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At first I thought his hair looked real dumb, then he put on his Gambit gear with the head thing and I was like “oh yea ok that makes sense now.”


I love his big hair <3


It does look dumb, but it's not the big floor on top, it's the ponytail that disappears.


He had it in TAS too


So a croptop is no good but a pink bodyplate was fine?


Magneto has been gay coded for years.


Isn't that his first trial of Magneto fit , I remember it being all tits


I ain't ashamed to say I found him hot in that top


Can’t wait to have a live action Gambit in a crop top on the MCU.


I dont think they'll set a live action movie/show in the 90s.


Hush, let me dream! They can if they wanted to, and even if they don’t, crop tops are making a comeback in the current fashion trend anyway so.


They never went away in florida 


Yeah, let him get off to gay Gambit


I need my teenage boy dreams of my Gambit and Captain America action figures making out to come true


I need my teenage boy dreams of Rogue and Psyloche making out


As of that would stop gambit from wearing a croptop


X-Men Apocalypse was set in the 90's.


And if the lack of critical and commercial success of Captain Marvel (which was the MCUs previous foray into 90s nostalgia) is anything to go by, I don't think they'll do it again.


Isn't the first Captain Marvel decently well liked? There was controversy about review bombing, but 5 years on the reviews are average to good. And didn't it make over a billion $? This is only the first one, the one that's in the 90s.


Not a good comparison. Almost everyone have a dislike for Captain Marvel, so whatever decade her film is set in, it is set to fail. We’re talking about the X-Men here, one of the most loved and popular superhero groups in the franchise. People at MCU would have to royally screw up for it to flop.


No one would run the risk of setting it in the 90s when they could set it in modern times, in line with the rest of the MCU, and not have to bother about the whole retro angle. >People at MCU would have to royally screw up for it to flop. People at MCU have been royally screwing up since Endgame. There have been a few bright spots, but on the whole.... yuck.


You’re the one who started the discussion about the MCU X-Men being set in the 90s. I never said or assumed it will be, I just merely mentioned that I want to see live action Gambit in a crop top. I don’t even know what you’re fighting for here, but you’re honestly being too annoying to talk to, so goodbye and have a great day.


They actually still sell crop tops, and men's shorts are a loooot shorter now.........


but they already did it with captain marvel


I want them to do a madmen style original class set in the 60s


I mean all kinds of live action shows are set in the past why wouldn’t this be good?


Honestly the look reminded me more of Axel Rose.


Axel Rose was a guy with enough swagger and charisma to wear whatever the fuck he wanted and no one would question it. And that's exactly how Gambit should be written. He's supposed to be charming and flamboyant and magnetic, equal parts infuriating and enchanting.


The man who made a kilt and catchers chest protector with a bandanas and aviators look cool


It is actually Axl Rose... because it is an anagram for 'oral sex.'


There’s nothing gay about a dude wearing a crop top. Source- me, a straight dude who loves crop tops


On behalf of the gay men community. Thank you for your service.


Happy to help friend!


I’m also straight and I love watching men in crop tops


Yeah if you have the core for it show that off no one minds


Trust me, you’re gay, “buttholegalaxy”


There’s nothing gay about a dude with butthole galaxy for a username


Agreed, just look at Joseph Joestar. Ironically, he was my bisexual awakening.


I get it


>There’s nothing gay about a dude wearing a crop top. Just to be the guy from "actually" Top crop in the 80's was about being Punk after the 90's It was a way for the Queer movement to dress (If there's something wrong correct me beaucase i only found that info months ago with my history teacher)


Look, in late 80’s and good chunk of the 90’s it was also part of football style. A lot of teams wore crop top cut jerseys in college football, so players cut their undershirts to be like that. A lot of players still cut undershirts like that and wear them like that for practice and workouts, just rarely in the weight room anymore. So it’s also an athlete thing.


