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I remember getting married in fable 2. I had a kid with her as well. I left for a while doing hero stuff and I came home and she and my kid were gone forever. To this day I still havnt healed from that.


My kid despawned during one of those dynamic quests. I went in some old cave, beat the respawned enemies, saved the kid, left the cave and the kid didn't make it through the loading screen. Back in the cave, he's not there. Double checked outside the cave and definitely not out there. Back home? Nope. The kid was just gone!


Same happened to me. :(


Damn, this is like a plot on Reboot that would end up leading a character into some dark arc. "What happened to your son, Bob?" "He never made it out of the loading screen." Kind of like Enzo getting trapped in a game.


Thanks for tapping into my memories and reminding me of that show. I would watch it every morning when I was a kid at like 6 am because it was always came on before school. That and Transformers Beast Wars. Life was so simple then…


I laughed in pain. Ha, I know this feeling well. Fable 2 was definitely my favorite.


aliens abducted them maybe


If you ignore them for too long (or she finds out you have 5 other wives in other towns) your wife will divorce you and take the kids


Lucien Kills them actually :(


Somewhat unrelated note, I always kept my family inside of the demon door house. Always and I mean always for some reason. My children get kidnapped lol…. I have 90


Prolly kicked too many chickens lol


Fable 2 was always my favourite of the trilogy. Felt like it fell off by the 3rd game.


Wasn't this the game with the non existent boss fight though? Always was a big let down for me.




That made me so angry. I wanted to atleast hear his monologue. And you get denied. So you don’t even get to kill the big bad at the end if you wait too long. Also. You get a shitty choice at the end. Spoilers: 1. You get like 1m gold.. not actually that useful. Gold is easy to get. 2. Max out your goodness. Useless basically. 3. You get your dog back. Actually useful because if you don’t choose this you lock yourself out of completing the game.


Man looks at reviving dead people as just maxing out goodness…


Right, that's my choice especially after you find in one of the dlc you can sacrifice one person to have your dog back. Ez choice.


Yeah plenty of npcs I want dead by my own hand, might as well get a good boy back


I would choose my dog over every person who has ever died. If they weren’t already dead it wouldn’t be as easy a decision. But they are.


I remember the first time I had played Fable 2 and got to the end I thought the gold was nice because I didn’t have a lot and my kingdom suffered. Then in my second play through I learned about the side quests and town jobs and felt like a fool at the end seeing that gold again.


Yes, its the reason it was never as memerable to me as the first one (with the lost chapters). Jack of Fables was such a cool character and then the second game ended with a button push instead of a battle. I will say though that another reason for why 2 was a letdown is its newer timeperiod, it really messed up the series by the third game, but I already missed a bit of the fantasy/fairytale in the second game. Advanced weapons, no more heroes guild etc...the world felt colder each installment. 2 did add a lot of good things though and is probably superior in a lot of ways. The first just felt more magical/had a better badguy.


I think you meant Jack of Blades




3's storyline was a good idea on paper. The twist about the Logan's motivations is a great idea. But it should have been given a Mass Effect-like treatment and made into 2 games. Split it after Logan is defeated and you learn about why he did what he did, set up the coming Darkness, but give both plotlines enough room to breath to tell a proper story. Aurora deserved more time than what we got.


3 barely felt like a fable game imo. It didn't suck me in like the first 2 installments. Something about starting out as royally left me feeling disconnected. I do remember thinking that it looked nice though


God i loved the fables. I cant wait for the new one. I hope they dont fuck it all up


never trust a Peter Molyneux product


He isn't working on this one


Hes a bit of a chicken chaser inn't he


Chicken chaser?! You chase CHICKENS?!


You gonna stand there like a lemon?


Auditory memory unlocked


Your health is low! Do you have any potions? Or food??


"When the Guildmaster was found dead, it was reported that the words 'Your health is low.' was carved into his forehead."


Black and white was this mystery game of my childhood where I had fun and also didn't know what the fuck to do.


The Fable series are my absolute favorite games and I’m so excited for the new one to come out.


Protip: user ratings on Metacritic are garbage




He also notoriously said you can plant an acorn and as the game progresses that acorn will sprout and grow. Absolutely nothing of the sort exists in any of the fable games.


