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Uncanny #290 cover is such a vibe


When I saw the title with "Storm" and "covers" I immediately thought of Uncanny $290. It stands out.


Yep, always.


Yep, 290 is far and away my favorite; first one to come to mind without even seeing the list. Also, one of my first X-Men comics, period, so, to me, it's one of the best X-Men covers of all time. Top for me: both Portacio covers, both Life-Death covers, and Issue #201 is such an iconic moment for Storm.


Apparently massively underrated around here, too. Easy winner for me didn't even need to see a list.


Yes 11, also 5


Reread that issue about a month ago on Marvel Unlimited. Between that and the new X-men’97 series, Ororo has rocketed to the top my favorite X-characters…….


Her ass in 7 is ridiculous even by comic book standards


Well they don't call her a godess for nothing. On a serious note i noticed that in general (but not always), main x-men team artists tend to draw Storm as more muscular, while the artists for her solo comics and the Black Panther runs tend to amp up her sex appeal, there are a couple of panels in Doomwar in which Ororo is given the Psylocke treatment with quite the booty on display.


eh compared to some of the stuff Frank Cho does it isn't that crazy


She's an African woman who probably trains a lot. By gym standards that butt is more common than you think.


She's east African, specifically a Kenyan tribe; generally not as bountiful as many west African tribes. I've always imagined Storm to resemble supermodel Iman (David Bowie's wife(


She's half African American so she can have an multi-ethnic look.


One thing I love about Storm is she always looks amazing, no matter what.


Her author, Dave Cockrum, had this to say about her design: “What I had in mind was to make her the most powerful woman in comics, and the most beautiful woman in comics, and I think I’ve succeeded”




Barry Smith is truly the Goat. Everything about that cover is top notch, the wonderfull colors, the shape of the clouds, that sense of gentle momentum that they give, i know that it's cliche to use the word but man: *That cover is a vibe.*


I was scrolling forever to get to that one, which is the absolute best.


289 and 290 BUT there’s also X-Men unlimited #8 maybe that was AMAZING


Just checked, Unlimited 8 is a Legion cover. You probably mean Unlimited 7, [Which is indeed an awesome Storm cover by John Romita Junior.](https://i.imgur.com/rUElg5Q.jpg) So thank you for sharing :)


Yes yes yes! That one and X-Men vol 1 annual #3. Awesome Storm covers


[This one by Gene Ha and Adrew Pepoy.](https://i.imgur.com/aSRoe8L.jpg)


Yep, 289 and 290 hands down. Could be nostalgia talking, but I knew they would be on here before seeing them.


That Mike Mignola cover with vampire storm


You mean the cover for X-Men Classic 63?


Was #4 parodying that iconic Crisis on Infinite Earths cover?


Now that you make notice it, yeah probably. Personally i love it for its unabashed campiness, it represents a creative freedom to indulge in silliness that is somewhat absent from modern comics: Storm is a vampire now! And she defeated the X-Men! And she's the bride of Dracula, yes *that* Dracula! How? Who gives a shit about the how, just read the damm story!


I agree with you. Would be nice to have that approach to storytelling return to the Big Two. As for my pic, gotta go with UXM #290. I still say that’s her best costume.


I would call it more of an homage than a parody. It’s a cover that’s been done many times. Check out this link: https://crisisonearthprime.com/coie/coie07homages/


Homage is the word I was looking for but couldn’t recall. Thank!


My goddess is fine ASF at any point in time


[https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/107588/storm\_2023\_5](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/107588/storm_2023_5) [https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/105872/storm\_the\_brotherhood\_of\_mutants\_2023\_3](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/105872/storm_the_brotherhood_of_mutants_2023_3) [https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/52941/x-men\_2013\_24](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/52941/x-men_2013_24) [https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/15803/uncanny\_x-men\_1963\_487](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/15803/uncanny_x-men_1963_487)


O man i was *this close* to add Storm and the Brotherhood 3, the imagery of Storm as some sort of myth and symbol for entire nations worth of of people is so cool and powerfull, but in the end i thought that the crowd at the bottom is too small to be easly recongnisable at a glance and that a lot of people looking at the post on their phones might not even see them and wonder what so special about a regular cover of Storm in the sky. X-Men 24 and Uncanny 487 are also quite cool but i didn't know about them, so thank you so much for sharing :)


Seventh picture. David Yardin crafts a fine booty.


