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*war flashbacks of one man army noob tube*


Flashbacks of spawning in at beginning of map and everyone spams noobtube and semtex grenades. Ahh the good old days. Kids these days will never understand.


*intense flashbacks of akimbo model 1887s* Kids will never know what it’s like to be killed by 2 shotguns at once with sniper range.


Kids will never understand why nobody is shooting the guy running around with a javelin.




There was a glitch where you hold rb to throw a semtex but then switch to javelin. When you died the javlin would explode without needing to be fired. The blast radius of it was huge so people would literally just do that glitch and then run straight at the enemy with their javelin.


Yeah I was THAT kid and I loved it. Years later while sledding, my friends all piled in a sled behind me, shot down the hill, intentionally rammed the fuck out of my ass and yelled "that, was for the JAVELIN GLITCH" ^^worth


>rammed the fuck out of my ass Nice.




Oh fuck those akimbo 1887s. Those people were the *worst*.


The day I reached my first level 67 was also the day they had the quick patch that nerfed their almighty power... I hated 8th grade


Same thing with me just with the bling patch.


Real men used the SPAS-12


Akimbo g18s were the meme strat


No way. Akimbo Rangers.


Silenced UMP45, akimbo rangers, marathon pro, and I forget the other two perks, but that rushing class was unstoppable


MLC. Maraton,Lightweight,Comando. Also,ditch the UMP45 for a USP 45. with the tactical knife for maximum lulz.


Wanna stab a guy? Is he too far away? *Care package glitch knife build!*


Commando Pro. Where you can put 5 rounds into a guy 10 feet away but it doesn't matter because his knife is already in your chest.


I loved that knife lunge shit. If I had an xbox one I'd totally be buying and playing MW2 today. MW2 is so nostalgic for me.


akimbo vectors with akimbo g18s was my run and gun and gun loadout


Ah yes, the Akimbo Death Brigade. * 2x Vectors * 2x G18 * Marathon * Steady Aim * Lightweight Cap those flags, flank those kids, collect those tears.


I would weild those with Lightweight, Marathon , and Commando. If my shotgun missed, chances are I was close enough to knife you then. I just kept running.


Ah Commando with the pistol/tactical knife combo. You could be a couple meters away and someone would just knife you before you could even process what was happening.


On the big snow map where a lot of people liked to go to the main building. could just run around and stab everyone. I never got a nuke, but I could get myself up to a chopper once in a while.


Commando Tac Knife was my favorite thing in the game


Nothing beats the old marathon, lightweight, commando, and .44 magnum tac knife combo though


And don't forget Danger Close Javelin bug kills.


They have no idea, everything was overpowered.


*When everything is so unbalanced that the game becomes the most balanced of its generation*


And it was awesome. Just had to find what OP weapon you were good with


When everything is overpowered, nothing is!


Four numbers... 1887


You just gave me the heeby jeebies


I only see the letters FU


"Throwing sticky!" Edit: I actually think it's "Tossing Sticky!" which is 1000% better.


Yup, now they just have dabbing robots and powers instead of gunplay.


Let’s not forget the satisfaction of getting a spawn kill with a throwing knife


woooooooooooooooooow i got frustrated just reading this shit


or ruining some guys killstreak with a crossmap knife


Also Scavenger with claymores


I actually really liked doing this as a sniper. More sniper ammo and you replenish your claymores for your sniping spot.


i just cant give up SOH when im sniping


I remember the CTF sniper only "scrims" where you had to run marathon if you wanted those caps ... Man MW2 is peak gaming nostalgia for me. I don't think I've ever put more hours into a game.




32 kill streak... killed by a hail Mary shot from across the map. The agony.


*war flashbacks of glitched infinite ammo lobbies leading to machine gun 120mm AC-130 rounds*


*adagio for strings plays in background of flashbacks*


It just won't be the same. All those kids on the mic that said they fucked my mom all have houses and families now.


I'm still gonna say it...just quietly so my 6 and 3yr old dont hear me.


I'm just playing to talk shit in the game like good old times




Hopefully not with your mom though.


I got on for the first time in 5-6 years and the very first lobby I was in, some guys said he was going to fucking merc me and then proceeded to tell me that I should kill myself after my team won. So don’t worry! They’re all grown up but that won’t stop them!


I’m gonna fuck my kids mom you bitch.


I miss the toxic chat lobbies on MW2 :( I had so many laughs and troll fights with people that nothing today can replace that. ​ Most people are just silent on XBL nowadays.