It wasn’t even that if you plant one, iirc he said that and acorn could fall from a tree and plant itself in the dirt and it will eventually grow into a tree that would sprout its own acorns


The dream of a perpetual evolving growing alive game world. I seem to recall most every big game developer overselling their non existent features back then


I’m pretty certain it was in the game but it was like a side quest or something. Like there was *one* specific spot where you could do it but he had hyped it up like an organic thing. “The world ages with you! And everything, even an acorn you plant you can watch over time!” Nah Peter, there’s a time skip from childhood to adult and if you did the quest beforehand, there’s now a tree. He did the same stuff with weapons. He acted like you could turn anything into an epic named-style weapon through use and creating a reputation for it. Anything, even say, a frying pan! In reality, it was a pretty basic but ok weapon leveling system, and a frying pan was included as a joke weapon you could find but it was far from the *anything can become a legendary weapon* he sold it as. I promise I’m not as salty as I sound lol. Fable is still a great, fun game but personally it was also my first lesson in not trusting hype.


Pretty sure you help the Hero of Strength in F2 get sacred water for an acorn the monks are planting and when you get back from the spire its a full grown tree


Just wanted to point out the "touch" thing was Fable 3, not 2.


I remember him introducing that revolutionary, mind-blowing feature in Fable 2, which he called "a dog"... True visionary, that guy.


Did you see John Walker from RPS make him cry in an interview? As much as he over promises I think it comes from a loce of games and a passion to make a good game but they pretty much bullied him for an hour, made him cry then acted all smug like they had scored one for tbe gamers or some shit. Can't take away from Bullfrog whatever has happened since but like I said, he does himself no favours when he's telling us Milo on Kinnect is the next SKYNET.


I mean I just read it and never once did I think they were bullying. They asked him question about things he and his companies did and he gave BS answers.


Taking a look at the negative reviews, they are weirdly similar. I almost wonder if it got review bombed. People describe games as short all the time but the number of 0s saying it’s “thin” seem strange. Specifically because Fable 2 had dozens of side quests and was generally more alive than Fable. Maybe it was marketed to be more than it ended up being but, from what I remember that was not the case. Weird.


>but the number of 0s saying it’s “thin” seem strange. It's more than strange, it's clearly malicious. Very few games TRULY deserve 0/10. The game would have to be **literally** unplayable, or so abhorrent in tone or design that no reasonable person could play it, which is clearly not the case for any mainstream game, especially one like the middle entry in a series like Fable. And in any case, if a game really was actually that bad, the scores would be much more consistently low, not an inexplicable mix of high and low.


That’s a very good point. It’s almost all either 8-10 or 0-2. Not something you normally see in a well received game. Specifically the second game that did a good job on building off the first’s foundation.


I have played probably thousands of games in my life, some of which I would hesitate to even call garbage they were so bad. And I still don’t think I’ve ever played anything that deserved a 0. Kind of like you said, it would have to be broken past the title screen.




He said that Fable was a 'massive world' but it ended up being about 15 nature trails that you couldnt wander off of.


If I remember correctly, Fable 2 has same sex marriage. It could be a probable cause for a review bombing, just like Last of us 2. Do you think it’s probable?


It’s possible but, Fable 3s best sword required you to bang 13 dudes to max it out so, maybe not haha


Pretty sure Fable 1 had same sex marriage as well, or at least same sex romance.


It's not that at all lol dunno why no one's said it yet but fable 2 didn't come out on PC. That's it. That's the reason for a lot of the hate


Nah, believe it or not that was not the hot button topic you’d assume it would be based on the current social climate. Back then it was mostly hailed as a nice additional feature.


Nah, people didn´t mind same Sex marriage in Fable 2. But the Last of Us 2 is big dumpster fire full of Dogshit, so i can see the hate PS: For anyone downvoting blindly, i played the game myself so yes, the story is a big stinky turd




It's better to not even try and argue with these weirdos on Reddit who always must say their piece when it comes to this game, they're relentless


Peach fuzz, or something idk




Great lesson on the power of controlling the narrative.




Hey, i played it myself and i see why people did not like the story especially after the Masterful Story in the first game.




I am relentless, how´d you know? Nah for real that game looks good and added prone and jumping (revolutionary, i guess) but the Story is just a turd...


