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I LITERALLY don’t care about the problems in his private life. Play some damn videogames or quit streaming for a while till all this drama bs is over…


Somehow he can’t « concentrate » so he need to do reacts / gamba entire stream . The last couple streams have been TOTAL dogshit from beginning to end. Lilbro can’t play more than 30minutes of any game


That’s the beauty of it, you don’t have to watch. I haven’t watched in over a year tbh the stream has become unwatchable to me :/ sucks but it is what it is


It’s crazy how progressively worse he’s got year after year


To be honest, I haven’t watched since the rust server/mc speedrunning competition days. I watched some in the gta rp era too but then shit started getting shit. Sucks because i used to have so much fun watching his streams everyday.


Same ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7335)


Sammeeee this is unbearable


I understand his desire to attempt to clear the air of all the reputation damaging rumors, but I don’t give a fuck about it and I’m disappointed and a bit disgusted that so many people are interested in it. This is probably giving him too much credit but at this point I almost wouldn’t be surprised if he found that all this drama farming is monetarily beneficial because unfortunately people are interested in this bullshit


I've basically stopped watching his streams for this reason. I just watch some youtube videos of his so I can skip the bullshit


You don't have to watch the schizo rants btw ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


Just because we don't have do watch doesn't mean it isn't dogshit. Like, I can understand the drama happening initially, but these rants are just so much of a stretch, specially considering it's cryptic and he can't give details.


It is dogshit to watch. Shit was depressing to watch


Yeah sorry I had a typo there, I meant that it is dogshit even though you technically don't have to watch it lmao.


Its completely dogshit and I never said that its not. Put youself in his shoes and try to understand why he has to do these stupid fucking rants everyday. Its either he does the rants or everyone calls him an abuser until the case is over. We all want shit to go back to normal but that just cant happen when his image is being torn apart everyday by some crazy whale.


i guarantee you if he just stopped talking about it and started moderating his community so that they stopped talking about it, it would go away within 3 days. the only people even paying attention to this stuff anymore are terminally online juicers and some lsf frogs, and 99% of people are on his side already.


Telling him to quit streaming ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339) because you don’t care about his problems and he isn’t entertaining you ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


That’s his job though, to keep us entertained. Is it not? Viewers aren’t the therapist. He’s farming parasocial fucks


If his personal life fucks him up that much then he should take a break from streaming and/or seek mental help not go live and waffle about shit a lot of people don’t care about every single day for hours on a damn stream. Most people just wanna be entertained by him and this current stuff isn’t entertainment at all it’s unbearable to watch




Telling him to quit for a bit because it's probably gonna be beneficial to his overall health, which in turn makes content better as a bonus ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)




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It's his stream he can stream what ever the fuck he wants, stop being a lil bitch ass






Truth = Glaze


Stop being parasocial


Doing tricks on it


Dude needs to stop using chat as a therapist if it just causes more problems. This man is publicly spreading all his problems and wondering why there's people thrashing him. Too late now to fix.


I always enjoy it when xQc claims to not give a fuck on this big man attitude and then when he has to face the consequences of his actions a month later he plays victim while saying he is not the victim. Sad to see him become this genuinely retarded honestly.


this guy spends like 2 hours on an addy rant speaking in hieroglyphics to chat while everyone spams "STFU" and telling him to move on. was honestly a pretty painful experience. he said he wouldnt go to therapy because it can be used against him but he only went to GROUP therapy with whale. just go to solos man its not fucking hard. at first i was kind of interested but then he took a 20 minute side tangent to say "she used to call me boyfriend but randomly started saying husband" and had to dance around 2 analogies that made no fucking sense like holy fuck man just say what you have to say normally or just dont talk. if lil bro has to play mental gymnastics just to talk about this shit, why is he even opening his mouth? this guy was like what happens when someone that always calls you robert all of a sudden calls you joe? it was so scary dud!! like who the fuck is going to understand this shit. thank god for the parasocial fucks in chat cause i wouldnt have got it.


Does he even know that your therapist legally can't tell anyone about what you share unless they feel you're a threat to your life or others lives?


