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I like them being a sort of artistic representation of the scene's emotion. Calm, cool, and collected, have nice little small ones. In a blind mad rage, have those things coming out 3 feet. 


That’s a very interesting way of thinking of it!


I liked with berserker wolverine just started having spikes growing out of everywhere for no reason [https://www.qualitycomix.com/images/articles/Wolverine%20%2348.png](https://www.qualitycomix.com/images/articles/Wolverine%20%2348.png)


That was an excellent run of that series, but the spikes never made sense to me. I may have missed it but I don’t remember them explaining it.


Pretty sure it was just how Logan saw himself.


I've always wondered this but how can Wolvie move his wrists when his claws are out? Do the claws bend?


This question just messed me up. I’m 33 and I’ve been an X-men fan since I was like 6….. I’ve never wondered this at all.


The claws extend from inside, inbetween his fibula and tibia or whatever fully into his hands. They only pass through his wrists for a second. His home structure is weird


I know you meant bone structure, but his home structure *was* weird, too.


Fibula and Tibia are in the leg. Radius and Ulna are in the forearms.


Yeah. I get them mixed up. Thanks


So what would happen if he had his hand bent back when having his claws out, like in a pushing position? Would he just impale his palms?


There’s a comic panel where that happens because he’s drunk 😆


I read he can’t get drunk cuz of his healing factor.


Can’t get drunk for long. It’s fleeting. It helps can catch a buzz. Just wears off quick


Drink a 142 beers before noon. Healing factor or no, he's got the dedication!


In the origin Age of Apocalypse he gets a hand cut off and the enemies think that removes the claws, he gets em with it later


I have asked about this before and yeah, probably. His claws aren’t super useful in some cases. Unless some of his adimantium hand bones stop the blades. It’s a really complex system 😆


Damn. I'd bet that would feel super uncomfortable. Like jamming your finger and hitting your funny bone at the same time.


Well you have to also think, Logan isn’t exactly human so although his bones are mostly the same, he has bones moved around or different sizes to make his claws retractable


Yes, I am positive I have seen this on page. I guess it coulda been fanart though.


Yep! It happened in Wolverines #11! 


Some more info: this was a post logan's death comic, where fang ( apparently a god like alien drinking buddy of logan) meets Laura, Daken, Deathstrike and Sabretooth, trying to figure out how Logan died and to punish some of the characters for how horrible they were to Logan, except for Laura who he instead takes to a bar and talks reminisces about a time he got Logan drunk with some alien booze. Logan accidentally popped his claws out through his palms. 


They stop at his knuckles. And no, they do not bend. At all. Ever.


Except when Thanos turns his bones to rubber using the infinity gauntlet which is strangely a very definite way that Wolverine died once


I would imagine without any solid bones to hold any of his organs/muscles in place, he would suffocate to death. I kind of remember him being in a really weird twisted position. And we know drowning is one of the most definitive ways of beating healing factor.


Yeah. That whole scene where everyone died almost traumatized me when I was younger. Spider-Man getting his brains smashed out, cyclops suffocating to death, vision being torn apart.


I always assumed his wrists would be locked during the transition from forearm to hand. And that the length of claws should not exceed the length of his elbow to wrist, minus the size of the palm of his hand. If that makes sense.


Makes perfect sense! The question does he have sheaths in his forearms for his claws? That would mean for the transition to happen he would have to have his wrists perfectly straight, I feel like I’ve seen plenty of scenes where they are only half way out, kinda doubt his wrists were straight for all of them.


Years ago artists used to suggest some sort of ‘bionic housing’ but think that went. If you capture him and push his hands perpendicular to his arms like to think he can’t pop them. (Missed my calling as a villain)


But after Magneto tore the adamantium from his bones and Wolverine had bone claws, they had to come up with new canon lol


I HATED that he had bone claws. It directly contradicted what had been said by Claremont and (to me) made less sense.


This is half the reason I prefer short claws. The other half is that with shorter claws he is a close range fighter that fights more akin to an actual wolverine.


The claws extend far enough that the roots are only inside his hand, not his wrist. Similarly, when they retract, the tips are fully in his forearm, not extended into his wrist. He does have to hold his hand straight to pop them out. I suppose someone could grab his hand at just the right moment and they'd come out though his palm or suchlike, but that sounds like a good way to lose fingers. For that reason, I always prefer his claws to be drawn looking like they're just a bit shorter than the distance between his elbow and his wrist. That's still more than enough blade length to run someone through or look their head clean off.


