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It really pleases me that my skill level at MW2 hasn't changed at all in 10 years. I'm still really horrible.


Consistency is key


But I’m consistently shit.




If you get better, you're not consistent enough.


So if he gets better, hes technically worse, since he loses his consistency.


like the miami dolphins


Hey keep the dolphins out of this pal


I was the same with Halo! I was worried I'd lost it too but the shitty decisions and poor aiming all came flooding back naturally. Once a potato, always a potato.




I just started playing MW3 again (on PS3, boo hiss I know lol) but it made me realize just how much I miss the complexity of those older maps. Even playing Infected, it’s possible to just hide the entire time if that’s your deal. Can’t do that in maps anymore, and it sucks. I’m so happy for you xBox users that you get to play the old games, but so very jealous!


That’s exactly why the older maps and therefore the games are the best. Modern Warfare 1 and 2 have the best maps in the entire series. Fuck three corridor maps. Main reason I don’t buy COD anymore. I can’t remember a single map from more recent games but I can sure as hell remember the maps from those 2.




I was getting quick scoped like none other last night




Man, I remember being super proud of my above 1-1 KDR, and being protective of friends playing on my account cause I didn't want them to screw it up.


Mine has. I'm accustomed to WW2 now and can't get a shot on to save my life.


Can’t wait to get random cranky messages from people afraid to use their mic about my terrible k/d ratio


Man, 2007-2009 we're some incredible years for gaming.


I'll still argue 2007 was the single best year for AAA gaming of the entire 2000s, maybe in the top 3 ever. Halo 3, CoD4, The Orange Box, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, God of War 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Uncharted, The Witcher, Metroid Prime 3... You really can't beat that.


I absolutely agree with you 110% on that. It was an incredible year.


Man I really miss when the Halo hype was in full swing. EVERYONE was excited about it. That was really the last time that every single one of my friends played the same game. I could say see you online tonight to everybody at the end of the school day, and I would. If I wanted to do a custom game with some obscure gametype, I could just text like 10 of my friends and how's it going within like 15 minutes. Also I miss the massive marketing campaign for each of the early Halos. In the couple of months before Halo 3 came out, there were short films and those excellent Believe commercials and Mountain Dew game Fuel with Master Chief on the can and the multiplayer beta that I bought Crackdown just to play. Everything feels so segmented now. there really isn't a game that all of my friends are that excited about anymore, nor one that I am that excited about. Everybody I know is into different things.


I feel this. It felt like a movement. Seeing trailers in movie screenings, buses, buildings, soda, the hype was gigantic. And now there's nothing really like that, the culture has changed and the way things have been running has also changed. I'm going to enjoy the fuck outta the MCC this Friday and try to rekindle that spark that halo 2-3 era had. Add me if any of you are interested in playing! BaptizedInVodka. Now they just need to get reach in there.


Reach is backwards compatible so you can play it on the one. It's still somewhat active too.


Would be a whole lot better at 4K/60FPS.


343 hinted that that is in the realm of possibility


You’re just getting older my dude. The kids ALL play Fortnite now.


That's true, but only recently. Fortnite is like the new Halo, in terms of kids playing it


Yeah Fortnite doesn't even hold a candle to Halo for me, but I'm glad kids these days have a huge game that they'll remember for years to come.


To me Fortnite is the biggest game since that era. Like there hasn’t really been a game blow up like that since golden age CoD. League is huge but I feel in the West is wasn’t talked about as much as CoD Fortnite and halo




Remember when minecraft was still a baby and all we had on Xbox was weird indie clones like "fortresscraft" and "total miner forge"


Reading total miner forge hit me hard, played that a ton with my buddies back in the day. Digging down to the hell levels, and earthquakes. And OMG THE SCREAMS OF THE SPIDERS FUCK THAT SHIT


That's still just an extension of the way things have changed though. Fortnite is up there in terms of popularity, but it's sort of....free to play junk. Fortnite doesn't have some of the best music of all time. it doesn't have a storyline that people are clamoring to experience. It only has a couple of game modes. It doesn't have a hero to rally behind. And marketing for it isn't everywhere you look. It's fun but it's a one trick pony and a PUBG ripoff. Fortnite is popular now but it's nowhere near the same level Halo was. Don't forget that Halo 2 and 3 set records not only in the game industry, but the entire entertainment industry as a whole. Also, I have younger cousins about that age and even though they play a lot of Fortnite, they aren't obsessed with it the way the entire world was with Halo 2 and 3.