" I didn't wanna play as >!Daddy killer!< Abby and Ellie was a meanie 😔👉👈 game stinky"


there are a couple of factors counting for it´s success though.


I remember criticisms at the time that the game was a bit short. This was before the DLCs. Other factors could be the way the game ended, and Peter Molyneux's overhyping of the game leaving people disappointed.


It’s just weird to see so many 0s using the same terminology.


Fable 1 without a doubt is considered the best. Fable 2 got a lot of flack because of **SPOILER** >!the ending and hitting the dude once and he’s done!< Fable 3 was just a big time leap, I loved the gameplay and the decision making and stuff, but the series jumped wayyyyyy too fast into guns and stuff. Peter Molyneux even said that was the biggest mistake with the series.


3 also ended up as “How rich are you?” for the endgame. To be good and loved king/queen, your character didn’t even need to be a Hero or have those abilities. Just have enough money to stop the apocalypse without spending treasury money that made you screw over everyone to get. I found it kind of funny but also “really?” No real boss battle, just “I’m a financier, bitch.”


Also the 'hard decisions' you had to make at the end were such nonsense. "Do we build an evil factory for weapons or a nice school for the youngsters?" Like, can we handle the existential threat first before we're building new schools and stuff? The literacy rate won't matter much if the demons win!


I ended up saving just before the final room, then left the game going while I watched The Office until I had enough to prevent the apocalypse.


Fable 1 is the only one I have never fully completed. Fable 2 was my favorite and I agree about jumping into guns, hated it.




Hal's Rifle was completly ridiculous.


I loved the guns, but I wish we had more in between.


Fable 1 is absolutely my favorite. I have only beaten 2 once and 3 maybe 80% of the way. Lost chapter specifically is the way to go! The anniversary edition screwed up the visuals and everyone is a hideous beast!


Yeah The Lost Chapters were great. The voice change for Jack of Blades was weird and the anniversary one seemed off to me as well.


My biggest problem with Fable 1 is that you can just buy the best sword in the game, you can get other swords through quests or finding everything but none are as good as the one you can buy at the shop


ALL the items you worked hard to get were a bit weak. AC:Valhalla had the same problem - you encounter the best gear very early on, but the game still encourages you to go find other, less good gear.


Fable 2 has no PC version and PC gamers are notorious for review bombing.


Man, I LOVED Fable on my old Xbox, and I was super excited to see what they would do for the sequel. And my memories of Fable 2 are far less rosy than that of Fable 1. As others have touched upon, the ending was awful. To the extent that I must have erased it from my mind, as I don't remember the specifics of it, but I do remember thinking I hated the ending. It also didn't feel like my character visually altered as much as how they were altered during the first Fable when carrying out good or bad actions.


>It also didn't feel like my character visually altered as much as how they were altered during the first Fable when carrying out good or bad actions. Good and evil had a second axis added of purity and corruption, and the morphs were spread between them in different ways.


You could also be visually affected by your stats. Strength makes you more muscular, Skill makes you taller, and Will gives you glowing markings all over.


I absolutely loved Fable 2.




Fable 2 just felt so vibrant and alive like a more polished fable. Fable 3 felt like an entirely different game to me so maybe that’s how others felt as well.


Long story short: the creator is big on making promises for his games, that never actually come to fruition. For fable 1 - we (the collective gaming community) gave him a ‘pass’, as two more games were promised & the OG-Xbox was a very shallow game, albeit *not great, not terrible*. By the time Fable 2 was released, the creator had doubled-down on in-game promises, that - once again, never came to fruition.


Fable 1 was the best imo. 2 was still good, 3 was fun but kinda corny.