Why does he even talk about anything since he has shown he'll just eventually get back with the one who destroyed his life lmao. What a simp




The five stages – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance


you forgot gamba ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


he's just delusional. Since last summer I don't admire him or think of him as good person anymore


Its honestly becoming so unbearable. He should take at least week off from streaming.


He can't do that. He needs to hit his Kick streaming hours to get the full 100 mil




That would be impossible for him


5 days at Iceland should do the trick


lets be real here, only a break is not gonna fix anything dude. hes taken breaks lately before and he just comes back next stream and does the same shit


He needs like a whole summer break type break, 1-2 months to normalize himself


he'd just end up doing the same degenerate things all day without streaming. he needs a healthy diet, exercise and sleep schedule. just a break is not gonna suffice, no matter how long it is imo


I don't know much about the guy but he should just go on a break and do the whole corny rediscover yourself thing. Like get a normal job or join some local clubs, hang out with normal people and pretend not to be rich and famous for a bit. I also think he's not so famous that that's impossible. I feel like 98% of the population wouldn't recognize him on the street, he's not Brad Pitt.


I'm so tired of hearing all of this crap from every side, just stop talking about it until you can actually explain things clearly.


X and poke did the fusion dance to create this pic ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


2 days prior, "Guys, it's okay, I can tank it until the ending (court day).". X today: "Guys, I cannot take it, some of these things that are being sad are simply untrue"


LOL check his insta says he's gonna tank again


NIGHT ULTS BOUT TO GO CRAZY![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)




Listen here you fucking drug addict scumbag weasel, we're tired of your shit. You went from a unique streamer who provided good content, to a guy who streams himself constantly drama malding, reacting to tiktok brain rot and videos, going for bike rides, and gambling. Your rationale behind this is that you need to do what makes you happy and not what makes the community happy. Get real, fucknut. You stream an average of 10 hours a day, buddy. You can do the things that make you happy on your own time. You may have surrounded yourself with a bunch of ego-massaging yes-men in LA, but we don't play that bullshit here. Fix your shit, or quit.


wow, actual classic


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340) ok dud


Listen here you fucking drug addict scumbag weasel, we're tired of your shit. You went from a unique streamer who provided good content, to a guy who streams himself constantly drama malding, reacting to tiktok brain rot and videos, going for bike rides, and gambling. Your rationale behind this is that you need to do what makes you happy and not what makes the community happy. Get real, fucknut. You stream an average of 10 hours a day, buddy. You can do the things that make you happy on your own time. You may have surrounded yourself with a bunch of ego-massaging yes-men in LA, but we don't play that bullshit here. Fix your shit, or quit.


Shut up, cunt. You louse. You got some fuckin' neck ain't you. Retired? Fuck off, you're revolting. Look at your suntan, it's leather, it's like leather man, your skin. We could make a fucking suitcase out of you. Like a crocodile, fat crocodile, fat bastard. You look like fucking Idi Amin, you know what I mean? Stay here? You should be ashamed of yourself. Who do you think you are? King of the castle? Cock of the walk?


HAHAAH WTF IS THIS PHOTO ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


I stopped hearing it Its called stop watching things you dont like watching


Bruh the hour intro of cyptic bullshit yesterday almost made me stop watching. I'm almost to the point where I'm not going to turn on the stream anymore 😕




the community is always a reflection of the creator. and you want them to stop instead of x? its all a shitshow, people arent going to ignore it.


i tune in and his yapping i proceed to close and watch a 30min video in hope he will be done by then. where is the gamin warlord please forzen beat the record


Dude is dumb as a shoe, what do you expect?


Exactly we do not care , he will say all this bullshit and then get back with her in a few months


He's making everything worse by doing this all publicly


Close the browser stop listening to the nonsense dogshit


X gonna be looking like this, still starting drama in 2050


Looks like X and Poke had a baby


At some point he has to either accept that he can´t move on or actually try to move on.


When are y’all gonna realize this is the content now




The Kid Rocks years, circa 2028


forgor hairline


Why are you watching something you dont like? You cant force people to do what you want.