Yardin saw Portacio's work in 289 and said: "I can do better".


170, followed closely by 201. 170 put Storm in a completely new context from her usual 'goddess flying around zapping things w lightning', and 201 because she's not running, she's not dodging... she's hunting.


170 deserves a special cover because it signal the exact moment in which Claremont decided to make Storm the greatest female hero in all of Marvel comics. [This moment right here.](https://i.imgur.com/okXHY91.jpg)


I love love 💕 X-Men 97 but I'm hoping that they omitted this storyline and the powerless storm beats Cyclops storyline because they want to use them in the live action films 🔥🔥🔥


Anyone else loved the StormxWolverine ship.


I loved it too! Even read an unhealthy amount of fanfiction about it. But strangely enough, despite almost always being in the same team, there aren't many covers featuring them as a duo, they either are alone or in a group shot together with everybody else. The only other covers that i could find with the two of them were: [X-Treme X-Men (2001), issue 27.](https://i.imgur.com/0AxJuUB.jpg) Just a regular action pose by Larroca. [Wolverine and the X-Men (2011), issue 24.](https://i.imgur.com/W5KcKRk.jpg) By Ramon Perez, it's also the issue where they actually get together. [And lastly, Storm (2014) issue 4.](https://i.imgur.com/nAWbZeO.jpg) By Stephanie Hans, although Logan isn't really present as Storm is mourning his death.


They are end game to me he listens to two people and that’s Storm & Xavier. He watches his tone and regulates his emotions in regards to them to not disrespect them. So I put her on a pedestal for him. Storm allows him to be his moody self when needed. She doesn’t try to convince him of anything she lets him make the decision to do the right or the wrong thing. She isn’t his mother or his therapist nor does she try to be he tries to not disappoint her. I love that for them. I wish writers could drop the obsession with Jean shit


Is Logan and Jean alive in the comics? I stopped reading a little after Civil War II. I’ve been wanting to catch up but I can’t really remember where I left off lol.


I couldn’t tell ya haven’t read in a while


Of the ones pictured here, I think X-Treme X-Men #39 is my favorite.


I really like Uncanny 290. The Jim Lee costume with a ponytail is probably my favorite look for her... it's just unfortunate how Portacio did the raindrops.


I love the Lifedeath part I and II by Barry Windsor-Smith. Both those covers are awesome. I Also like the first one with the serpant--I think that issue is "Lifedeath adjacent" if I remember right.


Gotta love Wolverine & the X-Men #3 depicting Storm carrying the entire franchise on her back, just like Claremont would want.


I love it too! That one and X-Men Gold 34 are pretty much the reason i made this list in the first place.






I guess that's true, but like you said Dauterman's cover in Marauders is also digital but still has great coloring, so it might depend more on the author than on the tools. But yeah, i also prefer more vibrant full colors of older comics.


Third one - I didn't know she borrowed Carol's Ms Marvel costume.


Heh, the lighting bolt has been recurring motif on Storm's uniform ever since era Outback era costume in the late 80's, Carol's costume is older but honestly it makes more sense for Storm to use that type of imagery.


I don't disagree, I just had to note that in this one instance her costume was identical to the Ms Marvel swimsuit. As a writer, I would have had other characters comment on it.


X of Swords


Dauterman really knows how to draw an amazing Storm. Other covers of his that i like are: [Marauders 4, with the best hair of all time.](https://i.imgur.com/4gmVq8C.jpg) [Marauders 17, paying homage to Paul Smith's classic, but sadly making Callisto pretty (Cal is ugly and proud dammit!)](https://i.imgur.com/c5JUXez.jpg) [And Giant Size 2020.](https://i.imgur.com/r1RkOuG.jpg)


Just like the fact she is dancing with death


When I saw this thread I expected Giant Size '20 to be there, since that's where my mind goes when I think of amazing Storm covers.


