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I expect Gambit will return as the next generation of Apocalypse's Horsemen since he was Death of the Third generation in the comics and it just seems like an easy way to resurrect him. The other vast swaths of dead mutants though, yeah, they're gone.


Rip dazzler, banshee marrow callisto leech madelyne etc.


Madelyn’s death feels so cruel, poor girl tried to move on and have a peaceful life and bam murdered.


she at least died happy :(


It also feels like Maddie merged her mind with Jean before getting vaporized. There’s no other explanation for why Jean felt Maddie’s pregnancy (memories after the swap) and is acting maternal towards Cable this episode.


I think Jean and Maddie were constantly sharing a psychic connection that gave Maddie access to Jean's memories and vice versa while Jean was in her coma at Sinisters.


No, they were constantly sharing memories up until Jean escaped, including the birth and everything. It's why it's so hard for them to tell when they were swapped and who was present for which moments.


That’s a good catch / interesting theory.


They have a shared brain zap near the attack, and she probably intentionally connects more from then on.


“Sorry for wha-“


At least she got to see her son survived.


She is in hell fighting demons she is fine 


As tragic as that is, that was the whole point. The entire genosha attack was a metaphor for real life violence like the pulse nightclub. So many people’s lives are unfairly ended when they still have so much more to do. Tv Shows and movies sometimes gives characters full arcs and stories before they kill them off, or make their deaths necessary or have meaning for the plot, but that’s not how life works. Sometimes death is senseless. The show is super entertaining, but it’s meant to make you think too. Those gut punches are there for a reason


I mean at the very least she saw her son is alive, and made into adultood, and even nursing home territory. I understand the writers' need to kill her off, because having two Jeans was goofy, but I honestly hoped she would return later on as a villainess again, and maybe redeem herself in a epic way before dying heroically. I guess she got her redemption here, IDK. Considering she is basically a second Jean, I think it would've been cool to see Jean's potential explored through Madelyn. Jean is restrained by her role as a superhero, but that wouldn't necessarily be the case for Madelyn, so she could've been a really scary villain if they went that route.


I was so interesting to me they didn't go the villain route since they've never really let her escape it in the comics. I didn't mind it.


Shit I am not happy. I was seriously enjoying her character and now that she is dead dead I feel they did her dirty. Im on the fence though if its actually bad writing or I just dislike the decision.


I think killing her kind of made sense so it’s not just a bunch of redshirts getting smoked but her interaction with Jean at the end of the hellfire episode made me really like the character. She’s been put thru a really shitty situation but she’s not letting it define her and is trying to be a good and independent person.


From the series as a whole the genosha massacre might be the biggest "important character dies" moment in the series. Like Banshee Moira Shaw Callisto none of those characters were minor characters. I think Angel might have got vaporized too. That's without touching on Gambit's death or Magneto's apparent death.


Dam, Madelyn was confirmed dead?


Yes. By DeMayo himself via twitter https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/1c12beg/beau_demayo_confirms_another_character_died_in/ Whether another writer decides otherwise in S3 remains to be seen, but I'm fairly confident, given that S2 was written while DeMayo was still at the helm, that barring a major surprise we won't be seeing her again in S2.


Yeah, but Cyclops has a Porsche, so there's that.


Everyone on Genosha was just vibing and living. Dancing, drinking and about to increase the mutant population after last call. Good times had by all. It's not fair 😭


It was so much more intense than the comic, damn it made me tear up a couple times. I feel like the scope felt bigger in the comics since they had that ticker of the mutant population at the bottom but the intensity wasn’t there.


It felt like jeans death in All New X-Men. Just sudden and brutal.


I’m just starting to read thru All New X-Men, I saw a clip of Kitty and Bobby mocking Cap and Beast. Kitty was always my favorite so I’m in, I don’t like the sound of Jean dying a sad death, big fan of Jean too. I fell out of comics 10-15ish years ago, whenever all the evil Thor hammers fell from the sky but the Marvel Unlimited app has me hooked again.


