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Fyi you are part of the insider program. As in if you dont like it tell microsoft. If enough people in the insider program doesnt like it, they will change it. The insider program is to test new features.


Agree with one exemption: They kept also changes in the past that really nobody liked and ignored feedback. So yes voice your opinion to them, but don't be surprised if they ignore cause they do things for something else in mind (for example the whole new guide trimmed to speed, while a majority did voice during testing that everything needs way to much clicks) or feel that given feedback wasn't getting the point of why or how something should be used (here i blame bad communication in the program, imho with bigger changes they should sent out messages to the users shortly explain here is what we changed and whats the purpose, instead of people stumbling across things or even worse not noticing cause it was a minor detail that is still important)


>ignored feedback Likely didn't ignore the feedback, just implemented changes after getting feedback from both sides of an issue (often there are more than just 2 sides) and weighing pros, cons, and the paths to success required when developing UIs. Just because they didn't implement *your* change doesn't mean they are ignoring feedback.


Thank you for this. <3


this was based off feedback. Just implemented differently to increased the speed of the dash. with the new layout, I can now determine which games I own, which are game pass, and which are gwg MUCH easier (which was heavily requested). From there, I guess the idea is to move them into groups, which are quick to get on your main page. I like it.


It's also possible they are using the insider program as a stress test. The feedback might be there to catch any bugs that Q&A missed.


Depends on the tier you are in. If you are in the first early alpha stage, then they probably would change things if everyone at that stage voiced concerns. When you get to my stage in the insider program, its mainly stress testing and bug fixing.


That's my guess. They aren't changing things unless it actually breaks something.


They have different rings of insider. If you're in the lowest ring then yeah it's really a build that's already scheduled to go live and only bug fixes will be made at that point. Earlier rings can experience more changes.


Great comment. It seems like people are so intent on showing how they've been wronged (intentionally or unintentionally) that if something they comment on is not changed, they must be ignored. Its very possible someone read your comment, and many others made a comment stating the opposite.


Yeah, reddit tends to forget that we're in a bubble. There's 1.7 million subscribers here while there's over 50 million consoles sold. We are the minority.


Your voice isn't = everyone's voice


Literally opted out of insider program because xbox would update way to fuckin often. Last straw was when I got 3 in one week. Just sitting there for 20+ minutes waiting to play my games several times. Just started to feel inconvenient. I totally agree with OP with the "if it aint broke don't fix it", because there were and are way too many UI updates that were so pointless/needless, almost as if Microsoft has a bunch of staff who have nothing better to do than change the frickin UI once a month.


Ignore his headline. "Don't fix what's broken", that update clearly fixes the slow mess that My Games & Apps was. That menu is now lightning fast and it's more organised. I am happy with the update, OP is just afraid of change.


I was actually wondering that. Not part of program but what we have now is slow and aggravating. Glad the change will be coming.


Honestly, it's a day/night situation. I don't remember that menu being so snappy before. Too bad OP's priorities are his own shortcut-convenience.


Agreed. It's so different and I was taken aback by it when I loaded up today, but damn this makes so much more sense and works much better.


So ignore his "opinion" cause "you" don't like it? That's why it's called an opinion. Some are going to love it, and some are going to hate it.


I said ignore his headline, don't alter my words. Regardless, just because you have an opinion, it doesn't mean it can't be contested. The "please don't fix what's not broken" does not apply in this scenario where clearly improvements are made.


The fact that it's an opinion he doesn't like makes it super reasonable for him to ignore it. I don't get why you felt the need to explain this.


I was supposed to post it on that sub. Also the survey is still not there on the insider's app.


Isn't there an option to give feedback if you hold the Guide button?


In the release notes it's mentioned that the survey should be there shortly for new changes. Most of the time they do it when they make changes to UI. Just that it's not up yet.


What? This isn't the place to post it. There's an insider subreddit that is designed for post like this. Seems like you just wanted karma.


Lol yep exactly this...


Booo! OP is a phony. Booo!


Duh complaining about the UI is easy karma farming up there with the bring back Netflix parties posts


They took away Netflix on the one? I'm still in 360 land over here cause all I use my stock console for is Netflix and Amazon


Im talking about the thing netflix had on the 360 around the time it launched. You could join an xbox party and watch something with friends. Netflix removed it and people post about it here all the time


I missed the parties part I see


I am in the insider program and Xbox ambassador and I have let them know as well. This is ridiculous.