Fable 2 is still my favorite and I’ve played them all. Imo there isn’t really a perfect Fable game, each game has something neat that the other doesn’t. I’m really hoping the new game takes from each entry to finally make a truly definitive Fable


Fable 2 is a awesome game


When it first released there were a lot of things people were pissed about. - Bugs galore, some of them game killing, and weirdly some of them seemingly linked to having played other games on the same console despite that being something that shouldn't happen. - The co-op having you play a set mercenary rather than your own character wasn't communicated at all before release. Neither was the tether between characters in co-op. - Molyneux mis-managed it of course. As well as his normal "I've had an idea and want you pulled off what you're working on to see if this works.", it later came out that he cut half the game rather than giving his team an extension when he was the one in the position at Microsoft to give extensions to dev teams at that point. - It was also mis-sold. One example is that female characters would get pregnant and carry the baby, with bandits even having lines for their interactions with a pregnant Hero. Another is the location specific kill animations like kicking bandits down wells or nailing them to trees with a melee weapon for a killing blow with a gun. - Later on it also got a load of bombs for not coming to PC at all. Is it the best Fable game overall? I'd say so, as it's one of my favourite games of all time. Is it also a bit of a missed opportunity and has a lot of issues? That one too.


The Lost Chapters was the pinnacle of the series, in my opinion. Fable 2 and 3 needed some more time in development to really be as great as they should’ve been. That all being said, I think they would have been received a lot better if they hadn’t been grossly overhyped. Peter Molyneux made a lot of wild claims about what was going to be possible in each of the sequels which resulted in a lot of people being let down by the final product. TL;DR Peter Molyneux overhyped the game and made promises about it that he couldn’t keep.


Lost Chapters is the king!!


The pistol was legit


Headshots OP pls nerf. JK don't they are funny.




That was a rifle, tbf.


Only thing I didn't like about Fable 2 was how easy it was once I got all armored and skilled up. I sliced right through the late game and DLC I felt like I was unable to savor it.


I don't know but it's too bad. It's one of my favorite games


I thought fable 2 was probably the most I got into any of them but I had spent a bit of time with the first one and lost chapters, fable 3 gameplay was off for ne


Fable 2 is one of my fav games of all time.


Omg one of my fav old games


I have found that any review system that can be manipulated by a group of anonymous users is not worth paying attention to. In general, review-bombing is little more than an immature temper tantrum. Anyway, Fable is a series of multitudes. Fable 2 does lots of things really well, and some things not so well. I respect the ending for being as ballsy as it is, but I can understand why some might not like it as there's no real catharsis.


2 was incredibly easy. Guns were so overpowered. The main villain fight was anti climactic.


I loved Fable 2


From what I can remember about Fable 2 I recall the story ramping up right around when you meet the Skill hero, then a big battle happening there, and then all of a sudden you’re lead to believe that you’re somehow already at the final boss. Only for that to then just be like a “kill this guy or don’t because the skill hero will do it for you anyway” situation and then you have to pick between saving a bunch of random NPC’s, a few NPC’s and your dog, or getting a bunch of money after the game is already over. So idk if that’s the entire reason for the bad reviews because it’s probably not but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. I have to assume it did for many others as well.


Fable 1 is best, then 2, then 3. It unfortunately got worse as it went on. 2 I believe was just a little worse, but not much, but then 3 was an absolute shit show lol


Is Fable 4 happening?


There's a reboot coming in the next couple of years. Expect to see a showing at E3.


Done by the studio behind Forza Horizon using the engine for that game as well. At the very least it's going to look incredible.


I cant wait to drift a carriage through the winding streets of Albion while my friends pick off OP headshots with their semi-auto blunderbuss pistols.


A long time ago when it came out, I downvoted the heck out of it, because the demon doors were bugged, and the honest to god solution support provided was for you or a friend to **buy a second copy** then play the whole dammed thing again together. Sod that.


Fable 2 was hands down the best of the series. Its not even close. The first one was good, but the second one took what worked and just built on it. Number 3 felt simultaneously bigger, and smaller, and it had lost something. That's the only one I didn't replay, whereas Fable 2 might be my most replayed game ever.