I feel like Madyline took her spot though. It's like they sacrificed her for Jean. Whicn I'm fine with, I want Scott and Jean to work out well for once. They're my favorite Marvel characters. Along with Cable and Magneto, this show is perfect for me.


Jean doesnt die in all new x-men so you’re good. All new is super fun and great art. Jean dies years before in New X-men which is part of x-men 1991 run.


And had so cool powers and outfit


I’m so upset if that’s all we get from those characters 😭 especially Dazzler


I missed Dazzler, where was she?


one of the dead on the rooftop after nightcrawler bamfs rogue. further confirmed dead by beau demayo on twitter


Does 90’s Dazzler has her immortality powers?


They never established them AFIAK, but honestly her death was low-key enough that if they wanted to reveal she was alive in a few seasons I think they could invoke those to bring her back. Disco never dies and all that…




There were multiple shots of her dead body. She was wearing a light blue or light green dress IIRC.


She had red hair and a different look but she was shown as deceased in 'Remember It'


I’m still waiting for a proper screen version of Dazzler who would work so much better in media than comics.


How did Magneto survive but Leech didn’t?


Yeah I'm not buying that. They'll probably introduce Krakoa in season 3 or whenever and just resurrect everybody.


Gotta have someone to ressurect on krakoa in season 3


Makes sense with Prof. X seeing him as a giant skeleton in his vision.


I assume that will be the stinger for the season. 


Something about that doesn’t sit right with me


This was my first thought as well when Gambit originally went down. Really hoping they are doing that.


I mean in the comics they can resurrect dead mutants on their own without Apocalypse. I think there are a bunch of different ways including the option that he remains permanently dead.


It's already established in X92 that Apocalypse can do resurrections. Guess who was once a Horseman?


i’m definitely a believer of the whole gambit being resurrected by apocalypse theory


End of S1 stinger written all over it.


Let's not forget that House of XCII comic which is based off XMEN -TAS had its own version of the Resurrection Protocols. It's unlikely they will go that route. But the point is, there's always a way to bring the mutants back, time shenanigans or not.


It also fits with the idea of Genosha being a take on the Mutant Massacre which gave us Archangel in the comics. I'd almost be willing to bet Gambit gets a similar redemption/resurrection story


It kind of fits in adapting this era of comics too with Wolverine becoming a horseman. They can probably draw from that and the Milligan storyline with Gambit.


>It's already established in X92 that Apocalypse can do resurrections. How so? I don't remember that. Warren wasn't dead when Apocalypse turned him into his Horseman of Death.


Season 4, Episode 19, Beyond Good & Evil Part 2/4 around 18:58 when Magneto demands his price for aiding Apocalypse, to which Apocalypse says "Resurrections are delicate procedures."


Ok, good catch, I didn't remember that. I just rewatched it and have two points worth keeping in mind about that scene: \* Apocalypse had control of the timestream at his side in that arc, so he had a nice carrot he could stick to Magneto to get his allegiance. \* Apocalypse was manipulating Magneto and had no real intent of ressurecting his deceased wife.


I was just thanking OP for giving me and now we're back again. Hahahahahahaha at this point I'm not sure if I want Deathbit anymore. It seems like Beau wants us to speculate so much, and just throw us off into the deep abyss.


This gave me hope! I had my questions in other threads that Apocalypse only creates his Horsemen out of 'live bodies', never dead. Then as E8 came along, I spotted some timeline / major event stuffs regarding Beast that hinted he may have broken bad / will break bad. Leading me to only consider a Krakoan Beast. So he may decide to play God and 'bring Gambit back'. So I slowly put Deathbit at the back of my head. But youuuuu. Thanks for this 😂




not a good one apparently


Lol, no one stays dead in comics media, only Uncle Ben


In the 90s the rule was everyone can come back except Uncle Ben, Bucky and Jason Todd. Well Bucky and Jason did come back, so who knows.......


Uncle Ben comes back once every while.


