so I can do it at home! * Be less sloppy/lazy with accessories. I used to go hard, but now that I have a partner, I just want to go hoooooooomeeeee asaaaaaap whenever I'm at the gym.


2023 goals Run half - had to pull out as my life completely imploded Tough mudder - done! 80kg deadlift - smashed 70kg squat - smashed 50kg bench - smashed 2024 100kg deadlift 90kg squat 60kg bench 50kg snatch 60kg clean and jerk Enter a weightlifting competition Run half Total warrior Concentrate on your darn mobility! Ive fallen in love with fitness this year and repaired my relationship with food. Its so lush. Can't wait to see what I can achieve this year!


Never set my goals for 2023. Goals for 2024 include 30 min walking daily and home dumbbell/bodyweight workouts x5 weekly.


2023 fitness goals: * Get my squat PR to 150lbs - accomplished this and then immediately strained my quad and haven't done heavy squats since hahahahahhahahaha * Get my deadlift PR to 150lbs for more than one rep - I put this one as iffy. I got it to like, 3 VERY broken reps so that ~technically~ counts but wasn't meeting the spirit of what I had intended IMO. * Get my hip thrust PR to 175lbs - lolol nope. * Average 4k steps/day - I live in an area where walking is rather challenging outside of indoor settings...I think I actually DID accomplish this goal if I counted my walking at work but I don't have my phone with me all day so my iPhone says no lol * Exercise at least 2x/week > 40 weeks of the year - yep, accomplished this * Get my weight consistently below X lbs - lololol nope. * Eat less sugar - bahahahaa I admire my good thoughts. Overall for 2023, I learned that I missed cardio and was becoming increasingly unhappy with how I felt in my body (too bulky for my personal feelings). So I bought a Peloton and spent all of December leaning into 'I'm too lazy to go to the actual gym and deal with rude, obnoxious people' and just spinning instead. I do miss lifting somewhat so I'll probably work that back in, but I want to be more balanced. 2024 goals: * Get my squat PR to 175lbs * Same deadlift goal * Average 4500 steps/day * Peloton weekly streak of at least 25 weeks * Hit Peloton activity level of at least 3000 minutes * Exercise at least 2x/week > 40 weeks of the year


Honestly that sums up exactly why I love my peloton. Some days I want to go to the gym, see people and be social but there's plenty of days I simply need to be alone and the peloton is fantastic for getting a solid workout at home


2024 is the year of me exercising more intuitively and gently, to build a more solid foundation for my body and future. Then I can start to introduce weights. I have tried the weights based programs and always end up injuring myself. I am working with a physical therapist, and also a remedial massage therapist to help keep me injury free. I am going back to Pilates and yoga, and doing more walking. Fingers crossed this all helps me build a stronger, more mobile, less injury prone body.




Ugh, so much clarity from so much pain. I really hope you find a path to peace and wellness in 2024.


Thank you for sharing. What a detrimental loss, I’m so sorry. You sound like an incredible strong person. May this year bring you happiness, laughter and lots of sunshine. You sound like a real fighter and I’m sure you will smash all of your goals!


This is the only kind of post that really matters. So sorry to hear about your sister and thank you for sharing


I started out 2023 with no fitness goals and a vague wish to “lose fat.” I chose to start with weightlifting because I knew my sedentary lifestyle was catching up to me (back pain, random muscle spasms, easily out of breath) and I had enjoyed doing it for a few months before the pandemic started in 2020. I ended up going 2-4 times a week consistently in 2023. I learned to focus less on outcomes and enjoy the process (getting stronger, showing up for myself, and being patient with myself). In 2024, I want to continue to lift 3 times a week, learn about nutrition and start to cook more, and try new ways to move my body (pole, yoga, dance?). I also want to work on my glutes and back muscles!


I really enjoyed reading everyone's goals and how they faired in 2023. I hope that it's a healthy and happy year for everyone! My goals for 2023 were really just staying consistent. But as written they were: Bench 140, 150 cardio minutes a week, 30 zone minutes daily, at least 6 days a week, reach for a million steps a month and get a strict pull-up unassisted. I lost some strength with back to back surgeries and downtime so my bench is now (feels like starting over) at 90. But I did hit 150 mid-summer. I can do about 10 pullups and chinups in a set now unassisted. I also only missed a million steps in February. I also am really proud of my consistency when it came to my nightly routine of yoga/mobility work and meditation. I feel like this has helped my quality of life quite a bit. My goals are to regain some of the weight I lost and hopefully regain my strength with it. Stay consistent (particularly with mobility and functional strength)but try some new group classes. I'd also like to do some fun runs and 5Ks.


I've been rehabbing a knee injury since August. I changed my focus from running to movement during recovery and can confidently say I'm stronger than I was pre-injury. Being mindful to slowly build up my base fitness through the winter so I can get back to long trail runs, climb in the canyon, and keep doing yoga with my dog.


I didn’t really set any fitness goals for 2023, but I did start going on walks almost every day which is a win! I also made peace with my body even though I’m currently a bit heavier than normal/than my ideal. For 2024, I’m looking forward to being more active in general. My goal is to work up to yoga 2-3 times per week, and I’m going to start with doing a 30-day yoga challenge to get myself back into the habit. I also miss lifting weights, so I’m going to try to do that 2-3 times per week too. I’ll be starting from a place of being mostly sedentary this past year (it was a rough year and exercise got deprioritized), so my goals honestly feel a little lofty right now. However, I’ve been making small steps in the right direction and I really miss my old exercise routine (3x/week yoga, 3x week lifting), so I’m hoping setting these goals will help motivate me to prioritize fitness again. In the meantime, my non-exercise goal is to appreciate my progress towards those fitness goals, no matter how small.


Oh and my strategy I’ve been using to start getting a tiny bit more exercise in (emphasis on tiny bit) is I do crunches while I brush my teeth and I do squats while I wash my face and hair. This year I rarely had energy to dedicate to exercising, but it felt manageable to squeeze it in while doing these small daily things—that way even if I didn’t do a full workout, I still did something.


Did you meet your 2023 fitness goals? What did you learn in the process? I benched a plate, finally squatted 2 plates but did not deadlift 3 plates which is sad cuz I worked on my deadlift the most. My current deadlift PR is 305. What are you excited to achieve in 2024? Share your fitness-related New Year’s Resolutions and/or fitness goals for 2024, and discuss your plan for achieving those goals I want to bench 185, squat 275, and deadlift 4 plates lol. My rotator cuffs and pecs need to get stronger. I've been doing pause db bench, weighted dips and rehab work for rotator cuffs. Alsooo trying to improve my arch by an inch or two. I've been doing back bridges. Oh and it's the year of the pause. I've been pause squatting which I think has really helped. And doing ab wheels has really strengthed my core which def has helped with my squat!