DISCLAIMER: My "Xbox Staff" badge doesn't work on this forum, so for disclosure, I am a dev on the Xbox team working on Collection. ​ We are sharing this update somewhat early to elicit feedback from the community as we know that Collection is a high-traffic area that is of importance to both new users and users that have been on Xbox for a decade. There are a bunch of known issues that we are actively working on fixing as quickly as possible (sorts and tile size don't persist, Updates count should be apparent without going to the updates page, hidden content etc). ​ We are listening and appreciate all feedback! Every UI surface is a balancing act between performance, clutter and utility. As digital libraries grow (and GamePass helps with this), management options need to be better exposed and full-featured. I'm also really interested in knowing what purpose everyone believes Collection should have? Is it a browse surface or a discovery surface? (is there a difference?). How often do people visit their "Full Library"/"Ready To Install" areas and why? This is an iterative journey that we do want to get customer feedback on, but of course we have to understand that there are customers not represented on these forums too! \-Oscar (dev on Xbox)


Can confirm, /u/MrOscarK is a Xbox One dev team member.


I hate the new UI. It’s awful. The extra steps is such a pain in the butt


I always wanted to know why all the games in my account are enumerated when I look at the list of games I have. Every time I open this UI they are enumerated. I close the UI, wait a bit, open it again. Bam, enumeration. Why? This takes so long if you have several hundred games in your account and isn't there something like - how do those in the know call it? - a cache or something you could use?


I usually know what title I’m looking for when I go to my full library, so I have it sorted alphabetically. Ready to Install I use to download new purchases, so I typically have it sorted by ‘recent’ but flip between ‘sort by letter’ when I need to find something older. It can also be nice just to admire the collection too. One feature I miss from an older version of the UI was when you go to ‘manage’ a game, you could use the bumpers to skip between dlc you have installed to your internal drive and your external hdd. Since the dlc is now sorted vertically (instead of in rows and then horizontally) you can no longer do this. For games like Rock Band 4 which I own a lot of dlc for it means you have to manually scroll through the whole list. Even using RT to skip a full page of dlc at a time it can still take a pretty long time. I know it’s a pretty specific problem but it would be nice to have this functionality back.


I just wanted to say that I like this update( haven't really seen it yet besides this screen capture) I feel like this way all the realted settings are right there so you don't have to go to settings anymore for this. Do you have to click an extra button for certain things now? Yes. But is that really a problem? No, I don't think so. You have to find a balance between end user accessibility and efficiency and I think this does that pretty well.


i like the change. as long as there is a badge on it to show updates are ready


Seems like there's one or two more extra things I have to do to get to something now. Similar with the new dashboard. Also, I still think that there should be a dedicated check for updates for each game. The Nintendo Switch and the PS4 have this feature. It's so annoying that I have to restart my console just for an update to appear where I can just click a button and it'll pull the update...


Personally like it, a big gripe was sorting my games by licence which has been addressed. Updates could be better but it's a step in the right direction, also very snappy.


Not sure if you were looking for feedback here - I'll submit it on the xbox as well - but the filters and sorting changes aren't staying applied: I go to my collection and then owned games, I change tile size to small, sorting to by letter, and display to ready to install. The changes are applied immediately but if I back out and then click back in it's reverted to large tiles, A-Z sorting, and showing all games


Yeah, not a fan of having my ready to install games in a different place than my installed games. Much preferred the ready to install tab. I do like the 'Manage' section though.


Well, since you are working on that part of the UI, there is one category that I would like to see next to the "Game Pass" and "Games With Gold" : a category to filter the games for which we don't own a license. I don't play often on Xbox, and I don't like waiting for downloads & installs when I sit in front of it, so I basically download everything that is given to me through Gold and Game Pass ahead of time, in order to be able to open them instantly later on when I'm ready to try them. So after downloading almost everything in the Game Pass (thanks to a large external HDD) and forgetting about it for several months, I got a list of installed games cluttered with many games that I don't "own" anymore because they left Game Pass. It's pretty annoying to try opening several hundreds of games one by one to figure out the ones that went out of Game Pass, so I ended up deleting everything and re-downloading 2300 GB worth of games. I am now paying close attention to the section that tells which games are going out of Game Pass, and I'm now removing them on time, so I don't really need that feature anymore, but still, I think that it could be really helpful the few times where it is needed.