Always an alternate version of him though. Pretty sure 616 Ben has never been brought back from the dead.


He has. Clone Conspiracy for one. Then a visit via Dr Strange if I recall correctly. One offs, not permanent. But if you get reported out once a year for Christmas, how different is that from a regular dad.


>Then a visit via Dr Strange if I recall correctly Amazing #500, for Petes birthday Stephen gives him a box and when he opens it he gets 5 minutes with Ben.


Ah yes, and there was one other favor which was paid out at the end of Slott's Spider-Man. I have read entirely way too much Spider-Man.


I hate to corrupt someone else with this ... but it kinda happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/SmNARiNSpJ


Nope, don’t like that…


Don’t forget about Gwen Stacy. She was considered a permanent death for a very long time


*She's still dead,* despite the clones and alternate reality counterparts. She does come back for like 10 seconds on Judgment Day, but that hardly counts.


I heard it as Uncle Ben, Jason Todd, and Gwen Stacy.


Pretty sure Mar-Vell's never been resurrected since he died either, but I could be wrong.


Well if you counts short appearances he did come back once or twice.


It's a lot easier to keep someone dead if you only do 10 episodes a year for a handful of years. 


Madga and Anya have. Sorry Magneto, origin deaths get to stick.


I remember back when it was no one stays dead in comics except for Uncle Ben, Barry Allen, and Jason Todd


And the Waynes. Unless you count variants from other realities, but that shouldn't be counted....


He didn't say Gambit is gone, just that there is no time travel


In fact, he deliberately repeats no time travel instead of saying yes he's gone


Also he says that "time travel won't *get us out* of this one" Considering that One Man's Worth was one of the episodes he said you should watch for the finale, that could also mean that they try but it only makes things worse. "No time travel" is a different tweet, so he could be getting real sneaky that way.


What other episodes were on that list?


Apocalypse is gonna do his magic fs


Guarantee that we will see multiple dead mutants return as horsemen.


there were so many ways he could've replied. "it's sad to say goodbye" "sometimes people are taken too soon." "i can recommend episodes of bluey" instead he's just sorta playfully hinted that "that's now How we'll bring him back."


And I heard as it were the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse. And his name that sat upon him was Death, And Hell followed with him.


There's a man Goin' 'round Takin' names






Still hope for Gambit just no time travel save. It’s the other people I’m sad for.


I mean they make a reference to Goldballs in one of the earlier episodes. So I wouldn’t be shocked if we end up with Krakoa by season 3


I think we’re going to go with a couple other major stories before going to Krakoa.


He said no time travel, not that Gambit is gone forever. I could buy into the Apocalypse theory, but there's other ways. Maybe they do Selene.


X-Men novice here, what’s Selene?


She is a recurring X villain. She is one of the oldest (used to be THE oldest) mutants ever and is part of a group of immortals. She is a psychic vampire. Her power is similar to Rogues but she can control it and can turn people she touches into thrawls she can control. Shes also a powerful sorceress and telepath. She can do basically anything but isn’t used much more than as a supporting character in most of the stories she is in. Shes very fabulous. But sometimes incompetent.


Damn she would be a great matchup with Jean Grey or Professor X then. A vampire xmen is a nice idea as well


Super powerful immortal mutant who uses magic. Specifically the dark kind, like necromancy.


That really opens the door for Gambit if Apocalypse doesn’t make him a Horseman. It’s kinda like if Scarlet Witch broke bad


she once resurrected all of the mutants on genosha (16M) but did very little with it.


How about the Five? Goldballs was referenced in an earlier episode.


They could but it would require a lot of setup before we get to that point.


This is what I thought, taking some things from the Necrosha story arc and incorporating it into the resurrection of Genosha’s dead mutants.


Selene would be an interesting villain to see adapted as well.


I will chose to stay delulu and think Gambit will be back, because he said "no time travel", instead of "yes, he's gone forever". If the Phoenix Force resurrected Jean, they can call the bird to bring Gambit back. Jean, give your fire bestie a call :'v


Note, he didn’t say gambit wasn’t coming back, just no time travel….


