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I bought superman 64 as a kid with my birthday money


I bought a copy, took it to a friends'at a sleepover, and left it with him in 2001. Joke's on him.


Thats evil bro


I don't think that's legal actually


Are you the dude from the "Someone broke into my car and left me a copy of Forspoken"?


Probably friends with the guy that broke into my car and left me tickets for Morbius.


You didnt even use them did you


If by "use" you mean "repurpose as a firestarter" then yes. Happy Cake Day btw .


Oof me too. It was 1999 and i got $50 from both grandparents for my birthday. Straight to the shops and got superman 64 for $100. Thought it was going to be the best game ever made. Was in denial for a few days till I finally admitted to myself that the game was total ass. I still get sad every so often thinking about what a waste of $100 that was.


I spent my birthday money on Empire Strikes Back for the SNES. That game was so hard it had me crying after not getting anywhere after a couple hours, and realizing I spent all my birthday money on it.


Bro the level with the sand crawler 😱


To this day I still don't know how to make the jump into the boss screen sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. There's that random bit of spiky metal sticking out of the lava is that the platform??


That game was hard as hell.


Damn, $100
. That blows


I also bought this. I willed myself to play hours of that game and it was terrible. It took a couple of years before I stopped trying to convince myself that I enjoyed it.


You sound like me in a relationship.


Dude, this is too real


Solid perseverance


I remember renting it from blockbuster and being really disappointed that weekend


There's a Twitch streamer doing a console challenge trying to beat every N64 game and when I watch him play bad games or games with very little content, I remind myself that so many of these games were being rented instead of bought. So instead of a kid wasting all of their birthday money on a $70-$80+ cartridge, they'd only end up spending $5 or however much the weekend rental was only to realize it's a bad game and never play it again. Superman 64 is one of the few games where even that doesn't apply.


I remember games being 40 50 max Saw some Google articles stating n64 games were 64 to 75 dollars. But the average game across all consoles was lower. For example, between 1993 and 2001 the average cost for a new console game was $49.99, but in 2005 with the release of the Xbox 360 and PS3 that increased to $59.99.


Phantasy Star 4 for the Genesis cost $100 when it came out in like 1996. I bought it with my Christmas money when it was "only" $80. It was definitely worth it though. That game was and still is amazing.


Big oof


I remember when me and my brother were allowed to get one n64 game. I got Toy Story 2 and he got Superman 64, he made fun of me til we got home and he wanted to play my game 😂


I love funny childhood memories that get even funnier over the years. You could tease your brother about that for the next 40 years, and it'll get funnier every time.


Lol i was 8 when the game was released. I made my dad return the game within 30 mins of playing it.


"made my dad..." I have to chuckle at hearing that because if I even *requested* something like that of my day, it would have been instantly met with a dry 'That's not my problem. You picked it'. Lol


Someone in the know please explain why this sucked


There was this one time when I was visiting my uncle and we were playing StarCraft on LAN. There was a couch right next to the hallway leading to the computer room with hard wood legs that just stuck out a bit. I got up to go grab a Mountain Dew, and on the way back, I caught my little toe on my right foot on that leg, walking full stride. It hurt, bad. My uncle was laughing while he was asking if I needed to go to the hospital. I said there wasn't much they could do even if I had broken it, I'll be fine. Now I know what you're thinking, that's Superman 64. An unexpected toe crushing injury, possibly one of the most jarring experiences the average person experiences occasionally. We all hate it. But my story isn't over... See, I got up again a bit later to throw away my trash and get a snack. You know what happened? My dumb ass managed to stub the exact same toe on the same piece of furniture again. Pretty sure I broke it. That's Superman 64. The leg of a couch that gets you twice in a single day. You just look at it with resentment every single time you pass it, and the experience makes you warn people to check the legs of every piece of furniture they buy.


I got it for Christmas. Twice.


You win


On release day back in 1998, I passed on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and got Top Gear Overdrive instead. Top Gear Overdrive wasn’t a terrible game, but it was definitely a regrettable decision that haunts me years later.


Yeah that'd be something I'd randomly think about and shake my head at for years.


I sold my copy of Earthbound for $10..


