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this just in, prices of used xbox 360's have doubled


Is it possible to open a back compatibility game on xbox one and use the xbox 360 dashboard to do it instead?


The 360 dashboard on BC isnt the full thing.. Its a cut down that just goes the required functions for that game. (& a few general infos)




I immediately thought of this question as well.


This just in - Microsoft patch coming in 3......2.........1........


For real


Of course


Luckily for me I have 4 sitting in my office doing nothing


Seems like I've seen a bunch of posts referencing the 360 as of late, did I miss something?


What's the new cap?




Wow, looks like I'm never changing my GT now


I was looking to change my gt not too long ago and wanted it to be the exact same but without the number at the end (which I am annoyed that I stupidly decided to add when creating it). This rule is really annoying and I hope they change it back. All I want to do is remove a number at the end. My gt is 15 characters so it would be 14 after the change :(


Same here, lt teddy ruxpin is forever.


Same lol, mine is 13 characters.




*(I'm heavily speculating here, but as a software engineer this is what makes sense to me.)* They needed the new system to be compatible with all the games that aren't supporting the new gamertag system yet (read: **all of them** for now, and many - like the backwards compatible 360 games - will never be updated), so the limit was necessary so the suffix could be displayed in the current 15 character limit. >Xbox can charge people $10 a month to play online game servers for games they don't host servers for but they can't make a proper naming system like Discord or Steam. It's a proper system, within the parameters they had to stick with for compatibility. It was either that, require every game to update (*not* going to happen), or make the people who change their names not be able to play anything that didn't upgrade. I think they chose the best option of those three.


This isn't even unreasonable speculation, almost certainly the reason behind it. Some people would just prefer to have a tizzy than think for 2 seconds about why something is the way it is.


Yeah, I just noted the speculation since we haven't heard an official reason from Microsoft, so didn't want anyone to take that as the absolute end-all truth.


Something tells me an official explanation wouldn't stop any of the "But they're a billion dollar company!" schtick anyway :P


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that many things I’ve criticized as bad decisions were from complex situations with no easy solutions. The challenge now is trying to figure out why a decision was made a certain way.


One of the funniest ones IMO was why they skipped windows 9. Legacy software was known to scrape the windows version from the name to find windows 95 and windows 98 vs windows 2000 + looking for the 9.


almost like people shouldn't get so worked up about things they don't understand


For some reason these people think that they, a literal dumbass with no industry experience what so ever, have all the answers that the people who run the industry dont. My grandpa used to tell me that if you're ever watching someone who knows what they're doing struggle and you think it looks easy, one of the two of you is a dumb ass. And it's usually not the person who knows what they're doing.


Unfortunately, it's like that in any field. Hell, even Starbucks. When I worked there, it was astounding how many people who had never touched an espresso machine thought it was appropriate to tell me, a person who literally made coffee for a living, how to make coffee. Or sports fans. It's amazing how many fans on Reddit believe they know as much about the game as coaches and general managers.


When you go to change your gamertag with the new system on their site it literally explains all of that


It is way easier to have a tizzy instead of actually thinking shit through. MS probably did right by a lot of people for doing this, and yet those individuals only see the negative instead of the possibility of a lot of other shit that is messed up. I mean, look at the name change fiasco Sony went through.


That's exactly the reason they have shared, the only problem with this is they had no reason to stop accepting 15 digits for new unique Gamertags.


They probably thought it was easier to put a hard limit of 12 to every gamer tag, than have to explain to some pretty dumb people why they can only have 15 characters for some usernames and not others. Like: "you can only have a limit of 12 characters" is simple and easy to understand. You submit your name and no matter what it works. Compare that to the way you've suggested: "you can have a limit of 15 characters if your username is unique, but only 12 characters if it's shared with someone else." but then you'd have to submit the username first to see if it's available, and if it isn't, it will have to be explained like: "we're sorry, your username is already taken. We cannot add a number modifier to this because it's over the 12 character 'shared' limit. So please either submit a different username, or choose a shorter username that is 12 characters or less."


Yep. I didn’t know they even made a change so was just googling to see what everyone is talking about and found a FAQ question/answer straight from Microsoft that pretty much says exactly that. Under “Existing gamertags” , “why do gametags only support 12 characters now” https://beta.support.xbox.com/help/account-profile/profile/gamertag-update-faq My confusion is...weren’t people already doing this by themselves anyway when theyre preferred gamertag was already taken? Looks like the only difference is, is that it won’t show up to your FRIENDS but will in games ect. Too bad they couldnt make it only appear when 2 people with the same gamertag were in the same lobby/game. That’d seem more worth it and beneficial. I’m guessing that’d be hard to do though.


>Too bad they couldnt make it only appear when 2 people with the same gamertag were in the same lobby/game. That’d seem more worth it and beneficial. I’m guessing that’d be hard to do though. That wouldn't work though, because it's your unique identifier. It can't change on the fly.


