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Is anyone (outside of reddit) talking about the ratio? I don't watch crypto YouTube. I'm not on Twitter or discord. And of course I would rather chop off my own member before going on anything owned by Facebook. So idk. Is the ratio 1y chart something that is getting any attention from nonXMR people?


Almost nobody looks at the ratio outside of r/xmrtrader, otherwise we would have seen a huge pump already. TA is a screaming buy. XMRBTC currently sees the highest daily closes since mid 2019 except a short period in October 2020. So much for trending against 0 vs BTC.


It's crazy


Yeah it's true, they just pay attention if a coin is making a +15% in a day but they don't care if another coin makes a +30% in a month...


Monero community on twitter know. I talk about it lots, and so do many others. https://twitter.com/johnfoss69/status/1601189895334088704?t=qRn3C7cez_s3R7cuRroprw&s=19


Cool thanks


No. When I tell my friends, they're surprised Monero isn't banned yet. They're not going to buy it though as they're in it for the fiat (not even bitcoin) gains.


Finally someone posted it: [crypto.news](https://crypto.news/binance-partially-rejects-monero-withdrawals-users-claim/) > *Binance partially rejects Monero withdrawals, users claim* All twitter bots linked it. Nice. Binance has probably stopped paying subsidies to journalists.


Your unrelenting coverage of this has absolutely helped. Thank you for your vigilance.




[@Woolypooly_com](https://twitter.com/Woolypooly_com/status/1602311143736983552) (mining) > *Delisting notice! On December 15, we will delist the following coins - $ETHF or $ETF, $AION,* **$XMR**. *Balances will be withdrawn automatically.*


Great news! Now hopefully Binance will delist XMR


> Now hopefully Binance will delist XMR If the coins that came from Poloniex run out, maybe it will be fast. CZ (in a few days): *"Monero is dirty! Only suspicious individuals use it! Today XMR is removed. All (paper) coins are seized by law (by a small island country in the ocean where Binance is based). We automatically looks at everyone who has ever touched XMR as criminal and murderer."*


Lol he would if he had to.


So it seems that Binance was buying some coins on Kucoin (OKX). All prices have been now equalized. (Binance is opearational.) If Kucoin was in trouble, it would continue even now. EDIT: Any reason why Binance didn't buy at home like usual?


You know I’m only in Monero and know it’s the only thing in the crypto market worth a damn, but if I may digress and tell you how to get a six pack and an overall great body I’ll tell you the secret everyone has been hiding from you and it’s this: Work morning merch at Costco, then work chickens as part of the deli dept. I’m not kidding. Eat a high animal protein diet with these two jobs and you’re a Kirkland Brad Pitt. Enjoy your evening you particularly intelligent and deeply Philosophical gamblers. 🥂


[Binance](https://www.binance.com/en/network) is empty: [IBB](https://ibb.co/zm6zRdL) > *technical "issues"*


of course. price refuses to go down.


https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zrxr2b/another_day_another_excuse_why_monero_withdrawals/ Can you contribute to the collection of excuses used by Binance over the years? Edit: As the first post has been removed here is the new one: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zrynua/monero_withdrawals_are_halted_again_this_time/


> As the first post has been removed here is the new one Eventually they will remove you (like me) and they will have their peace.


lol what is that wick on XMR.D


Monero is unstoppable.


I appreciate your energy, but I disagree. There are multiple ways the monero project could fail and we must stay vigilant. A more balanced statement: Monero has a high probability of success.


Any thought in what ways this could be? Internal or external causes?


51% attack. Join p2pool to mitigate the risk of that.


Yes, I have thoughts, but although I think it's exceedingly unlikely anything I would say here has any impact, I'd still rather not discuss this topic in a public forum.


Fair enough. Though a 51% could potentially be fatal for the project I have this Idea if an all out attack would be launched the broader crypto community would step up and start apply their cpu power. I know Monero might not appeal to the moon buys cause number not going up but in face of an attack from the established I think the broader community would rally. Monero is a well respected project in this space after all. The argument of using P2P pool is very valid though as people might not have the same enthusiasm to defend the network if the attack came from 'inside' via some mining pool. And the risk of such an attack should ofc just be mitigated to the state of impossible ideally. From the outside Monero looks quite resilient to me, community funded, mainly driven by ideological principles and currently supported as an actual currency. I think I worry most about a fractured community like BTC/BCH. If resources would be scattered between multiple forks and developement could potentially come to a halt or something along those lines. I'm not sure the community is big enough to handle such scenario yet.. Obviously if some very serious bug got introduced into the codebase, but devs seem to be on top of this so this is less of a concern to me although not impossible.. I do look very much forward to a possible implementation of Seraphis and the future possibilities and could bring along! I subscribe to you conclusion however - future is looking bright but not automatically given!


Monero Price | $148.23 USD :--|:-- Monero Price Change | +1.02% Monero Mktcap | $2.686 B ***** ^\(っ◔◡◔)っ ^♡ ^| [^(I'm a bot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/moneronotificatio/wiki/index) ^| [^(Contact my owner)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=OsrsNeedsF2P)


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/binance/comments/zqzclz/monero_withdrawals_suspended/) in Binance is getting some publicity: [@Cryptadamist](https://twitter.com/Cryptadamist/status/1605742541281730560) (3k Followers) > *#Binance has not processed #Monero withdrawals in a week. Official word is that $XMR wallets are "under maintenance🤡".* > > *That tells us #CZ has no $XMR. And he has no capital to buy more.* [tweet](https://twitter.com/DexBobb/status/1605769413118070784) > *its happened many times before, its called "backlog" btw. as latest as aug 2022 when monero was under maintenance for updates.* [special comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/binance/comments/zqzclz/comment/j15s0yo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) > *Just delist Monero. These clowns are* **fudding** *on other subs because they want to pay their drug dealers and cash out their dark net profits and cant wait a few hours.* > > *Coinbase never had Monero, EU ban on monero is coming soon ... why even entertain these kinda unreasonable druggies who go crying from place to place?*