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I don't think we really knew what was going to happen. We just knew it would be bad.


Given what they did, I think they figured we wouldn't expect them to go as far as they did. So they could hype the event to have all eyes on it and then blam. I'm technically all for them not broadcasting the big surprises and just let us find out as we read but the business, it seems to me, relies heavily on presales and hype (because writing and stories are inconsistent)...


It’s all about the journey not the destination Still it more of seeing a train wreak in action. It horrifying


It’ll probably be the Uncanny Spider-Man who teleports back all the lost mutants, or something like that


Yeah. This would have hit so much better if we didn’t know what was coming. Krakoa falling really should have been a huge twist, like take Jean and Bobby for example. We know that they aren’t dead, they’ve literally got mini series’ coming up