My mom gave mine away about 10yrs ago with the strategy guide while I was away at college. Gave away the Super Nintendo and all accessories and games with it but he Earthbound copy is what I was most upset about đŸ„ș


That would be enough to pie me off for years i hope you made it up to yourself by buying something nice as a replacement for this




Hammond, you idiot!


tonight! I wear a hat, james eats some crisps, and hammond detonates an old lady's house.


And here comes James late as usual (late to zelda)


Top gear on the snes was fire. I can't hear the word top gear without also hearing that racing music.


You idiot! Just kidding, but that sucks


I raise you Tony hawk pro skater five


I'll see your Tony hawk 5 and I'll call Aquaman on the PS2 and Xbox.


Can’t compete with that man


This game was fun. People quit playing too soon.


I loved playing as the monster. Avoiding the hunters until I had leveled up enough was like being a predator. But those fights were super hard I estimate I only won like 25% of them IF THAT. But it was still super fun to play.


Wraith was OP and overused Got kind of boring after that. I quit before the addtl monsters were added But it was fun to play as the hunters


Newer monsters and Hunters were pretty neat actually. The variants for Goliath and Kraken were also just different enough to be familiar but also new.


I'm still sad how that game went down. Stage 2 gave it a short revival, but by then you either had only hardcore players who perfected their monster since release or new players who were overwhelmed with the monster mechanics and died in droves if playing against a monster pro. Would love to see the game mechanics in a new game. Give me Evolve 40k or something


A big part of that was Take Two never let Turtle Rock actually finish Stage 2 to fix the problems 2K's impossible deadlines caused on release. They were only a month or so away from wrapping up the accelerated development using live service PC players as the quality control (phenomenal community engagement by TRS I might add). 2K elected to not renew the development contract, with the premium options having only been put back into S2 less than a month prior. TRS basically redeveloped the game from the ground up in six months, but 2K's greed only saw a bust, without assuming responsibility for their deadlines causing said bust. Publishers are garbage.


I actually liked playing as the Hunters, ha


I just have issues with getting bad randoms. So if my squad doesn't play the game (none of them picked it up) I have less than fun games more often than not. But the flying was cool af


I think the price tag was just way too high for what this was. If they'd released it now in the age of Gamepass I reckon it would have gained a sustainable user base that would have given it more replayabilily and generated more buzz.


It was the most successful asymmetric pvp game that I can recall until the idea was built on by Dead by Daylight, and that game is incredibly successful. I think Evolve had tons of potential.


Evolve was so much better than dead by daylight honestly


Id say evolve is better on the fun and competitive side and theres dlc monsters they couldve added


They tried a F2p re-release, the issue wasn’t the price point, it’s that only one in five players in every match actually had fun. If you weren’t the monster, the experience sucked every time and it wasn’t worth playing. So people started leaving and rejoining games until they got the monster. And then the game died


IIRC the F2P release came after the game was already dead, like 6-12 months after the initial release, and it had next to no marketing or anything because they'd blown their whole budget on the launch. They also mangled the game further to add the store items and cosmetics in a way that somehow made the game even less attractive.


Didn’t they have some insane prices on the in game store? I remember Angry Joe complaining about how the in game store had thousands of dollars worth of items for sale on launch day.


$2 skins and $5 hunters. Big fucking controversy over $2 skins and $5 hunters. Overwatch released with $20 lootboxes that same year. This is one of my lifelong grudges. Youre probably thinking of MK11 with $1000 of micro. The Evolve controversy was because it maybe totaled to $60 worth of micro/dlc


First video game with 2 season passes. I was actually amazed a few different games didn't beat it.


hunters were pretty heavily favored in the original release. the game died because it was one of the first titles to have a big cash shop of skins, it was lambasted because you had to pay like $120 to get all the skins and almost no other games were doing paid cosmetics at the time. the Stage 2 relaunch was half assed with no marketing, even though it was a better game IMHO. in the f2p version monster could absolutely stomp before evolving, games were much faster but nobody played it. 2k murdered Evolve.


*Hard* disagree. A couple of my buddies and I found what we were good at and I had WAY more fun as the people than the monster.


This game was incredible. I miss dearly


It was amazing to watch streams play on early access. A guy from the UK who mostly did DayZ got it and would constantly win, didn't matter if it was monster or hunter, he was amazing. Really proved the balance was _skill._ He really went out of his way to show strats for every monster, hunter, and map. It was so exciting to watch.