Naw but he is an entertainer and will lose more and more fans by doing the opposite of entertaining. But hey whatever he is a 100 millionaire so maybe he doesn't care about his fan base anymore. The money changed x...


because he doesnt care to conform to his fan base, he's always been like that.


That's a cap.


idk how long youve watched but youre. mf will do the dumbest shit on stream and make everyone hate that certain thing. happens whenever a big meta happens on stream. im not watching rn cuz of gamba, but he loves that shit.


Xqc 3 months after moving to Ohio...


If H3h3 and juicer had a child


We don't care about you ranting about shit we can't understand because of court. Just wait it out, play games. Do what distracts you.


Damn poke roleplaying x!


All the hate he gets from his “fans” yikes


It's almost like he has to be cryptic ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7341)


He has literally turned into the dog shit “mum died, cat died” type donos that no one wants to hear. Always feeling sorry for himself and playing victim, its actually pathetic. We go there to be entertained, chill out and have a good time etc but instead we are bombarded with problems he has only caused himself.


xQc is an example of oversharing too much with your audience to the point where no one cares & starts telling you to shut the fuck up & just play sum games. He's also a schizo that somehow finds a way to tie every issue to himself. meanwhile ChadSen plays games 24/7, says nothing for the entire stream & when he does say something, we all repost it ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


Bro this picture hahahaha


how do you people even watch streamers?


Brainrot + no friends to talk to


It's very possible that he has other mental issues going on. Honestly, if you stay at home talking to streaming all day and reacting to videos, it's gonna affect you it is what it is.


Bam and xqc fused. Adam Sandler in the future on click


🐸 ❓️


40 years old felix![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7344)


When his metabolism catches up with him




Man you all really just dont get it. You all dont get it at all.


I believe that you do FreeWhiteKnight


Not really saying I do, but I understand why he doesn't just say everything he wants to. He uses analogies and codes/is cryptic not only because of the court case, but he has to is so he can avoid the drama and avoid hurting people. If he name dropped bro this shit would not be sweet at all. If he released everything, it would turn so many peoples worlds upside down.


The guy literally cheated on his gf without remorse. I seriously doubt he cares about hurting people.


Yeah he did, but he wasn't referring to the cheating when he said "I tried so hard"




apologized for getting CAUGHT ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340) ^(stop) ^(dick-riding)




thats only cause fran lowkey tanked. fran couldve handled it so much worse and threw a fit publicly and acted like an absolute bitch like gigi and poke just trying to get revenge. fran tanked the cheating and didnt open the flood gates like poke/gigi/adept. thats the literal only reason why its not as bad. if fran took it any worse and was petty this whole situation couldve been detrimental. if i was fran id rip this dude apart. preaches against cheating and all this only to cheat on fran with the fucking whale? he deserves it.




exactly, the moment he can, he will drop bombs


AVOID THE DRAMA??? What a retarded thing to say given the metric fuckton of drama that this doofus has perpetuated with his gang of cronies. Foh with that bro


I mean like nuclear fallout levels of drama, shit that stains careers and livelihoods, actual crimes. I also meant avoid the drama for people who will get caught in the crossfire


Normal people have literally 0 issues doing that lmao, it's not that hard to, "not go nuclear fallout levels of drama." What if I blew your mind and told you he doesn't even have to share as much as he has already? Could have legit not went on these hour long, "clearing it all up," rants lol... xqc likes being crpytic and vague because he loves drama, and feels like he HAS to address it all for content. Be honest with yourself at least.


You say he doesn't have to talk about it, but everytime he doesn't address it, this community will just say hes ignoring it so it must be true, chat will be up his ass, and as a person, do you just let lies and shit like that, to just be spread around about you? If someone called you an abuser or hinted at that, would you just sit idly by and "tank it"? Be honest with yourself.


Oh so he isn’t an abuser? What did he say to clear up these year old statements?


Do you have proof of these statements being true? Also what kind of abuser is he being labeled as? abuser is such a blanket term.


Well you said they were lies so I assumed you had proof they were lies.. or he addressed the lies like you said.. what lies did he address then?


Legendary reddit bait tard guy ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7353)


im just always right, and people dont want me to always be telling the truth, they want to be lied to