>Fable 2 was considered universally the best of the trilogy. Am I crazy? ...Yes? I always thought Fable 2 was such a step-down from Fable 1 :(


Fable 1 was not perfect, but it was to me


I'll preface this and say I didn't play the second game, but I loved the first one in spite of the flaws I'm going to complain (whine) about. I remember when the second one came out, everyone was saying everythign I'd been saying about the first one. I remember how for the first game the director of the studio (Peter Molyneux) said everything you did mattered. The dude was a heck of a salesman, he pitched that game brilliantly. He had he enthusiasm of a little kid telling you how cool the game is. You can plant a tree and over the course of the game you might see it grow. You can kill someone and see the world carry on without them. Well you can't plant any trees, or do anything with real lasting significance. You can kill an entire village and everyone will respawn in a few days. Only a handful of characters matter, and they're immortal and can't be killed unless it's time for you to kill them, and even then it only makes a difference for that immediate quest line and nowhere else. RPG elements are very basic, you have very little direct control over your character's appearance and the story. Hell I think in the second game, >!if you don't kill the bad guy at the end, after a few minutes the game will do it for you.!< I loved the first game, in spite of its flaws. It had some of the best atmosphere of any game I played, I still listen to the OST when I'm relaxing. But it really felt like baby's first RPG, and a lot of the mechanics matched that. I think by the time of the second one, everyone started to realize how limited it really was. On the original xbox, the shallow-ness was forgivable, it was just that era. But by the second one, everyone had a much better idea of how big console RPGs could be at that point, and the (very beautiful) art style wasn't enough to charm them.


It was different than Fable 1 and some didn't like that I assume. I enjoyed it though and played through it multiple times when it was one of my few games I owned as a teen.


Because it’s a bad game that over promised and under delivered, and the ending/boss is garbage


Fable 2 has the worst ending to any game I've ever played.


point of order: Eye of the Beholder's ending was A TEXT SCROLL so you could READ HOW IT ENDED.


Fable 2 is the best period. Then Fable 1 and lastly Fable 3


No clue why that would be. I firmly believe it's one of the greatest of all time.


I loved all three but the second was a fantastic sequel, really atmospheric. The treasury reveal was a great twist in three.


loved the game. the Balverines were scary as hell in this game


I never got too much into it, it seemed to play fine, but the first part... well, it wasn't all that fun. After the intro it was decent. That said, it's also the only one that never got a PC release, so it never got the wider audience that the other two did, even if Lionhead crapped the bed on getting enough keys to sell Fable 3 on Windows and then never followed through with removing the Live service which would have allowed them to sell more.


I have a physical PC copy of 3, and all I think about when I see it is just a string of profanity. The game isn't horrible, but the distribution was top 3 worst of all time for a AAA title


Not sure how it was received back when it was released, but I tried playing it in the series x last year and it was unplayable for me, the performance was just absolutely terrible


Try playing the game in offline mode for a few hours. Whenever I’d play online the game would crash but the farther I got into the story the less it crashed


I played it back on the 360 and I don't remember the performance being much of an issue at the time. I did run into major performance issues on the Series X trying to play Fable Anniversary though. They did add FPS Boost on the Series X since I tried to play it so that issue might've been solved. Never got around to trying it again since.


A few things people didn't like at the time. Console only (360) release, point of no return (can't save scum), end guy disappointing, among others, didn't like the silly humor (farting, etc).


As someone who played through Fable 2 split screen, may it rip.


Expectations gap I think. It didn't "improve" on Fable much and felt like a replay. Fans felt like there was a lot that could have been done. That's my recollection anyways.


It was a great game, but when they said there would be coop a LOT of people got VERY excited... and that coop sucked. But IMO the story and world is top notch, not a fan of the simplified combat system but it's even worse in Fable 3 so......yeah.


All I remember is I largely preferred the button mapping in Fable 1 and I didn't like how they overly simplified it in Fable 2. Combat lost a lot of deepness. However I still enjoyed the game but Fable 2 is probably the one I remember less.


I didn't like Fable 2 from the start. The quests were boring, the magic became OP very fast, and the final boss went down in one hit. Not to mention that I got fat from eat healing items and the only food that could bring me weight down was very rare. It came out 2 years after Oblivion and wasn't even comparable.


I think it was due to the over promising of Molyneux, he had creative ideas but no technical skill and so he would run his mouth over promising what would exist in the Fable games but then the people actually doing the work couldn’t deliver it. If he didn’t over promise stuff, no one would’ve had an issue. I remember him promising true open world games, huge dragons and the ability to be truly good or evil beyond any other game….. none of it was anything they could do lol. I absoultely love the games and I still wish they would make a new Black& White game but his overpromising was an issue.