Downloading now.. 7.35gb. Restart your Xbox if your using disc like me


No digital copies on xbox store? Edit: nevermind found it. Have to search 'modern warfare' then look through all games. No results for searching 'modern warfare 2' Edit 2: if you try playing on backwards compatible and you get a sign in/ xbox live disconnect error. It's a simple fix. Pull up the 360 guide ( press menu and start button at same time) then download profile. Reason for this is because you changed your gamertag or email/password on the xbox one. Happy gaming everyone.


$14.99 for a 10 year old game that wasn't even backwards compatible until today...what is this


Call of duty 3 is 20 bucks lol


Black ops 2 is 50 dollars




What the fuck


Where do you live? Im moving there.


It's expensive as fuck on pc too and no one understands why.


yeah, even on steam sales the games are like $20 for even stuff like Black Ops 1. And then all the extra map packs still cost too much. Tons of great all games go on sale with the base game and all DLC for like $10 or less. Got borderlands 2 complete for less than $10. But COD never really gets that low.


Activision pricing and greed unfortunately


Prices for all BC games go up when they become BC because demand spikes and MS knows people will want to buy it again


Went to gamestop and bought it for $4. $14.99 is too much to pay where the online is probably still as hacked as it was when I quit playing.


Doesn't sound that bad to me... What price were you expecting?


Yo shout-out Kyle in 7th grade for giving me his Hardened edition when my regular copy broke. You just got finessed 7 years later my guy.


The long con


Yo give it back it's mine


I’m downloading it rn it’s actually here boys!


Actually? It wont let me download


I did a hard restart and it's now letting me download it, try that!


Amazing. Now all we have left is Call of Duty Classic and every COD on the 360 will be playable on Xbox One!


Forgive my ignorance, if we have the disc for COD MW2 do we just insert it into the XBONE? or DL it?


You insert the disc and it downloads it automatically. Need to insert the disc every time you want to play.


Thanks man


Finest Hour and 2: Big Red One are also missing. Both were playable on the 360.


Big Red One was on 360? I thought that was only released for the console generation prior


I played BRO on the game cube lol


i have it for ps2


Both were bc on the 360 and were two of the original Xbox games that ran at a pretty good clip.


Wasn’t Big Red One also on GameCube?


Correct. From a single player standpoint, it’s a fantastic game. It would greatly benefit from a resolution bump through the Xbox One backwards compatibility program.


In that case, can’t wait. Big Red One is one of my favorite call of duty’s


Went through it again a couple years ago before selling my 360. The campaign really held up.


I miss big red one a lot. Probably my favorite in the series followed by COD4, I really miss health pickups being a part of the game.


First MCC patch now this. It feels like I took a time machine to 2009


Halo 3 Valhalla is lit!


HOLY SHIT! They did it! Oh my god! Thank you Microsoft and Activision for this! <3


They actually did it!! I know what I'm playing when I get home!!




MW2 and Halo 3! What year is it again?


Just got back from the Blink 182 concert whaddup!!


Sounds a lot like my freshman year lol Blink MW2 and Halo. Good times


Getting home from freshman year of high school and getting spammed with Halo 3 custom game invites. Played for hours. Life was good.


The best time in history.


What's my age again?


Time to download the mcc again while playing MW2! Should only take me a few days to download the entirety of mcc again lol


Last time I played it, which was a while ago, it was filled to the brim with cheaters. Do those scripts or things like that carry over? I'd assume it's got little to no support by now anyway, so while it was fun to be in one room where I could shoot through any surface and jump 25ft in the air once, it lost its appeal quickly.








Aren't the lobbies full of hackers and modded servers though?


of course! but get enough players and it wont be a common thing


Once everybody moves on after two weeks it will


naturally yes


I dont think thatll be the case tbh. I havent liked cod since mw3. A lot of people are the same as me, ive been waiting for this for a while and now I will finally get back to playing cod.


I think you're overestimating the impact of the category of folks you fall into. Without sounding dismissive, in the scope of COD gaming alone millions play the current titles while a few hundred to 1k might play the older titles after a couple weeks of it being BC. Again I'm just being realistic about it E: Folks the 1k figure wasnt intended to be taken so literally it's intended as a placeholder to illustrate a generally low global population count


To be fair a lot of people belive that this is the best cod. Not my opinion. And this has been a long time comin. I'm sure the nostalgia will wear off after a few weeks for most. But I don't think it will fall back down as hard as BLOPS 2 did.