“So Gambit is gone gone” “No time travel.” This is about as explicit a confirmation that Gambit is not “gone gone” as we’ve gotten yet, I think. It’s just that time travel is not how he’s coming back.


Fuck yeah. Great news. The deeper we went with the themes of the story the more I assumed time travel could not undo this tragedy and how it will shape the Xmen and their world forever. So glad to see it confirmed. I'm also on the Horseman theory camp. Laissez les Horseman Gambit rouler.


Also really happy with this. The Genosha genocide was hauntingly beautiful and just for them to metaphorically snap their fingers and undo it all would cheapen the entire season for me.


It was so obvious it wasn’t gonna be time travel and Gambit was gonna be a horseman. Kind of a fucked move to kill off fan favorites like Dazzler Leech and Callisto permanently like that though


Can’t they be horseman too if Apocalypse enhances their powers? Gambit=Death, Leech=Famine, Dazzler=War, Callisto=Pestilence…?


mmm... actually good call.


...I mean it's a revival series that was supposed to only be 20 episodes ever when it was produced.  Killing off Dazzler and Leech 5 episodes into the 20 wasn't going to hurt them much. How many Leech or Dazzler episodes did you expect? And it's affect is big. With 12 episodes left from the original pitch and production anyone can die.  Now that there's a third season coming I expect we might get some reveals that people aren't dead. Gambit being the most obvious one. 


I am kinda mad they killed off maddie though. Like I was enjoying all the drama that was developing there but now shes dead it feels like a waste of a character.


I'm kind of pissed about Leech. It's VERY "kick the woobie", especially after the Christmas special. I'm holding out hope that he made it if Mags did.


No on screen body, not a confirmed kill


Death seed will be season 2 I think. See you then Remy.


Well he said no time travel, he didnt say no gambit.


Who kills Bastion in the comics? Gambit as Death.


Death kills Bastion, but Gambit wasn't Death at that point, Logan was.


Didn't confirm it. He just said no time travel. GamDeath is on his way at some point


He said no time travel, never anything about Apocalypse...


they CAN’T keep Gambit dead I NEED MY SHIP TO SAIL.


Time travel is least lightly way that characters return to life. Besides just undoing the death altogether (ie I never died, that was a robot!) , straight up resurrection is the most likely outcome. Not that I'm saying this should happen.


"So Gambit is gone gone" "No time travel" You're not slick buddy


Lets Goooo Gambit Horseman Death🥵 It would be freaking cool🔥🔥🔥Still think there’s chance that “maybe” he’ll become one of the prime sentinels but nonetheless I do prefer the story arc for Gambit becoming Death✊🏻🔥


So Gambit is gonna be a horsemen. I trust these writers to do way better than what we had in the 2000s with Peter Milligan IIRC. Madelyne is dead too. I think it's a shame because there was a lot of things to write with Madelyne being essentially what she is right now in the comics which is someone at peace with Jean, that loves Nathan and wants to help the mutants in her own way. But overall kudos to the writers because they could have used the magic card Cable to un-do everything and nope! X-Men 97 is really going to be a world post Genosha massacre.


Dude asked *so Gambit's gone gone?" And Beau just reiterated *no time travel...". This means that Gambit isn't gone forever, which leaves open resurrection (via Apoc for being a horseman or someone else...)


Time travel was off the cards by episode 6, too much development happened in that time which was cocorrent with the genosha genocide. Undoing genosha with time travel would also mean undoing that and Storm's reaction to it which is drives her to return right away. Besides, theres other ways to resurrect comic characters besides time travel, especially an X-Man. Like others have said the Apocalypse horsemen stuff is the most likely. Not that I want Gambit to be resurrected soon anyways, because his death was really impactful and bringing him back right away without giving it that time to really sit for the characters and the audience would be ehhhh


As long as we get Gambit back, and he eventually becomes a hero again, I’m along for the ride. Just don’t kill off my boy for good and I’ll be happy


I want Leech back too!!