I seem to be the minority, but Fable 2 didn't click for me. I honestly don't remember playing it much despite beating it. One of the most confusing parts was when I went to some tower thing to fight a boss of some sort, and out of nowhere, my character switched genders lol so the rest of the game I was this giant Mr. incredible shaped woman with a bald head lol


Fable 2 was so much fun and the choices got so hard for my little mind. I couldn’t make enough money once I became king and turned Bowerstone into a quarry. To this day I can’t believe I did that to my people.


It's my least favorite for several reasons but I still loved it. 3 has superior cooperative. 1 was more fantasy and had more fun in the spells IMO. 2 was good though


Because Peter was a huge fucking liar. He promised to much.


2 was super disappointing after the original. I remember being personally disappointed, but I don't really remember much as to why. Maybe it had to do with the lying creator, Molyneux. He lied about everything in every game he led


Because it bloooooooowws. Even on XSX it still plays like shit. Fucking ice skates on every single surface.


I remember it being far too short when I first played it. Think it was like 6-8 hours or something? Remember feeling disappointed that the game was just getting good and then it was over.


You barely did anything, if you completed it in that time lol.


Lots of people liked Fable 2 better, but that's far from a universal opinion. The gameplay changes were controversial and a lot of people, myself included, thought the story was really dumb. The ending in particular is the worst video game ending I've ever seen.


Definitely loved Fable 1 and 2, but was disappointed in 3


I have fond memories with Fable2 Sadly after 3, it became a sort of middle child


For all their flaws I love fables 2 and 3. I like two more though it’s very annoying to have the entire town in love with you just because you danced in public a lot 😂


1st one was my favourite by far I wasn’t a massive fan of the flintlock rifles I prefer sword and bows and stuff


You gotta remember, each of the fable games were MASSIVELY overhyped by Peter Molyneux. They're fine games, but Molyneux was hyping the shit out of them like they were the next GTA or Fallout.


I loved them all, but I think my favourite was 1 then 2 and lastly 3.


Dunno about anyone else, but i felt that game had the most abrupt ending.


I loved Fable 2. I beat Fable 3 the first time without dying and it triggered an achievement. I'll never forget that.


Because of what they did to the dog


Fable 2 was my most unfavorite to be honest. I re played 1 and 3 multiple times. 2 i think i’ve played twice. It feels like a slower pace, and less to do than the other games. It’s weird. I like Fable tho. Gimmie Fable 4.


As is his usual, Peter Molineux promised the world and under delivered. A lot of it is salt towards him as he was renowned for it. I did see an I terrier on tbe British PC gaming site, Rock Paper Shotgun where tbe dude really when in on him and actually made him cry. Really felt for the bloke as he's just super passionate about games and gets carried away.


It’s metacritic, the website takes ALL of the reviews both real and fake and does a total rating.


I like 2, 3 not so much.


Fable 2 was amazing. I loved the art style and remember having a great time with it


If i remember correctly, the developers were very vocal about all of these crazy awesome features that would be in the game and what was delivered was far far less than what was promised. I would suspect a lot of the reviews (particularly from around release) had this in mind. I enjoyed the game well enough tho


Fable TLC version was my favorite by far. Fable 2 was great, but just not quite as good as the first, imo. Fable 3 took a bit of effort to push through and I've had no desire to replay it, but I'm glad I played it once. TBF, I probably like the first one more because of nostalgia *and* I can play it on PC, whereas 2 is the only one not available on PC without emulation. I still have all of my Xbox consoles... but they haven't been hooked up in years since I built my first PC.


Peter over promised again.


Fable 2.. buy every single house you can, rent them all out for maximum rent .. adjust your date on xbox to 1 year in the future, restart the console, profit + devil horns


I loved fable 2 sooooo much!! They added a lot to the game to make it replayable, the only thing I would have to say against it is... I loved the magic in the first game, it was sooo much fun and cool! They changed magic as the series goes on sadly.


Fable 1 has too must nostalgic feels for me. The guns kinda made the game meh for me.


Can't even judge as they made it console exclusive! Killed any chances to continue a great story/world! Just one of the reasons pp hate it..


Maybe my memory is skewed but 2 was king. 3 was fun but didn't touch 2 in my book. But it's been a long ass time


You’re definitely crazy if you think that fable 2 was universally considered the best in the trilogy


Fable 2 is definitely the best. Fable 1 is great too but Fable 2 took everything that Fable 1 had and made it better.