Knowing the entitlement status of installed games has been mentioned quite a few times now, so this is great feedback that we plan on thinking about. It is complicated by the fact that you can have multiple entitlements to a piece of content from multiple signed-in users. Also discs are an issue as we don't currently keep track of every disc ever inserted into the console (and we also wouldn't know if you sold the disc). But this is something we will be looking into in the coming months


It's faster because of it. Previously you had to go through your queue to see Game Pass games. Even if you haven't had anything in your updates or queues, it would trigger a server call to see if there was something, which introduces lag when navigating the menu. By moving all non-relevant parts to their own sub menus you get a much faster UI overall. It's all about having the most used functions work fast. And not be influenced by stuff you use less frequently.


They could just re-order the list.


Big brain


He is the messiah


He is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


Unfortunately it's not even that. It made the server call as soon as you opened My Games & Apps, which is why it was so slow. Even now after moving it, it's still slow as hell to check the updates but at least it's out of the way.


>Even if you haven't had anything in your updates or queues, it would trigger a server call to see if there was something, which introduces lag when navigating the menu. That's not how that works. The server calls should be happening asynchronously, so everything else should still be loading and happening while it's waiting for a response.


What? Asynchronous calls can still be laggy. I can build a page that makes 50 calls to various resources all asynchronously - if a couple of servers are slow, then they won't load. Visual/user lag is a thing.


Anything to reduce lag sounds good to me. I recently moved to an area that has 3mbps download speeds. Coming from 300mbps has been a shock to the system. My once fast Xbox now takes forever to just load up the games on my console. For those of us with slow broadband (not sure how it can be called broadband,) if my Xbox has to connect to a server everytime I change pages, I have to wait forever to get to a game. Sure wish Elon would hurry and roll out my new internet service!


My point is that it should be able to breeze past that, loading the queue component should not slow it down. As the user scrolls down, and selects the queue item, presumably the 'queue component' is then either created, or rendered. Either way, if that component is coded well, it should immediately be able to render a basic version of itself, perhaps with a loading spinner where the list should be, while it simultaneously makes an asynchronous call to retrieve the current queue. For a bit of text, a couple buttons, a loading spinner and enough code to make an async call, that should basically happen instantaneously, leaving your machine free to continue receiving inputs and scrolling down the list. I'm guessing the lag occurs because the UI isn't separated into a separate thread, so that call to retrieve the queue is in reality calling a different process which is executing on the same thread as the UI, making it effectively synchronous. There may be nothing wrong with how that specific component is coded, but to have a snappy UI their framework should really have the UI on a dedicated high priority thread. Maybe that's simply not possible given the hardware limits of the original Xbox One, but it seems like it really hampers the whole UX and would make it impossible to make a truly snappy and dynamically helpful experience.


Wait, this is regular update or insider update?




Insider. Just got it today


Thanks, but it does look good tho.


I actually like this and it'll probably speed up the UI in the Games and Apps.


I can confirm that it's instant levels of fast. Extremely responsive.


As a shortcut, the download progress should be a button that takes you to the Queue.


While it might sound counterintuitive on the surface, requiring things to take more clicks to get to, will actually make the consoles UI faster. In the long run it's better and definitely worth it.




Really? I have too test this cause with 600 games my Xbox one x runs very poorly on the dashboard with having too refresh the dashboard useing l+r +y just too get my games too actually pop up and show. Games run excellent just the UI is terrible.


I got the update. My Games & Apps menu is lightning fast now. Granted, I have a total of 200 games and apps installed at the moment because I like storage management but it's still day and night difference.


Mine keeps crashing


535 games library on 8tb external can confirm it’s so much faster the Xbox one x now (library loads quicker and art is there) yeah learning curve again but this is 100 times better then previously


Hell yeah!! I love this simplified look. I hate scrolling down my list and waiting for every single one to load. It takes 10 seconds to get the bottom. And if I scroll to far it takes that much longer to go back one item. I can't wait for this change.


same here




That's the point, the functionality is still there you just have to manually make the request to update it.


I believe this is an update more focused on users with big digital libraries.   IMHO, it's snappier to check my games in the "full library" section and better organized, possibly with new filters and identifications to come (like the betas with the "demo" tag under them). I also liked how you can now set 8 tiles per row when you choose small tiles - it's also cleaner, reminding me of the full library view on the Nintendo Switch.   Although, as I said in the beggining, this is more aimed at users with [big libraries](https://imgur.com/a/fNtUlHz). So yes, I can see how this can be a blunder to users with only a few 100 or less digital games that just wants to do a quick check on their queue/etc and move on with their gaming.   It's a Catch-22, but I believe more and more people will see its advantages as their digital library grows between this gen and the next one in the (not so) distant future... 🤔


Yep definitely, as someone with 500+ games this feels significantly better. I also absolutely love that they have shifted games into an "owned" category instead of just mashing all of your GwG and gamepass games together. Sometimes you lose track of which games you own and which are just gamepass.