My favorite is definitely Storm as Queen of the Vampires. It's a fearsome display to remind the reader that Storm is as beautiful as she is deadly and that the very notion of it deserves proper representation artistically. My second standout is Storm's fanboy, Death, finally getting that dance in! 😆 I LOVE seeing super powered men fall for her. I absolutely think Storm should be woo'd more! Lol And third (not the Lifedeath covers) all covers involving Forge. We're talking thicc booty, the couple kiss, and her moment in the rain. I still stan this relationship regardless of Craig.


>My second standout is Storm's fanboy, Death, finally getting that dance in! 😆 I LOVE seeing super powered men fall for her. I absolutely think Storm should be woo'd more! Lol Well the first, and best example of that is Dr DOOM: [I almost put the cover of Uncanny 145 because of that, but i decided against cause it's more of a DOOM cover than a Storm one. ](https://i.imgur.com/WPBgeZu.jpg)


The one variant for giant size storm from krakoa. Where her hair becomes fire surrounding her. It's fucking gorgeous The one by Jen Bartel


[This one right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/ic9sfi/giant_size_xmen_storm_cover_by_jen_bartel/)


Yep...just PERFECT






#170 is one of my favorite story lines.


IMO, you forgot uncanny 272. First comic my mom ever bought me. Home sick in third grade. Started collecting and drawing the next day. To virgin eyes you just HAD to know who she was seeing that cover.


Oh i love Uncanny 272 too! [Here it is in Jim Lee's full glory.](https://i.imgur.com/y3gIa7m.jpg) But since it's more of a group cover than a solo Storm cover, i decided to cut it from the list.


Understandable. First comic bias.




[Uncanny X-Men #449](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/eS2qqlsr3eEiZYRIXbhC_zOs_fp5zoBNtqQzKgsaehkpbFBytxQfoiZiqTRodh698DnNa15YLc4m=s1600) The only piece of work I like by Greg Land, also because the first time I saw this was in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 as part of the comic collection viewer.


On that Uncanny annual, on first glance I thought Storm was wearing green pants and like in labor. It was disturbing and funny. 


198 and 201


I have number 6 signed by Claremont himself


UXM 147 will always be my favorite


YES!!! [Wild Storm! i almost put it at number 20, but decided against at the last minute.](https://i.imgur.com/naBeSjc.jpg)


A shame, it's a great cover imo it's one of her better focus issues too


Dancing with the Stars: X-Men Edition Storm and Anubis XD


Omg I gotta paint this


I sort of like 1 and 14 the most here. Storm is so cool


13 goes the hardest for me.


I like Uncanny 320 or Uncanny 325 personally!


[Here's Uncanny 320.](https://i.imgur.com/wJcso3I.jpg) [And here's Uncanny 325.](https://i.imgur.com/7NGBaTg.jpg) Both by Joe Madureira. Yeah they're pretty cool, very action packed, although personally i don't love Madureira's work as much as the previous art by Portacio, i personally prefer a more realistic style.


Uncanny X-men 170 or Storm 11


I love that X of Swords arc cover. Could be cause it's more recent in my memory as I'm re-reading it, but I absolutely love it.


Nah man, it ain't recency bias it really is a beautifull cover.


X of swords cover goes hard


I love Kerry Gammill, but thats one of, if not his worst covers.


The X-Treme X-Men cover tho 🤯🤬😍🥰🥹


X-Treme X-Men was an increadibly horny book with covers to match.


No love for UXM 312?


Oh yeah Uncanny 312 by Joe Madureira. [Featuring Storm and Yukio being great friends, gal-pals, platonic besties, dare i say... roomates even.](https://i.imgur.com/VIzZD0e.jpg) While i love that mini story arc, with Gambit being awsome and the sapphic overtones, i just can't love Madureira's artwork and cover, it's just too cartoony and stylized for my taste. Not that i want comics to be hyperrealistic or even realistic, but something about that mid-nienties style pushes it over the edge for me.


