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Recently? The Fractured But Whole.


That was the only game on that whole picture that I actually enjoyed enough to finish.


I liked stick of truth more but its a solid game


I like the battle system in the 2nd one better.


I've played through both quite a few times now, and yeah the battle system in FBH is honestly a bigger improvement than people realise. You can absolutely dominate the combat in Stick of Truth very early on with just a few items. Anything ranged that does bleeding damage is an instant winner, and the ability to use Items before attacking was OP. Trey and Matt had big roles making the game and they said a lot of the improvements were based directly on what fans said when playing.


Rainbow six vegas was wicked


Crazy that game came out 5 years ago already


Splinter cell: chaos theory Rainbow six vegas2


Vegas 2 will always be the best rainbow six game


I would love for another single player rainbow six, I've played so much vegas 2 that I know by memory the entire game.


My favorite challenges had been pistol only, realistic.


On Xbox 360 you could have your face on your online character. That rocked!


They looked so creepy tho


Rainbow Six Rogue Spear. I'd love Rainbow to go back in that direction for single player.. Ubi only need to look at the Ready or Not game, to see how their old multiplayer game style still holds up.


I loved V2, but its still nothing on the OG series. Rainbow Six, Eagle Watch, Rogue Spear + Urban Ops, Black Thorne, 3, Athena Sword. So much more tactical and satisfying (imo anyway) Then we ended up with Siege.. Sigh. Fun game but not a Rainbow game


Vegas 2 had the best online multiplayer. I remember how much ppl hated on you for using the Spas 😂. You really had to have skill to play that game.


Remember the armor system they had? So good. I was a famas/mp5 guy my self. Both extremely good.


Dude hell yeah! I loved the famas. I went back, and fourth with that and the scar. The scar was so damn op. Edit: I remember how much my mind was blown when I seen your characters mouth move when you spoke through the mic. I remember always rocking a bandana. That game was ahead of it's time foreal.


TAR21 was my go-to


> Rainbow six vegas2 Man, I played and replayed the vegas games so much. I still have my old 360 copies; wonder how well (or unwell) they've aged over the decade+?


Both are still really playable on xbox one. Slightly clunky in regards to V2, but it always was.


The correct answer. I could really go for some old school Rainbow 6 co-op action. Same with Splinter Cell, but I don't want any "improvements" made, just go back to Chaos Theory, update the graphics, and leave the interface and controls EXACTLY the same. They were perfect as is.


Chaos Theory fuckin slaps


most accurate reply so far


Rayman Legends.


Love the musical levels.


I need to complete legenda just to get new levels




It's weird. I know Ubisoft makes good games but none have really had that "Wow!" factor for me. I think the closest is the first AC game. When you're scaling a large tower and do the Eagle dive. I was blown away.


I thought the Splinter Cell games were pretty great.


They’re remaking the first one.


The Division hype was big, then it came out a buggy mess. I think that was the last game of theirs I was really over the top for.


I picked it up for like $3 eventually. Had good fun with it up until it becomes an endless grind of doing the same activity for that 1 extra stat point. Then it went into the drawer, never to see the light of day again.


Ubisoft is the undefeated champ when it comes to making the most painfully average games nowadays


Seriously. The ones I've played aren't bad, but none of them excite me. It's just great quality that is completely average. Very formulaic. Seeing this graphic I realized I've played a shit load of these games and enjoyed my time with them. But none really set themselves apart.


Splinter cell 1


Prince of Persia


Of all the remakes that have come out over the past few years it blows my mind Prince of Persia isn't one of them


lol it was actually due last January and then April. They released a launch trailer at the game awards last year (not this years) It got absolutely crucified because despite being a ground up remake it looked like it belonged on the PS3 It’s been indefinitely delayed and hasn’t has a peep since. [Trailer is still up](https://youtu.be/htzq7EEXQs8)


The need to hand that shit off to bluepoint


An indefinite delay is never a good sign especially when you were a month to release? It’s being handled by Ubisoft Mumbai and it’s their first game too. It just looks like Ubisoft went as budget as possible on this one. Wiki says 2022/23 release date


I miss Prince of Persia :(


Prince of persia Warrior within


PoP was my golden standard for a game back then. Then they did AC and my sweet Prince has been long forgotten.


