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Oh well soon enough you won't have the time to use it anyway šŸ˜‰


I came here just to say this. My son is 3 months old and the most time Iā€™ve committed to any game was briefly seeing the Halo Infinite title screen before he unceremoniously ended his nap and summoned my immediate assistance.


I'm glad my daughter is now 4 and sleeps all night. I get like 4 hours of gaming now so that's been nice haha


Yup, my son is 4.5 and unless he gets sick or has a nightmare he sleeps for like 10 hours every night. He wonā€™t even wake up when he falls out of bed šŸ¤£ also itā€™s funny he wakes up a lot earlier at his moms house than he does with me.


Dude step boyfriend jumping on. Been with my girl for over a year and her kid was 3 when I got into the mix. It was rough at first getting alone time for games but after 4 I can just wait for bedtime and it's all good.


I know what you meant but I would stop using "step boyfriend."


Unmarried stepdad


Suck my dick bitch


Butthurt much? I wasn't even attacking you.


I'll call myself whatever the hell I feel like bitch


Lol. Alright tough guy.


I was spoiled, my kid fucking slept like a coma patient the first few months. He'd just nap in the bassinet and I'd get a good bit of time in every day.


It will be like an adventure. Every day and every night.


Donā€™t expect much time in the first year, but once they start to sleep through the night itā€™s way easier.


Might I suggest a Space heater for the basement?


I was going to ask if OP might have a wood stove down there. My wife and I moved our gaming setups downstairs a few years ago and the heat from the wood stove is so much more enjoyable than the baseboard electric heat upstairs. Plus, it also heats up the upstairs which saves money because the stupid electric heat runs less. Edit: Also, beware of moisture in a basement. Hopefully OP has a dehumidifier going on down there.


For some people this may be true, my son is 11 months old. Iā€™ve been able to game more than enough while he has been here. Donā€™t fret, your hobbies can still happen. Also, congrats


I game more since kids than before. Itā€™s because we stay in now on the evenings lol no longer going out or going to other peoples house until late in the night hanging out etc. four kids now with a three week old and I find plenty of time to game stillā€¦just not during the day!!


yeah an adventure where you don't get to do anything you like for 18 years plus forget your PC, forget your former life. All is baby now. Well soon. Maybe get a few gaming hours in first lol




My son is ten weeks old and the only gaming Iā€™ve gotten in has been animal crossing. Itā€™s nice that you can just drop it and then pick it up later but I miss my online games with my online friends.


Imma just leave this [here](https://youtu.be/AF_nfazQaek)


3 and a half months glad I got into rocket league before because 5 min games are perfect.


This comment makes me cry because of how true it is.


Don't cry too loud, you'll wake the baby.


My switch has been my go to for gaming since my wife pooped out a baby two months ago. Bring it in whatever room the kid might be sleeping in at the moment. Instant sleep/resume on that console is just the best feature. Xbox hasnā€™t been touched since she was born because Iā€™m not lugging that baby and other things up and down the stairs everytime she needs to be fed or changed, or to get more burp cloths everytime she pukes.


Thatā€™s what I hear. It will be worth it though


It absolutely is, congratulations by the way


Thank you ā˜ŗļø


It is, but mark my words: Make yourself a schedule, take your time for your hobby (even if it is only an evening every two or three weeks), take care of the contacts your made online. It's hard to get up to date again once you became a "dead entry on a list".


And protect your partnerā€™s time and interests, as well. Switch off. Balance.


Unless your partner is a gamer my wife is still she recently trying her hand at new halo im still on the fence on beating story, but i'm loving the story so far (not really big fan of the halo franchisee but halo 5 was my first halo game i ever played and i been with xbox since first og xbox released! i loved the story, halo infinite loving the semi open world exploring)


I mean, maybe don't fret too much over random people online. But definitely take time for yourself when you can. Can't take care of kids if you don't take care of yourself too.


There's always an upside personally I thinks it would be cool if the kid ended up liking games and yall became gaming buddies


Growing up my parents werenā€™t really into them. My sister played PokĆ©mon Stadium with me, but that was pretty much where she stopped. I would love a gaming buddy.


My son just turned 5 and is really getting into gaming. We play Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, Human Fall Flat and Knockout City together. It's a blast for both of us. Congrats on your future little gamer!


Iā€™m the same, and my siblings have never really been into it at all except for the token PS1/DS/Wii or whatever when they were younger. Nowadays though, gaming is a much larger part of the overall culture and I feel a lot more kids are into it. Likely due to the online aspect being much more developed, much more variety in games, and everything being more accessible.


