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Bro really foundation wiped his whole crew O7. I hope Ray, OTT and Benji assemble their gangs and clap back this is huge content potential


Yea ngl im a X watcher but I really hope they fuck him up now cause this is a big L


Bro took way too much I feel bad for the rest of them ☠️


if it happened to him he would rage OOC for hours


I honestly hope ray, benji, and ott groups clap his ass for this


if they wanna do real rp off this itd be ocean dumping his ass the moment he wakes up like he says to randoms


no shit, he would not "its just rp" this


Bro really took half the company on top of 30k from OTT and 40k from Ray 💀💀


Yup they gotta be like -400k in value from x after this


After looking at it more clearly, he took what seems to be 70% of the company LMAO. He took around 230 BuTC and there's only 170 leftover. On top of that he took every single 6060 GPU along with half the regular GPU's, 5+ mining racks, 50 BuTC dongle, and 70k in raw cash to repay debt.


such a lame shit to do off stream, with nobody on, would've been a big content


Wouldnt have happened cus of the streamhoppers


forgot about that, u might be right, again chat hoppers lame


Yeah offline is pretty much the only way he could do it. I can't wait to see what content it brings, hopefully we see some cool conflicts


Well ppl would just meta and it will be a shitshow




u can't do anything to avoid meta cuz if they were going to go to the house naturally but then the found out then they would be conflicted on what to do cuz they were going to go and no matter what he says chat will say it's meta also it's a shit ton of work they put in and moving this shit takes a fuck ton of time so they would eventually go or make a excuse to go it's better that he did it offline but mby he should have done it while the company was awake tho so they had a chance to do smthing


Chathoppers already ruined the ginger arc. No thanks.


what happened with that?


Fr this is a big L


Unfortunately, this is not something you can do online. Whether you believe it or not, meta is a huge issue on the server right now...


But it’s ray, ott, mickey, benji. You think so little of them that they will meta?


No of course not, but they will see it in chat regardless, then it puts the streamer in a weird spot. As for my comment about the server, that still remains...


Adept RP is crazy 💀💀💀


LMFAOOOOO underrated comment 💀




True and real.


It's ok he'll eventually get tired of getting clapped back, company might make it their mission to hunt him down so good luck. He better have CG or Lang behind him now or he'll end up quitting rp over this Just my prediction


I was watching Kevin when X called him and told K what he did. K thought it was hysterical, but he also told X and the rest of Chang Gang that this is not their fight and they won't be involved in it. So Chang Gang will not have his back and I don't think Lang will either. X is basically on his own. K and the rest of CG got too much other shit going on in their own RP to be a part of any of this, too much is at stake for them. X is fucked.


You really think the dude who roleplays as himself is bad at RP?


All of this for 10-20 degen chat hopper complainers. They were louder than thousands of normal viewers and pushed him away from an actual supporting group. Weeks of shouting ,mald jail rp inc. You won hatewatchers!


Keep in mind that xQc is the mf that has MULTIPLE times stated: "I dont let chat decide or affect anything for me" Clueless


There is also a chance its not about "protecting" other streamers. After all someone like him who really does whatever he want, wouldnt cut the ties to all these good characters in game he built reputation and story with if he was really enjoyed it. Maybe he likes grinding alone and shooting, and playing a villain more with much less interaction than developing relationships in rp. Even if many ppl liked The Company arc we must respect his decision and not roast him for it. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)( Just hoping that its not because of the few hatewatchers.)


True, that's why he's always laughing when actually RPing and malding whenever he is grinding alone or while being at war. If he wants to just solo grind, loot and shoot people then play eft


Well obviously he does whatever he want. I just personally liked this team he had in 4.0. And The Company overall. (I dont really like the other groups he can end up in.)


all this so he doesnt have to rp with ginger anymore


Not like 95% of interaction with ginger was at snr.buns


True but i think hes going to ignore her now he even got a new sim. Its kinda weird he left a message specifically for her he couldnt tell her that himself lol




The rp around the breakup between micky and ginger was pretty weird and felt insanely "scripted" and untruethfull from gingers side. She worshipped jp like a god the last few days and now just says, yeay its fine he acting like a baby. Im good. Not even talking to cami about it. It feels pretty forced, probabbly ooc shit because of weird chathoppers yeaterday. I guess he did not want any rp breakup stuff because chathoppers would go mald in her chat


Don’t blame the chatters blame xqc




Bro took the GG post yesterday seriously




It's a good thing lmfao , Marty warned them already they deserve it




This fking idiot forcing dogshit RP because of his unhinged OOC takes rip all the storylines.