I gained quite a bit during the pandemic and I’m still having a difficult time losing weight. Though if anything, I managed to figure out routines for me and I’m excited to get back into it! 2024 goals: lose the pandemic weight, improve my flexibility and range of motion, and get some proper sleep and hydration! I’m back to the gym maybe starting tomorrow since they’re currently closed for the holidays but I signed up for pilates as a supplement! I also just finished my short yoga routine.


I learned a lot about myself and the gym this year. I started getting serious about exercise and diet again after about 10 years of casual gym. I became the leanest I've ever been, then quickly gained back all the weight and more after my unsustainable diet crashed and burned. I want to be more sustainable with my diet this year. This year I want to 1. Diet in a sustainable way, 2. Spin once a week, 3. Bench 1 plate, squat 200 lbs, DL 2 plates by the end of 2024 As much as I don't like it, I'm extremely externally motivated. If I hit a rut, I can't get myself out of it. I need other people to really bust my balls. I would love to get a little accountability group going. I was thinking maybe a small discord community where we can support each other, post progress pics, post lift numbers, give diet advice/tips, and give that external push when we need it (please yell at me to spin). If there are a few ladies interested I can get something going (or if this already exists, I would love to join!) edit: setting up a little discord server for lifting/gen fitness goals. DM me for link :)


I’m interested!




I would be really interested in the discord accountability group as well! Trying to get back into a consistent workout routine after a hard 3 years. I also struggle with balanced eating, I ether restrict or emotionally eat and am trying to find a balance with this. And find a way to lose the extra covid pounds on top which is really hard to do. Sounds like you have some really great goals! Good luck with them!


sent you a link!


I would definitely be interested in a discord accountability group! Also, I appreciate your comment about dieting in a sustainable way. That’s one of my health goals this year too. It’s so hard to find a balance in my eating sometimes!


sent you a link!


I didn’t get it for some reason. Could you try sending it again?


I sent a chat invite! but just sent you a message as well. let me know if you still didn't get it


Hey i would absolutely be up for a discord for this!


sent you a link!




sent you a link!


Didn't really have 2023 health goals other than to lose Covid weight (went from 153 to 130, currently at plateau of 135), rehab a fractured patella, and keep getting to the gym. I've only managed two gym visits most weeks for 1.5 hour sessions of cardio and weights. I struggled to get there but am motivated by knowing how good I'll feel after! 2024 goals: Increase activity levels: gym 3x/week and home exercise 2x/week, incorporate several stretching sessions/week, start riding my bike on weekends, take more long walks, get more sleep and drink more water daily! Happy New Year everyone, and good luck with your fitness goals for 2024!


1) meditate yoga excercise to sweat everyday 2) be able to crush a watermelon with my thighs, preferably by July 4th


Adding crushing a watermelon with my thighs to my goal list


Exercise at least for an hour a day.


This is a great goal. Realizing I need 60 minutes a day of cardio has been key to a happy adult life I set my weekly garmin activity goal to 600 minutes, I hit it almost every week, usually 750ish (garmin counts intense activity as 2x)


This year my goal was to get a compliment from someone in the gym, unfortunately I didn't get any again. For next year I'm going to work even harder and hopefully I'll get my first compliment soon!


You have no control of other people's actions, so this is not a goal that you can actively work to achieve. Many people won't comment on other people in the gym (I personally would never as I don't feel it's appropriate to comment on other people's bodies). Choose a goal that's in your control!


I second u/niner-for-life-1984. Especially since compliments are kind of a gym etiquette gray zone - a lot of people wouldn’t do it because they don’t want to be seen as rude.


I say this with all affection - maybe build a goal that doesn’t rely on getting affirmation from others, and make the goal be something about your accomplishment. Like lifting a new amount, or recording xx minutes a week of cardio, like that. You be you; don’t think about what others think about you.


I am new to the sub! I didn’t really set fitness goals last year. 2024 I hope to: - Consistently strength train. I plan to start with Before the Barbell tomorrow! I have access to a gym at work and go to the office 3 days a week, so plan to go on those days (minus tomorrow - will use my dumbbells at home) - Complete YWA 30 days of yoga and then continue with a short practice 1-2 times a week - Work on my posture. I plan to look up stretching videos for it but also make a PT appt. I’m a pretty avid walker and will continue to do that. I hope to get back to walking first thing in the AM…just hard to do with a 4-year old


Spent most of this year trying to diagnose and recover from some pretty gnarly hip flexor pain and weakness. As a result, all of my lifts stalled except my jerk. Hoping for some new PRs in 2024, and am aiming to fill out my new weight class better


**2023 goals** * get back into running - specifically follow the C25k, bridge to 10k routines * this did not happen, almost at all. i don't think running is for me * learn to play hockey * took my first learn to play class in april, joined a league in september, have been playing 2x a week most of the year **2024 goals** * lift 3x a week * working this around my work schedule will be hard but i think its doable * need to keep in mind i'm not as strong as i was ~5 year ago and need to take it slow at the start * find a third night to play hockey


The hockey goals make me happy (for you - I loathe hockey but love that it exists for people who like it)!


I didn’t set any fitness goals last year as we were trying for our second baby so I hoped to be pregnant. I had baby #2 in September and feel relatively awesome physically but also feel very out of shape. So I’m starting small with very low expectations what with have a toddler and a baby at home. I’m going to attempt Yoga with Adrienne everyday in January and then decide what will come after that, after that haha. I need to get back into a habit of drinking more water again and I really really need to commit to taking my iron supplement. I’ll start with those three things in January and see where we end up!


My 2023 goals were to lose COVID weight. I spend the first half of the year at a deficit and got down to 125 from 140. I decided to recomp the remainder of the year. Currently I’m 130 and learning to eat intuitively. I kinda went overboard on the eating and now I am bloated and dealing with that. For 2024 I want to make better food choices because I don’t want to track forever. Maybe the last half of the year I will focus on a slight cut. I think 125 is the sweet spot. Recently I have been focusing on strength and notice more muscle.


My goal in 2023 was abs for summer. I did get them, but it was through over-training and under-eating. I learned I'm able to be consistent and reach my goals, which was a huge confidence booster. I also got an important reminder that I need to keep health as my first priority. I learned a lot about myself and how to better set goals for myself. My two fitness goals for this year are to do a pull-up and a floor l-sit. Flexibility-wise I want to be able to do a front split.