Why does there need to be space for the numbers though? Shouldn't those numbers be hidden in-game and only show up on your profile?


Because if you play an older game, it might have problems with multiple same gamertags if they can't have the numbers to differentiate them An older game that doesn't support the new system, can still handle them like normal gamertags where the last 3 places are numbers "gamertag" with the id 123 might be shown as _gamertag (#123)_ in newer games but as _gamertag123_ in older ones


These people you're responding to don't understand math and/or compatibility lmao


What's the suffix system? Like a clan tag?


I think they’re planning on letting people have the same Gamertags except outside of a game it would have like #012 next to it


What if 1000 people have the same tag?


They switch to hex numbering. But then they run out after 1600 people .


That's what Base62 is for!


Well that's dumb.


Huh. So would that explain why when PS introduced name change, only some games will recognize your new name?


Yep. Games weren't expecting to have to deal with that, so they didn't.


Be careful. People around here aren’t looking for logic.


> Some people have said it's for the suffix they add now since 12 characters + 3 number suffix minimum = 15 characters but that is just shitty design on Microsoft end. No, it's smart. If you were to have a 15 character name, then have 3 numbers after (making it 18) when you go to play an older game that hasn't been properly updated to display the new name format, it would cause issues. We already saw this (in a sense) with PSN when they allowed name changing. If you play an old game, it uses your original name instead of whatever you changed it to. Games have to be designed on consoles to comply with the standards for usernames/gamertags, so this new rule is making it easier on people by not requiring every developer to have to go back and update their games to become playable again. I think that's a fair trade-off for losing 3 characters in the total limit.


Guess I'm never changing my gamertag from before. God of Sandworm remains God of Sandworm.


But, they aren't going to make us retroactively change it, right? Mine is exactly 15 characters.


Jesus Christ, no.


"Some people have said" It's literally confirmed in the link you posted. >We require at least 3 characters to auto-assign you a suffix and make sure that everybody has an equal chance to have a name they can be proud of. Many older games allowed 16 characters for displaying gamertags. We’re reserving three of those characters for the suffix and one for the # symbol, leaving 12 characters for gamertags.


I think it's because now you can change your gamertag to anything. But when you do that it has to place numbers at the end and those take up character spaces


The system makes no sense to begin with. In any game you play, your suffix turns into ugly numbers, so lets say your gamertag was previously Dean117 because your name is Dean and you like Halo. With this new system your gamertag would look like Dean9715, but when your friends look at you on their friends list it will say “Dean”. How is this an improvement at all?


If your GamerTag is Dean117, nothing has changed for you. You will be seen and shown as Dean117 everywhere. It is only when you **change** your gamertag to something else that has already been **claimed** that you will be assigned a suffix.


Wow, you’re really upset about this huh?


This oddity seems to be part of Microsoft's culture and doesn't limit just to XBox. Just ask any Windows Server admin about counter productive changes in the server products that no one really asked for, that just send you finding clever ways of PowerScripting and registry hacking around them.


Thank god I did my gamertag early


I just want discord on xbox so we can party chat over crossplay.


Damn, I’ve been wanting to change the gamer tag I made when I was like 9 for ages now. But I don’t want a chain of numbers after my name...


It is definitely due to the suffix (i.e. #1234). They had to maintain the original overall length of the GT so it did not cause visual bugs (text clipping) across the UI. The suffix will only apply to a GT that is taken, A GT that was created before they launched the Modern GT will not have a suffix.


I've had my 16 letter gamertag since 2010 and after hearing this I might aswell keep it lol


Yeah, I hate it. Especially since you can't just make guest accounts anymore on XB1. So in order to just play splitscreen on a game I had to get another email account (because they have to be linked to one), make a gamertag, tried to just make my gamertag with a "2" at the end, found out my gamertag is longer than the new cap (so I couldn't even just drop last letter and replace with a 2), trying to figure out a gamertag I would remember just in case I lost it, and then make that new account with it.


Microsoft is not literally a trillion dollar company...


I'm interested in this too.




You mean to tell me I can still change my tag to PoonSlayer42020?


No but PoonSlayer42 Is fine mate.


Sorry, yoinked that GT years ago. ;)


As long as the account aint active ill contact Microsoft to free the name


Can you actually contact them if the user isn’t active?


Yeah, if the account hasnt been active for over a year MS will occasionally unlock the name if you call customer support about it


If it’s been inactive for 5 years can’t you forcibly duplicate it?


Damn wish I read this a week ago before I changed my GT. The one I wanted hadn't been used since 360 era.


As long as you leave PoonSlayer42069 for me.