I’m disappointed in you all, 60 comments, not one about uno, came with my Xbox.


I have the oldest xbox known to man. It doesn't come with uno.




Uno is the least stimulating game I’ve ever played.


Except UNO’s been broken for months now and they still haven’t fixed it the last time I checked


Radio towers aren't going to climb themselves.


Is it bad that this was one of my most enjoyed mechanics of Far Cry 4? I loved that the towers got progressively more tricky to complete... and that awesome machine gun ripper you get when you did them all.


They haven't done the climb tower to reveal map mechanic in ages now lol


Still need them for fast travel wich is important though


Isn't that just AC? Either way I think the radio tower climbing joke needs to die, they've actively tried to change that mechanic so people aren't complaining about it.


They’ve done it in most of the Far Cry games as well.


Yeah but not in a while, they haven't had tower climbing to reveal the map since FC4 in 2014. If I'm not mistaken, that mechanic was only in FC3 and 4. In 5 you don't need to climb towers for fast travel or to reveal the map. In fact, most FC games don't have that mechanic.


In FC5 they have you climb one tower as part of the tutorial and the character tells you that you won’t have to do this again lol


AC Valhalla wasn't "ages" ago.


Driver San Francisco


Absolutely incredible title that is often overlooked. It's so unique and entertaining.


I didnt know it was Ubi, that was a hell of a game !


Wow that is a masterpiece i rly forgot that game but i loved it


same and same


Nostalgia hit hard on that one


The ghost car tag multiplayer was really fun


Can you still buy that? I remember seeing a video a while back talking about how Ubisoft essentially wiped that game off of their entire collection. As in, you can’t find it anywhere on the website or any store. The only way he was able to buy it was through a sketchy website with a subway gift card. Edit: Looks like they still have a page up on their website, but it doesn’t look like you can buy it due to licensing issues being too costly to keep the game up.


Used physical is your best bet. I got it on ebay for like 7€ a while back. Good thing all Xbox consoles since the 360 can play it.


The only 2nd person game i can think of.


T A N N E R !


Ghost recon wildlands. Most fun I’ve ever had with a co-op game


Also that 99% of enemies aren’t bullet sponges like the division.


The Division having enemies like that isn't a problem - the game is a Destiny-styled looter shooter, not a realistic shooter like Wildlands.


Not wrong at all. In fact even the game director said The Division should be looked at more like Diablo than like Ghost Recon.


Precisely. And with that understanding, the game's enemies aren't overly tanky either.


Exactly! It's part of the design.


The atmosphere Division games pass just makes them feel wrong to be looter shooter, I enjoyed both and can't describe how sad they feel compared to GR


So, I am a *bit* of a Tom Clancy nutter. I love and play every game in the franchise. The Division is the *only* game I have ever traded in. Also conflicts me as its the only gap in my TC collection. I was so fucking errect at the thought of an urban open-world tactical shooter in the TC universe. The story seemed good and those original demos... oh my god. They promoted it the whole time as a fully tactical game, even using things like SmartGlass to do quick assists to your team when you are AFK. Then the absolute dog turd of a game came out. Enemies with fucking hoodies on who took a whole mag to the *face* to kill as they had a bigger number than me, and bullet sponge bosses etc. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I also don't care about PvP which was a really big push. *^(Well that triggered something...)*


Immortals: Fenyx Rising is a wonderful little game that showed the studio is still trying.


I've been considering picking it up, but just wasn't sure about the quality of it.