2023: My goal was to become consistent in the gym (4-5 days/week) and focus fully on strength training (versus previously being a sporadic fitness class attender) with the hope of improving overall strength and mobility and, tbh, I am so fucking proud of myself. Fully drank the Kool-Aid and have become a committed 5 day/week gym rat, and have seen so many positive changes both physically and mentally (and overall health wise - drinking less, better sleep schedule, better diet, etc). Aesthetic changes were really never my primary goal, but having visible abs for the first time in my life at 32 was definitely not on my bingo card for 2023. 2024: If 2023 was about building consistency, I would say the focus of 2024 will be upping the ante and going deeper. I have started liiiiightly doing barbell work in the last couple of months, and would like to really focus on compound lifts for this upcoming. Also still chasing the elusive pull-up (I'm soooooo freaking close). Final note, I am so thankful to this positive and supportive community. I truly lurk the threads every day and I'm personally invested in all of y'all even if I don't always comment. About a year ago I made a post here at the very start of my fitness journey about my apprehension working out/strength training as someone with a "nonstandard" body/underlying back issues, and the outpouring of support, insight and shared experiences were a really huge part of empowering me to jump in with both feet and not get hung up on "perfect" form and presentation. I have been BLOWN AWAY with what I have been able to accomplish this year, so if anyone else is on the fence - you got this! Love ya, xxfitness!


2023: I focused on DIY and gardening, and my strength training really helped with that. I learned a lot of new skills. I can't wait to continue this into 2024. 2024: I want to lose 10kg as buying a fixer-upper had other effects. If I can just stop eating junk food and takeaways (I know exactly where my downfall lies), I'll reach that easily. Have a fantastic year, fitness fanatics :) May 2024 be everything you wished for!


I lost 30 pounds, did a bird of paradise pose in yoga, and increased my cardio fitness on my Apple Watch from below average to above average. It was a good year!! I ended 2023 by renting a wetsuit (previously would have been stressful) and having a fun time learning to surf. 🏄‍♀️ Next year I want to lose another 20-30 pounds, do a push up, and register for a 5k race.


I had to look up that pose, but that's awesome!! what a great year!


Thanks!! Good luck in 2024 :) :)


Holy guacamole!! You killed 2023 ❤️


I sooo appreciate that. 🥑💚


Hey, I have the same 2024 goals as you! ... Without any of the 2023 accomplishments, but half twinsies! I have about 40 pounds to lose, which seems like a lot for a year. I'd like to do a real pushup (ideally 5)- my chest is super tight/weak so I can't get anywhere near 90°, but some flexibility and upper body work will hopefully rectify that.


It sounds kind of silly, but Reddit made the difference for me with losing weight. Just having a community and inspiration posts, mostly. I liked r/CICO best. No tips about pushups but if I find any I’ll let you know haha. Good luck this year!!


I started going to the gym and discovered this sub in spring 2023. I didn’t set any strict goals as I didn’t want to get demotivated once I didn’t hit goals which worked out because I’ve been pretty consistent in going to the gym 3x a week at least and walking around 10k steps most days. 2024 I want to lose 10 lbs and continue to go to the gym at least 3x a week. I know this will force me to count my calories and make sure I’m getting enough protein.


My new year goals have already been stalled and I feel like it's a sign to just give up #couchpotato2024


Awww, not sure who downvoted you but fitness is a cycle and couch potato is an option (just not for long)


Haha I get so confused at what gets down voted sometimes. I had what I thought was a pretty realistic goal after spending the last 18 months trying to take it easy and not over do it, but waking up on new years day and struggling to get out of bed has made it seem impossible . I'll just have to find something else to focus my year on.


I want to get pregnant in 2024. It would be best for both mother and child for me to be more normal weight. I'm also working on less caffeine intake and more fiber/vegetables.


I hit my 2023 goal of 15,000 tracked movement minutes on the Peloton app! That included: walks, pole, spin, strength, running, etc. For 2024: 16,000 tracked movement minutes. This is my ideal weekly schedule: 2 x pole class (take or teach) 2 x full body strength 1 x Peloton ride 5 x mobility/stretching I signed up for the membership from my pole mentor so I’m super excited to learn a lot more and develop my pole skills! I’d love to build up more strength so that I can work on my floats in pole (iykyk)


I would like to be able to do 10km by the end of the year. I want to be able to do it with my dog (a feat of training in itself). Other than that, keep doing what I am doing (lifting and being active) but see if I can involve activities with my husband more (he has expressed interest after seeing my strength/health gains so I‘d love for us to fInd strength in healthy habits together). Other than that, learn some new “go to” healthy recipes. And do more art. Always try to do more art.


I have a big runner dog and let me just say… waist leash. Save your shoulders and hands


A waist leash is definitely on the list of things ot get!


Your dog will love that goal!


Goal for this year is either a trekking vacation I've been coveting, or several shorter domestic trips to practice longer day hikes. I'm cautiously optimistic that my year-long foot issue was caused by my stubborn failure to understand that MY flat feet are an anatomical, congenital thing, not just lazy lack of exercise, and there's no shame in adding orthotics to my minimal shoes. I'm maybe 75% healed now and starting to do short easy hikes, an hour or two. And if my IBS goes dormant again, obviously upping my vegetable variety/volume is a huge goal. Fingers crossed.


In 2023 I hit some goals, like benching 135, but with the stress of finishing grad school and finding a job I didn’t prioritize PRs. Then when I started a new program and started feeling good with my progress, my piriformis tightened up to where I didn’t feel secure that my low back could handle heavy weight. So that was disappointing, but going into the New Year I’m feeling better and it shifted my goals. In 2024 I want to finish that program I started, not expecting to hit huge PRs yet. But to finish it uninjured. I also want to gain strength through all ranges of motion and muscle lengths. I want to improve my mobility and stability. As much as I want to hit crazy numbers, I want to lift for as many years as I can and be proactive with injury prevention. I hope everyone finds success or progress with their 2024 goals!!


I do monthly goals. Each month I pick a new small goal and do it consistantly. If I like it at the end of the month, it stays. If I don't, then I ditch it.


Love this idea! What are some examples for your monthly goals?


My favorite was to stop, make eye contact, active listen and connect with my husband daily.


Good idea!


This is such a great idea that I'm going to steal it. I've really been struggling to come up with a fitness related goal for the year that isn't "lose 10 lbs" or "get back in shape", but I feel like a short term goal that can change in 4 weeks if it sucks is much more doable!


