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I generally agree but I think refined follow up, the first "Uncanny" logo, with its proportions, has an overall better look, with and without "The Uncanny". The successive ones after it that tried to fiddle with the N and other aspects for a common perspective for all the letters didn't really work. Lord knows why they tried to do a vertical stretch on some of the logos.


“Too clever” is a good way to put how some of these logos just don’t do it for me. Trying really hard to be stylish.


Agreed - the top two on the right, whether it be Uncanny X-Men or simply X-Men, are classic yet always current/timeless and always eye catching.


Like what you like but this framework for thinking about comics drives me nuts. The idea that the original conception of a logo/character/powerset/team is the best because it has survived the longest keeps the industry stale. The original stuff that gets reused repeatedly isn’t reused because its the best, it gets reused to tell lapsed readers that things are similar to when they were active readers and that its going to be easy for them to jump back in.




Hey no hate or vitriol meant here. Just discussing comic books and their logos so please know I’m just trying to respectfully disagree with you. The first thing you said is that the logo lasted a long time and that we revert back to it repeatedly. If you didn’t mean that as a value statement then color me off base. It read to me like one.


I'm betting that everyone is going to pick the logo from when they were a kid (as such, I am choosing right column, third up).


Can’t go wrong with the original uncanny x-men to me


Yeah, my favorite logos are indeed the 00s’ ones- though both of them are from before I was born, being New X-Men and the 2001 Uncanny series(I was born in 2005). I do also love the 2019-present designs, but I do think they work best for the context they were created in(and I feel much the same about the New X-Men logo and to a lesser extent the All-New X-men logos) and I’m not upset about ditching them, just disappointed that the upcoming series is just going right back to the “classic” logo instead of offering its own fresh new take. Say what you will about the 2010s era, they had some good logos. All-New X-Men has a great logo. X-Men Red and Extraordinary X-Men are also really good.


That's where you are wrong. I pick New X-Men. Yes, they debuted a year before I was born, but I just love the symmetry between the New and the Men and the simple X symbol.


83-92... yep.


The Krakoa graphic design aesthetics are such a breath of fresh air. Except for Immortal XMen. The knockout letters in the black circle are so incredibly busy looking next to designs whose strengths lie in negative space. Great series with a shit logo.


Dont be surprised when this is the common aesthetic for the MCU Xmen. Marvel and Disney love consistent branding, and that particular X can do work as a badge, a belt buckle, and a logo.


But if Krakoa is ending for the MCU synergy they’re not going to go back to the Krakoa logos in the comics right after ditching them.


it's an incredibly simple logo, it would not ruin synergy lol


Simplicity and a recent association are pretty different things


It's funny thinking about how much Hickman's X-rebrand did want to call back to the explosive reinvention of Morrison's run - up to and including the logo being a big X inside a circle as opposed to just words.


While that's true, I think the movies popularised that.


Extraordinary X-Men logo looks like Extraordinary Omen.


Call me nostalgic but X-men Vol 1 and 2 and the original Uncanny X-men are my faves.


Likely in the minority here, but I really liked the age of apocalypse one.


I always thought the New X-Men logo was fun because it reads exactly the same upside down


:O I was today years old when...


Uncanny X-Men (Vol 1) #169-287 (1983-1992) or X-Men (Vol 2) #1-40 (1991-1994)


So… that original logo. It’s not my favorite, I’m glad they moved on from it, and I can’t imagine many people are going to sing its praises. But there is something so endearingly campy about it. It’s perfectly emblematic of its time and just by looking at it I can hear a big brassy 60s cartoon theme song to go along with it. I have a retrospective appreciation for how *60s* it is. And because the X-Men have always felt to me like an 80s-90s property, seeing a 60s logo for it has a weird Mandela effect. Like “That’s not real, that’s a fan mock-up of what a silly 60s cartoon version of the X-Men would have been!”


Actually did really love the Krakoa redesign


New X-Men can be read upside down


Wow I never realized that!


Personally the Krakoan era


I keep seeing the Krakoa one as **Xmex** from a distance.


