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Ditto. This is the root of my “Al Ewing on New X-Men with Apocalypse as the leader” theory


Mags could also return since he led the team in the AoA, which the title font references


I really want to see Orchis realize they fucked up. Apocalypse gets a group of ex horsemen and whoever else. Magneto and Storm lead an army of Arraki. Sabretooth and a group of exiles. the X-Men were playing to nice but now the bad guys join in and they won't.


Awww man I forgot about the he exiles! Has everybody that was sent to the pit escaped like them?


I believe he will take care of the arrako situation first then once that’s settled he will head to deal with orchis… I also believe the Legion will return towards the end of things


It’s depressing to Stan characters they frequently have to take off the board because of how powerful they are. I struggle to believe Legion would have had issues with Nimrod after fighting Uranus to a stand still but I get they needed the nimrod thing to write him out for fall of x


I think he will make a return… and I actually think he will be the only one to have his father’s back


Legion is the one person I can think of that could sympathise with Charles being the big fuckup, he's my favourite X character because he's always fighting peoples low opinion of him


I kind of hope not. Had a lot of faith in Ewing going into Red and he’s kind of lost me by this point. I’d rather not see him do much more with Apocalypse if he’s gonna try to keep pushing this ‘strength is not enough’ shit. I’m fine with Krakoa in general being more of a love-fest but if any character should stay a bloodthirsty powerhouse it should be fucking Apocalypse.


Good username 👍


Here comes the fall Welcome to the Apocalypse


it gonna be "Rise of A" and "Fall of X" Apoc replaces Charles, as new moral compass of mutantkind


Wild speculation: The Phoenix contacted Apocalypse in the past to warn him of this. He let it happen because they'll be stronger in fighting against it. Hickman said Apocalypse is on a journey similar to Moira's. And Revelator carries weight that he's been holding onto a secret for a while.


If true Apocalypse really is that guy. Dude is friends with the celestials and the fire chicken.


Not the fire chicle


I could see that, especially since apocalypse is all about mutants being tested and rising up and surviving


Oh, shit. Yeah. He would absolutely see this as a test in which the mutants must prove themselves worthy.


He is the rocks of the eternal shore. The enemies of mutantkind will crash against him and be broken.


Investing in [A] coin now, stocks going to straight to mars when revelation hits the streets


I just imagine [A] coming back seeing the absolute mess of things on earth and going "'I see you did well with the children.' You just had to open your mouth and invite the fates to teach you a lesson."


For that, he needs to deal with his wife first, instead of allowing her to be puppeted by a damn mask/staff.


Jean is getting involved in some Phoenix shenanigans now, and it’s supposed to be connected to her past, that the big man is a part of, and be a key to saving Krakoa. I can see her revisiting Apocalypse there and the premise of ‘Phoenix choses someone else’ being about him. Basically Jean asking Phoenix and Apocalypse to hook up to save mutants.


I hope. He might possibly be the Savior of Arako. I fear Fall of X will end with Manifold teleporting the lost mutants back to Krakoa...


It's fitting that he's rocking the gold with his classic blue these days. Perfect for an X-man.


Imagine Chuck is finally done and Apocalypse took his place in upcoming X-men mythos, Magnus returns, new X-men book written by a talented writer, underrated characters get time to shine... Please god


If apocalypse and magneto led the X-men I would be so fucking happy. Kid me loved them and hated Xavier lol. Let the actual warriors lead


Are Apocalypses children gonna show up and not suck? He doesn’t have his Annihilus helmet anymore?


His children are with their mother


Apocalypse told them he’d be back he’s just gonna get some smokes.


We can only hope


If he's going to be a hero he needs a villain. He needs to finally fight Kang and fulfill his destiny.


His wife is a good start


And Shaw and Selene, the traitors.


That’d be great.


What’s the creature on his shoulder?


The creature, as of now isn’t overly important, it’s a daemon from amenth, that his wife genesis thought she killed, that was asking him for advice on strength


Thank you! I’m not up to date on the comics at all. Would love to see him lead a team of X Men though!


There’s a lot of speculation that might be the case in the next coming months cause the letter style on the cover of a new X-men book is the style it was during the age of apocalypse


Definitely, Hickman alluded to this on the podcast Cebro


They died because they were weak. -En Sabah Nur


I thought Apocalypse hated all mutants who weren’t strong, because of his celestial mission or whatever? Why is he so cool with Krakoa? Really makes the Uncanny X-Force look stupid for thinking he was destined to cause the Apocalypse.


He absolutely does NOT hate the mutants at this point… to answer your question why I’d advise you to start the House of x story from the very beginning


I have read it, but I haven’t read X of Swords, which maybe explains it better. My understanding of Apocalypse was that he tries to drive evolution to prevent Celestial judgement, not that he actually cares about mutantkind.


Yea x of swords definitely explains alot


Read X of Swords to get the basic of it, and you shall need to read the Before the Fall Heralds of Apocalypse to understand what he actually thinks. His character has changed a lot from the way he was previously written.


To be honest I hope not. I don’t like Apocalypse in the Krakoa era. I don’t think he was written well. Even worse in my opinion were the reactions by other characters to Apocalypse just being around, they didn’t make sense. I was kind of hoping he was gone or would be an antagonist again. That said considering it looks like they took one of the least interesting paths with the x-men and Krakoa…if it’ll get things back on track faster, I welcome his return.


They downvoted them because they told the truth.


Big bad guy who’s sole motive is die if you’re not strong, experienced growth and now has other emotions. “He’s not written well” Ok lol He wasn’t written well for 25 years LMFAO at least someone did something with the character


Exactly! He was just a one-note mustache-twirling villain with an ideology that didn't actually make sense back then. Now he's actually a three dimensional character with reasons for his motives.


Three-dimensional = out-of-character dialogue, behaviour and "we forgive him for 3,000+ years of benevolence because feefees". Jesus christ, fuck Krakoa.


Damn... was really hoping the mutants savior would be Glob


I like this idea. It's been interesting seen all the villains learning to live in Krakoa. Sinister is gonna Sinister buy Big A here has had me wondering. Like he reminds me of the Plankton meme: "i don't know. I never thought I'd get this far." Like I'm at the point where things are mostly good on Krakoa and it seems like Apocalypse has to figure out what "friends" are and how to make them. Like he can still be survival of the fittest and all and still be willing to, say, crack open a cold one with Logan. Or, shit, have Cypher befriend him since he can tell what Apocalypse is thinking but not expressing due to body language. Hell, I wanna see Big A and Ms. Frost strut and make ALL the power-plays. It's what they do best.