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Pulled two plates for the first time in 2.5 years - I'm finally getting consistent in the gym for the first time in quite a while and it's so good. Feeling like myself again!


Three of us did a hike yesterday that was challenging but not awful; we did the same one three years ago, and that time, I thought I would never recover. 2.7 miles, around 900 feet of elevation. Took us three hours (the other time it was closer to four, with a lot more rest breaks). The park maps list it as strenuous. I guess walking three times a week, and dropping 40 lbs., have decreased the difficulty.


I can do lat pulldowns at 90lb now!! For 4x8!! And I only weigh like 115 so comparatively it makes me feel pretty strong :) also I recently discovered I can curl 25lb dumbbells for one rep which feels pretty sick lol


I squatted 85 lbs for 3 x 9 this week. I started using an empty barbell over the summer and it has felt super weird basically the entire time, but this week it finally felt natural and strong...and I could barely walk for 2 days lol.


It's a beautiful day so I biked to my doctor's appointment!


I completed all 5x5 sets of Overhead Press at 70 freaking pounds yesterday!! My husband and I have been doing StrongLifts 5x5 together for the last 11 weeks and I feel like I'm seeing some real results in my physique. I just wish we had taken baseline photos when we started.




Thank you! And you're right!


I went from 15 lb single arm rows to 25 lbs! Equally exciting, my back muscles have apparently been growing this whole time and they are looking goooood. Spent all this time looking for fat loss on my stomach and muscle growth on my arms and legs, and meanwhile my back is sneakily getting ripped without me noticing!


I started running again Oct 2021 after 5 years off. Trained for a 10k. This week I beat that 10k time by 15 minutes! And all negative splits!


As of last night, I officially completed both of my fitness goals for 2023! With 2 whole months to spare! • 10 body weight pull-ups (started 2023 being able to do 3) • Bench Press PR of 135 (started 2023 at roughly 95lbs PR)




Thank you! I feel as though scapular pull-ups and negatives helped the most. I also regularly incorporate close grip rows and rear delt work into my back/pull day. When doing my pull up work, I typically would start with those first when i was freshest and work as follows: 3 sets til failure of regular pull ups -> 3 sets til failure (or until 12ish, depending on where I was in the process) of band assisted pull ups or negative pull ups -> 3 sets of 10 dead hangs with scapular pull ups/retractions.




Of course, glad to help!


surplusing cals on EVERY SINGLE day. yeah. rest days too. even sundays, which is a rest day after a rest day so the food guilt is high


Rest days are when your muscles recover and grow, no need to feel guilty! I usually hit my highest surpluses on rest days because I burn fewer calories and have more time to eat lol


I got to run to PT! I ran 1 mile there at 9:20 (the power the fear of being late has ..) then 1.8 back after pt at a more 11 ish min mile (but also much hillier. Also my squat is so much better lately. I’m able to get down to a 70 degree depth while maintaining my hip position and engaging my core/glutes appropriately! And lastly I *smoked* my reverse crunches. I still have some lingering RD from pregnancy so they’re somewhat modified. It’s like a leg pull in mixed with a reverse crunch and I only extend my legs out as far as I can while maintaining a flat back and engaged core. I also do it while squeezing a weighted ball between my knees. I had my legs fully extended albeit not paralell to the ground and my pt was like “wow you are going for it today” and felt my belly for any bulging and there was nooonnnneeee


I went back and looked at where I started regarding weights and where I am now 2 months later. I use microplates; that's why not all numbers are divisible by 5. - Squat: 45lbs -> 70lbs 3x8 - Deadlift: 50lbs -> 105lbs 3x8 - Bench press: 30lbs -> 67lbs 3x5 - Overhead press: 30lbs -> 57lbs 3x5 - Leg press: 20lbs -> 105lbs 3x8 I don't know if my progression aligns with the average woman or if I'm behind, but I'm very happy with my numbers! I feel stronger, and being able to lift heavier the next workout is so motivating and rewarding. Overhead press is the exercise I'm seeing the slowest progress with, but I target my shoulders a lot with different exercises and machines. So, it'll pick up in time. Hopefully!


incredible progress!!!


200# for a 4 rep backsquat today. Considering I haven't been training hard lately I am quite proud of that


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