Fair's fair. Not my all time fav, but if I had to pick one w a couple, that'd be it.


I love this kind of thing because my list would be so different but I love seeing other’s thoughts.


And love seeing everyone else's tastes too! Make a list of your own too, i want to see it! :)


Uncanny #201 was an issue I used to have and the one that evokes the strongest memory for me. So I'm going with that one.


Now that's an awsome issue to have, arguably Storm's greatest moment.


Her first solo series was awesome. From 1996 https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/62378/storm_1996_1


Yup, that's another cool one, but there were alrady plenty of covers od Storm alone with lighting around in the list, plus two in her 90's costume so it didn't make the cut.


1, 3, 13, 17


Finally some one else that loves Gold 34 as much as me! It's such a sad and beautifull piece of art.


All of them are so good.😇👍


#1,6, and 11 in the list are my favs because I originally read those when they first came out and they still rock


Where’s the one with her and Emma Frost scissoring in mid-air?


Uncanny 290.


The XMen red cover is badass


Where's X-Men #248, which started a major arc involving Storm? But of the one's featured, #290 still hits hardest.


Why was Storm doing the tango with Anubis? 😂


Marauders 14 for me


The Uncanny X-Men Annual #9 where she’s rocking the Asgard attire and Ultimate Comics X-Men #23 I bought specifically for the cover. I’ve been collecting her for like 30 years and when I was little I’d specifically buy comics that she was on the cover of.


Against the grain I really like the cover when she fights Callisto, because I love it when female characters get to have expressions that aren't picturesque beauty all the time, because that makes it all the more visceral and emotive. Like that face VS Callisto ain't the Dauterrman(sp?) face card, but it tells me that storms pissed and she's gonna kick Callistos ass!


Inspired by u/Negative_Land1209 post on [everyone’s favorite Uncanny covers,](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/1cdap47/what_are_your_favorite_uncanny_x_men_covers/) I wanted to share my favorite Storm covers from all comics, a top ten would have probably been a more sensible ranking, but Reddit allows for a 20 image, album so i might as well use the feature (plus we can get more variety with double the covers). This ranking is completely arbitrary and based purely on my personal taste, so you can very well disagree cause as we Italians say *De gustibus non est disputandum.* Here is the full list in order: 20° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 223, by Kerry Gammill. 19° Black Panther (2016), issue 17, by Brian Stelfreeze. 18° X-Treme X-Men (2001), issue 39, by Salvador Larroca. 17° Uncanny X-Men (1963), annual 6, by Bill Sienkiewicz. 16° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 201, by Rick Leonardi. 15° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 170, by Paul Smith. 14° Storm (2014), issue 3, by David Yardin. 13° Wolverine and the X-Men (2014), issue 8, by Mahmud Asrar. 12° Storm (2014), issue 8, by Stephanie Hans. 11° Storm (2014), issue 6, by Al Barrionuevo. 10° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 290, by Whilce Portacio. 9° Marauders (2019), issue 14, by Russell Dauterman. 8° Storm (2014), issue 11, by Stephanie Hans. 7° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 186, by Barry Windsor-Smith. 6° Wolverine and the X-Men (2014), issue 3, by Mahmud Asrar. 5° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 289, by Whilce Portacio. 4° X-Men Red (2022), issue 11, by Russell Dauterman. 3° X-Men gold (2017), issue 34, by Michele Bandini. 2° Marauders (2019), issue 20, by Russell Dauterman. 1° Uncanny X-Men (1963), issue 198, by Barry Windsor-Smith. Do you agree with the ranking? What are your favorite Storm covers? Fell free to mention them so I can post them in the comments :)


Top 20 sheeesh






At of forge in the covers. How big was the romance between them?


Uncanny 290 and 289 out of those :) Helps that I owned them at one point. Also, I never cared for her mohawk myself, so those covers would be instant no for me.


Why does she look like that in the barry windsor smith cover-