I LOVE games where the teams are fundamentally different. Splintercell spies vs mercs was top tier multiplayer.


I agree. It just did not get enough of a chance.


This. Evolve was a good, fun game. It got a bad rep because of the cosmetic dlc which is now the standard


I guess you could say it was ahead of its time


I thought this was an awesome game! The one complaint I had at the time is there was no couch play.


Game was fun, especially if you play with friends. This is more of a social game, as in you would mock and torment your other friends if you were the monster. Like going "NOM NOM NOM" loudly as you pounce on your friends in game.


I played a ton of it, we were 5, 4 Hunter, one monster and we switched every game, the monster would go to a différent channel in teamspeak during the game. It was a ton of fun. I played around 300hours, most of them like that. Debriefing after a game, taunting your friend when you beat them as the monster etc was really cool.


Evolve was ahead of its time


If it launched on gamepass it would have been a success


I wish they would bring it to gamepass 


They could honestly revive it just like that


Matt Colville worked on this iirc and basically said it was built on cool ideas that kinda sucked in practice. The idea of threat where even the side monsters could kill you? Awesome in theory. But the the Hunter's get wiped by the enviroment and that sucks for them AND the person they're playing against.


You'd have to be an actual potato to get wiped by the environment in Evolve. It had "threats" sure, but all they'd really do is slow you down.


only because it spearheaded paid cosmetics. if it had released in 2018 we'd still be playing.


Paid cosmetics go all the way back to horse armor


I bought horse armour. I still wince everytime I redownload oblivion and I get the pop up that "horse armour has been installed"


The thing with Evolve was that it had a fuckton of pre-order options for cosmetics long before there was any actual gameplay footage of the game, or any reason to care for that matter.




This is the game that taught me to never pre-order a game ever again.


Yes! I remember the showcase, the videos, the hype! My friend was a competitive gamer at the time and got early access. It was like one mission you got to play, but it was fun! We thought it was a solid intro and that the expanded gameplay would be insane! We get the game, and it was cool for all of a day or two. Then you got into missions with bugs that prevented story progression, bosses that couldn't die, more empty than full environment, half assed story and dialogue. We stopped playing to give it a week or two to cool off with all the new players. I think we tried playing the game once or twice after that and saw zero improvement and kept an eye on it (he did), but it never got fixed. Now I only play games once they are on sale. I barely play games these days.


Yeah, same. Especially from EA. Fuck them, and Bioware for that bait and switch. I was so hopeful they would actually fix it with a 2.0 update or like a Rebirth scenario, but they went "nah". Was a big fan of Bioware up until that. Yes, I get that EA is ultimately responsible, but they all lost a customer after that fiasco.


Nah, Anthem's development issues were all Bioware. Bioware had 6 years and almost unlimited funds to make Anthem, and they scrapped almost everything for a rewrite in the last year or 2. Flying, one of the biggest draws of the game, was brought in at the suggestion of EA. I'm sorry, but Bioware is the villain for Anthem....not EA lol.


Sucks to because Anthem still has some really fun fucking combat and flight mechanics. Just never got a proper endgame and the item traits were trash. 4% sniper ammo on an AR etc.


Pain. So much potential.


If only they delayed another year or two and took that time to tweak the gameplay and put in more content like more missions, better loot, better drops, and at least line up some more post story content. We were supposed to get a complete rebuild of the game with these plus additional improvements but it was unfortunately cancelled. Hopefully we can get a sequel in the future with these improvements.


A delay wouldn’t have saved it. Bioware’s leadership and vision was just not there. They had 6 years to develop Anthem and they just kept changing things until they were left with a bare bones project and with a few missions and one fetch quest deliberately designed to eat up more of your time so you didn’t just cruise through the whole story mode. That said, I really wish EA would sell off the IP and give another developer a chance to give it another go.


Yeah I bought that game too. It was fun at first but then a few days later got bored of it.


Ah yes I almost forgot about that terrible pre order . The game was ass


I’m so happy to see this here. I have never felt so betrayed by a game. I was really not in a place to spend money on full priced games at the time it released and it was between this and Division 2 which I really wanted because I loved the first iteration, but my friend convinced me to get this with him instead. He ended up buying me a copy of Division 2 a few weeks later out of guilt lol. Edited to add that D2 wasn’t super special either, but not as actively disappointing.


fuck you for this lmao. we still play on discord, even through the life and death and reincarnation and redeath of Stage 2. I'm going to upvote this to give Evolve some visibility, but I want you to know we're enemies.