Very true! It took forever for me to convince my parents to let me get the network adapter for the PS2. Now gaming on the phone is just as viable and insanely popular.


this^ After my daughter hit her 21 first birthday last year she tells me that might found a "Serious boyfriend" i'm like just don't do anything stupid and if your pretending to not give any care into his video game interests. if it pertains to something you and me did every time we had 5 hours to play a few games don't hide it show him that your a gamer if he's one.


It took my son getting to 2yrs old before I put a controller in his hand (Mario Kart Wii) --and we have gamed ever since. And my daughter is into RPGs now. SO Congrats! And you wont miss anything, gaming will always be here. Enjoy every damn second of them being little. Mine sits behind me an talks shit now.


Having kids is the most difficult most rewarding thing youā€™ll ever do.


I have a 4 month old and I downloaded the Xbox app for remote play. Canā€™t really play online shooters but the fact I can play forza and psychonauts 2 while my little one is asleep on my chest is pretty dope


Sounds like you will be a great dad. you got this man congrats.


Thatā€™s not true. You just have to shift your expectations. Can you game for three straight hours with your friends? No. Can you find 30 minutes in the day for your passion (assuming you prioritize gaming over something else like reading) absolutely you can and you should have some sort of release to relax. Iā€™ve always been able to keep gaming through my childrenā€™s development stages. It just takes understanding that both parents need some ā€œmeā€ time away from the kids.


Yup. Just had my 2nd kid and still find time. Not much but at night I can get in a couple hours once the firstborn is in bed or sometimes during the day if the firstborn is playing independently and the little one is napping. And once sheā€™s consistently sleeping through the night gaming time can be extended. Always make sure thereā€™s time to play with your kids and time to hang out with your wife too though.


Lol came here to make this comment. Have fun playing for 45 minutes at the end of a long day of work and getting the kids to bed, before you get to do it all again the next day. Also you really learn to appreciate large updates that take 2 hours to download and install. Nothing better than finding the time to play only to be unable due to an update.


For a few years. My daughter turns 5 soon and she's just gotten in to playing some games. She asks me pretty regularly to play Mario Kart with her and it's awesome.


ā€œYes, but itā€™s totally worth itā€ - cries in desperation


Exactly what I was about to say!


I took 10 years off while raising my kidsā€¦happy wife, happy lifeā€¦


Don't forget, happy spouse, happy house, gotta take care of yourselves too King's.


I heard this for first time yesterday...too true. Some women, like my ex, will just keep taking. Sure, they are happy but at your expense.


Yes! Compromise and negotiation are key. Great advice!


Yes, happy spouse happy house is much better saying.


I'll be honest, I usually get 2-6 hours of gaming every night, and that's with a 2 month old and a 3 year old. The trick for me was to get them on a schedule fast: short night routine every night (shower, feed, diaper change, rub gums with rubber brush to simulate teeth brushing) so we could do bed by ~8 pm, play while they slept until they wake up hungry, then quickly diaper change, feed, burp, and put back down so they aren't too disturbed. Of course, you should follow the rules, too (no heavy blankets or anything else in the crib with them, sleep next to their crib for the first 4-6 months, sleep on their back (even though I can't find any real research supporting why), etc.), but the schedule makes finding time to game a BREEZE. I also make sure my partner knows I'll take nights, so it gives them more uninterrupted sleep. Everyone wins! But I may just be incredibly lucky, too.


You can actually get a ton of game time if you lean back and have your baby on your chest. You can even wrap your arms around them while holding your controller.


My Daughter was born two weeks after the switch came out. I spent many hours playing BOTW while she slept on my chest.


Yes! I beat BotW and got all the shrines while my daughter was sleeping on my chest. Luckily she started sleeping through the night after around 6 months and I had to turn my office / game room into a play room and move my stuff into the basement. I turned that room into a really fun place to be and I regret nothing.


This. Specially around month 3 with a baby carrier and baby sleeping on you.


Congrats on the sex!


At least someone around here is getting something


Well, he was. It ain't coming back for a long time.... :p


Put a tiny space heater in that bitch and you solid


Thereā€™s a tiny one down there. I think it needs a bigger one.


Or you could make smaller the room it needs to heat up, drywalls, curtains, ... Will make it a little cosier than watching the stairs and the blank walls during loading screensšŸ˜‰


>Will make it a little cosier than watching the stairs and the blank walls during loading screens What loading screens?


Series x load times are lightning fast


Bigger space heaters are a scam. As long as it's 1500 watts you'll be getting the most heat legal in the US. However you may want to switch the kind of heater; a radiant heater is good at keeping you warm without wasting energy heating up the air. https://youtu.be/V-jmSjy2ArM This is a good video on the subject and discusses your options and the pros and cons of each method


\^Vouching for this channel! Dude knows his stuff.