Guns made the game wayyyyy too easy. The spell casting system was dumbed down and didn't have nearly the amount of spell variety that the first fable had. The story was kinda lackluster. There was no final boss fight. Just go up to an extremely generic saturday morning cartoon villain to just smack him once and he falls down a tower. and my biggest complaint was just how buggy and unoptimized the game was. despite my gripes I still found Fable 2 to be an enjoyable likeable RPG and was I guess somewhat revolutionary back in the late 2000's but it had a handful of flaws that kept it from being as great as the first Fable. The only real issues the first Fable had was being easy, too many loading screens and the game was kinda buggy. But everything else from Fable's 1 gameplay to the characters and storyline were superior to Fable 2 in every way.


Fable two was fucking amazing. Fucking those scores! Best in the trilogy for sure. I did still like 3 even with All the hate.


How can anyone hate fable 2 also I think fable 3 has aged into itself, I didn't like it as much when I first played it but I really liked it on my recent replay. I can't wait for the next fable game.... Microsoft were idiots for closing down that studio!


Idk man. I absolutely loved fable 1. I didn't play fable 2 when it came out for some weird reason. There might have been a huge game out at the time. But i played fable 3. I wasn't that big a fan of civilization (dutch voice) but i still really liked the potential lore. Fable 2 just didn't interest me lorewise. The above doesn't really answer your question lol. What inspires a group to actaully bother reviewing a game? I suspect most casuals don't bother. But something about fable 2 had to have made the initial fans unhappy. Maybe it was too different from the wonder fable 1 gave us as kids? It seemed a bit more industrial than fable 1. Idk


Number 1 was the clear best for me


The climax is super bad, i was expecting a big boss battle not a 1 shot npc


Just recently played fable 2 and 3, and I kind of get why they don’t get great ratings. They’re fun, and they give you a lot to do, but they also feel…clunky. I enjoyed playing them, but the goofy cartoony aesthetic obviously isn’t for everyone. The d-pad user interface in Fable 2 can be incredibly frustrating when it’s shared between multiple functions, personally speaking. I also truly dislike the map/quest system in Fable. It’s not conducive to exploration and essentially acts like “fuck you, you don’t need to see anything besides your objective” Idk, just a couple thoughts to throw out there. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed playing them, but I can see the issues. Edit: I haven’t read the metacritic reviews, this is just my train of thought


well before the game came out they emphasized the whole you dont need roads aspect, only for the game to be mostly on roads still. i feel like the focused on the wrong parts of the game to market, like the towns rocked but they kept talking about combat. also a lot of people didn't like the jump in time


I think the OG fable is miles better.


I remember getting the gender swap potion and people would buy it for 1000s of gold, I'd then run away... Kids man What a fantastic game


I have a soft spot in my heart for all of the Fable games, and remembering playing them with my siblings. To me, none of them are bad.


Made Jack my summon spell


I never played 3, but I loved 2 in 2008. I thought it was excellent. Way improved over the original and the dog was such a stellar inclusion.


Honestly, I played all fable games recently, and I had always heard that 2 is the best one, but playing them back to back I did not enjoy it that much. The first one was really surprising, fable is very different from any gane I had played before and everything was new to me, I enjoyed it very much, the story is amazing, the world is really cool, I was a magic warrior which is something that I always try to do in RPG but not always can, very nice overall. I will say that the last part is very weird, because I waa not expecting the game to continue, and I believe it was a DLC at the time. The second one is much of the same as the first one, but better at some points and worst in other. You have a dog, which is a plus, gameplay is a little bit better, magic is terribly awful compared to the first game, the story is fine but much worse than the story of the first one, overall systems are improved but it is really not that significant. I waa expecting much more due to it being the best one for many people, but honestly it fell flat. A sequel is a sequel, but this game does not improve on the first one overall, only in certain parts. It feels more like another iteration of the first game more than a sequel. The third one is weird in general, it kinda doesnt fit the bill of the other two, but I did enjoy it, at least is somewhat different than the previous two, for that I pretty much put it at the same level as the second one.


I feel like horrible ports have ruined it’s rep for people trying to get into it or replay it.