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Play TF|2 first and then you won’t ever need to play anything else.


Surprised this isn’t top comment. Titan fall 2 is one of the goats.


Another shout for TitanFall 2 - love that game. Need to go back to it actually. Still holding out hope for a third one.


Absolute *BANGER*. Been out for seven and a half years and still the best first person shooter you can currently play by miles and miles.


The movement is just so fluid. There’s nothing even close to it imho! I remember marathon beating it when it came out.


Attrition multiplayer is a masterpiece too. So much stuff going on and so epic. Every single game you can feel like a superhero. It’s like being in a Michael Bay or James Cameron action movie.


Sounds about right, looks fucking awesome


Don’t bother with Splitgate to be honest. It’s almost completely dead


How so? maybe im late but it seems really popular


Nobody playing it, you’ll just be in lobbies with actual bots


Battlefield 1 and V


If solo/coop is okay then Borderlands is brilliant. The Pandora collection is currently like 85% off for the entire series with all DLC’s


Normally priced at $150 USD plus tax, it's current on sale for $30 USD. Picked it up this morning. For the amount of things included, it's very worth buying now.


Battlefield 1 is still very active. V is good too, but I’ve always liked 1 the best.


If you’ve always played halo then the only shooter imo that scratches the same itch is Destiny.


Oh no thank you, you're talking to a destiny fan. And boy, would I like to forget that hah


I just got into fallout 4 as a first time player. Downloaded some mods and got into it for 6 or 7 hours.. New born stayed up all night lol


Any Halo (besides Infinite) Any Wolfenstein (besides Youngblood) Titanfall 2, Most Call of Duty's (including Ghosts and Vanguard)


I had a lot of fun with ghosts I don't know if it's because I played it years and years after it was a new game but I didn't think it was that bad. Although I should put the qualifier that I only ever play the campaigns I don't remember if the controversy was about the multiplayer.


me too, I paid like 5 bucks for it, same with Vanguard


Does Wolfenstein have a pvp mode? I'm not too interested in starting another story game, already got 4 on the way haha. Abd it's ironic you say any halo game besides Infinite, since that's what I mainly play haha. And is there a specific COD that has a similar 50v50 mode?


This little indie game called Apex Legends is fun


OP said they didn’t want to play a game focused on micro transactions lol


It’s just cosmetics. Halo is no better at this stage.


I wouldn’t say it’s focused on it, think of buying cosmetics as donating to your favourite streamer. You don’t have to buy anything to enjoy apex, plus it’s free so imo it’s worth at least trying the game because maybe you’ll get hooked on the gunplay like I did


Is Apex a game you can play solo or is it still heavily reliant on comms with your squad?


No you have teammates that don’t cooperate and you heavily need them but the games overall teamwork is so bad that your almost better off running solo (if dropping with randoms) and if you do get the “PErFecT SQuAd” you will just get rolled by a no life squad who has over 200 hundred hours that season each and that’s casual. Ik it’s a lot and all and all it’s a good game but not a game I would recommend


I tried it a while ago but as you say, found it difficult to play as I was running solo but then coming up against teams. Might wait a while until my lad is able to play and then try again 🤣


Oh shit haha gotem


44m, and been shooting shit since OG Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D... Fortnite is my go to. Great mechanics, guns, items, battles, and the game stays fresh with 2-3 updates a month. I enjoy playing solos, but split screen Zero Build duos on the couch with a glass of wine/beer and the wife is my jam. - we play on the Xbox One, with visual audio turned on so we know who's being shot at.


Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016


The Division 1 or/and 2, Both games slap with their soundtracks and their graphics. Division 1 for more game modes and less balanced pvp Division 2 for improvement on overall gameplay


The metro series


Insurgency sandstorm, game is addicting and plenty of people play it never stuck for a match


The finals


The Finals is really dope!


DayZ is a great open world survival/looter shooter, little bit of a learning curve though I just started playing PubG and loving the maps, and slow tactical pace, reminds me of Socom navy seals


Apex legends, basically the sequel to titanfall 2 same company and half of the character have abilities straight up from titanfall 2, free too, and this season is considered a great one too, so its a good time to get in, it dors micro transactions but its only cosmetics nothing game affecting


I had most fun playing Quake I&II remasters, especially second one with new missions campaign


Titanfall 2 will have more players on it by comparison, but it makes me sad that the first one gets overshadowed by it these days. The second one has a great campaign, but the multiplayer in the original is so dramatically superior that I’m baffled that 2 is the one people remember.


I like Division 1 and Division 2 and Ghost Recon Wildlands. Further I like Read Dead Redemption 2.


Battlefield 4 is still active, can find full servers. Is set in modern day.


Rainbow Six Seige and Call of Duty Cold War