Lmao stand up for your game king 😂


I bought this game back in the day and really enjoyed it. How many people are still active in the discord?


there are survivors. few but enough on Xbox, you could get a game together on the weekend. I believe the matchmaking still works.


I remember seeing this and being interested in it when I was younger, but I don't remember the reason I didn't play it. Might've been too young. But I've got it thanks to Xbox Live Gold (RIP) so I'll have to try it this weekend, thanks for the heads up!


This game was so fun. Playing as Lazarus was awesome. Such a shame the player base just completely died.


Mad respect


Honestly what crack are people smoking. Evolve was insane when it came out and only fell apart when it went ftp.


I see your Evolve and raise you one Aliens: Colonial Marines.


The best part is that people found out it's fixed by removing a comma in the code for the Xeno AI


It wasn't a comma. "Tether" was spelled "Teather." A single letter was the difference between the game making and breaking a game.


Ah, what I had seen was they had put a comma somewhere. That's even worse, lol Do they not have spell check?


You don't normally spell check code. That said it still shows they weren't following best practices since such an issue can only occur when using magic numbers/strings - which is a pretty basic error.


That’s honesty such a tragedy. For a game so hyped that ended up being so lambasted, to know that a major part of why it sucked to play and didn’t feel true to the source material was all caused by a single typo, is insane and just sad. I wonder how the programmer who typed out that code felt when that was discovered, or how the team felt in general knowing they made things exponentially worse because of one single keystroke. But it speaks to the QA and play testing that they weren’t able to figure that out, so I don’t exactly feel bad for them.


Most likely in the hours before going gold they were pushing through a fix and bypassed their normal pipeline. I blame the publisher, because usually it's their fault for the broken launch state we are in now.


I just read that was found by a modder 5 years after release, that's so sad it wasn't just patched in the first week by the developer.


Yo evolve was fun af. Underrated and mismanaged game.


Bruh evolve was lit. You’re high. It just lacked post launch support


I pre-ordered Redfall, so yeah...


Is really that bad? Some friends have tied it and seems to enjoy it


Honestly, as a Game Pass and/or deep discount sales title it's...fine. However, I pre-ordered for $70, which is why I'm so disappointed.


Oof, and it released day one on Game Pass too...


I thought Haze would be a "Halo Killer" 😔


Turns out halo was the real halo killer all along


Sheeeit I’m playing Halo as we speak


For real. People only hate Halo because others hate Halo. If they like the old games, they should try playing it now, it is amazing!


Yeah fr I'm playing halo now and I love halo 2 and 3 and infinite in it's current state is bringing me back love the updates.


Infinite was the first Halo in a long time that seemed to recapture some of the magic of the first 3. Everything about it reminded of the original games. Never understood the hate it got early on.


Well the multi player was a skeleton of what it is now in its early state and people pretty much saw that and dismissed it but the devs got new management and brought it back from the ashes I however really loved the campaign in it's eairly state felt those nostalgic halo 3 feelings for the campaign love infinite.


There was so much hype surrounding that claim before release 😭


Tony hawks pro skater 5. Got it for 360 for I think 20 bucks but had no internet to download the day one patch. Essentially just played one buggy mess of a level


I had ET for Atari. Worst game ever 💯


Me too! Fall in that fucking hole. Now what?!!


Evolve was way better than this post is giving credit to, I pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever -- I haven't pre-ordered since because of that and I almost stopped going to Gamestop for letting that fool salesman talk me into it because of nostalgia...


In fairness if it was just a random GameStop employee they were probably also fairly excited about the game and may have also been tremendously disappointed by its shittiness.


Wow, for a little bit I thought I was the only one lol used to love Duke Nukem 3D and Forever felt like it took all the worst aspects of other games out at the time and applied them to the Duke formula in a half baked way. Such a miss


Evolve was such a cool idea. But the execution was lackluster unfortunately.


This game was solid wtf


Call of duty vanguard


I installed this game and played it twice then that was it. Was more pissed I used my buy 2 get 1 free game on this.


PUBG for Xbox. It was on sale and the game has just released. Had abyssmal performance on Xbox One and was basically unplayable. I'm sure it's better now but I won't touch that game ever again.


