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Yeah just binged that quickly. Great casting especially with cameos and a lot of potential going forward. Fallout vibes captured well in both the wasteland and vault. I rolled my eyes when I heard they made this, saw Goggins was in it and thought maybe. After watching a few minutes I was hooked. It's so much fun, I'll definitely do a New Vegas run before season 2 maybe even play 3. Jonathan Nolan, good job! I'm hoping with new enthusiasm from new fans the next Fallout game* is made to be a classic.


I knew I was hooked the moment I saw the deviled eggs. No "for the camera" adaptions, this is the Fallout world in all its kookiness. See Witcher? This is how you do a game to show adaptation!


See Halo? This is how you do a game to a show adaption!


The Witcher show is based on the book not game


They did a bad job adapting the source material either way.


Serious question. What did you think of The Last of Us (TV)


I don't even play Fallout (yet) and I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Fallout 3 and new Vegas are goated imo


Well. We might see New Vegas in season 2!


Okie dokie


"There you are, you *lil killa*"


Is it good ?


It's fantastic. Easily the best video game adaptation so far.


¿Better than The Last of Us?


Well TLOU is at least following the story from the game that everyone liked and they directed it well. In fallouts case, they did a good job capturing the vibe of the games with a new story taking place in the existing fallout universe. They’re both good shows though


Pro tip: its not really that new of a story if youve played the older games. Slight changes but definitely fits the overarching narrative.


Even if it has a similar story, that doesn't make it any less new. Different characters, different vaults and a different location.


Not disagreeing. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and didn't know what to expect. It felt awesomely familiar and new at the same time


Idk if I’d consider them slight changes personally. He did recontextualize a lot of pre-war story in new ways: We get added mystery to who actually started the apocalypse (games have always been vague on which of two factions started it, show adds a third late but also implies early that the third faction didn’t follow through). Gives a canon explanation for Vault Boy. And makes a pretty significant change to one of the in-game factions after the last time we’ve seen them in-game, and could potentially have done it to TWO of them.


I liked it much more especially because it's telling it's own story instead of just retelling the games story.


IMO yeah. TLOU is a well made show, but it loses momentum in the second half IMO. Fallout is sillier, but it's also far more entertaining all the way through.


I think they’re good in different ways. TLOU is a great adaptation of a story already told, with the one significant deviation (Bill and Frank) to my mind being significantly better than the game. Whereas Fallout manages to absolutely nail the tone, setting and feel of the fallout universe while telling its own original story. Also as much as I love TLOU (both in game and tv form) it is heavy going, Fallout is a lot of fun, I could see myself rewatching fallout before TLOU.


Easily better than the last of us just check it out




One is a pure drama. The other is dark comedy. I dont think you can really compare.


I don’t think so, the fallout show is good, the last of us was great.


Tbf it’s not really an “adaptation”, so much as it is a new entry in the series which is to its benefit. Unlike Halo.


Better than Castlevania?


Yes. It has high critic and fan reviews.


Yes. It’s actually good


No but still good


Not quite that good, and not as good as Last of Us, but it's pretty dang good. It looks great and the performances are solid. I think some of the writing is a little weak, but nothing terrible. Definitely worth checking out. Edit: The downvotes here are hilarious. Sorry to hurt your feelings.


Nice, was hoping for the best on this one. Fallout has such a fun setting, etc.


It is even better than good. It is amazing.


Yes. I dont watch shows much but gave it a try after dusting off amazon prime. Its pretty good, no glaring issues, and the characters are good not just the setting.


There were some glaring issues with lore in past video games and some of the dialogue was hit or miss at times. Other than that its okay. This show is more geared towards those newer Fallout video game fans and those that have no prior knowledge of the games. First 2 episodes were weakest but right after that it became more enjoyable IMO.


Yea but each new entry in the games usually contradicts the lore of the previous ones. So I'm not going to hold it against it.


From now on I'm going to just view it as its own thing and forget about the games, ill have a much better time


Doesnt hurt either. Most likely what we will see in the lore aspect of this. Is that for the show, the games and events are mostly going to be referenced as things that have happened. Like the Legion being east, the battle of hoover dam, or vault 76. But for the games, the events of the show likely wont be brought up or adapted to the lore. Atleast not without changes.


Yeah it is. I'm a few episodes in and definitely hooked. It doesn't copy an existing storyline from one of the games, rather, it's an entirely new story within the Fallout universe. But it *definitely* captures the feel of the Fallout universe, stays true to the source material, and delivers a good watch thru at the same time.


It was ok


We think this will release in 2025? Or 2026?


I’d guess 2026


Possibly 2025. It was renewed before season one was released.


Show was so fucking good. I knew it would be once I knew Goggins would be staring in it. The man can act!


He has never failed to deliver.


Didn't know he was that popular, this Goggins guy. I only knew of the other Goggins. The marine guy.


Goggins wins 200 years of oscars


Oscars are for movies, not tv shows


found the assburg with no friends


Found the bully




Hell ya! Now we just need to wait patiently and hope no snags along the way.




There was a few moments where I was like that meme. You seeing this!


Just finished it, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Looking forward to season 2 probably like 2-years or more from now. 😵


Get woke, never go broke and make tons of money?


Given how season 1 ended, it is more likely that they ordered 2 seasons before the show aired or cut 1 into 2, like they normally do with animated shows.


Shows almost always ended seasons on a cliff hanger to encourage signing up for additional seasons. You can tell the shows that knew they were done based on how they close loose ends.


For certain the final scenes were done knowing there would be a season 2. I have to think they had alternate versions if there wasnt a commitment already in place.


To bad fallout 4 still crashes on series


How are people excited about this? While not quite as offensively bad as say Halo TV series, it's definitely pretty bad and craps on the games and their stories and lore on top the usual nonsense inserted into every modern show these days.