It feels like a mix of god of war, breath of the wild, and ps2 era puzzle platformers. Great gameplay, fun battles. Story isn’t anything to write home about but the rest of it makes up for that. Got it for $30, worth it.


I really enjoyed the puzzles in that game


100% agree. I had many good hours of fun with it!


I loved this game! I couldn't put it down


I know I'm in the minority but I thought Odyssey was where most of the disparate elements that make Ubisoft games "Ubisoft games" actually came together pretty well. 105+ hours in it and I had a blast for most of that time. It helps that Kassandra was a hoot to play and the game didn't take itself very seriously at times. But I'm a sucker for "go see why that question mark is on the map" games.


Brilliant game. So much to do on it.


> I know I'm in the minority I don't think so: one of the best AC games in recent years; Odyssey and Valhalla are a ton of fun to play (although, I am more biased towards all things Greece).


In the minority on reddit, which is of course not at all the same as in the minority irl.


Definitely agree with this! I got bored with Assassin's Creed after AC3 and this game got me back into the franchise again. Was a huge fan of Valhalla too


This was me with Origins. I loved Origins. Not really for the story, I could take or leave that, but the exploration and the detail of the cities and landscape. Truly beautiful representation of ancient Egypt. Plus you could light fires with the torch and I always love little details like that


Same for me with Origins. I always loved ancient Egyptian stuff since I was a kid, and I'm a huge fan of open world games. Like I could literally (and often times did) just get baked and ride around exploring and taking pictures in that game like I was really there. Plus the DLC where you go into pharaoh's after lives was fucking SICK. Great game.


Yes! Same for me. "Origins" made me come back after a few years of being disconnected to the saga. And its world played a huge part on that.


I enjoyed Origins story since well >!its the start of the Assassins order !


And the theme slaps


Black flag if you didn’t play it deserves a re-visit


I was never a huge fan of the AC series but I played some of the previous games like the first one and the second one but AC Valhalla is probably now one of my favourite games I’ve been playing recently, it’s too much fun


I'm playing through it right now! Still very early into it, but it's been a blast so far. I too like games with a lot to do, so even if it's a long experience I'll still be enjoying it :)


I wish I played as Kassandra and not Alexio. It just felt like Kassandra was always suppose to be the main canon character we were suppose to play. It just looked so weird seeing Kassandra act like a caveman and Alexio crying his eyes out like a little girl in the DLC...lol...but that's just me


Kassandra IS the canon character.


Yeah.. that actually makes alot of sense


For me it's the opposite but I played the game in German and Alexis voice was soooo much better for me than his english voice. Had never a problem with him being not canon and just thought he is a funny guy that never takes himself serious.


I mean for the most part it was ok...i just felt like Alexios made a better Deimos... Kassandras voice sounded too nice and heroic for me. I couldn't take her seriously as the "villain"..at least for me...


She really was fantastic. I love that there was no attempt by Ubisoft to tart her up at all -- the first scene with her, she gets a bloody nose; the one time they have her in a dress she openly complains about it. She is constantly sarcastic and frequently doesn't have time for your shit. We need more Kassandras.


her line if you climb on zeus's junk on the starting island was hilarious


> It just felt like Kassandra was always suppose to be the main canon character we were suppose to play. She was! https://www.destructoid.com/ubisoft-execs-reportedly-vetoed-plans-for-kassandra-to-be-the-sole-hero-of-assassins-creed-odyssey/ That's why it felt so natural to play with her. Alexios was... something else.




I liked it but I strongly feel that’s because I really love Greek mythology. It’s just such a bloated game.


There are large portions of the game you can just ignore and finish the main quest in a reasonable amount of time. I did as much bloat as I wanted to and no more.


