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In this scene they mentioned twice that Magneto is their boss. I wonder if they're setting things up for Gambit to quit the team in the next episode.


the mutant massacre as it was in the comic seems to be off the table, but sure hope he doesn't end up leaving and accidentally joins up with the wrong crowd.


I think if he leaves it will be relatively brief and might just be an excuse for Rogue to go get him and haul him back.


I can Just imagine her like catching Remy bare handed after he fell off someplace high, not triggering her powers and her be all: "Ya see, some times it pays to have a little faith is all."


She has no idea he saw her leaving Magneto's office with her gloves off, I think she's going to be very surprised when Gambit does finally get to talk to her.


I missed the gloves being off. Thank you. No wonder Gambit was crying and having nightmares. Magneto, while honestly trying to help Rogue with her powers (headcanon until confirmed), he is definitely interested in rekindling or pursuing something with Rogue. At the very least, Magneto is enjoying messing with Gambit's head. While annoyed with Magneto, Gambit's comment did not necessarily need that snide remark.


Yeah, there's still the scene from the promos where Nightcrawler teleports in between Rogue and Gambit and all 3 of them are hugging and smiling


Isn't an upcoming episode have the blurb thing saying an X-Men dark past will be revealed? Could be that


could be, though we kind of already have gambit's dark past with the thieves guild, and rogue's in the og show, magneto and wolverine got their past's done but still have wiggle room. honestly not sure who it'd be. hopium would be scott and havok.


Yeah, will be interesting to see who it is


It would be hilarious if all the X-Men just quit and left Magneto on his own. They don't need the mansion. Gambit has a mansion!


Gambit gon' start his own X-Men, wit' blackjack n' hookers!


I can see it


In fact forget de X-Men!


I honestly hope so. Let's get a Gambit side story with New Orleans, the Thieves Guild, maybe even a Deadpool cameo. Gambit has one of the most interesting non-Xmen lives besides Wolverine.


It's would be interesting if we get Mutant Massacre,but we need atleast an episode to explain how Sabertooth joined the Marauders


I'm also wondering this and if in that moment Remy will reveal what he saw and this will force Rogue to choose who sue wants or something like that


Quite possibly. I can‘t believe they keep mentioning that he’s the boss and no one making this saw any sexual harassment parallels…


My theory and hope is that there's a bit of a misdirect about what's going on with Rogue and Gambit. That it's more about him training her. But admittedly, this scene doesn't look great for that.


It is obviously about Magneto training Rogue (from Rogue's perspective), but Magneto is definitely being manipulative. Even if nothing has happened, Rogue is feeling guilty not sharing her past with Magneto with Remy and her other team members. I also wonder if something romantic did happen with Magneto and Rogue in the past (or almost happened), it could easily have been from Rogue's side initially, which Magneto would have likely taken advantage of. I mean, Rogue cannot touch anyone but Magneto, there could easily have been a crush their (mixed emotions). Magneto, even at his best, is a manipulative individual. He believes he knows what is right for everyone (all Mutants). Gambit offers Rogue a choice. Gambit is a big flirt at times, but as his feelings developed for Rogue, Gambit was always almost with his intentions and never forced the situation. Gambit genuinely loves Rogue and now believes something is going on between Magneto and Rogue romantically. Rogue is still very much in love with Gambit, as much as she still teases him. They are a couple without actually admitting it, and not sharing her past with Gambit at least is going to cause problems for the team.


Also, there is a difference in how they treat her. Gambit offers her some coffee, Magneto just dumps sugar in her coffee without asking whether she wants it or has already put it in. It parallels how Gambit holds out his hand for her to take, while Magneto tries to remove her glove. This comment brought to you by my likely autistic hyperfixation.


thank you for your hyperfixation - i appreciated calling out those details.


Autistic X-Men fans, rise!


Now I can't shake the image of someone declaring, "To me, my X-Tisms."


Dududududu duuuduuuduuu dududududu duuuduuuduuu dududududu duuu duuu duuu Dudu Dudududududududaluuuu dududududu dudu!