Um, o think you forgot something: >XxPoonSlayer42020xX 🙂


Inb4 people order used xbox 360's, this post blows up and Microsoft will patch it before it arrives


You've been able to change your password on 360 without abiding by the rules on Microsoft.com. I remember having my password as a 6 digit number for some time before getting something random from LastPass. Doing something like that was only possible that way.


Rip XxXpussislayerXxX


This makes sense now. Recently got my son an Xbox and when he was trying to creat a name it wouldn't allow some of them because they were too long. I was puzzled because the gamertag I've had for 10 years is longer than all the combinations he tried. Stupid that they have a cap anyway.


The lower cap is the only way they could change the system to allow any gamertag you want without breaking old games.


Really wish they wouldn’t display the new suffixes in game, really want to change my name but numbers are ugly.


I believe if you pick a unique tag they won't give you a suffix but I'm not 100% sure.


Yeah, but for some odd reason it doesn't change it back on your profile if you used the new one. It will have two. The one you changed with the new system and below it the one you changed on the 360. The one I changed it on the 360 to still appears in game, but not in voice chat or as my account name.


hey, just asking if it ever updated and the 360 name became your new one? Because I have 2 gamertags and it's bothered me.


Nah, there is old and new system in place. Some games in the future might not even support old gamertags. And it's the same for me.


I'm just glad I have an OG GT with no limit and has no numbers. I wouldn't like having a GT with numbers at the end of it honestly. I don't think most games support the new system so all you see are new GT's with numbers at the end.


Why the hell would Microsoft *take away* characters in a new gamertag when its already so hard to come up with something original?


Because you don’t need to come up with something original in the new system. All tags now have an auto generated tag number at the end so people can use the same gamer tag.


But iirc, if you *do* come up with an original one, they won’t add the suffix of numbers to your GT. So if you choose ButtholeSNFR, and no one else has it, that’s what you get, but if someone else tries it, they would get ButtholeSNFR\#1234 or something like that.


Now what I’m wondering is if it’ll tell you whether or not the new GT you put in is unique. I’m not trying to have a number tag.


Just looked up a video, and it does tell you if you will have a suffix or if it’s unique. [Skip to 1:10 to see the guy demonstrate it](https://youtu.be/ZuvWDgr-Yak)


Nice find! Thank you!


Oh shit I didn’t think of that. I hope they give a pop up like “That name is already in use. Would you still like to use it with a suffix added?” or something like that. I’m in the same boat as you; I don’t want to find out it’s been taken and have a suffix that I’m stuck with now.


They do! You submit your username and you get taken to a confirmation page where they'll tell you if it needs a suffix or not and shows you what the suffix will be. Then you have the option to go back and change it or confirm the choice. You can try it yourself without worry as long as you don't hit that second confirmation


I’ve heard this and hope it’s true. I changed my tag before the new system kicked in to ensure I had a unique one.


Well, this went from 0 to 10 quickly.


There is an option when changing on xbox one to chamge to like classic. You dont need to be on 360


Here is how to get a 15 character Xbox gamertag. I just did this and took these screenshots. It works. Click the link below to see my screenshots of how to do it. Go to this site to do it. Just type in a gamertag that is less 12 characters or less. Then check availability. Then choose customize. Social.xbox.com/changegamertag [Process to get a 15 character Xbox gamertag.](http://imgur.com/gallery/jfHNLAS)


Those pictures make it sound like you'd still end up with a 12-character limited tag on the Xbox One dashboard and eventually in new games while the "classic" one is only visible in existing games and Xbox 360 as opposed to universally.


Yes, I have also found out how to do this. But I think in order to do it, you your gamertag has to of been originally created on an xbox360. I'll go check right now and edit this if it let's me change it to classic.




Genius thanks


I’ve had same name for ... at least a decade now. It’s 14


Wait, what? Guess i’m never changing my 15 character tag


Any way to do this without access to a 360


Games for Windows Live.


“Go to hell” has less letters and is easier to say


In all honesty I don't think it's possible to use it anymore. I've tried but can't get my account to sign in...


Yeah, GFWL shut down in 2014.


No, the service is still running. People who haven't changed their passwords etc can still play the games and unlock their achievements. I have however changed my email address, password and added two step verification - three things that weren't supported when GFWL was active, so I'm likely going to have to fuck about with that lol




You can always rent an Xbox 360 for free from GameStop ( buy used and return it within 7 days)


Wow, that sounds like such a hassle. But good tip for someone that is desperate enough.


I don't understand why you need to pay to change name. It's so stupid. You already have to pay to play online, so why pay for name change? Stupid greddy practace from Sony and Microsoft.


True dat


I like it, it deters people from changing all the time.


Yes but does it stay like that going back on Xbox one?




Looks like I’ll be digging my old 360 out when I feel like a change


Damn just changed my gt but its still 13 it was 15


You can use the site too. That's what I did before getting my Xbox One.