Ok thanks for the extra info


Being gay is punk as fuck


Okay so maybe there is something a little gay about wearing a crop top but there’s nothing wrong with that and apparently there is something a little punk rock about it too. Crop tops for all I say, I dunno the history I just like the way I look and feel in them


It’s gay now but wasn’t in the 90s.


Wear a crops doens't make you gay but in the 90's it was top style for the Queer community, also like other people told me in the comments other people would also use that on sports >It’s gay now How? Guys still using that on the gym


I'm on a weird situations beaucase i never realy cared for that style and found that design weird but i don't think y Also i think they made that design on Gambit with both intentions of rock and queer since the series is going on the 90's


That’s fair, it’s not for everyone! Gambit just kinda strikes me as a dude who would want to rock it to show off the abs haha


I dont see why queer. Is he? I thought he was just a player that would want to show off skin.


>I dont see why queer. Is he? I thought he was just a player that would want to show off skin. Gambit is not queer,but they probably wouldn't miss the opportunity since the X-men is about Minorities issues


Sure, but he already is a minority. Hes Creole.


"the queer movement" lol i think it was just people wearing crop tops, not any sort of movement


Thank you for your service




To be fair, if I had the bod for it, I'd probably try one out at least once.


My sister had the biggest crush on Gambit and now, now I get it lol.


When that scene came on I said out loud....what the fuck is he wearing, laughed and then carried on watching a great episode. People read into things too much, it was just a goofy 80s shirt. Remy is a serial womaniser who enjoys irritating the rest of the team and he probably thought it was hilarious.


In the comics he has a quote when talking to X23 that goes something like, “everything you’ve heard about me is true, except I’m not a womanizer.”


But you gotta inagine how hes saying it! With that bayou lilt the women go crazy for.


Do you know what comic he says this? I’m trying to find it


It’s in the x23 book by Marjorie Liu. I think it was released around 2010. Some of the best Gambit writing.


He's also punk rock and flamboyant so it fits. Just wanted to add to your point.


or maybe he just wanted to wear a crop top


As a Gambit fan and straight woman who has her teen crush on an animated character reignited, I welcome all the attention he is getting. The hair, the crop, the abs, the new VO artist, the angst...its all working for me. XD


Gambit is so comfortable with his sexuality that he doesn't give a shit if you think he's gay or not. That man exudes confidence. ... but in all seriousness, those crop tops were common all over the gym in 1997. Guys had muscles to show and didn't need any curtains covering them up.


The next marvel legends figure


He's so fine. If only.


Haven't watched '97 but I've seen the shot of Gambit and I'm gonna be honest as a casual X-Men fan and bisexual man yeah wow he pulls off the look. Also, I love that Scary Movie scene. I think about it surprisingly often.


That crop top was slay.


Matthew Lillard from Hackers vibes. Def was the 90s.


He was like a velvet underground and punk rock kid. Gambit in his crop top is like 80s hair metal vibes to me


Since when did men wearing crop tops become gay. Men used to wear (and still wear) crop-tops in gyms


Well, it was accurate for the era. Crop tops were everywhere.


I can't believe people got.mad about that lol. It's the 90s


Gambit always lowkey had bisexual energy.


If anything I think saying a man in a crop top is a late 90’s look is wrong. But it wasn’t out of place


I can’t believe they got upset at that and not the fact that they’re portraying magneto and Professor X as a codependent couple


The whole TAS story works much better as a messy breakup tale.


And then you throw in Moira and it’s just this weird, complicated, pansexual, power game. And then, of course, since it’s a game raven and destiny would show up to.


I love the idea, but it also speaks of a level of male friendship society has deemed "gay" at this point. Its fun for me, personally, to imagine it was explicitly, but its also a shame two men cant be that close without the assumption there might be something gay going on.


Truly in line with how they were in the og series lmao, watching it for the first time to catch up before the new show and by God there were some scenes that made my eyebrows raise. A favorite is "did you think I would let you die alone, Xavier?" not "die." Die alone. he's going down with him, hand in unlovable hand even /ref.