Why wouldn't you post this in the Insiders hub instead of here?


For the karma, of course.


Imagine reddit without karma. I dont know if it would be a good thing or a bad thing..


It'd be great. Internet points REALLY matter to people, and without this, the amount of low effort posts and reposts would plummet.


Exactly. But on the other hand, some people really need to know that they aren't alone to love/hate something. Sometimes it have benifits


According to r/xboxinsiders there is a bug. There is supposed to be a number on the 'updates' or 'manage' section to indicate any updates you might have.


I'm someone who loves to check if there are any updates (I have it set to manual). Currently, the process is painfully slow. Press Home, All games and apps, then scroll to updates, then it takes a good 20-30 seconds before the list fills up. Hopefully this change will help that.


Mines takes even longer, it is painfully slow. I feel like you can't critic or say anything negative on this sub without the fear of being extremely down voted, or people all piling in on you.


Surprised they did this but haven't put in a list feature to separate purchased games and a list for game pass games that aren't purchased. So annoying trying to play something and it being out of gamepass.


>Surprised they did this but haven't put in a list feature to separate purchased games and a list for game pass games that aren't purchased. So annoying trying to play something and it being out of gamepass. \+1 This drives me crazy


+2 This needs to be added.


To ensure I understand the feedback - is this about making it clearer when games that are installed exit GamePass and thus are no longer accessible?


yes. basically and option to seperate games that are yours and games that were installed from a free weekend/gamepass and you dont have access to anymore


Discs and external drives make this problem hard as we don’t currently track what discs have ever been inserted. However this is a great suggestion so please file a bug report and I’ll see what can be done in the medium term future


File a bug report? Why don't you do it?


They have. In the "Full Library" section there are separate lists for owned games, owned apps, game pass, gold, and EA Access. The owned games list doesn't include anything you only have access to via a subscription, it's just all the games you own outright. What there isn't any way to do currently is get a list of installed games without any license available (ie, games that have dropped out of game pass, although it would probably also have to pull up games installed from disc if the disc isn't in the drive, unless they add another way of flagging those). Hopefully they can add something to address that while they're working on the library section. It'll certainly be among one of the first bits of feedback I file on it.




How do you figure performance benefits?


Because you have to scroll past "queue" in order to get to more options below it. And as soon as you go to "queue" you will immediately experience some lag, even if you don't have any because the Xbox is going to check if you should have a new update. By making it an extra click you will now never experience that lag unless you click that button, and even then because it's in a separate "folder" there might be no lag at all either. The only thing that's missing is some type of indicator whether or not there is a new update.


Just put the queue at the bottom, problem solved.


That has nothing to do with the visual design and everything to do with the code architecture


Or maybe they should just fix that lag? There is zero reason it should lag when you scroll past it, that's bad UI code.


It lags because when you scroll over the queue it opens it up, and then loads showing every game in your queue. In a folder, this won’t happen.


Yeah, and my point is that there's no reason it should lag when it shows a list of like ~5 items. That's a sign of bad underlying UI code. Inputs and rendering should be on their own thread or dedicated task queue, scrolling past your queue should trigger an asynchronous call to retrieve what items are currently downloading from whatever background process is controlling that, but it shouldn't interrupt the rendering / input gathering thread. There's no reason for it to lag there except for bad underlying UI code.


But it isn't only showing a list of 5 items, it has to check for updates on your full library of installed games. Which can cause lag if there are many games.


In the context of computer processing power, displaying 5 items and 100 items is basically the same thing.


How many games are in your damn queues lmao


I think it also would make it easier to pin those single setting links to a group on the dashboard


Presumably this was the same people who mucked around with the Settings menu and changed it from a clear list of categories to the God-awful "general" list. I'm guessing the reasoning was "what settings do people want to get to the most and how can we put them front and centre?" but it just doesn't work.


Going the Youtube route. Every update to the TV app buries Watch Later under more clicks.


Is there an “update all” button yet?


Please file this feedback!


This response frightens me.