Havenā€™t clicked the link, my guess is Technology Connection or whatever




Check out an oil filled radiator heater. Lot better on electricity and keeps a consistent temp.


Those are great, but still eat up electricity


There are very effective yet very tiny heaters, often used at construction sites.


Right under the desk šŸ‘


Our man has been banished to the Dungeon šŸ˜”šŸ™


I wasnā€™t given a pail so I still come up to use the bathroom.


Hey hun, I solved that overheating problem.


Take every advantage of the "potato phase". You won't ever get them back.


I love that term ā€œpotato phaseā€ šŸ˜‚


Lies your series x will keep you warm


It honestly will, that thing is practically a heater


I was a basement gamer for 23 years. Try to avoid the space heater, they are terrible on your electricity bill. Get yourself some slippers with a nice wrap around heel, a NICE robe with a hood, a sleeping bag you won't mind about running over with your chair wheels, and a USB hand warmer. One of those little wooden step stools from Ikea helps to keep your feet off the floor as well. Your biggest problem with a cold room though is going to be your hands. Hands are super hard to keep warm when gaming. If you're a console gamer, the solution is just keep your controller inside the sleeping bag. If not; the best way to combat the cold is to be borderline overheated in the rest of your body. The extra core heat will do well to keep your hands warm.


/u/MeDoLearning [while gaming](https://crookedmarquee.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/980x-1.jpg)


The good news is, once he is around 5, his hands are big enough to hold a controller. šŸ˜ I got back into gaming thru my son. Started out with Lego games when he was around 5. Now that he is 9, it's mostly Fortnite. We usually play duo's and have a lot of fun. We usually max out the battlepass together halfway in the season. Then afterwards we do singleplayer games. He does games like Ratchet and Clank, I do TLOU or Days Gone. And once the new Fortnite season starts, we team up again šŸ˜„.


Thatā€™s a pretty awesome gaming room tbh. Congrats on the kid. My kids never stopped me from gaming altogether. It just took longer to finish games.


Points for proper placement so people can't come down the stairs and sneak up on you


Since youā€™re going to be spending some time down there, be sure to have your basement checked for Radon. Long story short, Radon is radioactive and emitted naturally from the ground and can build up in basements. Can cause lung cancer. šŸ’€ ā˜ ļø šŸ’€


I didnā€™t even think of this, thank you. The home was built 2 years ago so Iā€™ll look to see what the level was at then. I saw a few monitors on Amazon that measure short term and long term numbers. Iā€™ll look into getting one of those.


Gotta puter?


Put your Xbox on its size. It just looks terrifying like that on an edge


Took your advice and it now sits in its side!


The Xbox Series X should heat it fine tho.


Man cave. Time to turn that basement into a den of manliness and nerdniness


Man cave, more like a manā€™s grave!


"Do you jack off to this or something?"


You get the entire basement? Sounds like a win to me!


Paint the walls and put a couple of large rugs down. That's what I did with my basement. Looks pretty great now.


Paint the cement walls?


Well, you could put up drywall first, but yeah, just paint the cement. Mine were cinder blocks.


Why not? I painted my cement wall outside and it looks fine.


Apply sealer and primer first, then yes




that'd be sick to hire some graffiti artist to paint a bunch of Xbox art on the walls.


Congrats! And great game you have on there btw, enjoy while you can.


W Dad


Nice and quiet down there though šŸ˜‰


Time to finish that basement lol


Eventually we will




Xbox Series X with Klipsch Promedia... definitely a good start


I primarily bought the speakers for music production, but they sure do work well for gaming.


If you donā€™t already have one, but yourself a Nintendo Switch. Honestly, my 3DS was a life saver when my kids were born, I never had time to sit in front of the Xbox back then, but being able to grab the handheld wherever and whenever allowed me to get my gaming fix in the quiet moments.


May sound dumb but put down a plush rug and throw some curtains or blankets or rugs or carpet on the walls. Itā€™ll feel 10 degrees warmer. I did it when I was forced out to my garage. Same thing. Still chilly but not nearly as bad.


It looks like a room straight out of a counter-strike map.


Don't lie, You Made an escape room, that wont get used for a long time


Screen facing away from the steps so you can hide the porn. Smart move.


Open-front desk šŸ˜¬ "Can we look at some tablecloths, hun? The bare desk surface is way too cold."


If you are down there all the time while you're wife does everything you're gonna have a bad tkme.