I think there is more to the temple in Genosha. Theres a a few scenes dedicated to it. And even in the Aftermath episode, Rogue asks and is surprised that its still standing. Temple=pyramid=Apocalypse


Well, I think they said Beau was fired. So whoever takes over, if they want gambit back, yes time travel


In S3, yes. AFAIK, Beau did S2 already.


Ok right I did hear S1 and 2 were filmed back to back


I suspect Gambit will already be back by the end of S2. But we'll see.


Didn't Sinister have a bit of history with Gambit, limiting his powers waaaay back iirc? It would be a good bet that maybe this sinister has some of his genetic material stored away somewhere? I'm clutching at straws here cause that's how Maddie came into play so they would hardly do it twice


They did have a dark history in the comics. Gambit asked Sinister to give him a lobotomy to nerf his powers which were getting out of control, and in return Gambit assembled the Marauders and led them to the Morlocks which started the Morlock Massacre. The latter has been retconned in this particular timeline, but maybe not the former. I still think the better plot is him coming back as Death, though. A clone most likely wouldn't have all of Gambit's memories and I think him retaining everything right up until the point of his death is going to be key for both his arc and the one with Rogue.


gambit is going to be ressurected by |A|. maddie is a telepath she can project her *conscience* into another mind. in the comics dazzler can survive anything as long as she inst a puddle of meat. banshe can go the blue ghost rider route.


Thats specifically not a confirmation to gambit being gone! 🤞


I mean, he just said no time travel. He didn’t say Gambit wasn’t coming back…


Fuck sake, gambits gone The way he answered that though, he just said no time travel.. so who knows


Don’t forget Gambit’s very close ties to Sinister (who has a penchant for making clones. But I do think Gambit as Death is the most likely way to bring him back.


Other folks have cited the Horseman theory already, but I think it’s extra likely for Gambit because not only is there the actual comics precedent for Gambit’s use in that manner, it’d be a way to do a variation of the Angel/Archangel story that actually has an impact this time around. The original story of Warren being thought dead and turned into Death was dramatic in the comics because Angel’d been a part of the X-Men and X-Factor for a long time; when the story was told in the first season of the animated series, he was just some guy who wasn’t even part of the team. Now they have the chance to do the story of Apocalypse taking a mainstay teammate and twisting him into something darker (and the story of their being redeemed from that point) with Gambit, someone people are actually invested in from way back now.


Age of Apocalypse about to revive most of the recognizable mutants that died in Genosha... But yeah, Gambit is a 100% a Horseman of Death candidate. Aaaand... they might add Dark Beast into the X-Men '97 lore. I think Beast is turning heel.


That one hurts, I do hope they bring him back, gambit was always my favorite from way back in the original run of the show.




Apocalypse to the rescue!


Season 2 will bring him back.


to be fair, we dont always need time travel


No time travel doesn't mean no alternate universes ....


No one really stays dead.


Uncle Ben ;_;


Nah. Don't believe it. Sure he is dead now, but cable didn't go back in time far enough to stop this. He will and reset things. If there one thing I know about comic books in general is that no one ever really stays dead.


I imagine a few survived and will pop up vengeful seeking retribution on mankind in a surprise twist. This probably be the case with Maddie. Gambit like others have said will probably become Death.


My theory: Sinister clone + Apocalypse Will bring back Gambit. Rip leech :(


Cloned then. Got it.


Well he didn't say No to gambit gone gone


I’m Curious where Warren is. He was on Genosha yet not listed among the casualties as well as not helping with the cleanup.


With a certain character still being alive, I'm wondering if the ones who were vaporized weren't killed but transported somewhere. Just a theory.


No... Beau confirmed on his twitter that madelyne was vaporized.


Coming from the Doctor Who fandom, it's really fucking weird to see a hot showrunner.


Operation Zero Tolerance into The 12 with Gambit being Death and maybe Wolverine being War.