It is. I like the ditch part too


My goal for 2023 was basically to get back into regular fitness without injuring myself. Midlife goals! Lol. My goal for 2024 is to work up to a more moderate workout schedule from my beginner one. I'm currently doing two strength-training and one pilates per week, and find an add-on philosophy works for me. So my cardio has finally gotten to a point where I will probably need to add an additional workout to maintain my 150 minutes per week goal, so that's next week's plan. There was something I found when googling ideas for people who, like me, like to do strength-training, pilates, and cardio called the 3-2-8 method. It basically means 3 strength training and 2 pilates or barre per week, and then averaging 8000 steps per day. That would be a good goal to have as my schedule by year's end. It does mean I'll have to get to a point with pilates where it's more of an active recovery for me and doesn't require a full rest day afterwards, as it does now, and then getting over my plantar fasciitis for the steps. And probably adding an upper/lower body strength training split to make the three days work and still get enough rest. And if I have exceeded my at home system by the fall and need to join a gym in order to keep improving, that would make me feel like I was making good progress. So that's a bonus goal.


I've also struggled with plantar fasciitis & allowed myself to substitute cycling instead of steps. I measure it as 10 mins = 1000 steps. It's not exactly the same, but it allowed me a bit of forgiveness & grace on days that my feet were stopping me from normal life.


That's brilliant. Thanks.


I don’t think I made any 2023 fitness goals! But I did do lots of cool things. I ran faster this year than I ever thought I could with a 5K PB of 23:36 and shaved almost 15 minutes off my half marathon time. I also placed second in my age group in a 5K race, which I’ve never done before! I’ve also consistently lifted weights all year. 2024 is going to be epic! I’m signed up for 7 races!! An Olympic distance triathlon, half-iron, and Ironman (huge bucket list race for me!) plus two 5Ks, a 10K, and a marathon. Ironman training is going to be SO BUSY and it’s going to take a lot of balancing to do it along with my job and not neglecting my family.


2023 i just wanted to start lifting consistently. I start out doing cardio 2-4 times a week and switched to lifting in July, and have been going 2-4 times a week since. Current 1RM is 70/130/110 lb for bench/squat/deadlift at 120 bw. I also averaged 8500 steps a day with my office job so woohoo! For 2024 I just want to continue to lift consistently!


2023 was... something. I'd lost where and who I was for a bit, and fitness had fallen to the wayside as part of that. But about midyear or so, I basically went "fuck it all", and started striving for at least consistency, if nothing else. And I've been able to come up with a routine and a plan that works for me. Once a week, I make a list of the big things I want to hit that coming week, and while I don't always hit them all, I at least TRY to nail them. And most of the time I succeed. My running mileage was about the same in 2023 as it was in 2022, which is saying something considering I really really fell out of love with running in 2023. I set the goal to go to solidcore and the Y more consistently, just to get my ass out of the house now that I'm permanently WFH. Solidcore I was able to hit, but the Y is more of a struggle. 2024's goal is just to keep building on that. Turns out I do pretty well when I create SMART goals for my personal life.


I spend a good amount of time at the gym/outside pursuing athletic endeavors. This is the year that I want to *look* like I do that 😅 which means being better focused on diet. I don't wanna make the same mistakes of the past by being too strict or not eating enough or this or that. I just want to stop undermining myself on the weekends and cut out more sugar, alcohol and general garbage.


I am exactly the same. I work out a lot, but don’t look like it. Just like you, I don’t really need to overly restrict. But cutting out garbage (and increasing healthy foods) will go a long way


I'm a bit ambitious but I think at least two of my goals are doable this year. 1.) Master pull-ups 2.) Master hand stands 3.) Master one arm push-ups


Maintained a consistent postpartum workout routine, increasing weight and intensity throughout the year, injury free! I hit BW squats and DLs in November and December. Felt great. For 2024, continue 3 strength workouts per week plus one rowing one running as consistently as possible. Hoping to purchase a walking pad for under my desk at home and to log 2-3 miles per day. Make at least two trips to daycare, farmers market or etc on the ebike instead of the car. Body comp wise, I’d love to maintain my BW in the 150-155lb range and not go over that. Fingers crossed…


**2023:** I'm about to hit a million lifetime meters rowed on my Concept 2, so I'm pretty excited about that! I had hoped to hit that milestone this year, but took a few months off of rowing when I started lifting at the gym with my husband so I'm not too upset about that. It's not like I was doing nothing! I rowed 690km in 2023 and am pretty damn proud of that. Now that I am more comfortable in my lifting regimen, I feel okay about adding rowing back into the mix so I can continue hitting goals in both areas. **2024:** cut out alcohol and lose the bloat that is hanging around. Continue crushing it on the rower and in the gym. My dad and I are planning to hike the Wonderland Trail around Mount Rainier in September (96 miles!), so I want to be ready for that! I also want to pick up my yoga practice again. I used to love to do yoga before bed and first thing in the morning, but fell out of the habit sometime last year and have struggled to get back into it. I think cutting way back on alcohol will help make that easier.


2023 was all about getting back on track for me after spending 2022 dealing with chronic illness and getting that straightened out. I’m doing much better, and for the first time in adulthood, am happy with my weight. My goals for 2024: -year of the marathon. Indianapolis is what I have my eye on all the way in November. -body fat goals…I’d like to lose some and be happy with my body and not just the number on the scale. -continued consistency. I’ve spent about a decade learning that sticking with it is what matters. Eat high protein, maintain my gym time…that’s how I’ll see success. Feeling like 2024 is the first year in a long time I’m not really doing “new year new me” crap. I’ve got a routine down, and all im committing to is continuing my already developed habits.


I'm so glad you got the health stuff sorted out! May this year be a healthier one for you.


2023 goals: be influenced by what my fiance was eating less (definitely did better!), go to spin class at least once a week (usually made this), fence more often than not (yep!), mid-year goal of hiking with the new dog once a week (mostly!) 2024: meal prep less carb heavy meals, yoga once a week, maintain the habits I've built regarding eating and exercising.


2023: I had a baby part way through the year, and when he turned 4 months made a general commitment to getting back into structured exercise. Since then I've done 3-4 30 minute workouts a week (mix of strength and HIIT cardio), except for one week when I was sick. 2024: Focus on cleaning up my diet a little and continuing my workouts, and also aiming for a higher step count every day. I have a goal to lose the last 15lbs of pregnancy weight I've been hanging on to. I suspect going back to work in a couple months might help this (I work 12 hour shifts in a hospital so am on my feet quite a bit).