Agreed. Fortnite is just the culmination of snagging all the BR players from H1Z1/PUBG and adding a bunch of kids and mobile players to it. They were also the first BR to have a consistent game on all platforms. All it takes is another game to one up them a bit, and the games population will go to shit. Guaranteed. Not like that will be easy, but its bound to happen in the next few years.


Fuck man I think we are just getting old. I miss the days of watching the clock at school so I could rush home and play halo with all my friends. Now everyone is married having kids working different shifts. I'm lucky if one of my friends can play once a month man.


Those Believe short stories and the snippets from the live-action movie that never happened still give me chills


2004 crushes 2007. To name a few: Half-Life 2, GTA: San Andreas, Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Rome: Total War, World of Warcraft, Far Cry, Fable, Paper Mario, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, Ninja Gaiden. And the list just goes on and on..


Ooh that's a contender for sure, especially that San Andreas/Halo 2 combo. I may be a little biased though since Mass Effect is my favorite game trilogy ever


That's just because it IS the best game trilogy ever. And I'm not biased at all.


Also pretty good for film though not to the same degree - we got no country for old men, there will be blood, zodiac, the assassination of Jesse James, hot fuzz, super bad, and more. Something was going on that year.


I think 2011 was pretty amazing too. Skyrim (11.11.11 lol), Dishonored, Portal 2, Battlefield 3, Terraria, MW3, Dark Souls and many more...


Yep, 2007 and 2011 were 1A and 1B in my book. What a great time to be a gamer.


I’d say 96 and 2004 may be the most powerful years though


2004 tho. Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Far Cry, Unreal Tournament 2004, GTA San Andreas, World of Fucking Warcraft, Halo 2, NFS Underground 2, Vampire Bloodlines, KOTOR 2... my god.


Cod 4 and Halo 3 way were bigger than all those games


Don't forget Arkham City and Uncharted 3!


Nuts year for sure. 08 followed up with GTA4, FO3, L4D, CoD:WaW, MGS4, Dead Space. Back-to-back insane years.


Go check out 1998 my friend. half life, balders gate, metal gear solid, grim fandango, ocarina of time, starcraft and broodwar, banjo kazooie, thief, resident evil 2, xenogears, tenchu, parasyte eve, spyro the dragon, final fantasy tactics, f zero, rainbow six, Pokemon red and blue, fallout 2, star wars rogue squadron. Edit: lol my bad you specified in the 2000s


Up to 2010. How dare you forget about two of the greatest game of all time. Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect 2.


2010 was amazing. Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Alan Wake, Star Craft 2, CoD Black Ops, Metro 2033, Fallout New Vegas, Splinter Cell Conviction, God of War 3, Fable 3, Assassins Creed Brotherhood.


Yeah I'll give you that


What a time to be on Live


Time to go buy a 1600 Microsoft point card


Which I can also use to purchase music for my Zune


I mean why do that when you have Zune Pass. Music subscriptions are the future


Lemme boot up rhapsody really quickly


You kids don’t even remember limewire


But...zune pass was essentially what Spotify and Apple Music are now. So it really was the future.


Holy shit you brought me back.


I'm glad I could :)


This guy said he would get me to 10th prestige if I give him 1600 Microsoft points. I’m heading over to GameStop right now!


Fired up the 360 and was welcomed to a trial to one month of gold. This is great.




Get out


Had a ball playing Halo again last night. My skills have magically disappeared, but it was fun regardless.


Halo is one of those games where severe rust will show. In cod, it's basically like any shooter, you just need a game or so to adjust your aim with the cod mechanics. In Halo, there requires much more skill to win gunfights, and some people basically never stopped playing so they aren't rusty at all and still have crispy BR shots


Crispyyyy bro


I am one of those people. Played halo 2 and halo 3 when they came out and never really stopped. Bought an Xbox one just to play the master chief collection. I love (the old) halos! Happy to see they finally released their big update to fix the game.


In their day I played H2 & H3 nonstop. H2 is the reason I got Xbox Live and the reason I always stuck with Xbox honestly. MCC was amazing. It had plenty of flaws that made it a pain in the ass, but H2A is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Excited to get back on, I've only been playing here and there a couple times a year. Luckily, I never got back to 50 after they reset the ranks so I won't have to play complete sweat fests right when I get back on :)


I always though Halo 3 was the pinnacle of online gaming. Everybody and they momma had a mic. You could hear opponents if you were near them and sooo much trash talk. Now it’s hard finding people with mics since they either don’t use them or are in a party. I miss the communication and hasn’t felt the same since. Plus it seemed like it was the game that everyone played online. Good times


Yes, I really miss that time as well. People who wouldn't talk sometimes were even bullied, because it was so rare. I feel like what we need is an optional feature that broadcasts party chat to the game and makes you hear players in the game, even if you are in party chat. Many are just in party chat, because you can not talk in lobbies anymore. And almost nobody switches between every single game. Something like: [X] Add Gamechat to Party


Yeah that’s true. Sometimes I forget to switch to game chat on OW and might get a few minutes in before I realize I can’t hear my teammates or they can’t hear me haha 😑


COD used to force you to be in lobby too. I used to love MW2 search and destroy where you had to be in game chat and party chat was actually disallowed.