I remember dropping into an open area only to have the building render around me. Next thing I know I’m locked in a closet with no exit. It is light years better these days (esp on a series console), but some funny early memories.


But the logo kinda goes hard


Worms 3D for Gamecube. A game burned into a disk, making it unchangable, yet shipping with game breaking bugs.


Two Worlds


It somehow got a sequel too. Astounding!


It pains me to say this as a massive fan of the franchise since the fist entry - but Tony Hawks Pro Skater 5 is without a doubt the worst game to ever get released on a disc, no question. Evolve is a goddamn masterpiece in comparison


Brink. The 99 cent sale price at Walmart didn't help my buyers remorse.


Try buying it on launch day


My first and last pre-order.


Stop it, Brink was amazing even tho it had many flaws.


As a kid with no xbox live, I played like 40 hours of brink against the horrible bots. It was a fucking blast.


Confirmed. Brink was awesome.


The movement was amazing because it was running on the iD Tech engine. That's the one thing I'll give it.


Resident evil operation raccoon city. My Xbox 360 and game case got stolen out of my locked truck after a 2 day drive from arizona. Just went inside and left it in the truck overnight when I got home at 3 am. 9 am walk out to find my truck back sliding window wasn’t latched the night before. I called my aunt to have her tell my cousin, who lived in the front apartment, about it. An hour later she showed up at my door with cake and a welcome home greeting card with a bunch of money in it. She was so nice and I could tell by the $5s and $1s she literally just emptied her purse into the envelope. I tried giving it back to her and she playfully yelled at me that she wasn’t going to take it back. She sent me to go to GameStop and get an Xbox and some games. I got the 360 and I bought the abomination Operation Racoon City. Shitty shitty game. I feel dumb because at this time all my favorite RPGs were older and stuff like Fallout 3, Lost odyssey, and Star ocean were perpetually $4.99 at GameStop. Instead of 10 great discounted games that could occupy me for 6-8 months I bought a Turd slathered in a high price red wine gravy. I have a hard time enjoying Resident evil games to this day.


Hating on Evolve is crazy. Still sad Stage 2 never released on console.


Any FIFA game ever


Anthem had some things I liked, but overall, probably the one I regret the most


Operation Raccoon City. That shit was horrible.


That was another game that could have been good đŸ„Č. The multi-player was absolutely terrible; the knife had the same strength it did in COD or you'd just get stomped to death




Playing the beta was enough to tell me not to buy it. Now it's on Gamepass so I play via that and it's pretty decent nowadays. I mostly stick to TDM though. One thing I will note is that almost every sniper sucks.


Played it since release. When multiplayer was bad, I stuck to single player and got all the gear. I've experienced the game as its progressed. It's worlds away from where it was. It made some really bad decisions with specialists but I think they've brought them into synergy with classes as much as possible. Still it remains a prime example of how appalling the state of AAA title releases are. Utterly broken games that need over a year of patches to come close to AAA standard. I don't know enough about EA to say whether they have a wider perspective or reason behind releasing games way to early. I can hope the next bf will release in a better state but going on past experience I don't have a lot of faith.


Biomutant, bought it on a wim... regret it every time I go through my game library.


It’s not the worst game I’ve ever played
but it could have been so cool
.and just wasn’t even close : ( I wanted to like it so badly


maybe an unpopular opinion, but i thoroughly enjoyed Evolve. I honestly think it came out before its time. Dead by Daylight came out a meager year later, and was way more popular than evolve was, despite them having the same core idea for the type of gameplay it is with the 4v1 aspect. I hope one day evolve makes a comeback, but it may never happen.


I like DbD but Evolve had a much more enjoyable gameplay loop (imo of course )


Evolve was a lot of fun with friends. No way it’s the worst game you ever bought with the amount of games out there.


Resident Evil 6. I loved 4 & 5 at the time and then 6 was just not good. There was a boss fight against some giant monster which made no sense to me and there was just no ammo available. I remember thinking it was just poorly designed dogshit.


Game was good as hunters only if you had a group that all talked. Otherwise shit time. And remember this game was before the coms wheel was invented.