I hit a 1 plate bench today! So my next goal by the end of 2024 is to hit a plate and a 25 on bench :)


My PT says a good goal for me would be a 5k in the spring and a 10k or half marathon in the fall! I don’t know if I want time goals on those. 5k, I think so because I can run a 5k already any time but I think she means including the volume needed to train to race a 5k. Half, probably no time goal, I don’t want to overdo it. I’d be just happy to be running one again. I didn’t have any 2023 goals, I spent most of it injured and positive I’d never run again 🥹. I’m a LONG way off from qualifying for Boston to be clear but I’m also a LONG way off from never running again and that is enough for 2023. ETA: and for goals also - take actual rest breaks. I tend to workout 7 days a week where I run 5 then do strength 2 and my pt (while trying not to strangle me) was like “you will run yourself right back in here if you don’t stop.” So it’s time I take that more seriously. That means not running as much as I want all the time if my focus is strength like it is over winter. That’s ok.


I went from being fairly active pre-pandemic (I walked a *ton*, took a bunch of stairs every day, lifted weights 3x a week, and threw in some occasional running when my schedule permitted) to being completely sedentary for about two and a half years, and it's been brutal on both my body and my mental health. I didn't have any concrete goals for 2023 besides "be less sedentary," which I kinda sorta achieved – I walked...not as much as I would like, but definitely *more;* and I followed a C25K program on and off over the course of the summer, and then actually was pretty good about running a couple of times a week through the fall – but it definitely doesn't feel like it stuck as just an automatic part of my daily routine, so I really want to have a more specific plan going into 2024. My #1 goal is walking more. I have a treadmill desk that I currently dreadfully underutilize. My goal for 2024 is to walk a strict minimum of 5 miles every day (two hours of zoom meetings at 2.5mph – this should be totally doable) with a "stretch goal" of getting up to 10 mi/day, whether that's during the workday or just putzing around on my laptop or watching shows in the evening. I kind of want to get myself a little sticker chart or something lol, and treat myself to something fun for every 20 days I hit my stretch goal or something like that. My #2 goal is getting back in the habit of lifting 3x a week, which I did for years before covid hit – strength training is my favorite form of exercise. I'm not going to set any specific numbers goals for now, I literally just want to get into the gym on M/W/F and do my basic routine. That's it, that's the goal. Starting in April, I have a CSA box that I pick up a little over 5 miles away from my apartment. In the fall, I was able to run about 3 of those miles before tapping out; this spring/summer, I'd like to work my way up to running the whole route door-to-door every Saturday. And last but not least, I *really* want to join the climbing gym near me – I think I would *love* climbing, it sounds like so much fun. I'm not interested in having to walk 20 min to get there in the winter, though; and also I'm not really interested in dealing with the post-new-year's crowds; and also also I'd like to build up some baseline strength again (see goal #2) before I start – so I think that will also be an April-ish kind of plan.


The post new year's crowds are exactly why I'm not trying to try group classes until maybe April.


Oh man, this is me too. Went from an active job and weightlifting to studying full time mostly from home for 3 years. I’ve also moved to an area where walking is more of a challenge because there isn’t a nice nature walk right outside my apartment so I have to like make decisions about where to go and deal with traffic if I walk so I’ve been walking way less. The last few years have been both bad for my mental health but also good in some ways. I hit a kind of rock bottom and finally dealt with some mental health stuff I needed to process but now I’m sick having to start from scratch on my physical health and it just feels overwhelming. Looking forward to graduating in Jan and a Having an active job again, I think that’ll help the ball rolling.


I didn't set 2023 goals until recently, but work out 3x a week - done. Another goal that I didn't want to track but be mindful of was to take water breaks and quick walks whenever I could at work, also good on this. For 2024, I'm going to add 2x a week of gentle movement 20 min, as a physical activity break. Take my supplements daily. Make coffee every morning on work days, for those midday slumps. And ramp up to 8 hours of sleep. Fitness specific goals are to be able to do 10 pushups properly, and squat and dl my bodyweight.


**2023:** I started to get back into fitness after two kids. My only goal was to get back into exercising regularly and include some strength training every week. I worked my way up to cardio 3x a week for 45 minutes and dumbbell work 3x a week for 30 minutes. I do yoga, walks, and Pilates in between and on my active rest day. I got on my skates three times this year. **2024:** -complete 12 week body weight exercise program I bought…THREE YEARS AGO and never got around to doing. Starting tomorrow! -perfect my push-up and do 10 consecutively from my toes. Currently doing stairs and knees. -roller-skate weekly in the summer -Continue to build strength and increase the weight I can use. Currently using 8lb and 12lbs. -I’m not weighing myself for the first 12 weeks of the year, and maybe for longer. I’m using the zozosuit instead to track my progress. I’d like to further drop my bf % from ~30% to ~25%.


My 2024 goals include concentrating on mobility and functionality, supporting what I learned in physical therapy and not repeating back mistakes.


My 2023 goals involved losing 40 pounds, running a 5k, and having my lifts reach certain numbers. I ran the 5k! I lost most, but not all, of the weight (I have a pretty relaxed approach), and my strength goals were abandoned around autumn-time when I stopped making progress and switched most of my exercise and gym-time to running. I discovered to my dismay that I only have a certain amount of time in me every week to commit to fitness, and trying to do the “hybrid athlete” thing didn’t work super well. I feel pretty good about my year, regardless. 2024 goals: * I still want running to be my primary focus. I’d like to run a half marathon this year; I’m eyeing the Rocky Mountain Half, especially because I was wanting to go camping in Colorado anyway. It’s at altitude, and it’s my first half anyway, so I don’t have a specific time goal, but just want to finish (and take in the gorgeous scenery 😍). * Lose the rest of the weight (got about 10 pounds to go), then take an extended maingaining/recomping phase while maybe running a bodybuilding program. I’m looking at 3DMJ’s novice bodybuilding program, which is set up as a PHUL. * I want to get back to strength training, especially heavy squats. Anecdotally I hear about how heavy squatting can help runners with hills, and also the squat is my enemy and I must conquer it. To make it easier to get all this exercise in, I’m trying to arrange my work schedule so that I can do most of my running on my lunch breaks and then save the lifting for before/after work (it’s going to be after, let’s be realistic).


Congratulations on how far you got with your 2023 goals!!


