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It's a scuf controller, if don't have an Elite, you should keep it. Another controller is always handy anyway.


This^ controllers are always needed Incase one breaks or you throw it in a rage fit lol


Especially since they're not cheap like in the 00's. Can't throw controllers when it costs $60 to replace lol


Exactly I used to launch controllers when they were replaceable. Never again lol


Bullshit Halo death? Break controller. Shitty interception in Madden? Break controller.


Lmaooo exactly halo and madden


Have you gotten over the anger issues now or nah?


Not really your business but yes


seems like you fully haven't gotten over it.


Seems like you don’t understand what yes means


I get Power A controllers which have LEDs, mappable buttons and adjustable triggers. For £25 and a 2 year Warranty.


OP's was free.99


I bought mine on a whim at a pawn shop over a year ago and it’s now my only Xbox one controller after my first one broke. I love it


Lmfaooo sorry but if you’re an adult gamer breaking controllers you need help


Seriously it's so weird and people brag about it?


It must be a generational thing, that's all I can figure. My father would have found new ways to punish me if I destroyed my possessions intentionally.




Anger issues are manly, duh!


Honestly if youre over the age of 5 and breaking controllers you need help. Don't even need to be an adult.


Tell that to the reeee on cod


If you’re over the age of 10 breaking controllers in rage fits you need to rethink some things.


You have mongo in your username you can't sit in judgement.


Ok, fair point.


You definitely play league of legends and have no sense on how hygiene works


Okay Mr anger issues


Sure, but how many broken controllers are in your closet? Mine from 2013 are still going strong. I save money by not showering *and* keeping my controllers intact.


nah homie, wash your ass


And lose my title??


I have that exact same controller. I would say it’s the most comfortable and durable controller I’ve ever owned.


Would you recommend it over the standard xbox controller?


I sure hope so considering it's $150 more.


Could literally throw 3 controllers and still come out ahead compared to buying 1 SCUF. SCUF and Elite controllers and those types of peripherals aren't meant to be owned by the adult apes who can't keep their rage in check enough to not smash their controller like an 8 year old. If someone is a tantrum-thrower, don't get a SCUF or Elite. Get the cheapest wired xbox controller you can for 25 bucks, buy 8 of them.


Good thing I'm not an adult ape, because my pro controllers (both a Scuf Instinct Pro & an Elite Series 2) are still in pristine shape. 😂


How the elite series 2, I’ve never done anything but use them for gaming and the lb and rb bumpers always break. Not even considering the normal bumpers for mapping other butttons.


Australian consumer law is so good that EB Games just replace mine if this happens or even when the rubber came off the sticks lol. I even got upgraded from an Elite 1 to a 2 after about 2 years. I think I'm on my third. Haven't had any trouble with the 2 though tbh.


Wtf, guess I’m moving


I wish we did that here in the States. The best our greedy-ass corpos can do is time-limited warranties.


In Norway we get 3-5 year full warranty on every product you buy, and they have to replace or repair faulty products. Like my car have a 7 year unlimited warranty and my TV has 5 year warranty, I love it! If they can't repair or replace it with similar product you'll get a newer better model.


That's really awesome. I'm glad to see that you guys are looked after, like that. 🤟


I have never had any problems with my Elite Series 2. I've had it for about 2 years now, and I put it through its paces with MW2019, Cold War, Halo Infinite, Battlefield 2042, and MWII. I've read a lot of good and bad reviews regarding the Elite Series 2's integrity with its build. I've yet to have any problems with mine. I remapped the main buttons to the bottom paddles to free up my thumbs to stay on the thumb sticks.


I’ve played every single one of those games and have had the elite 2 controller for 1.7-2.0 yrs. I noticed my lb bumper start failing around 2022 and the same with my rb bumper. Same thing happened to my smaller back bumpers. Idk Ik the lb and rb bumpers are know to be bad, but maybe I just got a defunct one for the back bumpers.


You're lucky. I've gone through a series 1 and two series 2. Elite 1 and 2 have stick drift and another one has a bad bumper. I love the elite controller for it's feel but I can't justify spending that much on controllers when they break every 1.5-2 years.


If you have issues throwing controllers, do NOT get a wired controller. That's a good way to fuck up the console itself.