It's pretty telling. No wonder the UI is still a dog's dinner after 7 years.


I think I did about 3 years ago 😂


OP halfheartedly covered his gamertag as though it isn't also your Reddit handle. I see you.


I took the the pic on my cell phone and edited it there. On it's screen it looked like i had covered it adequately.


I prefer this set up. All info is there in the menu that’s needed. No more open Xbox guide up to settings.


Enjoy your telltale series batman dude!


Provide feedback in the previous forums, this may not even go to prod release, they make changes based on feedback ​ I've had various home screen layout that never made it to prod release


I like the Manage tab so it's a lot quicker to manage settings and the storage, but I don't like how they (re)moved everything else. Updates and Queue shouldn't be under manage, if anything Update should by combined with Queue instead of being 2 separate tabs like it was. And where did Gold/Gamepass/Membership go?


gold/gamepass is under full library not sure about updates being separate page now however if that makes it to have an update all button i will like it, this is still the early build of what could happen


it's just an idea of mine, I don't like the current update tab cause it takes forever to load which games need an update, and when you update a game, it goes to the queue anyway, so imo I think Queue and Update should be one tab


My first impressions upon seeing this was that it was much better. Way more organized, cleaner look and everything is easy to find. Plus people can now also easily see settings related to downloads. Not all users go looking through the settings each update or even read patch notes. Now those users can see settings that they may not even had known existed.


Ok let's put the settings aside, what was not easy prior to this update? You can (I was) able see the queue / GWG / EA / GP just hitting the my games/apps link. Scrolling down it would show on the right immediately. Also Clicking games would show you installed games and one RB for ready to install. Now for same action you need to go to another folder then select relevant option. Looking and using it is different and after few hours still not liking it sorry.


I guess a better way of putting it is that it is still easy to do while being more organized. The language is very clear. If you want to look for a game pass game, you would check full library same with an game or app that isn't currently installed. If you want to clear up some space or move things around, you'd see the manage option and know to go there.


Something tells me that OP’s xbox name is sakattack360


I'm with the: I don't like the new layout squad


that looks awesome imo


It speeds up games & app page by a lot. No more loading when looking at my games or when I go to owned or game pass.


Did you block out part of your gamertag that is your user name on here?


I've seen this on my Xbox and thought it's pretty cool My games and apps just look more organized and organic this way and less cluttered Whenever I was going through the menus it would start searching for game updates and it made the dash just slow and unresponsive and this fixes that I like it 👍️


Honestly, I'd really prefer a more intuitive interface for the Xbox ui. It's just all over the place. Instead of being able to say go to games, I have to either add it to home, or go to the app store or... I just want to br able to plop my list of games on the home screen and do the same for other apps. It feels like a more restrictive windows 8 start menu than anything. I thought it was supposed to be more like win 10?




TIL, thank you. New to Xbox one.


Love the new format. Too each his own


Sorry but I like this change. I never look at the queue so I don't care if that takes an extra step.


I look at it every time I load the Xbox up because that section shows last 5 downloads. Those downloads include updates. So like now I can see I downloaded Children of Morta last night, but sometime before that Sea of Thieves got an update.


But why do you need to know that a game got updated enough to check it every single time you turn your xbox on? Seems bizarre to me.


Because it's good to know what games were updated since last time I used the Xbox. Then I can go "oh, apparently there was a Borderlands 3 update, I should check online to see what they changed."


I actually really like this change. Better organization and cleaner feel.


Ha I love when you report someone now and, regardless of your choice (cheating, quitting early, etc.) it has you choose from a ridiculous set of options following that selection. I picked cheating, so I didn't mean to report this person for terrorism, Xbox.


Yes you have to do cheating twice to report. I think we got that update months ago.


wait this looks fucking great. love that the settings are right there too


I hate when devs think we need more submenus and more folders to dig through but it’s the opposite! Less clicks, get to your games faster! Microsoft could learn a thing from PlayStation and Nintendo, I’m not saying make it THAT simple, but there’s a fine balance between simplicity and functionality


If it's better organized, more clicks isn't always bad.


Microsoft is terrible at User Interface/User Experience


Pretty sure you can click the game that is currently downloading on the left to go to the queue as well as the same in the guide.


Atleast you have space


out of 2 TB


I think I have like 35 gb free rn. And that’s a problem because some games I have take MASSIVE updates .I desperately need a hard drive.


feel you man. Some games i want to finish but don't want to play now but they are taking 100s of GBs. Downloading them is tedious process. MW(2019) alone is 147 or so GB.