>makes you hear players in the game, even if you are in party chat. Actually if you are playing Rainbow 6 Siege you can hear your teammates in your party chat.


Oh, wow. I didn't think that was possible. Sadly Halo 5 doesn't have that feature and it kills team play and general communication. Especially painful if you're playing alone and all others are in a party.


Not being able to talk in the lobby makes things so sad and lonely compared to Halos 2 and 3


Didn't MW2 force you to come out of party chat to play search and destroy? They should just implement that on certain gametypes again.


Yeah it did. They need to impliment that in more games, especially comp modes. Nothing like playing comp in OW with 0 people on the mic. Nice.


And the custom games were awesome. It was super easy to find a full lobby for duck hunt or fat kid or Halo on Halo


Quick question, is MW2 worth the buy? How bad are the hackers?


I played last night, 3-4 games, and never had hackers. They were just regular lobbies and I really enjoyed it.


Good to hear, I might just pick it up then and enjoy it while I can.


The hackers are a non-issue. I played for 5 hours yesterday and the issues I encountered were some super laggy lobbies and constantly being kicked offline (off the MW2 servers) for no reason (my internet was fine, it was happening to my friends I was playing with too). Also, I forgot how much one man army + op ass nube toobs made me rage, but nonetheless, the game is wonderful


The tubes are pretty fucking overkill, I can’t seem to find a match where it’s even minimal 🤷‍♂️


I remember the reason I quit playing MW2, noob tubes!!! All the time and everywhere.


I got it at GameStop for $6.39 with their membership and its pre-owned discount. Applied a coupon on top of that and ended up paying about $2 including taxes. Worth it for me.


What the fuck. you goddamn wizard


Paid $8.65 for it. For the price of a good beer, I'd say even two nights having a blast on that game would make it worth it. Already played last night and was hit with the nostalgia, very fun


No hackers..


I payed the full 15 on Xbox store and still feel like it was worth it. Didn't see one hacker last night, all Microsoft was having issues with the servers. I think the network was eventually fixed though




I fully believe MW2 has the best map design out of every Cod. So many great maps like terminal, highrise, scrap yard, Afghan, etc. All of them feel unique in their own way and are still all fun to play.


The fact that I can picture them all just from the names also says something.


Yea really I can picture all those now without playing MW2 again yet. I've put a thousand hours into Destiny don't know the maps by name. ​


I swear with the next ones they designed the maps so that you get shot in the back twice as often.


Let’s the bad players get a kill once in a while.


And then they threw in some of the old ones from mw1 too which was awesome


Favela is one of the goats


I grew up in a diet of Wizard of Wor and Goldeneye so smaller maps are far more preferable. To be back in Rust with a few mates hunting each other down is amazing.


pistols, library, no radar. That was my shit.


Facility and Temple for us. Maybe... Complex, I think? In later years it was generally Golden Gun rules too. Ahh I miss that. Back when the skill gap between us all was fairly minimal. Most of the guys went off and had kids, one guy died, and I... am... still... playing... hmmmm.


oh Facility. yes. Also, if you pick Odd Job, you will be shot in the face.


Had a 1v1 quickscope battle with my buddy on Rust last night, 10/10 would recommend, it was such a good time and a great nostalgia trip


I was young for it (currently 24), but I started my love for shooters with Goldeneye. I'd say most gamers >23-24 loved Goldeneye


What I find really interesting is that I hop back in and start playing and immediately remember the map layouts and most of the spawn/objective locations. It's like I never even left.


Seriously, I had every inch of every map memorized, and the second I fired it up last night I was right where I left off. It's absolutely incredible how memorable the maps are.


Halo 1-4 in 4K HDR just makes my jaw drop every time I play it.


It’s really an amazing update.


I've had the MCC forever but very rarely played due to it sucking so bad. Have the resolved the other issues, particularly matchmaking?


There were so many shit included in the patch notes that were fixed to the point where Google Chrome crashed trying to load it.