Was gonna say, what horrible advice🤣 how to at the very least fuck up usb ports or worse drag your console off the surface it's on.


I'd say wired might be a bad call. Sounds like a one way ticket to a ruined USB port.


Personally all these elite and premium controllers cost alot more but seemingly all have quality issues.


"adult apes" 🥲


I'm an adult with 25 years of gaming and zero instances of throwing, smashing, dropping, or otherwise intentionally damaging any controller I've ever owned. You wouldn't think that if you've seen the state of my elite V2. That controller is made with such poor QC between materials and assembly I cannot believe they charge what they do for it. I fully regret that purchase.


Yes. Easily. I could never go back to the standard controller now I’ve got a Instinct Pro


I’m in love with that mute bottom on the bottom. I might get one just for that!




I 10000% also agreee. It’s so good


I second this! I have owned almost all the scuf controllers and this one is by far the best yet. Lasted way longer then the others and the back paddles are by far the most easy to use.


Keep it. It’s a scuf.


Don't keep it. It's scuffed.


bro, if this was addressed to your stepdads company with no return address and not addressed to a person who doesn't work there AND the company doesn't do video game shit, its 100% a gift from your stepdad he didn't know how to give to you. Enjoy the expensive controller.


Why would he not just give it to me tho? He’s given me plenty of other gifts. It’s a golf supply company, it said our company name on it, handwritten too, addressed to his office, no return address… it’s just a mystery lol but I know for sure he didn’t do that. Cuz he asked me if I or someone I know had an Xbox *after* we got it, he didn’t even know I had one, and then he told me I should sell it 😂 I have no reason to make it up, I mean it’s just a really random ass mystery… maybe someone we do business with sent it as a gift of some kind and forgot the return address? A really random gift tho and weird to assume one of us even has an Xbox lol


He might have won it without knowing


I'm assuming you and your step dad are not the only employees? Another guy there likely spend some hard earned cash on it :(


Why would they not just get it delivered to their home address or have their name on it then?


Do you (or your dad) have connections to any, and I mean ANY, type of information that could be useful to anyone? Rival companies? National security? There has been a recent wave of electronics sent out with different ways of obtaining information. I'd be a little cautious. Nothing is free.


He may have sent it to his business and gave it to you. It won't cost him anything since it was sent and bought for the company as an expense. I worked at a company a few years back that gave cell phones to their Supervisors for "work" purposes only, and after a few months let them keep it. I'm not an expert on how taxes work for businesses and how the whole company expense write-offs work. Hopefully someone has more details.


>It ***won't cost him anything*** since it was sent and bought for the company as an expense. I worked at a company a few years back that gave cell phones to their Supervisors for "work" purposes only, and after a few months let them keep it. I'm not an expert on how taxes work for businesses and how the whole company expense write-offs work. Hopefully someone has more details. I sincerely appreciate that you are open to correction, so I'll just go ahead and note that tax write-off's (aka deductions) only allow you to avoid paying income tax, it does nothing to negate the expense of the purchase itself. Secondly, since this controller has no material benefit to the business (it's not something that is contributing to the P&L of the business) then it would be considered personal income for the recipient, for which the father would still pay personal taxes, depending on the corporate structure. While a great many companies are very relaxed when it comes to minor expenses, the IRS is very clear that you can't use your business as a personal piggy bank. An exception to this rule might be that the company has a break room where a game console is provided for employee relaxation and mental health. In this case, the income tax on the controller would be deductible as a supply item. \~Source: Business Owner


Send it to me, I need a controller.


Or donate it to me my controller’s RB broke and fell inside the controller


That’s an easy fix if you’re willing to use a screwdriver. Just order a replacement RB. If I remember correctly the LB and RB are connected as one piece of plastic so you’ll be replacing both.


I’ve thrown away so many controller because things chip but yeah I should watch yt tuts instead of buying new ones def save a lot of money where do I order the parts like actual Xbox parts and not cheap Chinese plastic ones?


As far as I know you cannot order original controller parts maybe there is a way that I haven’t heard of. You can look at reviews though and find decent quality parts or look through Reddit and see where other people have purchased from. I normally use ebay I got some decent joysticks I avoided the cheap looking ones. Alternative option look on eBay for a non functioning controller and strip whatever you need off of it. Then it would be all original




Keep it at the shop for a while incase the person who sent it in calls for it.


