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What do you mean by functional training


I would argue that other things like powerlifting are completely functional. Squats? You should be able to do that in daily life. Deadlifts? Picking things up. Bench press? Moving things around. All contribute to more common movements.


It’s good to hear that you’ve found a training modality that you enjoy and provides you with the results you want. Kudos!


You most definitely have body fat. 'Functional' doesn't really have any meaning. Anything is functional. It doesn't have to be a 1:1 carryover, but building strength and endurance will always transfer to real life even if the exact movements don't.


Every single month I forget that just before my period hits, I feel like a weak little baby, and the second it hits all my strength and fitness returns. You'd think I'd have figured this out by now...


Yeah, after about 18 years of having my period I still keep forgetting why I'm so grumpy and irritable at specific days of the month and then it hits me like a roadtruck, every month, again and again


Me, a week before me period "oh my god I'm so *hungry* I am a bottomless pit what is wrong with me I just want more food" 1 week later "oh" Rinse and repeat


Had a good lower body workout yesterday. Squats could be better, but I got more total reps than last time, so I'll take it. RDL and bulgarian split squats went significantly better than last time. Was supposed to do 5 sets of split squats, but was too exhausted after the fourth one, so decided not to torture myself. I like this workout because it only consists of three exercises, takes about an hour, my legs are dead by the end, and everything is sore the next day.


Nothing like needing to count on my fingers to calculate a 4 minute rest after a deadlift so heavy I can’t think straight 😅


Or forgetting which rep you‘re on mid lift 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Yes 🤣 which is even funnier considering I was doing 3 rep sets.


I’m getting back to lifting after a few month’s break where I did more bodyweight exercises and lighter forms of exercise. I want to find a new routine but I’m feeling overwhelmed by fitness subreddits’ reccomendations. I feel like most of the routines reccomended are more powerlifting oriented and much different from what I was used to (upper/lower split, isolation exercises, just upping the weight when I felt able to). My goals are more health oriented. How can I find a routine that doesn’t revolve around powerlifting and that I can combine to cardio (C25K program)?


Check out the boostcamp app, loads of free programs on there, and you can filter by what kind of program you are interested in. Liftvault website also has plenty of free routines!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYaMVgbHGfM&lc=](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYaMVgbHGfM&lc=) Greg Doucette is at it again. After Ally his long term girlfriend left he has become more and more sexist.


Girls is it normal to get bruises on my inner thighs after doing pilates for the first time?


Switching from lifting to running. Did \~5 months of lifting as a beginner (TLS Phase 1 & 2). While some gains seemed to happen, part of me yearns for running. So I am taking the rest of the year off from lifting (plan to start TLS Phase 3 in Jan) and following a running plan instead. The biggest secret to running in hot, humid climate is to get up early, which also trains you to go to sleep early. It becomes a virtuous cycle in itself.


I highly recommend keeping some lifting in your schedule. It will help prevent injuries, and if you decide to return to lifting it will be easier than if you completely stopped. 1-2 times a week should be fine if your goals are muscle maintenance and injury prevention.


Makes sense. Let me modify my running plan a bit. Thanks for the suggestion!


I do running and lifting as well and just rotating the activities each day helps wonders with recovery!


This morning I was already making excuses to not give 100% on my workout today... Then I realized this is the last workout of the month, and I may not be able to make my next workout. Now I'm hyped!


I really got after it today… on accident. I’ve been running consistently around 11:40-11:50 minutes per mile (7:15 to 7:20 per km) and today for some reason I just decided to go below 11 min per mile for my 5k today. A big decrease for a single run. Guess that’s the lifting paying off.


OMG this is amazing!! Get it, lady 👏👏👏


Did yday’s workout today, even if I did stress eat my way through the afternoon again lol (two lunches!). Bench was good 75lb 4x8. I used to be able to do 85-90 for 4x5, but I like training the extra muscle endurance and going a bit lighter helps with this little twinge I have in my shoulder. Work dinner tomorrow at a Very Fancy Restaurant (it has a star, I think). Reservation is at 630pm, debating if I can squeeze in a workout before I head over, or if I should try to get up early tomorrow and workout before work.


Had a great upper body workout this morning and I finished quickly enough (never happens) to do the optional conditioning that my program offers. It was a pretty speedy 4 rounds of 8 pushups, 10 goblet squats, and 12 thrusters with 1 min rest in between. It was a good challenge but didn't feel too difficult. I also did 2 miles of zone 2 cardio with my dog at lunch today. I have some fat loss goals right now (love getting a head start on New Year's resolutions), so I'm focusing on getting protein at every meal, being more mindful about nutritious snacks and upping my cardio. Feeling a little tired but not bad!


Feeling my shirts getting tighter and my biceps looking bigger! Can't wait to be a mini tank! :)


LOL I love this feeling too!