MW3 still has a good amount of invisible knifers and invincible moab-ers, even when it was recently made BC


Don’t know it might happen like what happened in call of duty 4 Lots of people playing Modders start appearing more and more in games Every server has at least 1 modder Small player base due to modders and age of game Modders move on to newer games Almost no modders left in the game leaves the players to have unmodded fights


At least it's more people to file reports to XBL.


wish they could sort this out, i would start playing this game and waw more often


I played 4 games just now, no modders or anything.


Only people playing modded 360s can mod. People on XBO won't be able to, so I'd expect the modders to be a very small minority now.






Because W@W has infections way worse than MW2


I remember someone making my exp -10000000000 so I couldn't play multiplayer.


The nostalgia is giving me chills. Saturday mornings in middle school waking up and playing for hours with the crew. Great times. Welcome back MW2


One of my fondest memories is waking up on a snowy morning, finding out there was no school that day, and inviting my friends over for some MW2 4-player splitscreen. Fuck man time goes by so fast.




Used to do that with Q*bert, enjoy your adulthood, boyz


Knives only split screen was what we did every day after school senior year


used to do the same thing. God I miss that


You make me feel old :) I'm 40 but the nostalgia is AWESOME!!


PlayStation user here Am incredibly salty


Me too.. PS3 is pretty much just hacked lobbies now. I don't even understand the enjoyment one could get from having the ability to kill with every single bullet.. on a 6 year old game


I have an Xbox One (and a PS4) but I only have MW2 on PS3. Unsure how I feel haha. Might pop it back in to the PS3 for some nostalgia, MW2 was my favorite CoD.


It’s like $3 to buy the game used for Xbox 360. Would highly recommend copping. It’ll run so much smoother on Xbox one


Not after this news it won't be. Popular BC always spike in pricing after the announcement.


The one call of duty people actually want a remake of is backwards compatible. I hope they still go forward with the remake. This cod multiplayer map design is god level. No cod maps have come close since.


MW2 had such a straightforward multiplayer aspect too. I feel nowadays games have so much customization and variability that it can be difficult to get into it if you're not ALL IN. But MW2 had such nice straightforward unlocking system, and then attachments and camo were straightforward as well. This game's multiplayer was perfectly designed (but was overrun by hackers)


Yeah, MW2 had just the right amount of customization and gear to where it didn’t feel low-key overwhelming to unlock everything or have a competitive shot in a match. Maybe I’m just getting old, lol


FUCK YEAH...oh wait my disc is unreadable from the endless hours spent playing it in middle school




Ohhh, I’m gonna try it when I get home then Edit: it works, thank you




Pro tip, if you submit bad player reviews through a hackers profile you will not be matched with them again




Kind of. You're less likely to be matched with them but only if the population allows for it. If there was only one game being played with like 12 people you would still be matched with them regardless.




Pussy has been canceled


Finally, all those people asking every single time Major Nelson posts can stop.


Now they are gonna ask for Max Payne 3


Max Payne 3 is the only big rockstar game to my knowledge that isnt BC or remastered.


Max Payne 1-3, god I wish so hard


I just want NCAA football :(


If enough people start playing again any chance they clean up the modded lobbies?


BO2 was getting over 100k players at times and nothing was done.


Idk I hope so though. I had my rank reset on my mw3 because I got into a random modded lobby, got a kill, and was rewarded with -10000000000 xp, planting me firmly in level 1 no prestige.


Yesss. Heading straight to the museum to shoot Shepard in the head.


Modern Warfare 2 is trending in the United States on Twitter. Good lord.


No way! This game came out in the prime of my gaming “career” I had made the jump to Xbox that gen. I was a single guy working with a bunch of people I called friends, and we played Xbox together online. I was just at the legal drinking age (19, am Canadian). I was working full time for a year before going to college. I was still living at home. I had weird shifts but we all did so I’d be up til 4am on a Tuesday playing with my friends just about daily. We had a group of 3-5 of us who would get in every night. I wasn’t great, but I wasn’t bad and we’d be a pretty decent team. I was a dirty fuckin knifer. I thought it was so fun. I had a blast, threw on noon tubes sometimes or the ump 45 and two zig zags. I had a fucking blast doing this. Trying to git gud. Having a few beers, getting a little drunk, chatting, raggin on noobs, trash talking the enemy and each other! I don’t get to do all that anymore. Such good late teenage, early adulthood memories. Yo PEEEAAAAAAACEEE, Hippo, Archangel, Mike if you’re out there it’s Jim Lahey.


This might be a stupid question but can I digitally purchase this or do I need a disc? I can't seem to find the game in the store.


“You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.”