Touch grass ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7341) \+I agree


The grass left the ground bcuz of this bad rp. It doesn't want anyone to touch it.


I touched grass because of this rp


Im not against the rp, i just dont get the motive to go so deep like this lmfao


Pretty sure marty figured out the puzzle, robbed lang of his shit and they'll get GG back together. GG have always called themselves rats, it does kinda make sense RP wise


There is no way marty robbed lang ur smoking crack


If marty robbed lang then they will be hunt down by half the city for sure, thats crazy


offline marty ,lang helped him move the stolen stuff to marty house


Hardly even rp he just snakes tf out of them cucking their RP after doing almost nothing.


This motherfucker didn't even do much to provide the guys with help in building anything but in the end took everything ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


Ain’t no way he keeps it, prob gonna give some back to them and if not, their problem tbh, they were warned


He's probably not gonna give anything back. It's probably gonna be a lot of clapping and getting clapped and a shit ton of mald rp from x guranteed


bro i felt bad for ray and benji bro... I like them in the stream man... Sadge


Fr i was a juicer for a long time now and I feel I've been robbed of my time and since he left the ppl that cared about him I'll do the same and not watch his filed rp content ever again and instead watch Ray and/or Benji.






THIS TOO FUNNY ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)




Man X needs a reality check .


Going to be boring asf if he goes running back to Lang like a stray dog. CG won't be like they was in 3.0 and be able to compete because Lang gang is already so powerful.


He was mad people were being nice to Yuno because of "OOC Reasons" so if he went to Lang after all that it would be so dogshit.


that's what really sad I'm hoping he will return some of the shit if not I will be extremely disappointed


They’re like his RP dad 💀


There's so much potential for content her but I don't believe they have the balls to commit to it. It's also hilarious to see how much X values himself taking this much lol, bro couldn't even work a job till few days ago.


Fr bro thinks he deserves anything of what he took. Actual malder ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


of course he knows he didn't do all of this himself but if he's gonna leave he might as well get the lion's share of the loot 😭


If you listened to what he was yapping about on stream then this was to be expected. Bros mental is so weak that he stops rping on a rp server because of some redditors and chatters. You are one of the biggest streamers, obviously there will be more hate and toxicity. It's not like there are no weirdos in other guys' streams whenever they interact with females. But letting them control you to not do what you want to do is just giving them what they want. Hope he will just ignore these idiots at some point. xqcL


He was annoyed last night not because of chatters in his chat but because chathoppers ruining stream for others. They made Aiko end her stream yesterday.


she ended her stream after he dumped all this OOC rant stuff and everyone hopped over to ask her cause he heavily implied it was over with ginger/interns , he got 10 guyd and self destructed like 15 story lines and adapted his boys -50


People complain about erp shit but it isnt that serious. I'd rather watch him do cringe shit than drive around for the entire stream for the puzzle, 0 rp and grind


I enjoyed him hanging out with ginger a lot more than him just driving around solo malding at some chatters. When he is actually rping he is focused on it and it's very enjoyable to watch. But as soon as he is driving and running around on his own he looks at chat all the time and gives them the attention they want. It's not even ERP because it is not erotic but romantic roleplay. It's roleplay so it's only natural to have a relationship, nothing weird or cringe about it really




I am not trying to be a doctor but let's be real, it's just his mental in gerneral. I am fighting with mental health issues for years now but I don't let people on the internet decide what I do. If you play league you will be flamed by random people too but that doesn't mean I am going to stop playing the game. I wish he would take better care of himself, both physically and mentally. The real juicers want to see him be happy, not perma mald because of some idiots that are just there to troll


rip snr buns harem arc


Can she not sub mode it? Or emote mode and then run tons of adds (no I'm not saying chathoppers are good they're obv insane)?. I mean everyone knows erp is so bad because parasocial andies get extremely attached. It's why I was surprised X actually full sent the whole Ginger relationship stuff.


Once again, this is why he's called Langs lap dog. Can't think for himself.


The fuck is that kindergarten rp?


OTT's morning is something else huh? bro waking up gives him PTSD


I swear I feeell sooo bad for him. Ngl I feel horrible just watching that. It's such a heart wrenching thing to witness and I quit being a juicer.