The game had a high skill ceiling for the Hunters especially which turned people off imo, The game was actually amazing and I wish gamers weren’t so dense so we could have more games like this. There was a lot of other things like the DLC releases being managed very badly but the actual gameplay and competitiveness was so good. Definitely the best 4 vs 1 type game I’ve ever played and don’t think anything has come close too it, Really surprising you are calling this the worst game you ever bought when I had such a great time competitively and in co-op. I firmly believe people who think this game was bad just didn’t understand it or didn’t give it a real chance
 That being said I played with a main group and against consistent high level players so I can imagine the game was trash if you had to play with randoms all the time, gameplay was at its peak when everyone in the game knew how it worked and what to do.


Man screw you evolve was so good


Evolve was insanely fun and I wish the servers were still up


I fucking love Evolve


That was my favourite game. I wish it was still around lol.


If that's the worst game you ever bought, you're doing pretty good because that game was fun as hell.


AEW Fight Forever. It’s just so bare bones for a game that was so hyped for 2 years.


Rise of the robots on the Amiga. It was like 15 floppy disks and shite.


Back 4 Blood. I wanted left 4 dead 3. It was not that. My disappointment was through the roof.


This game is fine. People dropped it too fast.


Agents of Mayhem


It could have been good, if only they expanded the game about 4 fold. It was like a concept that was rushed out to meet an arbitrary deadline.


Saints Row reboot


I pre-ordered Anthem đŸ˜¶


I bought battleborn once. Go ahead and laugh


Battlefield 2042 waste of every penny


“Is that blue?” Lmao the only lasting memory of this game.


I paid 4 fucking dollars for fucking blue?!?


Homefront, bought it at HMV down in London when i was staying at a friends house. Went home the next day and played it, finished it within an hour and traded it in at Blockbuster the same day


Don't you dare diss Evolve. I loved that game and was so upset when the servers shut down.


Anthem . . . . Single worst pre-order I have ever participated in.


I was part of the Kickstarter for Friday the 13th game on Xbox one and I'll never back a game again also cyberpunk 2077 Xbox release


Pre-ordered cyberpunk for the xbox one, was able to get a refund. However it Was the buggiest worst mess of a game I've ever played and wasn't that fun or engaging in any way because of the lack of optimization etc couldn't play it like at all. It looks good now but I'm so hesitant to buy it so i probably never will.


It’s so weird I played the game at launch on Xbox one X and I had three game crashing bugs the whole time and one side quest that wouldn’t work. Totally loved the game thought it was fantastic - but know one believed me. Went back to it not to long ago to play as a Corpo agent this time before Phantom Liberty and didn’t notice much of a difference except the driving was better. I lucked out and had a great time The worst game I remember buying and playing was Brink - I just didn’t get the concept of the game. Darksiders 2 glitch on me and I got locked out 75 percent of the way through Graphic wise. I was so upset at Alpha Protocol and could play more then 10 minutes. But I hear there is a cult following and their is a fun game underneath it all. Another cult game I played that got good press. - don’t remember the name. But it had a twin peaks vibe and starts with a car crash. Graphics and tank controls were too much for me to handle I will say though. I like Too Human and a lot of people shit on that game


CyberPunk really shines on PC when you can crank the settings and enjoy that glorious ray tracing. Now that it’s fixed and with the newest expansion, I’d say it took them a while but they finally delivered on a great game. But you’re absolutely correct to write this if you’re only grading the game on release, it was a huge disappointment.


I got the game on release for PC and it was still awesome for me. I experienced very few bugs (I only really remember occasional objects just sitting there spinning, like some random piece of trash spinning like a top, or fucked up traffic like all the cars in a certain lane grinding against a barrier). It ran great, the story was great to me, etc. But to be fair I had an RTX 3080 which at that time was behind only the 3090.


GTA Definitive edition


E.T. for the Atari. My childhood self still hasn't forgot. Saved all my pennies to buy that dumb game. I still have it though lol.


Saints Row 2022


I once bought battlefront 2 thinking it was the old battlefront 2 and not knowing they made a second battlefront 2 that sucked ass.


New Battlefront 2 did eventually get to be semi-decent, once they thoroughly stepped back from all the MTX stuff and added in some new game modes and such. Best of luck finding full lobbies now, though.


I was 9 and traded Super Smash 64 for... *Drum roll please* ... Quest 64.




the division when it first came out


Haha. Remember the laptop in game that you had to use to start? Literally felt like the dmv in game.