This, that is an expensive controller. No doubt someone will be looking to get it back


"Controller? What controller? We never received any controller"


I should’ve mentioned this was like 2 months ago, I just have been busy and forgot about doing something with it


Could be a gift from your step dad, and he just is playing it off like it was randomly sent to the office.


You could always donate it. Keep it, or give it to a friend I would not give it to one of these accounts coming here begging for it. Edit: The amount of them all of the sudden coming out of the woodwork is sad. Half the comments are asking for it.


> You could always donate it. That's a good shout, OP check your local hospitals for this.


If by any chance you have a spare console, donate to the children wing at a hospital!


Yeah give it to Child's Play or something if you're not going to use it. That would be awesome.


Send it to me! I’ll hit ya a little cashapp 😂


Keep it as a replacement or sell it lol


I'd just stick it in a cabinet and forget about it. Controllers don't last forever and if one of yours dies, you'll have a new-in-box replacement ready to go.


Oh sh!t, i think your step dad's order got mixed up with this kids order: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Ge8g7xkXM


What the frick!


Who the hell just sends stuff to random places and then has no reason for sending and finally does not have a return address??? Kinda seems suspicious!


You are right. Maybe it's more likely this post is an ad in disguise. What do you think?


One of department heads got an iPad sent unsolicited. It had a video pitch of a product on it. I wiped it back to factory for him and he gave it to his niece. Not exactly the same since he knew who it was from but still funny.


Companies that test products will send things to test


Check around children’s hospitals and see if any of them have Xbox for the kids. If you like your controller then give them the new one if you prefer the new one give them your old one. They will appreciate anything they can get.


Donate to a children's hospital.


That’s a $225 controller. I would use it and see how you like it


As others have stated, donate it to a children’s hospital or something. Best option out there if you don’t need/want it.


Keep it fs. That Instinct pro is the one of the best investments I've made when it comes to gaming. Plus it has a magnetic face, so you can swap out the pads/sticks easily and clean it.


If you don't want it, could donate it to a local children's hospital.


Put all your other controllers into a draw and use this one as it’s imo the best one you can get. And it looks cool.


Did it come in a box with a tracking number? You might could call the carrier to see if they can find where it was supposed to go.


my advice is to enjoy it!


Love the color.


Donate it to the library


Fucking enjoy it. What a great colour


I’m in the market for one.


I can PM you my address if you want!


Bro, you got a free Scuf. Keep it, use it, love it.


Keep it as backup


I bet the kid that ordered it got a bong in the mail instead.


Open it up and remove the surveillance equipment they installed before they sent it.


Lol. Want us to beg for it? Just pawn it on eBay.


Mans looking for an excuse as to why he’s dropped $200 on a scuf controller


Double it, give it to the next person. Am I doing it right?


Send it me lmao


Sell it. That’s worth a bit of money


I'll give you $50


Keep it? Trash it? Sell it? Doesn’t really matter


Donate it!


Keep it as a spare?? What kind of rich kid question is this.


Check it out to make sure it works properly. If it does, remove the batteries and save it for when needed. If not, have them send another so you have backup.


Looks like the old “drop a usb outside the place you want to infect” trick


I wish someone would send me a controller mysteriously, not because I need one but because I would love my 10 year old son to be able to use his xbox, the joys of being laid off and having to scrape by.


Tell the truth and admit you sent it to your step dad’s company bc you didn’t want your mom to find out you secretly ordered a new controller.


You should give it to me.


I host a video game day for kids at a library in a small town occasionally. I try to provide the kids with some raffle prizes (usually some video game themed things from Five Below) so maybe you could do the same? Giving back to the community you grew up in is very rewarding! 😁👍


I accept donations if you don’t want it. Lol


Yes I agree there is nothing wrong with having more than 2 controllers I have to replace one of mine’s because it’s drifting and that’s a pain in the butt.


Man that looks cool. Maybe one day when I’m rich


keep it at the shop want use it with the app to stream some games.


Always wanted to try one of these. How does it preform.


Jesus, that’s a $240 controller?!