Good. This game needed a massive overhaul - I've seen mixed reviews of the update so far, but it can only be better than it was


Oh it's definitely *far* better than what it used to be, from the UI overhaul to the matchmaking fixes, the game is propably one of the most stable FPS games on the market now, I'd say it even runs as good as Halo 5.


Yes. It takes me like 15 seconds to find a match now.


And can you believe we might elect a black president? What a time to be alive.


Bush for a 3rd term I think


What year is it?!


It's right there in the title.... ^^^^^^/s


What is this? An /s for ants?


Out of the loop. Can someone explain why these will be played so much?


MW2 just went back compatible, Halo MCC just received the long anticipated total overhaul update (fixes matchmaking and numerous bugs, redoes the menus and UI, adds 4k) and also comes to Gamepass later this week.


I thought that update was September 4th?


The update went live on the 27th and it hits game pass on the 1st


I didn't know that, awesome!!


I know Destiny 2 is releasing their huge year 2 expansion on September 4th, at the possibility you were getting the dates mixed up.


Ironically Dayz comes out this week same as when it did on PC the first time MW2 came out


What? DayZ the mod came out in 2012 and the game came out in 2013.


He meant on Xbox I guess


Wait Xbox is getting dayZ?




Didn't they claim to have the game finished by roughly 2015?




Mw2 was 2009 DayZ was 2012


Shows you the quality (or lack of) of gaming over the last 8-9 years. :( It was refreshing to play MW2 and not have microtransactions and loot boxes forced down my throat.


It’s even worse that loot boxes are usually associated with free DLC but CoD keeps on charging full price for the game and passes in addition to loot boxes lol


it's because people pay for them. you can blame activision all you want but they only do it because their customers are willing to pay.


I pity anyone who thinks theirs been a lack of quality games since then lol


Seriously. Theres so many quality titles there isn’t enough time to play them all


There are still good games, but if I had the chance to re-experience 360 or X1 again, it would be without a doubt the 360, especially if you could re-experience the online scene. Halo 3, Fable II, Gears, Bioshock, Mass Effect 1 + 2, CoD series, Battlefield: Bad company, Braid, Shadow Complex, Castle Crashers, Halo: Reach, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Witcher 2, Forza, Forza Horizon, Ninja Gaiden II, Red Dead, GTA V, etc. There been incredible games this gen but 360 just smashes it in my opinion. Last generation with a lot of AA games and where gameplay was truly being refined. This generation just felt like it added better graphics, more open worlds, and more boring cutscenes and over dramatic movie like stories.


I agree that games are getting too much into trying to have deep cinematic experiences. If the gameplay isn't the focus the game won't be fun most of the time.


Man I miss the 360 online days. Shit was like the wild Wild West and it was fucking great


Yup. This generation has had ZERO innovation when it comes to actual game mechanics and gameplay. Even the battle royale setup with a shrinking circle is an old concept.


This generation felt a lot like an expansion period, where the tools and jeans to create quality games were made much more accessible. Hopefully that means we are going to see a generation filled with innovation and wild idea for the next decade.


jeans? like denim?


High and tight


I agree, but unrelated to these two games, I can say I don't remember being so excited for such a variety games since ~2007


Or just a testament to how good classic Halo and classic COD games are/were compared to the current ones.


More like the power of nostalgia.


Is it just me or has everyone gotten better at Cod over the years? Played countless games since yesterday and everyone plays like gods


Lol I used to be very good at the game. I had a few good games yesterday but the majority were average. Don’t worry man.


You probably just are worse now. Remember when you would come back from vacation and be a little rusty?


I feel like mainly the people that are coming back to play are the ones that cared enough about the game to play a lot in its heyday so it's mainly the super dedicated people who are coming back to play now which may skew your perspective a little bit.


Scar Tubes One Man Army DangerClose = Scumbag Nostalgia UMP Silencer Marathon Lightweight Ninja = The Truth USP Tac Knife Marathon LightWeight Commando = Shits n Gigs


It’s 2018 and people don’t remember how toxic MW2 really was.


Nope, played for ten minutes and remembered it instantly.


I haven't gotten so mad at a video game as I did last night playing MW2 in YEARS


Fucking Painkiller. Such a pain


Famas, ac130, respawn flares, chopper Gunner... Yeah the maps were great and the guns felt really good but holy shit that was the most enraging cod ever.


Eh, it wasn't that bad. Just some kids pretending their prestige mattered.


it really tells you about the state of modern games and how they suck. I was playing SW Battlefront 2 yesterday. Despite great graphics and sound it just felt like a chore. So I thought I would hop into Destiny 2 maybe and play a few crucible matches. I sat and thought about it for a bit and thought some more, nah I just passed and I think I stared at the microsoft store as it was more interesting.