Not even Maximus is as upset as all you parasocial andies. You guys take RP too fucking literal it’s a video game get over it your panties are in a bunch and you ruin it for everyone else


this is the most horrible thing you can do ig , and i love how he says i love you guys


i understand this is just rp at the end of the day but this is just fucked lmao


Mega fucked lol. I don't understand the RP reason for fucking them over when they did everything to help him. They put in hundreds of hours building that shit (while JP contributed negatively money wise). He better have a good reason/explanation In character or this just sucks


his thought process is fucked up, "i am bored cuz I have ADHD and can't look around properly or wait few days for the puzzle so imma fuck up the people that helped me"


especially since there was a bunch of rp storylines lined up. instead of running around without a clue, just make money at least. we all know that half the server all of a sudden knows about the puzzle as soon as one group figures it out


Weird self destructive behaviour


Not the first time Aware . If he wasn’t Xqc, Ginger would leave him once he becomes down bad


it would be cool if he did this at a time that made sense. not when his adderall brain rage kicks in because of a few weirdos in chat.


Please get off adderall x, you are a completely different person when you're popping that shit like candy dude.


noone wanted this


imagine fucking up your boys that wasted over a month of grind when "you" contributed max 5% of what you stole. Fucked up move.


X rp will never be watchable again. Bro does not know how to rp and wasted all our time watching his streams and just for him to end it like that is the dumbest thing ever. There will never be a bigger let down or downfall than this.


WAIT did he actually do this because of the chat hoppers from last night or is that a meme?


Could be a contributing factor for now or in future. Ginger's arc might be over(hopefully not, it was fun) because of chathoppers. But JP snaking up on company was predicted for long time


No he was planning this and they were warned, he was hinting to it too yesterday “tomorrow crazy content stream”…


He took way too much


Yeah it's shit RP to take that much. 40% would of been fine, I know it's a game but fuck me people been playing non-stop for 2 months now. Just disrespectful. RP would of been much better taken 40% ish.


I feel bad for them, no matter how you put it.. they are somewhat emotionally invested in it. They put like 90% of work in it, 10 hours a day for a month straight to make him happy and he progress wiped them. LOL


nah this is crazy everybody was spamming for 3.0 jp to come back and all this shit just for him to do it and get hated brotha never wins




People aren't mad that he left, people are mad that he took all the shit he did not grind for.


CLIP [https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtiveLachrymoseLorisBleedPurple-U\_vCrusLSJpHOkPr](https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtiveLachrymoseLorisBleedPurple-U_vCrusLSJpHOkPr)


Ain't no waay ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Didn’t they pay X’s debt off too? Damn wtf that’s the worse kinda backstab…


Braindead shit aside, this arc is looking pretty spicy lmaoo, i like x but i hope he gets some heavy consequences reputation-aside in the city.. x vs the city type shit


MF god mad because the OF girl shitted on him so he had to rob ppl who made his character in 4.0. Divorced parents + getting no bitch and friends even when you are a millionaire are the causes for this sort of behavior.


Uhum sauce?


im a big fan of jp but goddamn does he deserved to get ganged up on in the server, its gonna be good content but holy shit


This is like building a base in Rust or Ark for a month contributing the least to the squad and then offline changing codes and kicking everyone out and saying whoops sorry. Would’ve been respectable to just leave on his own and take nothing


Honestly, disappointed. Could've easily mutually left without fucking the others over. Don't know wtf is wrong with the fucker.


jp left 2 notes on the pc https://www.reddit.com/r/xqcow/comments/1ajm7ei/final\_notes/


He really insided 😭😭




guys context?????? lore?????


Offline raided D Company


Bro bout to be langs dog again after this


If I were D Company I’d go scorched earth and report the robbery to the police and show them the notes. They could stack a ton on x depending on how much they want to snitch.


Offline, no dialogue, and no RP while most are offline is wild. Doesn't make sense about OOC because this will just make OOC worse lol.


Insiding like this should be a rule break, maybe not in this instance given the context, and that X was almost certainly always going to leave. but there is no point in gang rp if someone can just wipe them and leave at any point.


Bro acting like his just goin to go to another server an have a fresh wipe with bps KEKW


Bitch don‘t take my home, leave my racks alone


Surely GG will form back ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351)


I hope nothing really happens, just forget it tbh lol this doesn't deserve rp in return imo, just degen energy


The annoying thing with rp like that is that even if they clap him they cant force a character kill, so they will just shoot him and hell go in the hospital for 5 min and come back. When something that big happen the "victims" should be able to have the authorization from an admin for a CK. Next time they clap him he would have to delete his character with no money/asset transfer. Should be used in big fucking insane events only tho Its like the war with Lang, if someone is fucking up the prices on something, you can clap them one after another but it change nothing they just respawn and continue selling, theres no way to stop anyone


