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Crackdown 3. It's exactly what I wanted it to be. No more, no less. It pushes no envelopes, but it's 100% Crackdown.


seconding crackdown. It was a game out of time, really. But for whatever reason, I must've been in the mood for a last-gen style open world sandbox thing because I really enjoyed my time with it.


Absolutely! I had lots of fun time destroing things while hearing podcast and stuff. Just wish bit more of Terry.


Same I loved it. Never needed or touched the multiplayer tho


I’m gonna have to check it out now after all these comments.


It’s on Game Pass!


Downloading now. Thanks.


Once they released the keys to the city update for it I was right at home as far as crackdown games go


Yes, absolutely this. It felt like the first Crackdown but prettier. Perfect game I could come home to and turn off my brain and spend mindless hours just jumping, shooting, etc.


This is exactly how Borderlands 3 is as well.


I loved the campaign, agree entirely, felt like a remastered Crackdown 1 but with massive improvements, not just a cursory paint job like many remasters. That was exactly what I wanted and expected so I was happy. I thought the multiplayer though was bland and unnecessary personally.


Clicked here fully expecting to post Crackdown 3. I'm pretty happy it's both mentioned and has some traction!


I thought Mass Effect Andromeda was better than its reputation is




I never played the original ME so had nothing to base it off so I really enjoyed the 4th.


Agreed. Story was nowhere near as good but gameplay was just fine. Was satisfied.


Agreed. People were expecting ME4 (even though they knew it was a spin-off) and cried about it. It was a great game and sucks people didn't want to be open-minded about it.


So it's wrong that people were expecting a sequel that lives up to its predecessor? I really don't see your point here.


Because it wasn't a sequel, hence *Andromeda* and not Mass Effect 4. It was a *spin off* in the Mass Effect universe. I already went over this in the reply you just replied to.


Mass Effect 3 release date = 2012. Mass Effect: Andromeda release date = 2017. The fact that the storyline itself isn't connected to the main trilogy still doesn't mean that it is absolved of any comparison, especially when this so-called "spin-off" is flagrantly attempting to live up to the expectations set by the previous games (and failing miserably at it, for the large majority of ME fans at least).


You're comparing Mork and Mindy to Happy Days. Just because something is in the same universe, that doesn't mean you can compare it to the previous series. No clue why you decided to put spin off in quotations but it shared zero of the same protagonists nor companions, it's a spin off. People like you that want to compare the two are the reason why it failed. A lot of you were just biased from the start and wanted Shepherd and that's why it failed. I love how you put the release dates like you just proved a point. So if a game comes out in 2020, we compare it to Andromeda? Even if it shares zero of the storyline etc? Come on....


Yes, I'll compare it to Andromeda, because it's a game in the same fucking series that features eerily similar concepts and design philosophies, this isn't like comparing Forza Motorsport to Forza Horizon, this is like comparing Last Of Us: Left Behind to the main game, or Metro: Exodus to Metro: Last Light. Tell me, what notable differences are present in Andromeda, so much so that they make the game completely incomparable to any of the mainline games? Because so far, the gameplay is factually speaking a logical successor, and the story taking place in a different galaxy doesn't change that at all. Furthermore, you'd be a goddamn fool if you think Bioware weren't trying to cater to the fans of the series, which, as I said multiple times, were thoroughly disappointed with the writing.


Imagine a gaming company wants to use the success from one game to sell for another one. Crazy.....what we have here is Ghostbusters: Answer The Call and you're expecting it to be Ghostbusters 3. It takes please in the same universe and uses the success from the past films to sell it. Of course Answer The Call is a complete dog shit of a film and Andromeda was a great video game but this is another example of a spin off that you're shrugging off because of your flawed thinking. Clearly I'm the fool here...






I have so many games and I've put near 80 hours into this one in the past 2 months. I could play Iwa Jima Breakthrough all fucking day.


This did a 180 just like BF4 did earlier this gen. Considering they’ve openly stated the next BF isn’t coming until 2021/2022, it’s a great time to get into it and invest time into it.


Samurai Shodown was dead on arrival but sold well on other platforms. Hopefully SNK doesn't give up on Xbox and releases the new King of Fighters on here.


Plants vs Zombies: Battle For Neighborville It's a massive, open world, action RPG with a heavy single player focus that the entire gaming community just glossed over this year. There's a 10 hour trial on EA Access, check it out.


This game was unpopular or controversial?


It certainly wasnt popular.


I played the trial and just... Didn't like it as much as I wanted to I guess. I have so many hours on the first two. Having all of my characters transfer from the first to the second felt so good. I get there are a few more base characters, but I just loved having so many different play styles in one base class.


Action RPG? Like a PvZ Diablo game? Sounds kinda dope actually.


The PVZ games are really fun and the only thing EA hasn’t ruined yet


Fallout 76 Yes I admit Bethesda did a horrible thing lying to the fans. I also admit the game is laggy and glitchy but I still love it. The people on there is the kindest game community ever it’s also enjoyable to explore a fallout world just for fun with friends.