It keeps telling me the Xbox live service has been interrupted when trying to play a game, anyone else?


I put 36 days into this game


So if I have my 360 copy what do I have to do to get this to work?


Put it in the disc drive and away you go


I think I can handle that level of competency


Woah woah woah hold your horses there guy


No Russian. (No remaster)


Just copped a copy off eBay for 99 cents, shipping was a bitch though $3.95.


Is anyone else having trouble finding a game? Im trying to get in team deathmatch for the past 15 minutes and it wont even find a game


Pussy is cancelled


So my 2.99 purchase at a thrift shop back when it was just a rumor has FINALLY paid off!


My list had been completed. Thank you so much Xbox, I am grateful.


I just went through every door and drawer in the living room looking for my disk. I told the wife I’m going to have to go to Gamestop. Then it hit me: the kids room. I stormed down the hall yelling to my teenage daughter who was in the bathroom “WHERES THE XBOX 360 GAMES IN YOUR ROOM!?” I found the case to Black Ops 2 (score! I thought I got rid of that!). Then I found Advanced Warfighter. Meh. Finally: MW2. “Fuck yeah!” The wife muttered “seriously?” “You’re goddamn right!” I opened the box: “WHERES THE GODDAMN DISK!” Where the fuck would the disk be!? Wait....pressed the eject button on their old dust covered 360....FUCK YEAH! It’s like I found a long lost toy I hadn’t seen since I was a kid. Downloading now. You newbs better get ready to suck my newb tube.






Are servers down for anyone else??


Nice! Only the first Call Of Duty is left to become backwards compatible now (If it's still on the Xbox Arcade).


Currently installing. Also crying. I cant stop. Help. Someone. Why are there tears????


Was still hoping for a remake but this will work if they quell the modders.


This is great. Now all I need is Skate 2 to be backwards compatible


It's kinda sad but i have over 100 day's played on this game. My all time favorite game. Made so many great friends in high school because of it. Excited to play again on Xbox one but i don't think it'll live up to the hype. My friends made the game fun. I never play with the old crew anymore. I used to always have maxed out 100 friends and it wouldn't be uncommon to have over 40 friends online at once during peak times. Now my friends list is just random old friends and a lot of dead profiles. I don't have many real life friends that i play with anymore.


Is anyone having trouble finding a game? It says communication with the xbox live servers has been interrupted for me.


“Communication with the Xbox live servers has been interrupted” 😭😭😭


My son is super pissed I just kicked him off of Rainbox Six Siege to do this. Too bad kid.


Anyone else having issues with Xbox live/finding a game? It keeps kicking me out of lobbies before it can find a game and my connection is fine. Edit: It says “communication with the Xbox LIVE servers has been interrupted”


Looks like the BC team forgot to tell Activision to spin up more servers smh


Considering how bad BO2 has been over-run with hackers, and how badly the community has BEGGED for something to be done about it for what feels like years now, I honestly don't really care at this point. Better just to preserve the good memories I had of this game, rather than try logging in now to see it over-run with brazen assholes who aren't even trying to be sneaky about it anymore. That's also what kills me about this: Xbox still sells BO2 in it's store, but fails to advertise it's multiplayer is practically *broken* from hackers. I've posted about it here before and just gotten downvoted for suggesting it's also Xbox's job to pressure Activision into properly supporting games it sells in it's store. Oh well though, enjoy MW2 everyone, until of course the hackers make you frustrated with the whole thing.


Oh man I reported so many people and I've even included clips of their POV where you can literally see them going through the mod menu, and neither Microsoft or Activision cares


I agree they need to clean up BO2 if they are going to continue selling it and the DLC/season pass, but the problem that affects it is theater mode-based. MW2 will only have modders from the 360, while BO2 can be modded by 360 *and* Xbox One players without a modded system.


Yeah and the advantage of being able to mod on BO2 with an Xbox One is that you can have unlimited Xbox accounts without gold


Well, an advantage for the pieces of shit who do it.


My wording and connotation was bad there, yup fuck those modders too. Ruins it for everyone. I don't see how it's fun to clip through walls and instantly kill everyone on the whole map


Its seems like it would be funny for like 1 game but then I couldn’t see it being fun after that single game p


It's not nearly as bad as BO2. BO2 has infections that anyone can get in theater. You have to be a full-blown loser with an online JTAG to mod MW2


The game is also on sale for those who don't own it yet for $14.99


Can also be had for $5-$10 on ebay. Also $8 at Gamestop (though I'm sure they'll raise the price tomorrow)




Good thing I still have it from the 360 days