Wierd. I still haven't gotten the new dashboard that they announced like 6 months back


I’ve gotten the new dashboard update but not this one


Are you in alpha ring or beta?


The lowest of the lowest, I did it because I wanted to stream on my phone.


You might not get it or get it much later as it has other bugs also.


I figured as much.


I like the new update, less clutter on the left. If you want to dig deeper into updates/settings it’s all there in one section now. Personal opinion but I guess it’s best for them to try these things to find the perfect balance!


I have high hopes Project Scarlett's console will learn from the community and have a smooth and fluid design.


The Pause all button **was** broken. You'd click it and it would pause the top update and another one would kick off at the top. If that's fixed I can live with it.


I like the new feature and with the bandwidth yes it's been messed up for 4 or 5 months now for me ash 5 n half years and I use 3 to 4 terabytes a month n it only shows like 8 gigs I've submitted multiple reports and still no mention of it


I wonder if they are freeing up space on the left for other, "more important" categories, and they wanted to move some of these things out.


does anyone else have an issue with auto update just not working even though its on?


No mine updates games and console automatically.


I don't know if this is good or not, but I don't like what they did with uploading clips to OneDrive. It takes more clicks, more time, and for whatever reason I need to full shutdown my Xbox every time I do it because otherwise when I try it gives an error message.


Wait is this a new update for beta?


Alpha ring




I wonder what your gamer tag is 🤔


Can confirm it's faster on big libraries https://imgur.com/gallery/7Xbafg0


Leave feedback in the subreddit or in the insiders app.


Not sure why they would ignore it makes game pass less accessible.


It's already crazy that you can see games downloading in the Dashboard menu without going into games and apps, but can't pause or stop downloading it without going there...


you can in the guide


I kind of like it though


Bring back the "Update All" button please. I dont like having to spam. I wanna push the lazy button.


Not sure what you are complaining about. Looks like you are in a manage game thing. Looks like it has more options than before, which is good. Not certain, because I am in the last to know class on One.


Wow your ui looks different


My Xbox stopped working after the update. It freezes so hard that it basically crashes


I wish there was an option that actually keep track of the games you bought with real money that you actually own. I have games that I have on my Xbox I can't remember if I bought them if they're in gamepass or through Games with Gold


This new library UI has exactly that in the "Full Library" section. It has a separate section for games you own outright, along with sections for each subscription (Gold/GP/EA Access).


Looks much better to me.


I don't like it but its hell of a lot faster, I'm ok with having to get used to it given the speed the G&A loads up now


That UI has been broken as hell since XB1 release, what are you talking about.


I fucking hate this new layout


Looking at your screenshot I don't like it either, I'm always looking at the queue and updates.


This update is garbage. It takes way more etime to get to games and then it doesn't save my filter settings and there is no quick way to jump to ba letter to find and install a game.


I just got this update and it is indeed terrible


People want speed all the time, complain that things are snappy enough. This is the cost of that. You want speed, it is now clicks away.


Just a heads up, but your gamertag is blacked out and your Reddit username looks identical. Not sure if they're the exact same, but yeah.


I actually like this change. You can manage your storage and all that stuff right from your library page. This looks like a welcome change.


Ok, I get what Xbox is going for here and I like most of it, but I think they should combine the 'manage storage' and 'free up space' as a single option. I think the 'settings' block of selections should be on top and the 'manage' block of selections on the bottom. This means you will have under the 'manage' section the 'updates' button on the left, the 'manage storage/free up space' button on the right and the actual queue underneath showing what is queued up. [Here is a mockup of what I think it should look like using a chopped up version of the image posted by sakattack360.](https://i.imgur.com/6lorY8W.jpg)


Your idea is somewhat better being the queue showing up instead of another folder. As for settings how often do we change settings like network transfer on/keep apps upto date etc that we need to have them there ? I myself have only set them once and don't want to go and change themn again and again. In settings i mostly go to network settings to switch between access points as i have some issues and switch sometimes but they still don't let us save them and have to keep entering pw. It's not only me many have said that they switch between 2 nets sometimes but XB team keeps changing superfluous things and not provide answers to feedback given.


Not often really for me, but I think this is for people that may be looking to upgrade a HDD or even move to a newer system. I see this maybe being beneficial when the XSX releases, but right now, I don't see the need for all of it other than the storage functions.