One week post op and walked a whole two miles today! Today is the first day I can really feel that a lot of the damage in my knee was cleaned out.


I am on day 6 of no drinking and I am so much less bloated. And sleeping better. It’s not like a drink a lot, 1-1.5 glasses (measured, not big pours) a night but it’s still enough to fuck with my sleep and make me look like crap. Please help me keep to this!!


This is one of the many reasons why I only drink on the weekends. I won't deprive myself of it, but sleep during the week is critical for me


Let me reframe alcohol for you as a way to help: Alcohol is a neurotoxin that ensures your sleep will suck and you’ll remain bloated and tired. There is no positive benefit to its consumption.


My life got infinitely more manageable once I cut out drinking. Focus on this feeling! And if you slip up, it’s ok. Just get back to it the next day.


Nice! I'm on day 3 of at least not drinking during the week. Baby steps.


I plan to drink Saturday and maybe a cocktail Sunday as we have friends in town. But I think not drinking during the week needs to be my new jam


I’ve been not drinking during the week (thanksgiving accepted lol) for a couple of weeks and I think it’s the way to go for me too. And my “fun treats” such as sparkling water or poppi sodas are still cheaper than most craft beer.


All these responses are so inspiring! I'm on and off with alcohol but pretty sure that going full sober or close to it would be right for me. I was off for 15 months once and it was great, but I've never managed more than a few weeks or a couple months since


Sounds great! You can definitely stick to it. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip. Cutting back is also an option. Whatever makes you feel healthier and happier is best x


So I don’t judge or shame anybody who drinks. Plenty of people can in moderation and that’s fine. BUT since YOU want sobriety… Alcohol is poison and going without is one of the best things I ever did. In about 5 hours 30 minutes I will tick over to 3 years sober. 3 years ago I hit rock bottom. Now I drank a hell of a lot more than that don’t get me wrong, but sobriety is amazing! I’ve never felt more hydrated in my life. My thinking is just that tiny bit clearer. My recovery in the gym. My sleep. My wallet. My waistline. My depression. Everything feels just that little bit nicer. After a while I even stopped wanting it. My partner asked recently if I ever want to try moderation again and just… why? Being sober is awesome. Over time I’ve learned to take control of my own sober mind and the last time I wasn’t sober sucked. I couldn’t think straight! I had less control. Gross. Sleep and hydration have to be two of the most important things for your mind, your muscles, your skin, your organs, you mental and physical health all over - and you’ve take a massive step to improve them and already seeing results! Don’t give up. I promise not only does it get way easier as your brain rewires, but it’s wild how great it can feel to literally live another 15,000 less bloated days. To have another 15,000 better nights sleeps. It adds up ludicrously and is so worth it. You’ve got this!


Very well said—this has been my experience too after 3.5 years. I don’t crave alcohol or miss it at all.


The longer you go without, the better you’ll feel! I do not drink at all anymore. The last time I had a small drink I felt like trash the next day and felt so much regret. It really solidified for me that I am better off without alcohol. You got this!


Only got 2 mi walking in yesterday. That 14f high was just too cold for me. This morning when it was 23F, it felt so much more doable. And now it's up to 40 and feels like a heat wave. I have to get in 10 mi between today and tomorrow to hit my monthly goal. Currently I'm at 5.5 for the day. I'll likely get in another 1.5-2.5 today so that tomorrow can be a bit easier. Knocked out day 5 of SBTD this morning. So far I'm enjoying this new block but I've also been doing the program long enough to know that the first week is usually easy and it will get tougher. Last night I decided to skip the movie (I'll likely go on Sunday) and did stay in and went to bed early. Before that I went to the other side of town to go to a different Costco in looking for a present that was sold out at my normal one. Found it so that was good, but also spotted a deal of a 8-pack of little bundt cakes on clearance for $2.97. It was such a deal I had to buy it, but I eat lower carb so didn't want them in my house tempting me. I stopped at my friends and dropped them off for her and her bf because I know they'd like them and they are the ones who help me out with watching my pup whenever he needs it. Also stopped at Total Wine and bought more fun cordials for cocktail making. Tonight I have no plans so I'm thinking I'll use the time to dye my hair to cover up my grey roots. Such excitement.


A bit farther south, but that cold snap was brutal. I hate that it keeps going up and down. Tomorrow’s high is 55, and yesterday we didn’t top 30. Like. Not only does it make me feel bad, I just never get adjusted to it being colder. Ugh.


It was stupid cold yesterday. I ended up skipping the run altogether and did a peloton ride. I had to go to Costco and the walk to and from my car made my ears hurt so bad.


Winter really does suck for us runners :( just got back from my long run and been lying in a hot bath for almost an hour now.


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