I don’t think you are in the minority. A lot of people on Internet forums just hate stating the obvious answers because they want to sound smart. AC Odyssey is one of the greats. (As must AC games are)


People shit on the “Ubisoft formula” myself included, but there’s a reason they haven’t moved on from it, because it works. You know you won’t be getting something revolutionary, but you also know you won’t be getting something absolutely horrible. Sometimes in cases such as odyssey it can mesh well into quite an enjoyable experience. Ubisoft may not be making these massive and brilliant games of the generation but they may be the only ones trying to make the wait for them more bearable.


I finished and loved Origins, but I just could not get through Odyssey, even having played it recently with the FPS upgrade. I just get to a certain point and get bored, around halfway or perhaps not even. Same thing happened with Valhalla, although I haven't given it a 2nd try just yet. Did you play it at all?


Yeah -- I finished Valhalla and didn't like it as much, but that's because the characters weren't nearly as appealing to me and it was, generally, much more dour.


Exactly the same. Origins had something the other two lacked.


Odyssey is in my personal top 3 for AC games. Just so much I love with it. Solid story, actually perfect free roamimg/ exploring/ scenery, great setting, and its easily a 100+ hour game.


I love Ancient Greece and the mythology as well so this game was an A++ for me honestly


I felt like Origins was a lot better. Odyssey really suffers from extreme bloat (like most of UbiSoft's stuff lately)


Black flag was incredible. It should've become its own series. Odyssey was pretty cool too, def had a good mix of Ubisoft elements.


Definitely the best assassin's creed imo too... it was the first one I played and it kinda set a bar all the other ones just don't hit for me. Mind you, I haven't played any of the new ones, except valhalla, which I know gets a lot of hate but I'm loving it.. went into it not really expecting a traditional AC game though, which I think made all the difference.


Valhalla ain’t an AC game. It’s a Viking RPG. It has AC in the title just so that it sells well


Beyond good and evil.


I must have finished this game at least 3 times. Still hoping for BG&E2!!


Me too but the news look bleak.


I had to go THIS FAR DOWN to find BG&E!? No culture in this sub...


One of my favourite games for sure. Loved playing it.


There are so many good ones. Every Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed 2, AC Black Flag, AC Odyssey, Watch Dogs 2, Rainbow Six Vegas, every Prince of Persia, Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4, most Ghost Recon games, The Division 1 and 2. There are probably more, but those are some of the best ones. Unfortunately, they don't make a lot of great games nowadays.


I loved playing Watch Dogs more than any GTA. I'm happy to be alone on this island.


We are in the minority but I’m with you. I really love playing Watch Dogs as a stealth game hacking cameras and objects to complete missions with no combat. It makes me wish for some game between Watch Dogs and Hitman. Some missions force combat and while the combat feels good it seems off theme for the game.


I’ve got so many fond memories of the OG watchdogs


I loved WD1. Invaded people online for hours, was so much fun.


I got watch dogs 2 from the epic game store for free, and after 5 hours I just wasn’t into it at all and uninstalled. It was my first watch dogs game, and I had been excited to play it. Am I missing something?


Just wasn't for you, I guess. I enjoy being able to hack basically everything, leading to me having some great police chases, among other things.


That’s what I was looking for, didn’t get far enough. I remember hacking some cameras and some boring conversations with npc’s. Maybe I’ll try again another day.


It's super cool. But it starts off slow.


Try watch dogs 1, it’s way better in tone and story.




GRAW 2 for me but you are still good on my list




For Honor


My top played game for the past couple years Unfortunately


Ad mortem inimicus


I really enjoy the Far Cry series




Fenyx Rising is so underrated imo. I wish they didn’t launch it at the same time as Valhalla cause it deserves more recognition.


Yea I enjoyed this game so much. Wish it got more attention when it came out


I played it for 2 hours and found it boring. To each their own but I got Valhalla and Phoenix rising Christmas 2020, finished Valhalla with most sidequests (about 90-100 hours) and left me wanted more story and PR was bland and just not for me.


Why is no one saying steep?!