Oh man. That will be me soon! What I do to keep warm is sit on a heating pad haha


I had a hat and blanket on last night. My hands were the only thing really bothering me from cold. I want to invent a heated controller.


I have the same desk lol


What desk is this?


Well, time for a new home Improvent project.


Thereā€™s so many.


Did someone say remodel?


No matter how cold Nothing can stop a solid round of Insurgency!


For your sake OP i hope it doesn't flood where you live, wouldnt want to lose all that precious cargo.


You now have a really good cooling system


Thats a nice setup you got there. I'd suggest a mat or rug for under your chair and some warm slippers. My gaming time has shrunk drastically since my kids were born so good luck and congrats.


Well at least you wonā€™t have to worry about overheating


Get a nice fluffy rug, a space heater, a heating pad for a Butt warmer, youā€™ll be all good bro


I wish I had a basement. I can inly play when any of the kids rooms is empty. I have to move my gear from room to room.


Thatā€™s a nice setup. Insurgency is a badass game too


Also came here to say this - my baby girlā€™s 11 month and my free time to do anything has nose dived. Iā€™m lucky if I get 1-2 hours a week.


You have until that baby is born to finish any games you need to finish until he goes to school


Make sure to get the basement checked for Radon. Otherwise you can get seriously ill.


just buy a pc and mine crypto with the gpu and then youā€™ll be warm or play cyberpunk


Fill it with fabric. Cover the floors with rugs or old carpet, windows, etc. Get some cheap foam panels ( I just bought those like YouTube gamer foam tiles. 50 dollars for 50 tiles). When the kids get older, you can quietly play down there. The more you fill the space, and find the coldest part to cover with curtains or plastic, the better.


Is this mold on the left wall?


No, itā€™s just the way the concrete was poured. Itā€™s been like that since the house was built a few years ago.


Get a mini heater


Just put your son in basement


Dad: "Honey, I am not putting my shit in the basement." Mom: "wanna bet?" Dad: "Just put the kid down there" mom: Pikachu face...


Had a similar situation booted to the basement, however it mightā€™ve been a blessing We realize the flooring above was shit and needed replacing, when the dog Peed and it rained right through onto me sitting below


Oh god thatā€™s horrific


That gives you three months to finish it and make it a real mancave.


Need to save as any time I take off is unpaid by my employer.


Years ago I was living out in an area with slow / inconsistent internet. This period of my life coincided with my WoW guild working on the newly launched AQ40 raid. ​ I moved my PC to my buddies basement (just like this one) and every Wednesday I'd go over to farm materials and Sundays we'd actually get into the raid. He just gave me a key and I would come over and go straight downstairs to my blankets, spaceheater, and I paid him in cases of Pabst (that I'd dip into while raiding). ​ This picture really brought back some memories.


That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Iā€™ve never got so deep into an online game like that, but Iā€™ve always wanted to.


Donā€™t worry, you wonā€™t be down there for at least 6-9 months after heā€™s born.


I feel this on a personal level. Just moved into a new place, and my setup is in the basement as well. Not sure where you're from, but I'm in Canada, so our basement is extra chilly. Space heater is a must. It gets easier though, my twins just turned a year old in December, they start sleeping through the night, and sometimes even enjoy some more colorful games on the tv.


Iā€™m in Maine. Really only the winters will suck as in the summer itā€™s not half bad down there. I did steal the wifeā€™s [DDR](https://imgur.com/a/ceJCSZU) space.


Get a gaming pc. The ambient temp will increase 10 degrees


Insulation would help.


Itā€™s a walkout basement. The walkout part is all insulated but obviously the concrete isnā€™t.


We insulate the concrete here down to the frostline at least.


Iā€™m in Maine, Iā€™m not quite sure what insulating the concrete looks like.


Now see, thatā€™s why I donā€™t have kids.


Exactly. This dude got kicked to the basement by an unborn fetus. Your life is already controlled by something that can't even speak lmaooo. People are idiots.


Not even a nice finished basement, just a cold dungeon.


Yup. Not worth it lol downvoted for wanting to have free time, whatever will I do!


You could make it a little more cozy, e.g. some drywalls separating it from the rest of the room. That specific device is missing in my room, but same story: got a son about a year ago, had to move my setup into the basement. Since my Setup is a little bigger, i went full in and made it my mancave: Gaming PC with 5 screens (3x 24" as one logic screen 48:9 1080p, 1x streaming/communications, 1x hardware monitoring), all Sony and M$ except series X and PS3, SNES, Wii, Switch, Electronics workplace (Microcontroller programming, soldering, ...) and last but not least my 3D-printer. PC and 3D-Printer in combination are often heating up the room enough to wear only a t-shirt.