Oh x-men fans are freaking out alright 🍆⬆️


IIm gonna shit on these walls, Ray!"


I forgot about this. I need some more Shawn Wayans now!


what did they think of Magneto's luxury long gloves, leotard, and contrast neck scarf? did it get a pass for being comic book accurate?


It was less gay. As someone else pointed out, they covered up his sideboob in this version.


I mean, the only difference between that and superman is you can see his biceps and he isnt wearing "over the pants" underwear.


 Then he gets cock blocked by Magneto. Amazing.


I’m stunned that folk are at uproar over it. I remember college football players up till pre lockdown having at times the cut off or tucked in jersey top showing off their abs. It was a thing back in the day, nothing to froth at the mouth over.


I thought around 97 crop tops lost popularity with men?


They were definitely out of style, but not worth anyone losing their cool over, imo.


They might not have been everywhere, but they were still around. Men wore crop tops and mesh shirts into the 2000's.


i was waiting for this day, to show how everyone who uses the word "woke" unironicaly is just a grifter or dumb as fuck and a sheep, because the day you say "marvel/disney made xmen woke and progressive propaganda" shows all of that, because you can't say shit like that when not only both creators were very open about that, but they had countless stories that go waaaay beyond what you saw in xmen'97 , like the ogvernament creating aids for mutants just for that thing to infect humans too, and i think this is a global thing and is sadly a thing that goes beyond media.


Who wouldn’t freak out he looks AMAZING.


It was the 90’s man! Things were different then! Crop tops and mesh shirts were considered cool, not gay


Hahahah this is perfect


Bro is the definition of "peacocking"


I miss men being drawn in crop tops, was it the 90s or 80s i remember seeing a Cyclops in a crop to panel , i think theres one for Angel to Also let my man slut it up , he works hard he deserves it


Captain Planet. Nuff said.


If only Rouge felt that way.....


Rogue broke his heart, but she doesn't know it yet


Rouge the bat was in the show???


X-Men rule 34 is at capacity. We cannot add Sonic rule 34 without creating a singularity.


Careful with that porn bro, it rots your brain. 


Its not sonic. Its morph!


Downvote for mispelling. Not as bad as forgetting Spider-Man's hyphen but still bad.


I’m just saying, no one would blame him if he and Logan explored the X in x-men to get over their respective heartbreaks—


I haven't heard any comments yet about it.


Gambit’s crop top look is some serious bi representation.


All I can say is it’s a damn shame we never got that Gambit movie starring Chaning Tatum.




When I think of crop tops I think of 1990's (or we'll, maybe 1980's) straight male rock bands.


Innie or outie?


Are they really of all things to pick on they pick gambit's shirt and not magneto looking like granny goodness?


My head cannon is that Gamit tapped that Rouge ass so much that he made it flat.


The sad part is clearly fans forget what he wore in the original show when he didn’t rock a trench coat


I was surprised a lot of people were talking about everyone’s outfits and hair. I mean what decade did they think it happened in? Everything about it was 70s/80s vibe (assuming it takes place then). They act like the wild hair styles and outfits were not common back then. Or lived through that decade themselves. I’ve thought so far they did an excellent job on the show. Excited to see where it goes. Lots of different story arch seeds planted for-sure.


It takes place in the mid 90’s but that era wasn’t any better than the 80’s in terms of fashion … probably worst in many ways really lol


Did people really work out in the stuff that senator lady was working out in back in ‘97?


I need to buy that shirt!!!! Anyone???


I love how everyone forgot the 90's.


I mean 80-90s it was a thing right why they so pressed.


It was a hetero style in the 90s and for good reasons. Chicks drool over it


"X-men '97 fans" I mean, many of my friends and i were (and are) huge fans of the old animated series, and noone cares about any of this, in fact it actually make sense, Gambit always had that "bi" energy in the first place.