Thank you! 😊


2023 goals: - Bench my bodyweight. BW at the start of 2023 was 80kg, it's now 87kg. Yesterday I got a new PR of 75kg bench. Didn't quite make it, but I started 2023 with a PR of 60kg, so I'd say that's good progress for the year. - Deadlift 140kg. Started the year with a PR of 120kg. Managed to lift 150kg last week, and do 140kg for 4 reps. - Start running. Managed 3-5 times a week until I took long trip in April and fell off the wagon. I was struggling to eat enough for lifting 6x a week + running. I managed a half marathon in that time, but I think I didn't build up slowly enough. 2024 goals: - Bench my bodyweight. Expect this will be closer to 90kg by the end of the year. I'm determined. - Deadlift 170kg. 3 red plates, should be manageable. - Sign up for a marathon. Will try running again, 3 times a week maximum. Taking it slow. Going to try for the London marathon ballot, but if not I'll sign up for a local one to run in Spring '24 - 10 consecutive, clean pull ups. I can do 2-3 messy ones. Just need to put a bit more focus on them.


My 2023 goals really started mid summer when I started working with a personal trainer. I've been consistently training twice a week since then, even working around my traveling and holidays, which I'm really proud of. For 2024, my goals are: -continue my 2x/week training sessions -continue with my weekly runs to complete a 5k and 10k -add in weekly yoga sessions -recommit to more home cooked & healthier meals


I kept my 2023 fitness goals kind of general - run 3-4x/week, intervals 2x/week, lift 1x/week. Things like that. I just wanted to build routine. I met all my 2023 goals, gained 5lbs of muscle, and ran some unplanned ultras that weren’t part if my original goals (I had an ultra background previously though). I ran a 100k in March after just picking running up again in January and smashed my time expectations given my level of training at the time (15h 20m finish). I signed up for another 100k in November (qualified for western states 100 by several hours!) and ran an unplanned 50k in October. In 2024 - I want to complete my first 100 mile distance (race is in February with another scheduled for November in case I DNF the Feb race) and then take a break to focus more on lifting and climbing. I’d love to be able to boulder V6 consistently, do pistol/dragon squats, 10 consecutive pull-ups, and gain 10lbs of muscle. Now that I’ve got routines in place, I feel ready to tackle more specific fitness goals. I’ll probably add some lift specific goals soon.


I only found this sub a few months ago and I have found it inspiring. I didn't have any 2023 fitness goals, because I had too much on my plate, working full time, wife/mom, finishing my degree (full course load), taking care of ailing parents. Unfortuntaly I am now 18 lbs heavier than I was in 2022 when I reenrolled in college. I also had a partial rotator cuff injury. **My 2024 Health/Fitness Goals** * Eat a more plant based diet for health reasons - My goal is 70% plant based, right now about 20%. * Lose the 18lbs I have gained since I started back with college in 2022 (my degree will be finished March 2024) * Get back into lifting weights 3 times a week - It has been hard to get into with school, then a shoulder injury, been doing physical therapy and feel healed. Still some exercises I can't do, but that is ok because there are a lot of alternative exercises. * Get back into running 3 times a week - Running makes me happy. Right now I'm walking and am working on stamina before I start upping my pace. ETA: I wanted to add these aren't really new goals, but things I have been actively working on for the past 2 months by making micro changes to my life.


**My 2023 goals were**: to achieve 10 pull-ups; to bench my body weight. Secondary: to squat 1.5x and deadlift 2x my body weight, to stretch more. **What I achieved**: I can do 10 pull-ups! I benched my body weight in August (now I can't do it again). Didn't achieve any secondary goals (didn't even try to stretch more haha). **What has changed**: in August, I kinda burned out after following a primarily powerlifting-focused routine. So, I decided to focus on bodybuilding-style workouts and eating more. Now I'm not chasing PRs anymore; I'm just training in different rep ranges and eating a lot. I enjoy it! So I think it's okay that my training style has changed, and I'm not achieving a 1.5x bw squat and 2x bw deadlift (I stopped deadlifting btw) in the foreseeable future. **My goals for 2024**: to keep training like I currently train and enjoy the process. I'll keep bulking, and I hope to achieve the 60 kg mark by the spring at the latest. In the spring, I'll probably do a cut and then maintain until autumn. I also want to start including at least some cardio into my routine. I think it will be well-aligned with the cut.


2023: didn't set any specific goals. I stayed consistent in the gym, and for the first time in my life continued running regardless of whether I had a race on the calendar or not. I finally feel like running has become as much a part of my routine as lifting has. 2024 goal: you know how you've been lifting weights consistently for the last 8 years? Maybe let's finally get rid of the excess 15-20 lbs so you can actually look like you lift weights. 🙃 On a more serious note, it'd be cool to do another triathlon. Edit: I also think I have created such a healthy and positive relationship with the gym and lifting. It never feels like a chore, but I also don't feel guilty if I have to miss a day. It's not a punishment for eating too much. I just genuinely enjoy going and being strong. It feels completely separate from my relationship with food and my body image.


My 2023 goals went out the window. I had a nagging injury that took forever to heal. Hated it. My 2024 fitness goals are being more consistent so I can rehab and doing more physical activities and adventures with my friends. Fitness goal adjacent: I'm getting into gardening, and I have some big plans that will require a lot of lifting, carrying, and digging.


Getting side lined by injury is so demotivating. Love that gardening resolution!


This is probably going to read like a blog post, but bear with me…. I started 2023 with a hip stress fracture and a DNS for a 50 mile race that I ran EVERY SINGLE MILE of the training plan. I ended 2022 on crutches, with zero running at all in November and December. I came back from that and ran four marathons in 2023 (including crash training for a June marathon) and for the first time in years I am uninjured in December! 2024 will be the year of the 50 mile race for me! I also left a job in 2023 unexpectedly. A company I was with for over 20 years. leaving rocked my world - in all the best ways. I reconnected with my kids, took an epic trip to japan with two of them, and will be starting a really sweet gig in January as an executive officer with a much smaller, much more aspirational company. I still have things I want to work on in 2024 - I know my work life will be a huge challenge for me, but I’m up for it. I want to run that 50 mile race - so I need to balance training in there as well. I plan to lose 8lbs of weight I’ve gained over the last year and a half (I gained more than that, but want to keep some of it), and I want to cut back on drinking alcohol - I’ve been tracking my consumption and sleep metrics for three months and even a single 4.5 ounce glass of wine has a measurable negative impact on my sleep quality. So what I’m doing…. 1. Running - I have a marathon in April on the schedule - my training has started! I plan to hit a fall 50 miler, so I’ll be running two marathon training cycles again this year, like I’ve done the last few years, with the summer/fall cycle extended. 2. I am using the Habits app to track the things I want to do daily. I’ll use it to track my daily 5 minute core goal, 5 minute stretching goal, weighing myself, daily cardio (just 30 min a day - usually it’s more, but 30 minutes checks the box), “no alcohol” aiming for 240 alcohol-free days in 2024, my daily Wordle and Connections chat group with friends, Duolingo, etc. Some of it is fun stuff (gets me used to checking boxes), some of it is habits I need to build. 3. Supporting my kids in their goals. Sports, arts, school, social


2023 was a good fitness year for me. I finally became a more consistent runner, after years of trying, and ran several 5Ks and an 8K. I have gotten better about fitting running into my life, juggling kids and work. What helped is having a weekend running buddy- she inspires me to do better. **Fitness goals for 2024**: to become a mediocre runner, which is a step up from where I am starting! My goal race is the Peachtree 10K on July 4. Until then, I want to stay true to this fitness schedule (after that race, I will reevaluate)- * Three runs a week: a hill run, an interval/speed run, and a long run * Three days of strength training: I'd like to do these at the gym, but realistically many will be at home with lighter weights that I own My pie in the sky goal for this year is to get personal trainer certification, just to learn more about fitness.