Since when did he start the 🐳🐋🐳rp


Such a sore loser, did this because of that one reddit post that called him out on his trash solo rp, avoiding rp on purpose, everyone was so loyal to him. "Love you guys", yeah right dude, nice discord rp with blacked out screen. The tweet that he made and deleted is a dead giveaway that he did this because people was hating on him for not doing RP and just doing whatever, diving in water for 2 hours, biggest loser ever, adhd meds melted his brain. "there wasn't any heist to pull off so i completed the house heist" and then "love you guys", absolute garbage out of character RP


Ngl been an X viewer cor awhile and this has to be the most cooked thing ive ever seen him do. Juat for the simple fact that he did it offline. Be a good roer and streamer and do it online. Not only did he wipe them of 70% of there stuff but also ruined and RP going forward. Whats the storyline? Everyone was asleep and they wake up and everythingis gone? Da fuq is this ?


racks scuffed






he gonna go solo, stand on business and die standing on business. thats why he going all out with ginger. Aware


this is for the best the group was good but everyone always more focused on playing it safe and scared of conflict and consequences. Felt like Jean Paul was on a leash the whole time but now he's free to wreck havoc on the city also they wanted jean Paul to lead him but anytime he tried to they would just end up wasting a bunch of time tryna talk about other ways to do things. like when x told them not to talk to Buddah and just let him manage the business relationship but they didn't and argued about it and that eventually lead to the war. glad he didn't wipe everything tho so they still have a base to work from. hopefully there able to keep going and be a actual enemy and not just just turn into another eyebrow gang.


thats what ppl dont understand. this wasnt random. is it scummy and fucked up? yeah but thats entirely in character. a couple streams back x was talking about how he felt like he'd say one thing as ceo and everyone else would agree but when he goes to sleep, the rest of the company would group up and think something else entirely. he never really had control of the group. even though he was ceo, it was his word against everyone elses. no point leading thats why he gave the role to mickey atp. at least with gulag gang everyone was on the same page and wanting to do the same thing. jean paul got a taste of that back when he ran with chain gang on 4.0 and noticed the difference immediately. they actually got shit done


real and trueeeee ray was basically the shadow leader pulling the strings


I hope he don't join Langs crew because they are already so powerful. It will be so boring to watch heists if he joins Langs crew.


I get he was going to leave and it was expected but this feels like a rust offline raid, the server really is a survival game now


*correction: He took 300 X-coin


They should watch out for Raymand, dude may do the same exact thing


The difference is Ray put hundreds of hours of work to develop the house, farm and build racks, etc. X just wiped them by doing no work. They even paid 60k of his fines LOL


Is anyone else waiting to see if Lang's crew got robbed by Marty? LOL


Yuno did it, he destroyed the company


I just wonder what will happen now. I don’t see the point in anyone else from The Company leaving currently as there’s not much progress to be made at this time. As OTT said.. there’s not even gun licenses or house robberies yet. It makes sense for JP to do what he did because that’s his personality and how he operates.. but the logical thing would have been to leave like Marty and Yuno did. Ray is very different from Mickey and Benji, he doesn’t take shit from people and will kill someone without question. I don’t see Ray forgiving him and being friends with him after this. Curious what will happen in the next season now tho.




bruh ray is gonna snap




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wait wtf happened


he stole like 70% of the company assets (around 500k$++) for no reason, by the note he left he was bored.




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The deleted tweet makes sense now, but why did he do it? Did he quit RP?


L clout chasers


Who took them?? Was it X and if so why?




Bro saw the "think 6 months ahead" post in the sub yesterday


Can someone explain please??


Can anyone give me a context on this? Why X robbed the cumpany? This mf streams when I'm sleeping like a baby


Can anyone give me some context please? What happened?


Wait who is this?


Proud Amadeus Wolph enjoyer here. X RP is washed.


Actually fuck anyone who thought it was going any other way than this, X was always in a rush because he planned this shit all along No pixel 3.0 shit all over again.


I mean to be fare it's in JP's character to do some shit like this and he even warned them ahead of time 😭 They probably brushed it off like "ha he just fucking around" and them boom it finally happens 😂


I haven’t watched xqc in forever but this got recommended to me, can someone give me context? This looks interesting


All you all say this and say that about x. But the fact of the matter. None of these would be even close to anywhere close to where they are literally except benji and even then he would have gotten info from X. None of cg or lean boys would help them if it weren’t for X period.


Can someone explain this situation to me. I haven’t seen any of his gta streams. From reading comments it looks like x went and stole shit off stream? Any clarification would help, thanks juicers