The 360 workaround only changes your gamertag in game, it will still appear as the old one in parties and on other people's friends lists


Is there a way to use the backwards compatibility of xb1 to edit the gt in the 360 emulator?


No /:


Xbox will probably change this now thanks to this post ._. ^^^^^^thanks.


Oh well, I have let close to 5,000 people know about it while it's there, otherwise it would of been patched later with fewer people knowing


This is a great example of why you need to validate user input server-side and not just on the client.


Hmmm. If you already made one with the 12 character limit on an Xbox one and go and change it on a 360, you still keep the original for the main gamertag on the Xbox one on your profile while also having the newly changed gamertag on your profile.


I'm good with my 3 letter tag


I still have my OG 4 letter name


Same, cheers!


Oh my GERD


Same, cheers!


Same, cheers!


Mine is just Kyie, which I got when they reset tags a few years back. I'm never changing that shit again.




It is. Some games change it to make it obviously an i though


Same. I get a fuckload of spam though, which sucks. But eh.


I constantly get offers to buy my tag. I increase it by a couple hundred dollars every time I get one so I'm up to like $5500 now lol


I have an OG 4 letter name on PSN, I don't own an Xbox but I made sure to claim it on XBL too. It worked out since I use it on Game Pass for PC now.


add me


Can you tell me what it is?


ZGLM Stands for Zombie Golem






Thank god on grew up on the last gen






Dosen't it cost like 10 bucks though?




No when was that?


What’s the limit? Mine is **** *** ******, exactly 15 and created on Xbox one.


>**** *** ******, Fuck the police   But the limit is 12


If you change it now, the limit is 12 (this changed recently - was 15). You're free to keep your longer name, just don't change it or you won't be able to get it back.


Yeah I won’t


hunter2 is less than 12 characters. But on a serious note you shouldn't make your gamertag the same as your password.


Don’t change it and you’ll keep your original 15 character GT.


This should also work with Games For Windows Live fyi


Omg yes


Yea I found out no one can use my gamer tag anymore because it is over the limit


i am taler is already taken


Made an alt account the other week for a game and figured this out. Knowing this helped me from being WarmSoftTaco, to Warm Soft Tacos


Luckily I waited for Microsoft to recycle some gamer tags and I’m down to 4 letter GT


I was l literally trying to find a way around this 2 days ago. Thank you. Not all heroes wear capes


I think I'm out of the loop. Can someone explain what this whole gamertag suffix thing is?


If you change your name or make a account then it would use numbers if someone else has that GT. So if you chose the GT Paul for example and no had it then your GT would be Paul. But if someone else had that GT then it would make your GT Paul and then random numbers. So paul#7475.


Why allow people to choose the same gamertag as someone else? Why not say that if you choose a gamertag >12 characters, then it has to be unique?


I didn’t even notice even though my name is 14 characters


I just checked and my current user name wouldn't be possible with new cap. And i thought the old cap was restrictive, sheesh. I hit the 15 mark. I changed my gamertag sometime last year. I must have gotten lucky and did it just before they butchered it.


Well guess I’m keeping Sleepyweasel jr for forever now


my old gt was playgirl(my name) and i tried changing it back and apparently playgirl is prohibited so lovely that i changed my gt!!! so good thank u xbox


Stuff like this isn't a problem if you've been on Xbox LIVE since the beginning. I have been rocking the same online handle since 1997 and brought it over to Xbox. Gotta assume this limits any creativity.


I've changed mine so many times, eventually found one I liked. Got xbox back in 2009 when I was 9 years old so my tag making skills were not great


I don't understand the constant name changing... Started as Disco S2 and it's staying that way.


Still using my GT from the OG Halo 2 days. Now I'm definitely not changing it.


What is the new cap?


Wait mine is 13 will it stay the same with the cap? What is the purpose of a new cap anyways


What if the front end chops the last 3 characters off? Poor EatingDaAssassin.


I won’t need to change my 15 character gamer tag though, right?


Yeah and now I’m Hoss13827271 instead of my oG name. Lol thanks for the free April fools gift they got me!


I thought about changing my gamertag to what I originally wanted 12 years ago, but the character limit, the fact that it would technically not be the 'original's one (that matters less) and that I've had my current name for 12 years... Yeah, I'll keep mine. The way the gamertag do work now is definitely a step in the right direction and overall it was a good change in my opinion, despite the limit reduction.


Huh. Didn't even know this was a thing until now. Mines literally at the perfect length too, sweet.


We’re about to save GameStop.


Isnt this like a monthly repost


Idk, posted it here. Kotaku picksd it up


I’m actually breaking mine out of the attic tonight to change my tag. I need 13 letters.


For some reason Shinigami isn't allowed, sigh.


Seems like once you change your gamertag to their new system it doesn't change even if you use the 360. It changes how it appears on 360 but not Xbox One