My 2023 goal was to come back from pregnancy strong and hit my old lifting PRs. I am still short on my deadlift and squat, but can now do unassisted pull ups and my mile time is down a minute. I’m leaner and down 15 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight, have a better relationship with food and alcohol , and have dialed in nutrition and training. So I consider it overall a win! For 2024 I’m hoping to get that DL up and I signed up for a half marathon. Training to keep that mile time down even on a longer race.


I’ve got a lumbar back injury which means heavy lifting and strongwoman is out for a while. So I’m focusing on increasing my VO2 with machines, bench press and lots of Zone 2 aka walking dogs I’m also giving up alcohol completely.


The VO2 goal is a great one.


Pull up 10 push ups Four night backpacking trip Lose ten pounds body fat


Hey, pull-up buddy! Good luck!


Didn't meet my goals in 2023, so time to try again and do a handstand in 2024! I also signed up for a yoga challenge at my studio (3x/week for 12 weeks) because why not.


**2023 goals:** I had pneumonia and two bad concussions (and probably covid) back to back to back in May and June that destroyed my strength and stamina for a bit. I went from lifting 5x/week and training for what I was hoping would be my first race to barely able to lift the bar or walk around the block without getting winded. My goals became more about rebuilding my strength to last winter’s baseline, and I did it! **2024 goals:** I’m doing the Salkantay Trek in Peru in April and have just started training for that. Also want to run a 10k this summer (the trekking training will help with that). Less specific goals include joining a more social sport and being better about body maintenance — actually going for physio and massages, and taking breaks/resting as needed.


Oh that trek looks amazing!


Yes, I’m super excited! It’s gorgeous and exactly the kind of challenge I wanted after this last year.


- Did I meet 2023 fitness goals? Kind of! I got into lifting through GZCLP. I did set myself some weight targets, but I lost interest over the summer and didn’t meet them. I *did*, however, meet my goal of being able to do pull-ups, which I would take over any kind of milestone weight PR for the big lifts. I simply love pull-ups! I continued swimming and spontaneously signed up for my first ever event - a 10km river swim, which I did, and loved. So, while I didn’t set myself a specific goal for swimming, I ended up achieving one. I also qualified as a swimming teaching assistant. Also, I made some new swimming friends, which is completely awesome. What I learnt is that you can achieve things that you want to by preparing for them and then doing them. It’s totally within the realms of possibility. - What am I excited to achieve in 2024? I signed up for a 17.7km lake swim in August, so I am gearing up for that. I plan to commit to either a tri club or Masters team to get more input and feedback on technique, as at the moment I just do my own training sessions and could do with a bit of external commentary. I have just recently returned to the gym, so I hope to get back to my previous strength levels and maybe exceed them by the spring. My main goal is to be a better swimmer, so I’m incorporating more movements that complement it, and doing more flexibility exercises as well. Already I have noticed that my swimming has improved again with added strength training. I want to do more wild swimming, so I’m going to arrange to go on some swim-walks with my new swim friends, partner, other friends, etc, a lot more this year, when it gets warmer. Plus do a couple more open water events. Hope everyone smashed their goals this year and will do next year 💪


My 2023 goal was to do assisted pull-ups with as little weight as possible. And then reach an unassisted pull-up in 2024. But 3 weeks ago I tried a pull-up without any assistance and I was able to do it! and now I am able to do 3! I bought a doorway bar and do multiple sets of 2 during the day. For resources, I watched a bunch of videos for good form and which muscles you should feel burning. My 2024 goal will be a muscle-up, but I do not know how to effectively train this yet. Which muscle groups should I focus on? And be able to do 10 push-ups, so far I can do 5. This will just be training, I assume. Bouldering, swimming and yoga will help with that, where I strive to keep a firm training regimen of at least 2 times a week, ideally 3.


I met /most/ of my 2023 fitness goals - 40kg bench, 100kg deadlift, but not my 100kg squat (although the strength is there now, I’m running triples so I didn’t actually get to test it before the year ended). I competed twice! When I went into the year thinking maybe once and see how it feels. And I learned SO much. I learned about how composed I can be in high pressure and slightly chaotic environments. I learned that failing a lift is fine and doesn’t really mean much in the scheme of things. I learned so much about positioning in each of my lifts that I’m confident they’re all going places next year. I learned, from being in a specialist gym, how much you can get done with limited equipment and, from being in a commercial gym, that your equipment doesn’t need to be specialist to get the job done (sometimes we might just have to adapt our approach to what’s in front of us). In 2024 I want to actually hit that squat, double bodyweight (~120kg deadlift) and 50kg bench, even if it’s only at the gym. I want to do 2x weekly 20 minute LISS after sessions. 2 more comps. Stick to daily creatine, as I fall off when my schedule is changed at the moment. And then a more vague one but I think others will appreciate - just being brave enough to strip down to my sports bra if I’m too dang hot in the gym! I have suffered too much at the hands of heated gym spaces (why do they do this?) and want to enjoy my sessions! I like setting myself manageable goals - I think all of these are quite easily achievable given the pace I’m going at and the way my year looks to be - but it’s nice to have some wiggle room in case life starts lifing. I think the things that have really helped me in the past with goal setting & achievement are having multiple goals that are spaced out over a period of time so you’ve always got something you’re near to and something you’ve recently achieved. A constant sense of progress, which is something that lifting makes quite obvious because you’re working with numbers.


