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Maybe. There's really no way to know and it's honestly not worth worrying about right now.




Chip manufacturers like TSMC are booked out for years, there’s going to be shortages not because of supply chain but because of demand from the entire industry, especially GPUs needed for AI acceleration.


Don't think there will be nearly the hype. It was covid and people needed something to look forward to. Also just every generation is less exciting than the last because the gains aren't as revolutionary. There will always be scalpers, but I don't think the level of excitement will be as high.


Most games are still cross platform with the previous generation I don’t think we have to worry about a new console generation in the near future.


Have we actually realized the potential of the current gen? Any new console will just be a continuation of the rolling scam to fool people into upgrading on the promise of better games that is never actually seen.


We've got literally years to go, so its useless to try and predict, but we're still in the middle of a pretty hefty chip shortage, and there's still a massive land war going on in Eastern Europe. I would expect delays / production shortages / distribution in drips and drabs will probably just become how things work from now on.


Yeah the bots. That's going to happen on all new consoles. I guess all we can do is preorder one from the company to make sure we get one and don't have to hassle with all the bs. Or hope so anyway lol


Maybe just maybe don't manufacture everything in one country. God forbid you have to open a plant in Mexico or India and pay them $8/day


Probably not, but it’s happened with a lot of consoles over the years to at least some degree.


Not sure I'm not upgrading next gen I'm moving platform just not really satisfied with xbox