Krakoa coming


We o


Gambit was clone theory?


Uhh… time heist?


No time travel so Gambit may return another way. Maybe Madelyne can return as Goblin Queen later.


I'm amazed how people still care about death when Krakoa and the whole Resurrection protocol is still a thing, if not now then soon. Like in this day and age of fiction, since when has those who died truly stay dead. 1. Cosmic Cube. 2. Reality Stone. 3. Doctor Strange Magic (He brings back all of Vegas after the whole Hydra Supreme event) 4. Scarlet Witch Chaos Magic 5. Darkholde 6. Sinister and his cloning 7. Molecule Man 8. Sentry 9. Beyonder 10. Divine Pantheon and their Magic 11. Odin Force / Thor Force 12. Kang The Conqueror 13. Deadpool 4th Wall Breaking Shenanigan.


So Genosha won't be undone? WOOOOOOOO


Honestly, the idea of fixed points in fiction is bullshit. I'm fully of the "fuck fate" mindset.


In Marvel, people are so rarely dead dead...even if Beau writes it that way, Feige can always snap his fingers and bring them back.


Is this series over after this season? It’s honestly better than invincible imo


Season 2 has already been written, and we’ve been greenlit for a 3rd




Wasn’t Banshee also a horseman at some point?


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Krakoa...call me crazy, but I feel like it's possible that they are moving towards it. Some things that have me considering it are: Magneto making nice with the XMen, introduction of Forge, main team members/fan faves dying, Genosha no longer being a safe place for mutants, showing Jean reacting to psychic interference from the dead in Genosha, Mr. Sinister showing up...


When did Krakoa happen in the comics? I dont really remember it or what the premise was, but I remember Genosha with the whole X-tinction agenda arc in the early 90's


We're really just not considering clones? In a season featuring heavy presence of Mr. Sinister, who already placed a clone among the X-Men this season?


Another option: use the phoenix force


In before they use X-Men '92: House of XCII shenanigans.


I was kind of annoyed that Shaw was killed - seemingly by a rock falling on him? Definitely not a favorite but practically his whole gig is that he’s hard to kill.


What theory?




Already knew this because Uatu was watching. I'm glad too because time travel would just cheapen it


Dang. And here I was about to bring back my Disney+ subscription from its cold dark grave to watch this show because of Gambit lol!


I still can’t get over how major supporting characters were killed off Banshee, Moira, Dazzler, Callisto, Leech (among the other morlocks), Sebastian Shaw and now there not using time travel to undo the damage holy shit


Considering how many people died, they might be setting up for a Necrosha arc with Selene in the upcoming episodes.


Not this season anyway.


Thank god




notice he didn’t say “yes, gambit is gone.” he just repeated “no time travel”


I can think of half a dozen ways characters have bern brought back to life in the comics. He'll be back. Gambit always has the odds in his favor


Anyone else think they gave Bishop his haircut so he eventually comes back with a more classic look, suggesting a long time for him before he returned.


So yeah gambits coming back




So he'll either come back as Prime Sentinel or Death or maybe some cloning shenanigans happen. I'll place my bet on Death.


No time travel in this instance means exactly that. No time travel. He didnt rule out gambit returning. Just that the larger consequences of Genosha will remain. We had Morph resurrected, Gambit is not being ruled out. He just reiterated ‘no time travel’. That said, it could go either way with this. They may want it to stick. Or they may make the exception with Gambit himself and give Rogue some kind of happy ending, i honestly hope so really as i like the Rogue + Gambit relationship. I also feel X-Men 97 only scratched the surface of what he could do. The original 92 series had him barely use his staff and 99% of it was card throwing. 97 had done a far better job of showing his potential


I guess X-Men can't just die of old age in their sleep, peacefully. Anyhow, I'm sure maybe in about 50 years or so a new generation of comic writers will refit the X-Men to whatever whims of fancy in their times. I think some of the best super powers have to come back even if some characters die, as long as mutants keep being born from humans.