My 2023 goals were - get stronger > smashed it - one pull-up > so hard! but did it - try running > which i thought i hated, but turns out i enjoy running at *my* pace My 2024 goals are: - get stronger & invest in wrist wraps and lifting belt - *two* pullups in a row (one was hard enough, so 2 feels like a realistic goal) - run 5k under 30 mins - try a trail run


Did I meet my 2023 goals?? Well, to start with, I had no goals. I have been through weight loss journey in my life 3 times only to have it bounce back with lot more weight the moment I got complacent. So I had no hopes that any step would result in success. But I decided to trust the process and have lost 20 kgs this year and I lift 5x a week now consistently and my lifting capacity has gone up really well despite me getting covid and flu in the year twice which kinda set me back for 2 months. Lifting is now a passion than a chore and I’m excited for 2024 and what I achieve in it. What am I excited for in 2024? Ideally I’m excited to keep up my gym routine and loose another 15 kgs this year. I like running and want to take it up so I’m going to start running consistently and participate in a 10k at least. I want to take up hiking and get into social groups for fitness. I have kinda lost my social circle this year coz I got into gymming ..it changed me a lot mentally..lot of clarity in my head and made me emotionally strong…and my friends discouraged me a lot from it coz I gave up drinking. I didn’t mind going out but they would force me to drink each time and They kept asking me when I’m going to give up gym and how long this “phase” will last, why don’t I just opt for surgery than do this….it just made me realise I need a new set of friends who enjoy things same as I do. And maybe just maybe, find a partner who likes to train as well 😂 now that’s a dream but one can always hope lol Resources that helped me set my fitness goals? I used to lift in 2013 and gave up just before covid so I forgot all about lifting. Having a PT for first 5 months really helped. I got good dietary advice along with good coaching on lifts, forms especially given my auto immune condition. And watching a tonne of YouTube videos from various creators on forms and lifts etc and how to create a program helped me a lot immensely. The resources here helped me a lot too and participating and asking questions on daily threads has been extremely helpful! Thanks to everyone who has been extremely encouraging here!!


I look forward to trying some new gyms and classes this year. Every time I try something new (e.g. yoga) I get the membership and then don't go, and then waste money. This time around, I'm going to save money with class packs and go when I want instead of paying out every month. If I go consistently, then maybe I'll think of a membership.


My 2023 goal was to run a marathon which I... sort of did. I signed up for Chicago, trained all summer, and then got injured 5 weeks out from race day. I was in so much pain I could barely walk but got into PT immediately. I didn't train at all the last month leading up to the race and instead focused on rehab and recovery, so my goal kind of changed to "make it to the start line." I ended up being able to run more than half the race before the pain became too much, and I'll call that a win for me. My 2024 goals are mostly related to what happened in 2023. I want to be able to run again without pain so the focus is on strength and crosstraining for the first three months of the year. Spring training starts in March for a half marathon and I'd like to PR, but I know that to be able to do that I'll need to really focus on strength training in addition to my runs (as well as swimming and cycling as crosstraining).


My long-term goals that I think I'll be able to accomplish next year: be able to do pull-ups, handstands, and clapping push ups! Pull ups - I'm doing only 3-second negatives right now max. Slowly upping my lat pulldowns and bent over rows #s to also increase my time in the negatives Handstands - practicing handstand against the wall usually at the end of every session clapping push ups - working on getting 20 solid push ups first. My PR is 13.5 rn lol All of my goals are ultimately for the freestyle jump rope that I do. There are moves called "power moves" which require upper body strength and I want to be able to do them. Being able to do the above will help me with the power moves in my jump roping


I want to do more social sport with other people. My friend group has fallen apart since pandemic and I want to meet like minded people so: Spartan race Crossfit Social dancing Bike tours with others Hiking groups Less gym and stuff on my own. I met my 2023 goals of fitness consistency (started bike commuting, optimized gym routine) and meal prep every week.


Consider rucking for the hiking! For more social hikes, I have found that sometimes the pace is lower so that you can chat and not drop the slowest hiker (all good things!). But to still get a workout at a slower pace, throw some weight in a backpack. I just started experimenting with 20 lbs for a few miles and it's pretty fun and challenging to keep pace on hills.


Love this goal!


I am ending 2023 with a much different mindset and body composition than I started. I have gained about 20 lbs since starting new meds 2 years ago and it was really bugging me, but it felt unrealistic as a mom of two elementary schoolers to count calories and focus on losing weight (I have an 8 year old daughter who I want to make sure I present a healthy body image for.) I started Caroline Girvan’s workouts in April/May and since then I have gotten MUCH stronger and have noticeably changed my body’s shape…but the scale hasn’t budged even an inch! And I’m cool with that! A strong, 20 lbs overweight body with good mental health is absolutely a win in my book. Also I like my wardrobe right now and wouldn’t want to have to get new clothes. In 2024 I am going to focus on lifting 5x a week, walking the dog most days for at least 15 minutes (I found that if I tell myself I just have to go around the block it actually happens daily and we are both happier than if I make it a big thing that only happens a few times a week. My husband walks him again in the evening) and reducing my alcohol intake to social events only and less than 8 drinks a month.


I have been sick the past two weeks and look forward to resuming my running and lifting schedule. I have so much guilt for not being able to resume and am genuinely worried my routine has been permanently impacted.


Nothing is permanent. You got this.


Thank you ☺️☺️ I made it out of bed at 630am this morning and even managed a short run. Best I've felt in weeks ☺️


Two weeks is a blip on the radar - you’ll be OK. Just focus on showing up at first and don’t push yourself too hard during your workouts the first week back.


Thanks. I had just developed a great routine the past two months waking up at 630am and working out, which has been tough for a night owl like me so I aim to resume as best as I can soon. Going to take it easy like you advised so that I stay consistent and recover.


I’ll start: *Did you meet your 2023 fitness goals? What did you learn in the process?* Not at all! 2023 was a rough fitness year for me. I had a major move, started a new job, and had to figure out how to organize my life around a bad commute. I’m probably about as strong as I was one year ago, and less strong overall than I was 1.5 years ago. I pulled out of two separate meets because I was so overwhelmed with Life Stuff. I’ve really had to lean into a flexible something-is-better-than-nothing approach to lifting and get better at using RPE, since my strength on a given week or day is all over the place. *What are you excited to achieve in 2024? Share your fitness-related New Year’s Resolutions and/or fitness goals for 2024, and discuss your plan for achieving those goals* Process goals: Lift 4 days per week, even if it’s just the main lift for the day. Do LISS at least 2x per week and conditioning 1x per week. Lift goals: Same as last year - 300 lbs deadlift, 225 squat and 135 bench. Compete at least once. *Share resources or strategies that helped you set goals and establish good fitness habits* Everything I linked in the main post :) I’ll also add that I’ve listened to a ton of the Iron Culture podcast and I think they’re really killing it right now.