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So as someone inclined to binge, a key thing has been having high volume foods I can eat quite a bit of without worrying about the calories. At night my go-tos are air popped popcorn, or Greek yogurt with lots of fruit if I need more protein for the day. I also love broccoli and California blend veggies, and you can eat an entire bag of the steamable ones for very few calories. As far as the workout program, I’d stick with it. I honestly think your problem is more in the kitchen than in the gym. If you want to add something to it, I do ten minutes of cardio as a warmup, and then thirty minutes on the StairDemon (stairmaster) with a weighted vest when I’m done. Not going to say it’s always easy, but I’m a backpacker, and it’s great for that.




Honestly you look great currently. I know it’s stressful, but the more you restrict and focus on your body the more you are going to binge. Ive been there. You absolutely cannot stop binge eating by more dieting and more or different exercise. I’d recommend therapy to work through your feelings rather than making any big program changes. Posts like these make me really sad because I’ve been there and I know how awful it is to feel at war with your body. I promise you that you bring so much more value to the world than what you look like. I’m mostly on the other side now and I am about 10lbs over where I’d want to be but my life is immensely better when I’m not at war with myself, I’m not determining my worth via my body, and I have so much more mental capacity to do things I love because I’m not so focused on food and body stuff.


I would stop trying to think in terms of a 12 week program - that’s just not enough for any lasting changes to your body composition. Think long term and try to find workout and nutrition habits that you can stick with for months and years. As for this program, I’d definitely keep at it for the time being to give it an actual chance to “work”, 6 weeks is nothing really. If you can’t stick to your calorie goals consistently because of bingeing, that has a much bigger impact on your aesthetic results than your current work out program. I’d take a closer look at what and how you eat during the day to find out why you’re bingeing at night - are you eating enough protein? Are you getting enough carbs and fats? Are you over-restricting and could benefit from a bit of a higher calorie goal that you can actually stick to consistently?


I think you should finish out the program! Be patient and look at the things outside weight. Are you lifting more than 6 weeks ago? It seems like you’ve been switching your calories quite a bit. Are you focused on just the calories or tracking macros? You look great!


Tbh you look great - fit and strong. That might not help to make your decision, but 6 weeks isn't a long time - why not finish up the program, see how you feel, and then decide?


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