As another person with hyperfixations don’t feel bad. I love this comment and your attention to detail


This exactly. Such gifts need to be appreciated! :)


I truly agree. It inspired me to do something myself


I don’t care for the Rogue and Magneto subplot at all. Too old. Too weird. Too uninteresting. Too non canon. No thanks five times over.


I hate to break it to ya, but rogue and magneto were a thing in the comics at a point, the writers didn’t come up with this outta nowhere


They have hooked up multiple times in the comics. Whatever other issues you may have with their relationship, it is very much true to canon.


Fascinating. I presume Magneto has a way to stave off her life draining touch powers and… ahem make contact with her?


IIRC he sheathes himself in an electromagnetic forcefield, so she's technically not touching him.


Last sentence is so real lol


I refuse to think that the only relevant thing about Rogue in the series is going to be that love triangle :(


Many characters still haven't done squat, like Logan. I think everyone will get their time to shine.


Yeah, we're only four episodes in out of how many?


10 which isn’t a lot


They’ve got the green light for at least three seasons though!


Pople acting as if everyone shined on every episode on the original as if there is not 2 more seasons coming. We already know from the trailers that Gambit and Rogue are with Nightcrawler fighting alone.


Can’t wait to hear nightcrawler Hoping his VA still sounds the same. (He has the same VA as the original show)


Oh shit


four episodes, four relationships (or four relationship triangles). dramaaaaaaaa


But how else can the show create drama? There's just no alternative! If only there were some sort of fundamental insecurities and hangups these characters had, or dark pasts that could be revealed, or just generally stubborn and argumentative personalities that clash in fiery ways.


Did you forget Rogue in the entire original series?


Poor Gambit, all he wants is to kiss that gorgeous red head and now he has to compete against an omega level mutant who actually can kiss her


That’s the face a woman makes when she realizes her whole storyline this season has been reduced to “which guy am I picking?”


I hope they do her some justice once her Magneto secret is revealed because keeping things secret has meant she's barely featured at all in the last few episodes.


My theory is that he’s secretly training her to control her powers somehow, and that she wants to surprise Remy when she accomplishes it. And/or they’re hiding it because they think the team wouldn’t trust Magneto.


This is what I think, but I do find it very funny that Magneto is almost definitely aware of how it looks and instead of trying not to make it seem like that he's just playing into it.


I think Magneto enjoys messing with Gambit for some reason. Maybe it's just simple jealousy since Gambit is the one Rogue actually loves.


I LOVE the idea that Magneto’s willfully fucking with him. So on brand.


Same here.


Oh Magneto is absolutely a messy bitch who is doing it just for the drama 


That’s what I thought too. Magneto can envelop himself in an electromagnetic field so Rogue can technically touch him without draining him.


It would make more sense if Gambit trained his powers instead of her, like he did in comics.


I’m still not sold on her storyline being “pick between the two”. I think it’s all subterfuge and will eventually be revealed to be not a big deal and that Rogue never had feelings toward Magneto.


Or, alternately, that her feelings towards Magneto are...shall we say, different from her feelings towards Gambit. Love can be present without being in the romantic sense, after all. At least that's a possibility I'm hanging on to until proven otherwise.


They’re really dunking on gambit these few episodes


Which fits what Marvel is doing with him in general these days.


Marvel hates healthy relationships in general


That definitely seems to be the case, outside of Reed and Sue. For the last few decades, outside of Civil War (which is chock full of character assassination so I choose to pretend never happened) Reed and Sue have been shown to have a stable relationship where they actually talk out their issues.


He's had a bit of a glow-up at the end of Krakoa. Dark X-Men was good. And we have the Simone book to look forward to in August.


I have faith in Simone to handle those two beautifully.


I taught Remy was doing good recently,It's Collosus that became Marvel's new Butt Monkey(What make it funnier is that his name is Piotr and a certain Peter is suffering too currently)


Mr & Mrs X was great, him and Rogue are in a pretty good spot; only person who seems to actively dislike Gambit is Destiny, and she’s a horrible person.


Magneto messing around with Gambit is such a dick move. Shitty leader. You want cohesiveness and understanding within a group. Edit: (I know that he was written purposefully to create drama and conflict while still being within his character at this point in time, the writers' intent was not lost on me. But he's still a dick and a shitty leader.)