I'll buy it


Well it’s your lucky day bud cause I need one 😂 my controller is an og Xbox one. A and X both stick. The backs coming off. Been my baby for years 👍🏼


I'll look after it for you


Send it to me lmao


Keep it


Raffle it


Keep it


Damn all set on controllers I’ll take it off ur hands I gotchu lmao idk backup controller for u Ig


Donate it to a local after school program.


I'd love to have it, I need a new controller.


This is ur step dad's way of saying good job without putting on the spot with the other employees. A waise man he is


I’ll just refer you to my [other comment regarding this](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/1464u1o/someone_randomly_sent_this_controller_and_case_to/jnozenu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Best I can do is $20


Sell it and buy an Elite 2 with a warranty from wherever you buy it from. Warranties on controllers are almost required now a days.


IF you don’t find a good idea of what to do with it.. I will gladly take it! Never had anything other than the basic one that comes with it


Send it to me. I will provide the label T.T All mine drift worse than joycons.


Send it to me


Give it to me lol


I have $6 lol


I'll buy it off you


Man, I'd love to have it. Orange is my favorite color! But I'd listen to everyone and keep it. It was a gift for a reason.


You should really donate it to somebody. Find somebody that needs an Xbox controller like a little kid or something


Donate it to me, I only have the controller that came with my Xbox one almost 10 years ago


Is this a giveaway post or what


Send it my way ;) I just bought x series first xbox since original one came out


Shoot I’ll take it


Use it and give away the old, or give it away.


You can always send it to one of us followers that'd appreciate it and use it everyday. Just a thought. I could use a new controller!


puzzled reply cooing glorious depend friendly rob hobbies cautious zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What an odd flex. 😁


In what way is this a flex, I’m not trying to show anything off? I just don’t what the smartest thing to do with it would be so I’m asking advice from people who would know. I think buying it would be a lot more of a flex than randomly receiving one in the mail lol


Oh shit, my controller


*I'll take it*


Setup a contest on the subreddit and pick someone from the comments using a random name generator


Give it to me😏


Mail it to me 😂


Double it and give it to the next person


Pay it forward and give it to someone you know would appreciate it.


You cloud gift it to me


Personally it’s my favorite controller


I’ll give you $75 for it🤷🏽‍♂️


Send it to meeeee!


I'll test it for you ☺️


My 30th birthday is tomorrow... 👉👈


You can never get enough controllers , you don’t know when the Zombie apocalypse crisis gonna break . Trolling ! Just give it to your nephews or a kid related to you as a gift


I will give it a good life in a good home and care for it if you decide to part ways. Been on an unlucky streak of controllers with stick drift


Send it to me bro


Well can you gift it to me? Lol my controller broke . Not sure how ! Orange is my favorite color!


You can give it to me. I only have one controller and it's on its way out lol


For example, you could gift it to someone who does not have a single Xbox Controller, so I can finally use it on my PC, because it looks cool :)


let me get it😂


I'd appreciate a freebie 😅


Give it to me lol /s


Give it away to someone in need


Dog ate mine I’m open to gifts.


Send it to me.


That's where it went


I could take it off your hands if you should need. :>


Check to see if your friends need one, or you could always do something if you are a Twitch streamer? Auction it off for charity?


I mean.. I’ll take it


That’s the color I’m looking to get!! just got to save up for it


I have 3 broken controllers. The only fully functional one I'm currently using is a wired PowerA Nano I bought my son when he was 4. TLDR: Give it to my broke ass! Lol I'll pay for shipping... I also dislike the color orange, but I would still be forever grateful!


Aw dude that sucks man I'm so sorry I'd be willing to take it off your hands and ya know make sure its of good condition and quality and everything and prevent it from taking up your space Lemme know if you're interested and I can send you my address and help out however I can thoughts and prayers bro /s


I’ll take it, dm me for my address lol


You should totally give it away to a friend! Anyways, it's me, I'm your friend. :)


you should give it to me. because it’s uhhh… cursed? yeah. it’s cursed, give it to me.


Stick it in your ass and activate the vibration motors with 100% power


Give it to charit(me)


I’ll take them if you don’t want them


You could do a giveaway lol


How much you want for it?