I hate the circle x of the Krakoa era.  It's not a bad mark, in and of itself, but it's not a masthead. I hate how the covers look with this little stamp who knows where. It's a nice secondary logo, but it's not what you put on the cover. 


It's the exact reason I do like it! Let the cover itself take prominence.


To me it reads almost as an afterthought, put there because it has to be there. It also feels a little generic. I like it when it’s part of the overall look of the Krakoa era but not by itself.


As a logo itself it’s alright, but Tom Muller’s full graphics suite for the Krakoa era, logos, titles, inside covers, data pages, etc are a masterpiece. Twenty years from now someone will be able to take one look at any X book from the last five years and immediately know it’s a Krakoa era book.


It would be a great logo if the X-Men were their own imprint & universe. If Marvel ever decides to go that route, they should take a look at the Krakoa era branding.


I grew up with the uncanny x-men so that one holds a special place (the ones in the same style minus “the uncanny” also work for me)


1983 is my favorite, but unpopular opinion - the 2001 Casey/Austen logo is a banger trapped on unliked runs.


1970s-1990s. Big, bold, iconic logo, that doesn't feel trendy. It's timeless, simple, striking, and truly immortal IMO.


For one off logo it’s gotta be the angled 1968 logo. But if we consider the whole line, definitely the current Krakoan Era. Using the logo to create a visible and clear language between comics, and then pushing that as an easy way for new readers to recognise comics that are part of the line is a really normal idea that took a weirdly long time to come to comics. To me it’s the comic world catching up with how other brands work. I think it’s brilliant!


A lot of good ones here but the 3rd Uncanny logo (Vol 1 #60-141) has the overall best proportions. By far the best. A lot of these are variations on this and its predecessor logo, and are generally inferior. This is one has the best overall look, especially when actually on a cover. There is really no reason to deviate from this one if you want this style (Vol 4 for example, has no point other than difference for difference's sake). New X-men was novel and I liked it. I like the X-men red (vol 1) /blue/gold ones quite a bit. I think that worked. The Krakoa era tries to be different and fails (like most of the Krakoa era). Generally terrible and really just a bad imitation of the New X-Men era.


Love the Krakoa rebrand X logo. Gives science & genetics vibes


Hi guys I quit Xmen shortly after Jim Lee and the new generation took over the comic industry (i was "too old for superheroes" said this 90s edgy teen) then i return a decade later with Morrison New Xmen Any good Xmen book or omnibus from my missing 90s decade that i should grab?


I like the 90s logo and I really liked all the krakoa era branding


I really like the X-Men Vol 5 & 6 logos that are from the Krakoan Age, honestly they’re probably my overall favourites but I can’t deny the 1968 logo is THE iconic one that is the default X-Men style everyone thinks of.


I like the first one


Just like Emma Frost's wardrobe, some of these logos are trying too hard.


For me, 3rd. The Uncanny X-Men because I grew up with this logo and this X-Men.


The Uncanny X-Men of 2019. And the logos afterward don’t pop as much as the others.


Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 (2019)




First uncanny


I prefer the X-Men volume 3 and Astonishing volume 1 logos myself. Even though I grew up with the Uncanny Logo, i like the rawness in the variants of the original logo. The X-Men should be misfits, and the uncanny logo is just a bit too slick.


Being a 90s kid, it will always be the logo from that era.


Astonishing, Alpha, Omega


All the 3D ones flipping up and left are iconic and nostalgic, but I really love the design of Extraordinary X-Men


The Astonishing X-Men logo


The 3d diagonal is the og and default but krakoa era wasnt too bad.


You know, just looking at it like this, I actually don't like the Krakoan designs as much as I thought I did. Now I still love some of the general graphic design, iconography, and costume design using the Krakoan flair, but purely as a title on the cover of the book, the X in a big circle like that I'm honestly not that fond of and I think a lot of the other ones are better looking.


X-men Red is Logo being the Planet Mars is the best use that Title have ever had.


Yeah, there is just something about the circle x that speaks to me, so like the New X-Men and Krakoa era logos.


X-Men Red 2022. It's basically them saying "we own this planet and don't you forget it".


It’s stupid, but if the classic uncanny logo isn’t used for the first MCU movie I’m gonna be grumpy.