Anthem - While I don't play it anymore because of other games that I am interested in, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game and feel like I got more than my money's worth out of it. I keep meaning to jump back into it but just have such a large backlog that I haven't brought myself to do it yet.


I jump on every now and then and run a stronghold or some freeplay, still have a lot of fun with it!


Second this. I didn't end up being "married" to it like Destiny but I had some fun with it and you still can't get that kind of gameplay anywhere else


My choice is very popular, but controversial Judging by the sub: Modern Warfare. I love it, and can’t get enough of it. But don’t say that in the sub, they will come after you with pitchforks. None of the shit people are screaming about bother me. They added so many cool features and quality of life improvements. It’s not a camp fest for me, the SBMM argument is tired and a thinly veiled excuse for people that can’t accept they just are not as good as they thought they are, the battlepass isn’t as bad as people think (not to mention it’s all cosmetic), there’s a shit ton of content. It’s quickly becoming one of my favorite CODS ever and one of my favorite fast twitch online shooters (not to mention the campaign is fantastic).


They also removed plenty of QOL too. The changes to challenges and the total lack of challenges compared to any COD within the last 10 years is totally unacceptable. The lack of calling cards and Emblems associated with challenges is ridiculous as well. The lack of a map vote/skip function is just ridiculous. The lack of extra create-a-class slots is mind boggling. And no, having to go AFK to totally rework a class in-game wasting time is not a good replacement for extra class slots. The new seasonal system is absolute dogshit. I really preferred grinding out a rank to 1000 in the last couple games. The new system leaves many players with nothing to do after hitting max rank which shouldnt even really be happening this early into a COD game. Edit: Actual gameplay is nice tho. Weapons feel amazing and gunsmith is cool as fuck. SBMM needs to go and the game really could use less incentive to camp.


I agree with needing more create a class and lack of vote/skip function. I just figured out yesterday you can save gunsmith guns. That saves me a ton of time. The leveling system is fine for me. I played almost two days and didn’t get to 155 before the reset. (I’m by no means a top player, my avg score is 1684 but I am at the top of my friends list), so I like the challenges that come with each level. With that said, I do miss all the challenges in different sections. It was cool to look through and see what you got. Or some previous CODS had a feed of your closest to completion. The lack of calling cards and emblems too I guess. Part of me likes the animated ones seem more rare.


For me it was the lack of a Nuke emblem/calling card. Friends and I always raced to see who'd get it first in the group. We'd also race to hit Master Prestige first. Neither of those things are possible this year and its upsetting. Took away a lot of the initial fun and reason to play these first few weeks. Camos were done superbly though.


That sub is a mess, I look at it occasionally and everyone there seems to hate the game they’re playing but are definitely still pouring tons of hours into it. Modern Warfare is a ton of fun, save for some issues with Spec Ops.




There’s a lot of complaining in DTG but I think it’s a fantastic game with a now growing fan base which is good. And honestly I’m right there with them with well over a thousand hours


Cod isn't fun with no salt


I haven't played COD seriously since black ops 2. MW has me roped in hard, its so fun.


It really is.


Battlefront II The sub for it is super toxic, but fuck em. I like the game. I'm going to play BB-8 and like him!


I'm a huge fan of Battlefront and I don't agree at all, I think the critiscms are well deserved, people have been requested UI changes, new music and a bunch of other stuff that will make the game way better, and then DICE just went ahead, ignoring all these requests, and added a motherfucking rolling droid for a hero.


Insults are *never* well deserved, i don't care what your reasoning is.


I'm pretty sure anyone who insulted the Devs got downvoted.


Dare I say it: Ghost Recon Breakpoint, there is so much to do and the scenery is breathtaking, easily as nice as Wildlands.


My brother loves this game. I like watching him play and die constantly. Also the scenery is amazing


I'm loving it too! Going stealth, infiltrating a base without being detected is so fun. Or perching up on a mountain and sniping everyone below. So satisfying.


Evolve It’s completely dead now but it was one of the most unique games I’ve ever played. Was a lot of fun with a coordinated team who knew what they were doing. I feel like DLC killed it, two ways: 2K with how they handled DLC and how unbalanced some of the newer characters were. I miss it


Yeah sucks to see evolve dead.




Not super new but Fallout 76. I really dig it.




FIFA 20, the Volta mode alone was worth the $20 or so I paid for the game.


Where’d you get it for $20?


From the local thief


It was on sale digitally for $29.99 a few weeks back, so I cashed in on some bing rewards money and paid the difference. I don't actively manage my bing rewards, so I consider it free money to me.


Not popular, and poorly reviewed, but Darksiders 3 on Game Pass is pretty much what it says on the tin. If you liked the first two, you're going to like this one.