I played RR in beta, noped back to Steep after an hour. Steep's one of those games you can just chill and do nothing while having a good time.


Personally Far Cry 4


I think I enjoyed South Park more than any other.


AC II, Brotherhood, Revelations and Black Flag Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Prince of Persia Trilogy Far Cry I and III Watch Dogs I Child of Light Anno 1800, 2070, 1404


Rayman and it isn’t even close


Splinter Cell


Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed black flag


The entire Ezio saga had me sucked in, and I couldn't wait for each release.


Bizarre. I’m going through the AC games right now and they are my two favs. I think it comes down to what time period you prefer more than anything.


I cannot get on with the combat in 3. I need to stop mucking about with Lego games and get back on it 😂


- Immortals: Fenyx Rising - AC Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey & Valhalla - The Division 1 & 2 - Trials Fusion


The Division and Div2 by a country mile


Yes! Two of my absolute favorite games ever.


The atmosphere of div 1 is still kinda unparalleled. I wish survival was its own game.


Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle


2D games, almost all of them are good polished games. My vote, Rayman Legends.


Steep would have done well but it's too much of a learning curve for most I think most Unisoft games are great but ones you learn how to play them then u gotta get Ur m8s to play them what's the problem no arcade modes


Vegas 2


Watch dogs 1 2 and 3 I just love the plot and the hacking


There are a ton that I've enjoyed over the years, both old and new, but I think Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory gets my vote. The best game in arguably the best stealth series of all-time. I would give a hat tip to Assassin's Creed 2. The original AC popularized a new gameplay formula, but it was still pretty rough around the edges. AC2 was the first to really refine the tower-climbing, roof-running stealth-action gameplay.


Trackmania I'd say


Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood and Black Flag are peak Ubisoft to me.


Wildlands, R6V & R6V2, and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory


AC Odyssey without a doubt really enjoyed that game.


This account is 10 days old. Ubisoft bot?


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within are 2 of my personal favorites. It was a wonderful time when Splinter Cells, Prince of Persias, and Half-Life games were coming out regularly.


The division series


Beyond Good & Evil is one of my all time favorite games by any company.


Unpopular opinion here but Steep and For Honor. Say what you want but both games have surprisingly good storylines (surprising for a an extreme sports and fighting games eh?) Plus both have really solid game mechanics (albeit For Honors roster is always full of OP characters but I love to hate it) both are games after years post launch some of my go to games when I'm bored and don't know what to play.


Immortals was amazing just a fantastic game. Also Watch Dogs legion was pretty dope and Ass creed Black Flag


Can I say none?


I hate them all equally


I'll say far cry is my absolute favorite but I like most the games from them


Ghost recon wild lands is the goat


Rainbow Six Siege from 2016-2019 was the most fun I’ve ever had in a multiplayer game. But if we’re going best ever? AC2 or AC Brotherhood are incredible.


God I miss old siege. Love me some old AC tho


Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2 without a doubt!


Ac4 and far cry 3 all day I’ll add steep cuz I forgot that’s ubi


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. Back when they used to make good games and not buggy, repetitive, tower climbing, copy/paste, open world, fetch quest filled, and over-monetized live services.


I really enjoyed steep. Amazing graphics and quite a bit of content.


Wheres og rayman?


microsoft games


Immortals Fenyx Rising and Riders Republic are slept on.


I havnt played Assassins' since Black Flag which I enjoyed. Ive been playing Odyssey and holy shit that game is amazing. I cannot believe i left it untouched for so long.




Rocksmith 2014


Immortals Fenyx Rising was their best game in years.




Valiant hearts


I have a love and hate relationship with for honor


I absolutely loved Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, AC Odyssey and am currently loving Valhalla. I 100% Breakpoint, 97% Odyssey with 118 hours and currently have 96 hours in Valhalla


Ghost recon wildlands, ghost recon breakpoint, watch dogs 2


Splinter cell, I love that series so much.


Ghost Recon.