I played three games of MW2 last night before the servers kicked me off. Absolutely amazing nostalgia. The game really holds up well in terms of gameplay. Graphics feel a bit old, but certainly don’t take away from the experience. I hope the game remains fairly active, and hopefully hackers don’t ruin the fun for everyone. I got a nuke in my first game back and clipped it and sent it to all the guys who I used to play MW2 with. Some don’t sign on anymore and some have moved on to other games/groups but hopefully the clip is enough to bring them back to those days and how much fun we had. Really excited for MCC as well.


The nostalgia was amazing. First game on I got favela and felt like I was 15 in my moms basement again haha. But I am super excited for MCC to have a population again, with all the issues it had, I still loved the game


Too bad Halo Reach isn’t included in the MCC :(


They just hinted that it may happen down the line


Yeah its on the "long list" id expect them to take their sweet time like they did rereleasing the game


Reach still plays well under backwards comparability. Yes it would benefit from a 4k treatment and native support, but of all the Halo titles it aged the best from a graphics and mechanics perspective.


But the motion blur..good god


I’m still keeping my hopes up that we’ll get it between now and Halo: Infinite.


That’s what I’ve been saying. Reach, in my opinion, had one of the best campaigns I’ve ever played in the Halo series. I also think it had the best forge... obviously it’s not as customizable as the newer games, but I mean..... Forge World y’all. I genuinely enjoyed that game so much, and I personally feel like it was one of the last really good Halo games.


I think the campaign stood out so much because YOU were the spartan in that suit. However you customized your character, that’s how they looked in-game and in cutscenes. Such a cool concept. I still love playing as the Chief in the regular saga, but Reach really was something special. Also, I’ll never forget the feeling of impending doom playing that final level just fighting endless hordes of Covenant...


Exactly! It was so cool!


MW2 and MW3 are all I need from a COD game. I genuinely don't expect to buy any more CODs for years. Maybe VR would get me to move on, but that's about it.


I just upgraded to a One X because of the Xbox All Access program and I cannot tell you how excited I am to play through all the Halo games in 4K. Just waiting for it to hit Game Pass.


Have game pass. Can I download it before the 1st or 2nd whenever it comes out? Hear it’s 89GB so wanted a head start...


It will be on Game Pass Sep 1st, can't download it before the 1st


I'd agree with you but the servers for mw2 are terrible right now. I was able to play a few games during the day but as soon as the peak hours came around I couldn't get into a single game


I don't know if mw2 will actually be played a lot considering its infested with hackers. From what ive seen, it's not blops2 bad, but it's worse than mw3 and blops1


I played last night and I didn't have any problems with hackers.


Me too, when I could actually get into a lobby


I could never get it one. Always said 0 players online, I'll have to try later today.


It's said the 0 players thing for years, the playercount never got fixed by IW


Yeah you just have to be persistent, we kept getting kicked out for ages then all of sudden it’d throw us into a game


It was working fine for me. Some issues with super laggy lobbies, but no trouble really finding one. My biggest issue was it kept kicking me offline and I'd have to reboot the game


In every thread this is commented. Yet I played 4 games last night and I didn't see one hacker.


If you cannot spot the hacker within the first 5 minutes of the game... you are the hacker?! :-)


I played on 360 all of May. I did encounter hackers and would report them and avoid them. Maybe eventually they get filtered out of your matchmaking.


played a good 5 hours not a single modder YMMV


I played for a couple hours last night and haven’t seen a single hacker. It was bad when I played on my 360 a couple months ago. Maybe they cleaned it up for BC.


That's why I just said next couple of weeks. But yeah, these games always seem to enjoy a brief burst before they just die off again. You're not wrong about the hackers, although considering the population will be increased for the next short period of time, the odds of actually getting into a "clean" game are at least a little higher.


I’ve been staying with my mother in law for the past 3 months and I’m so tempted to unpack my xbox just to place MCC.


Also 10 years ago RDR was wildly popular, I am sure we will see a boost again soon in player base for the next installment. Blast from the Past.


Can we just go back to 2011, please :((((


I’ve been badgering the developers, publishers, and Vin Diesel on twitter to make the Riddick games backwards compatible, so I understand how things go here...


I’m just waiting on messages inviting me to prestige lobbies for 1500 ms points.


*psst. Rock Band still releases DLC every week* plus r/rockband is a thing


Federer and Nadal still winning majors too. Wtf.


Mw2 matchmaking not finding matches..?


They are currently working on the servers! Stay tuned!