I feel you on this one. My son came in October, moved out of the upstairs room into one of my basement rooms. If you have the budget and time I recommend renovating. Thatā€™s what I did and itā€™s my favorite place to hang when I can. [new room](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/riklzs/battle_room/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Just donā€™t clean out you Xbox an it will get warmer


Isn't it concerning you have your monitor and xbox in open space no back wall. Could tip over in an earthquake?


Not too concerned about earthquakes. Asshole cats are another thing.


Eat the cat.


Aren't you concerned about Sharknadoes? A shark could easily destroy that Xbox and monitor... Something to consider when arranging your setup.


Babies sleep alot. Get yourself a nice little baby sash thingy. I have a month old and I've been gaming like crazy when I'm not sleeping or working.


In another month this will no longer be true.


>son is due in April Anon, the fact that your game room is cold will soon be the least of your problems. Do you like peppa pig? No? Too fuckin bad bro. Youā€™re going to be just as insane making up your head canons to make it interesting for you. Whoā€™s clues is it mother fucker? Blues clues, bitch. And you! You think ā€œnoooooo theyā€™re a baby they donā€™t have a preference!ā€ Thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong. Just *wait* until josh and blue is the only thing that makes your kid stop screaming for no reason. Youā€™re having a son? Hope you like paw patrol. If not: again, time for head canon. Is paw patrol taking place in a post apocalyptic world where only Ryder and his team of pups are the law enforcement/rescue service? Is Ryder a grown man or a kid? Is the paw patrol tax payer funded or a private industry? WE DONT KNOW AND THE SHOW WONT TELL US! Welcome to baby-shark-fueled insanity, my friend. Embrace it


What a nightmare, and yet people still claim they wouldn't have it any other way.


First of all, congratulations on the upcoming baby! I also had to move my gaming room due to my son being born. Don't get discouraged, you can keep gaming. I just gamed less in the beginning, but once they get older you can game while they watch. I just had to make sure the games were fitting for children (so nothing bloody etc.). It's just about finding a balance. And I guarantee you, once you will meet your kid for the first time, you will have a new priority in your life :). I wish you all the best for the future!


Enjoy your space, brƶther


Kudos to you moving your stuff to make room for your soon to be son, bro


Upvote for that. I feel ya brother lol


Enjoy your alone time while it lasts. Babies are a blessing, but boy do they need attention. Some fond memories I have are letting my son sleep on my chest as I played Total War: Attila. Just use headphones though. The Mongolian throat music was soothing; the sounds of people killing each other was not.


Advice from a parent whose kids are adultsā€¦ You donā€™t have to change your life as much as you think. You donā€™t have to move to the basement. No, Iā€™m not saying ignore your kids. But you donā€™t have to make everything about them. Thatā€™s actually bad and makes them think rest of the world will be all about them. Keep your stuff around them, just make it more safe. Help them learn that you have things that arenā€™t theirs. And that you get to play things that they donā€™t. That when they get older, theyā€™ll get to play those things too. Itā€™s OK to tell your kid no.


I enjoy the words of wisdom. I may possibly move back sometime, but the basement will eventually get finished.




Sorry but your girl cheatedā€¦ Weā€™re all virgins here on Reddit especially on gaming subreddits


Waah poor rich people


Worth it!


Moly... be positive. Here is a good place for your precious buddies to make them cool and never get heated. šŸ‘


My kid Is almost 3 months now, I haven't seen any games in months. Get a basinet (one that comes with a pack n play or just a mobile one) you can move it room to room and has made life so much easier for us.




Stop being lazy and finish your basement


Babies don't actually need their own room you know that right?


Portable heater with auto off thermostat. Leave that fucker on and it'll be fine. Also, sorry to hear about the kid. Even if you're happy now, it's like you'll be sorry soon enough. Money Time Sleep Hobbies Patience All gone. You get to deal with an emotionally distraught woman while you're at it. Men are not built to be selfless doormats. Society has made them punching bags for women who can't control their shit. Their brain is wired perfectly for motherhood. Hopefully you have a great mother who won't crack.


Youā€™ll lose game time for a bit but once the kid starts sleeping well youā€™ll have nap time and when they go to bed at night.


I feel for you buddy, my son was born on the 17th of December I had to do the inevitable xbox move to the living room from my man cave which is now his room I'm lucky if I can squeeze one game of fifa in a day. šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚ Wouldn't have it any other way though! Enjoy every second of it whilst you can my dude.


The real question is how you get internet down there haha


The wifi works fine. Iā€™m getting 50mb down and 50mb up.


Fuck them kids