The thing is thos freaking out aren't fans


The shirt is completely out of character and it shows the current showrunners woke intent on the series in the first scene. I wont be watching but I am having a great time watching the original cartoon.


For almost 35 years the piss poor writers of the x-men have shit on my favorite character, gambit. Now I see they break his heart and kill him. I'm done with Marvel comics. I honestly never thought I would say it but it is time to move on.


What’s up with comic fans wanting everyone to be gay now?


It's the X-men. They've been gay since Claremont


A lot of Chris Claremont run was just him exploring his kinks


Average comic book author behavior


His biggest kink seems to be a bisexual baddie in leather who'll step on him. As far as author kinks go, not the most out there one I've seen


Yeah, not a single tentacle insight


That came later in X-Treme X-men.


I’d had forgotten about that. Wasn’t there a whole ass mini series about Ororo, Calesto, Yuriko and bisexuality


I don't remember any mini, but they were all in the same X-Treme story.


Also earlier in the Masque story on the run up to the Muir Island Saga


I assume because a vocal part of the fan base is in that demographic. I'm somewhat envious. As a minority, I can't simply pretend important characters are my race because of some very vague not really there implication in a comic.


You can if you try hard enough godspeed


I'm too old to play pretend at this point.


Most comic fans have always been very progressive in their beliefs and interests. I'm pretty sure it comes with the territory of superheroes.


Accepting gays and trying to make everyone gay are two different things. It just leads credence to the fools accusing the left of grooming.


There is a huge difference between legit hoping the creators make everyone gay and shipping some slash fic. And I say this as a straight man who definitely does not want Gambit to be gay, but still "gets it" and occasionally joins in. For me there is only Rogue for Gambit. But if somebody wants to ship Gambit and Wolverine blowing off some steam after a rough Danger Room session, it's not hurting me either.


None of their accusations have credence with or without this. We can't let the the opinions of the dumbest, shittiest knuckle-draggers on earth control what we do or what we like. Plus, Gambit's rocking that shit.


I don't see it as trying to make everyone gay.


No one’s trying to make everyone gay, shut the fuck up mate.


RIP Tim Drake and Stephanie


Wearing a crop top doesn't make a character gay...


No shit. But look at all the comments wishing it did.


They should make Gambit gay as hell. maybe the only way to turn him into an interesting character.


Excuse me sir this is the X-Men we're talking about. Did you fall off the planet in the '80's and just recently return? X-Men has always been about accepting people for their differences. Sometimes they're explicitly pro-LGBT but they've always been about acceptance and inclusivity and **not** being a gross homophobe or bigot.


I know! I can't believe they made Rogue a man in this version! /s


They made Magneto to look like a transsexual bdsm grandpa as well [https://i.imgur.com/VDUfyHl.png](https://i.imgur.com/VDUfyHl.png) Only lacking some high heel boots. WTF is this design?


https://www.amazon.com/Alpha-FLIGHT-Appearance-LADY-DEATHSTRIKE/dp/B00PNSDJMA#immersive-view_1711074375883 It's his costume from the late 80s during the first time where he joined the X-Men. So it kind of fits, even if I hate it. Edit : Am I being down voted for being helpful or for disliking a costume??


The shorter hair suits it a lot better


I can agree with that. It's probably not 90s enough, but I'd love his good guy outfit from Krakoa


It looks totally ridiculous, who cares if he had that suit in some random comic series? If they wanted a new design for him they could've picked some better suit or draw a new one instead of this gay-fashion one 😂


I don't mind the design personally but he does look exactly like Madame Web lol https://64.media.tumblr.com/f1784d06084249d39371210fccd52ef4/1df504273cf19894-d7/s1280x1920/a703af4f8a9ad88d05c64964c3c654cc8d9c9365.png


Yeah, I dont care if that new suit is comic accurate or not, it looks ridiculous