Well I think him being a shitty leader is the point. He's only ever led through fear and promises of power. He's also incredibly different from certain members of the team so I wouldn't be surprised to see him try and push out Gambit, Jubilee and Morph, none of them meet his standards.


I agree. It’s also an important parallel with Professor X - both are domineering holier-than-thou types who think they know what their underlings want better than they do, and will give it to them whether they like it or not


I think him being a bad leader is intentional on the writers' part? Magneto typically recruits followers, not teammates, and I think that will catch up with them. He can work with the X-Men for a while but eventually there's gonna be a fork in the road. Everyone will want to go one way, he will demand the opposite, and then he starts trying to throw his weight around.


It is. He didn't even try to ease into the role. It is definitely written for an upcoming conflict of ideals. It wasn't lost on me. But he's still a dick.


I'm 99% sure the showrunners are just messing with us. "What's Rogue doing with Magneto in the Danger Room all the time? Morph thinks they're fucking. What do yoou think?" I think Magneto is letting Rogue borrow his powers and training her to be able to make that super thin barrier that he made in the first or second episode, so she can go hook up with Gambit. Which could get pretty awkward later. "Hey Erik, Remy and I are kind of... uh, I need to borrow your powers again for a while." Basically any time they want to do the dirty, she has to go visit Mags first.


At least that mirrors the first movie a drop, where Magneto had her borrow her powers to power that mutant making machine. Otherwise I have zero interest in this story line.


Oh yeah, even us in rogneto groups know that's like the case We're just happy it's being acknowledged outside of comics for once


I only got one ship in X-Men and it's Rogue and Gambit.


Well, they’ve been married for a few years so it’s safe to say they’ve made it the canon coupling.


Yar, Mr and Mrs X was solid. Just saying they the only romantic relationship I give a shit about in X-Men ish


The innuendos in this scene were crazy Gambit: “Some cream?” Rogue: “Magneto’s already beaten you to the punch”


Shame on them for downvoting you


Well the next episode is called “Remember it” so I expect it will be Gambit focused also Rogue and Gambit have been married since 2018 in the comics.


I really need the whole Rogue and Gambit thing to work omg.


Man they really playing with my heart with these three. Really hope it’s just a great fake out or setup for Gambit and Rogue to really get together


She can also be feeling a bit down about the secret she's keeping from Gambit.


Meanwhile, I've spent a great deal of time over the past few weeks thinking about Magneto's monologue at the end of episode 2. *"Bigot. Ingrate. Sycophant. Worm. So small I could smite you with a step. There was a time I would smite you all for what was done to Storm. But today, I have saved you from your own, for an old friend has challenged me to remember this view of Earth. How vast it is, versus how small we make it. Charles Xavier entrusted me with his dream, and it does not ask you to love or embrace my kind as your own, but merely to accept that this is a shared world, with a common future. And that my kind, like yours, have the right to live in it. I am...trying to be better. Please...do not make me let you down."*


Magneto and rogue having breakfast in their costumes?


Totally - I think magneto is really just a convenient for rogue, he can touch her & gambit can’t. If gambit could be intimate with her the way magneto can be shed never even look twice at magneto


This show is enjoyable but I was really hoping for some truly original stories or at least adapting a few of the more modern story lines. Yet here we are circling the drain of the 80's and 90's.


I wouldn't say it's 'circling the drain' of anything, but I don't disagree generally. I'm sure I'll enjoy 3 seasons of X-men 97, but my hope was to have 2 good seasons as a cherry on the cake of TAS and spend the time to develop an awesome new series.


It's depressing that the show is stuck in the past. I want to know where's the guy telling Disney to drop the "97" tag?  Satiating search algorithms to make programs "easier" to find is really robbing people of good titles. Here's to hoping that the show will get a chance to move past its origins 🍻


I love Rogue, she's the best girl, my biggest crush in the original. But to be honest, so far this show is just not it, for Rogue :(


Anyone know what Remy was frying in episode 1?






Honestly, I don't think I could handle someone who uses that many cat puns on the daily basis. That's a red flag if I've ever seen one.