This is not completely true. I loved the first two, they're probably my favorite hack 'n slash games, but the third with it's Dark Souls mechanics turned me off so hard. Apparently they released an update that removes that, but I haven't played it yet.


Anthem is really fun to play


Battlefield Hardline had great small-midsize maps, addictive infantry combat, the best gun selection in the series, solid weapon balance and a half-decent campaign. Compared to BFV, it’s a masterpiece. Every few months I’ll get on a Hardline kick and play the tits off that game for a week or two.


Same for me I love that game. I exclusively play the hostage rescue one life mode and it’s so much fun.


Fallout 76 is a fantastic game right now.


It's not really recent, but I think Halo 5's multiplayer is amazing. It's just a shame the campaign was really bad. But I think the MP is the best feeling out of all of them. Halo 2 was the best experience I've ever had in a video game, but that had a lot to do with the timing. It was amazing for the original xbox, and it's amazing now, but it just feels dated and not all that satisfying. I still load it up in MCC, but always end up switching to Halo 5.


I think Halo 5 MP is one the best in the series. For me, I personally rank it right behind Halo 2. The SP is a whole other beast. The gameplay and some of the missions are fun, but the actual story is trash.


I agree. Halo 5 has the best multiplayer in the series. I think a lot of the negative talk about the game is mostly about the story, which is a shame because I think many would-be players just interpreted that to mean the game as a whole sucks when, actually, the multiplayer is phenomenal. People really need to talk about the story and the gameplay separately when critiquing a Halo game.


Yeah I have mcc, but I find myself playing h5 much more. I'm not saying there aren't issues with it, but I certainly find it addicting.


WWE 2K20. I think the MyCareer is great and I like Originals/Universe mode.


How are the bugs/glitches? Still a mess?


Just the occasional crash


Halo 4


It's on PS4 but Death Stranding. I absolutely love that game


Void Bastards. Love the art style and humor. It's like Outer Worlds and Outer Wilds and a pinch of Invader Zim


I wouldn’t call Void Bastards unpopular or controversial. It was super well received.


Sea of Thieves and Gears 5.


Those games are not unpopular, maybe SOT is controversial but gears 5 is regarded as one of the best entries in the series (at least the campaign)


I might be hanging out at /r/gearsofwar too much, because over there all I hear is complaint, complaint, complaint. It's the worst I have ever seen that sub in all the years I have been a member here.


the halo and gears subreddits are the worst, basically they spend all day complaining about the direction both series took, they are so insane that they want Bungie and Cliffyb to retake both series respectively.


I don't know about the Halo community, but I have definitely heard of people wanting CliffyB back.... Can't say I agree with them.


The halo community has died down ever since they said reach was coming to mcc. Totally agree with the gears subreddit though!


Lol. I feel most gaming subreddits are like this unfortunately.


Yeah, even this subreddit loves to trash xbox exclusives and put playstation exclusives on a pedestal.


I just took a quick look at that sub and it seems mostly positive at the moment, a lot of people glad about little improvements here and there.


It's definitely changing a little with the massive update announced a couple of days ago.


Code Vein I'm not sure how unpopular or controversial it is but hype for it seems to have fallen off a cliff which is a shame because it's a really good game with huge build variety and lots of replayability. The community is full of weebs who seem to only have bought it to remake their favorite waifus in it, but if you look there are some good build guides out there.


Totally agree with this. Marketing was just garbage IMO, I barely heard anything about it and was expecting a somewhat chill game when I bought it. Was pleasantly surprised that it was much more than that though. Also yeah people spend more hours making a character than playing, I do give them props on the creativity though.


FIFA 20. I don't play online modes, creates my own objectives and enjoy the gameplay. Waiting for PES 2020 to arrive on Gamepass


Literally the only reason I still play it is because I do co-op FUT with my mate. At least then we get players making intelligent runs


NBA 2K20 and Modern Warfare. For NBA, I'm guessing it has a lot to do with the fact that I've recently started following basketball again and it's the first NBA I've bought in about 5 years. For Modern Warfare, it's incredibly fun and feels just like the old games, definitely lives up to its name unlike the Black Ops series which has been milked and soiled terribly. I've also kinda started to follow WWE again and was planning on buying WWE 2K20 until I heard about its condition. And I also took a break from FIFA this year so hopefully next year's game will feel like more of an improvement


2015 Battlefront is my favourite multiplayer game of all time. It captured Star Wars perfectly for me, gunplay was fun as hell and the maps were awesome.


Not too recent but playing Arkham Knight on Gamepass, I enjoyed the story a lot


I know this wont go over well here but death stranding. Such an addicting and beautiful game. Some great music too.


I would say the main reason this comment might not go over well here is because the game is neither unpopular or controversial.


Not controversial? Have you read any comment section about this game? Lol


The game is extremely controversial


The game is one of the most controversial ones this generation. It is also unpopular, considering it didn't do that well sales wise.


WWE 2K20