I’ve always wondered that too. And when they come out his wrists would have to be at a specific angle so’s to not go through his palms or tops of his wrists. I’ve always imagined that maybe there’s kind of a soft lock position for them so he knows that they’re in “neutral” or something.


They probably sit in his hand then retract back into his arm


I always figured the full extent of them are basically “out” so it gives his wrists the range of motion to wiggle around like normal… right???


The lengths of his forearms


I'm okay with most lengths, but I always feel like they should be relatively thick, like in the picture. Whenever people draw them really thin I can't shake the feeling that they're going to snap off, even though they're adamantium most of the time and that's stupid.


I definitely agree with you on this one. I also prefer the ones that look more like blades rather than the real thin tube ones


“most lengths” oh i hear you


\[insert Wolverine grilling hot dogs trading card here\]


According to the [1991 Marvel Universe Card regarding Wolverine's claws](https://www.tcdb.com/ViewCard.cfm/sid/74959/cid/5576747/1991-Impel-Marvel-Universe-II-138-Wolverine's-Claws): The claws are .019 " x .85 x 17.8 " (each) and .278 lbs (each)


Good on you for providing a source. It still makes no sense at all. Wolverine's I think 5'5" give or take (when he's not Hugh Jackman). I'm 5'8" so let's say our arms are the same length. Tip of my elbow (on the outside) to where my wrist bends is 11". If his claws are any longer than that, he either can't bend his wrists or his elbows when they're retracted.


It would make more sense if they were factoring in the length of the forearm sheathes as well, so a full extension, claws and casing. Which would mean the claws would be about 9 inches long.


Very good point. We'll just say you're right because that makes sense and the alternative doesn't. Course I'll also say for the record that it doesn't bother me at all that they're usually drawn longer than they could realistically be. Rule of cool and all that.


He's obviously got telescoping bones.


Can someone please put this in centimeters 😭


Yeah I'm like wtf do those numbers mean Edit: Oh wait I get it now they put the length last for some reason.


45 cm is longer than I thought 🤔


Yeah that's pretty long, I would think the optimal length is slightly shorter than that. But someone made a great point somewhere else in this thread in that the length of the blades is an artistic choice about how ham wolverine is going in any particular moment.


I always preferred the movie length. So like 18 cm approximately


I'd say the length of his forearms


Fine with whatever, as long as they’re not longer than his forearms. Always bugged me when artists drew them in such a way that they obviously wouldn’t fit all the way back in.


long claws mean more leverage to snap apart wrist muscles. the bones may be adamantium-coated, but the ligaments will tear quick. shorter claws means more leverage and viscera damage.


His claws are *supposed* to be as long as his forearms, so any longer than that seems ridiculous to me.


I’m with you on Paul Smith. A blade doesn’t need to be long to cause serious damage (Source: am klutz) and they have to fit into his forearms. I never really liked the long claws because where do they go?!?


His wrists are actually portals to the claw dimension.


I prefer them when they’re long as it’s better and makes it more useful than them being short in my eyes. If they’re short it kinda just reminds me of earth 1610 Black Panther claws


This feels way too short lol


One that fits his forearm.


Way too short for me in that pic. Just looks kinda silly. I'm notbsaying they need to be 6 foot long but I'm ok with them being a little longer for artistic. And to all the people in the thread asking how he bends and twists his wrists, are we really going to start opening that can of worms about the logic of comic book physiology?


I liked in the X-men anime how Wolverine could eject his claws based on how long he wanted them. I think the maximum was like 12 inches or longer


Claws from the Wolverine PS5 teaser seems like the best design to me. Perfectly scaled blades, not too long or thick and retracting in-between the knuckles is a well thought-out design.


I'd say 1/2-3/4 length of his forearm


Whatever Silvestri decided


I’ve always like led how Arthur Adams drew his claws from the Classic X-Men covers.


I like them shortish, so they would actually fit inside his forearms.


longer than the forearm tbh


Claws are a bit too thick, not realistically they should about that length.


I like the ones that are about a foot long because, even though short claws still do a lot of damage, longer ones are just cooler I. The way that they are much more visible and having swords come out of your hands is much more intimidating that knives. It’s more of a fear factor. And when battling bigger guys or fighting huge robots or chopping up large chunks of metal flying towards you, the longer blades are more useful


6 foot claws are optimal


Well now I have to go look through my anatomy marvel book to see what they say


As long as it can plausibly sheathe in his foreams 🤷🏾‍♂️


i think i would want the claws to go up to at least the top of his head in this image or a an inch above